Educational Organization

Promoting the Retention of Novice Primary Care Nurse Practitioners Through Mentorship and Wellness

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While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, America’s nursing work force continue to work in the most challenging of circumstances. While expected to hold the fort and continue on, deep inside, they bury an unprecedented level of acute stress, anxiety

While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, America’s nursing work force continue to work in the most challenging of circumstances. While expected to hold the fort and continue on, deep inside, they bury an unprecedented level of acute stress, anxiety and depression. Peer support groups have been posed as a possible coping behavior. This cross-sectional designed project was developed to assess the worth and feasibility of a virtual peer support group with a focus on healthcare provider wellness during a period of surge of the COVID-19 pandemic. Overwhelmed staff, technology/documentation changes and challenges, competing clinical demands, short-staffing and Zoom fatigue were identified as the limiting factors for this project’s completion within its given timeframe. These findings informed of current barriers, providing a basis for future program development to mitigate the impact of psychological distress among healthcare providers. Evolving literature on this topic supports recommendations for further study and action by individual health care providers, organizations and at the state and national levels.

Date Created

Patient Portal Utilization Effect on Patient Engagement

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Purpose: Patient portals are widely available online applications with many health-related tools that facilitate patient engagement and enhance communication with providers yet are highly underutilized. The purpose of this evidence-based practice (EBP) project was to explore an English and Spanish

Purpose: Patient portals are widely available online applications with many health-related tools that facilitate patient engagement and enhance communication with providers yet are highly underutilized. The purpose of this evidence-based practice (EBP) project was to explore an English and Spanish patient portal educational video's impact on patient engagement in a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC). The social cognitive theory underpins the project because patients' portal use behavior can change if changing their environmental factors in the clinic with educational videos. Methods: The Universities Institutional Review Board granted exempt approval to ensure human subject protection. The participants included bilingual adult patients in an FQHC who have access to the internet and email addresses who visited the center during the implementation period. The tablets in the patient rooms displayed the English and Spanish educational video on step-by-step instructions on accessing, using the patient portal, and the benefits of use. The information technology technician pulled aggregate data from the analytics component of the patient portal before and after the four-week implementation period. The data included total number of clinic patients, number of active portal users, number of monthly logins, and gender. The project facilitator used descriptive statistics to compare pre-and post-intervention analytics. Results: Active portal users increased by 0.22% and monthly logins increased by 390 logins. Only aggregate data was collected so the statistical significance was not calculated. Conclusion: This EBP project enhances knowledge on patient portal utilization's impact on patient engagement and may apply to current practice.
Date Created

Nurse Practitioner Residency Programs and Provider Satisfaction

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Purpose & Background: Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) residency programs are meant to ease providers' transition into practice, but there is limited evidence about their overall effectiveness and impact on provider satisfaction. When a FNP residency program in the Southwestern United

Purpose & Background: Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) residency programs are meant to ease providers' transition into practice, but there is limited evidence about their overall effectiveness and impact on provider satisfaction. When a FNP residency program in the Southwestern United States found they had high resident provider attrition rates, it prompted an investigation into current and past residents’ satisfaction levels. Methods: Arizona State University’s (ASU’s) Institutional Review Board (IRB) and the project site’s review committee approved the project design for human subject protection. After approval, all current and past residents employed at the practice were e-mailed a link to SurveySparrow with the Misener Nurse Practitioner Job Satisfaction Scale (MNPJSS) and a demographic questionnaire in December 2021 and February 2022. Results: Mean satisfaction scores indicated “minimally satisfied” overall. When satisfaction was compared over time using a two-tailed independent t-test for an alpha value of 0.05, p = 0.731, indicating no significant change in satisfaction over two months. Total satisfaction and subscales of satisfaction were divided by cohort, averaged, and compared on a Likert scale from “1” (Very Dissatisfied) to “6” (Very Satisfied). Current residents’ average satisfaction score was M = 3.77. They were most satisfied with challenge and autonomy, M = 4.28, and least with collegiality, M = 3.26. Providers' one-year post-residency average satisfaction score was M = 3.98. They were most satisfied with benefits, M = 4.53, and least with time, M = 3.04. Providers' two-year post- residency average satisfaction score was M = 3.49. They were most satisfied with benefits, M = 4.56, and least with time, M = 2.90. Using Pearson Correlation tests there was no correlation between average satisfaction and average performance on Uniform Data Systems (UDS), r = 0.01, p = 0.968. Conclusions: Overall providers were “minimally satisfied.” Opportunities to make program improvements were identified and could help improve retention and reduce costs and provider shortages.
Date Created

