Saudi Female Social Media Influencers and Their Advertising Discourses: A Critical Discourse Analysis Perspective

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The vast research in advertising discourse has extensively explored commercials on traditional media such as TV and printed magazines. However, less is known about the advertising discourse on social media platforms, especially across these platforms internationally. The social contemporary phenomenon

The vast research in advertising discourse has extensively explored commercials on traditional media such as TV and printed magazines. However, less is known about the advertising discourse on social media platforms, especially across these platforms internationally. The social contemporary phenomenon of advertising via social media platforms is increasing rapidly because of their popularity among millions of users in Saudi Arabia. This dissertation represents a first attempt to cover the existing gap in previous research in terms of media platforms and international scope. It examines advertising discourse by three Saudi female social media influencers on Snapchat. The study uses mixed methods in data collection and analysis. The data include a survey identifying three outstanding media influencers in terms of their popularity and self-presentation as well as a total of 33 advertisements. The analytical framework employs Critical Discourse Analysis following Fairclough’s three-dimensional framework. It also draws upon multimodality analysis and identity construction analysis. Findings reveal noteworthy similarities and differences among the influencers’ advertisements including linguistic features, visual aspects, and identity representation. The influencers all construct a powerful relationship with their audiences which is reflected in their informal spoken and written texts through the frequent use of Arabic pronouns (e.g., we, you, and yours) and address terms like “girls”. The results further show that the influencers display power through using different discursive strategies to persuade the audience of the value of advertised products. This dissertation’s new insights contribute in important ways to the field of advertising discourse. The researcher claims that these new findings demonstrate the value of research associated with advertising through different social media platforms in their global context. Thus, future studies should examine commercials on online media by individuals regardless of their nationality with access to the media and