Screening for Vitamin D Deficiency in Adults with Depression

Purpose & Background: This project evaluates the impact of education on a provider’s intent to screen for vitamin D deficiency in adults with depression. An internal Quality Improvement (QI) study at a local mental health primary care clinic revealed that

Purpose & Background: This project evaluates the impact of education on a provider’s intent to screen for vitamin D deficiency in adults with depression. An internal Quality Improvement (QI) study at a local mental health primary care clinic revealed that only 1 in 3 patients with depression were routinely screened for vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is a crucial component of numerous systemic functions, including mental health, specifically depression. Methods: This QI project used the Rosswurm and Larrabee Model implementation framework. Institution Review Board (IRB) expedited review approval was received. This project was conducted at 10 Veteran’s Affairs (VA) primary care clinics in Arizona. An initial email with a recruitment flyer was sent to providers to launch the project. A second email was sent to participants who volunteered to participate in the project, with instructions and links to the asynchronous pre-survey, recorded education PowerPoint, and post-survey. Responses were analyzed using Intellectus Statistics software. Results: Provider knowledge of impact and intent to screen for vitamin D deficiency increased after viewing a brief education video (n=30). Frequency distribution analyses revealed a 23% average increase in agreement to screen for vitamin D deficiency at annual visits, “at-risk” individuals, knowledge of the association, and intent to screen regularly in depression. Conclusion: The education intervention was found to positively impact the provider’s intent and demonstrate the importance of screening for vitamin D deficiency in adults with depression.
Date Created

Robotic Pets: Supplemental Rehabilitation for the Dementia-Suffering Individual

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People with dementia (PwD) along with their caregivers currently face challenges in the disease process because there is a major gap in available treatment and therapies, especially those that are non-pharmacological. The literature shows an increased incidence of dementia, and

People with dementia (PwD) along with their caregivers currently face challenges in the disease process because there is a major gap in available treatment and therapies, especially those that are non-pharmacological. The literature shows an increased incidence of dementia, and currently, there is no cure. This leaves medication as the treatment of choice. The aim of this project was to investigate whether introducing robotic pets as a supplemental therapy to persons with mild to moderate dementia helps in reducing their level of anxiety and agitation. Based on a review of the literature on the benefits of robotic pet interactions with dementia-suffering individuals, a quality improvement project was conducted in a suburban city in Arizona. Project participants included individuals with dementia and their caregivers. They were asked to interact with the robotic pet in their home for four, one-hour sessions, over a four-week timeframe. Analysis of the findings revealed that individuals with dementia found a sense of joy and peace while interacting with the pets, and they looked forward to the pet visit every week with excitement. These results indicated that introducing robotic pets to dementia-suffering individuals was clinically significant as it relates to their anxiety and agitation levels. Utilizing robotic pets as a supplemental therapy can benefit dementia-suffering individuals and their caregivers. Further evaluation is needed with a larger sample size to better understand the impact of robotic pets on PwD.
Date Created

Implementation of a Suicidal Ideation Treatment Algorithm in a Military Medicine Primary Care Clinic

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Primary care providers (PCPs) are frequently the first line of treatment for suicidal ideation (SI) patients. Many PCPs report low self-efficacy in treating suicidal patients, leading to inappropriate treatment plans or avoidance of discussing SI. This quality improvement project based

Primary care providers (PCPs) are frequently the first line of treatment for suicidal ideation (SI) patients. Many PCPs report low self-efficacy in treating suicidal patients, leading to inappropriate treatment plans or avoidance of discussing SI. This quality improvement project based on the Uncertainty Reduction theory aimed to evaluate PCP's perceptions of an SI treatment algorithm and its impact on self-efficacy. Secondary aims included assessing PCP's confidence in treating suicidal patients and current treatment practices. A pre- then post-intervention survey design was utilized. All PCPs treating patients in a military medicine clinic were invited to participate in the project. Participants were sent a recruitment email containing the suicidal ideation treatment algorithm and a link to a survey developed with Qualtrics software. Participants were asked to review the SI algorithm, answer the baseline survey questions, and complete a second eight-week survey. For human subjects' protection, the survey responses were anonymous. Demographic data collected included years of clinical experience and licensure type. The data were evaluated with Intellectus software. Due to limited participation, N=4, there was insufficient data to determine the significance of implementing the SI algorithm in a primary care clinic. Central tendencies showed that most providers (n=3, 75.00%) felt less than confident treating suicidal patients. Half of the providers asked non-mental health patients about suicide less than 40% of the time (n=2, 50.00%). The data suggest that PCPs feel uncomfortable treating suicidal patients and may benefit from additional resources and training in this area.
Date Created

Establishing Community to Extend Recovery Through Sober Fitness Fellowship

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Background: Existing substance use disorder guidelines are deficient in reducing relapse rates, evidenced by the substantial number of persons experiencing relapse within months of recovery, with most relapsing within one year. Current interventions lack community reinforcement approaches to reduce relapse

Background: Existing substance use disorder guidelines are deficient in reducing relapse rates, evidenced by the substantial number of persons experiencing relapse within months of recovery, with most relapsing within one year. Current interventions lack community reinforcement approaches to reduce relapse and risk factors required to combat the extensive damages related to substance use as costs exceed $1 trillion annually. Guided by the Social Cognitive Model, this quality improvement project aims to explore how group exercise combined with community reinforcement reduces relapse. It aims to boost recovery capital by improving quality of life scores. Methods: A CrossFit instructor delivered personalized group exercise and wellness education in-person biweekly for six weeks. Adult residential treatment clients were eligible to participate recruited via a flyer upon treatment entry. A pre-intervention demographic questionnaire, a pre-/post World Health Organization Quality of Life Abbreviated scale (reliability ? = > 0.70) assessing intervention influence on the quality of life, and a post-intervention survey was administered. The lead investigator performed all data distribution and collection. Institutional Review Board approval safeguarded participants' rights and risks. Results: Pre/post improvements observed in all domains; psychological and environmental were statistically significant, while 100% of participants reported enhanced QoL, social support, & confidence related to long-term sobriety post-intervention. Discussion/Conclusion: Desired outcomes are increased quality of life scores to boost recovery capital. A sober community reinforcement approach combined with exercise may link to reducing relapse and total costs related to this growing public health crisis.
Date Created

Healthy Body Weight Collaboration Project for Obesity Management

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Objective: Obesity is the fifth leading cause of global death and is preventable. It affects all body systems and causes major chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart diseases, stroke, and some cancers. The goal of this transtheoretical stages of

Objective: Obesity is the fifth leading cause of global death and is preventable. It affects all body systems and causes major chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart diseases, stroke, and some cancers. The goal of this transtheoretical stages of changes (TSOC) theory-based project are as follows: To educate the participants of the project to be aware of obesity and its complications; motivate them to use community resources, and improve their body mass indexes (BMI), waist circumference (WC), motivation, quality of life (QOL) and lifestyle. Methods: Twenty-three participants were recruited in a primary care clinic. Six participants dropped out during the project. All the randomly selected participants who met the criteria of obesity signed written informed consent and were provided a 4-digit code to maintain anonymity. Participants were motivated and educated using a handout, two pre-and post-project in-person nursing visits, and five telemedicine weekly nursing follow-ups visits. Pre- and post-surveys collected during in-person visits include data such as weight, BMI, WC, demographic data, comorbidities, lifestyle, motivation, QOL, TSOC, and utilization of community resources. Results: Descriptive analysis and paired t-test is done utilizing Intellectus statistics software to measure the outcome. The results show improvement in dietary choices, physical activity, motivation, QOL, use of community resources, decrease in BMI, and WC. In paired t tests, results show clinical and statistical significance in BMI, WC, MOT and clinical significance in QOL. There was increase in the revenue at the project site due to reimbursement of the services provided for the patients. Conclusion: The results are expected to develop practice change in preventing and treating obesity. More evidence-based projects and studies with large sample size are needed to develop improvement in the knowledge base of providers and current practice.
Date Created

Defying the Odds of Relapse: Social Connection and Exercise Influence on Long-Term Recovery of Substance Use Disorder

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Background: Current standard of care practices for substance use disorder is inadequate in reducing relapse, with rates persistently 40-60% within one year of treatment. Unconventional approaches must be explored to reduce the risk of relapse, climbing rate of overdoses, and

Background: Current standard of care practices for substance use disorder is inadequate in reducing relapse, with rates persistently 40-60% within one year of treatment. Unconventional approaches must be explored to reduce the risk of relapse, climbing rate of overdoses, and healthcare expenditures exceeding $740 billion annually. The purpose of this quality improvement project demonstrates how an evidence-based group exercise intervention, used as adjunctive support to standard addiction treatment, can reduce relapse and promote long-term recovery during a global pandemic. Methods: Aims of this project sought to enhance quality of life scores. Participants were recruited upon admission to a residential treatment center. Pre-posttest design utilized the World Health Organization Quality of Life Abbreviated scale to assess program impact on quality of life. Pre-program descriptive questions and a survey assessing prior addiction treatment were collected. Group exercise and wellness education sessions were delivered twice weekly in a live, interactive, virtual format with on-site participants. Upon completion, a post-program survey was utilized to capture the qualitative experiences of participants and impact of project to instill confidence to execute long-term sobriety. Results: Pre and post scores, as well as domain scores were clinically and statistically significant. Additionally, 80% of participants reported feeling more prepared to achieve long-term sobriety secondary to their participation in this project. Discussion and Conclusion: Results from this project demonstrate the positive impact that group-based exercise and lifestyle interventions can have on quality of life and long-term recovery. Peer support exercise programs may offer means to enhance addiction treatment and reduce overall healthcare expenditures globally by defying the odds of relapse.
Date Created

Mindfulness Intervention Reduces Substance Cravings and
Increases Psychological Flexibility

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Objective: Substance use disorder (SUD) is an epidemic in the United States. Current standard of care for SUD continues to produce a 40-60% relapse rate. Treatment for SUD is costly and is not obtainable for many individuals. The purpose of

Objective: Substance use disorder (SUD) is an epidemic in the United States. Current standard of care for SUD continues to produce a 40-60% relapse rate. Treatment for SUD is costly and is not obtainable for many individuals. The purpose of this project is to implement mindfulness as an adjunct treatment for SUD to reduce relapse. Methods: Voluntary program offered at a residential treatment center designed as a team-based project. The combined project includes exercise, wellness, and mindfulness. Adults over the age of 18, male or female with a diagnosis of SUD were eligible. Program consisted of three hourly sessions a week, for a total of three weeks. Sessions included one session of exercise and wellness, one session of mindfulness training, and a combined session. Mindfulness sessions included learning the seven pillars of mindfulness followed by guided meditation. Participants were given a mindfulness journal for daily exercises. Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) was completed before program and on completion. Results: 11 of 22 participants completed the program. FFMQ total scores were analyzed with paired t-test with Wilcoxon signed rank to account for small sample size. Statistical significance was based on an alpha of 0.05, V=10.50, z=2.00 and p=0.45. Conclusion: This project has the potential to decrease relapse rates by increasing mindfulness in individuals with SUD. Mindfulness training reduces cravings and negative thought processes. Implementing mindfulness training with current standard of care can be cost effective and recommended for all individuals with SUD.
Date Created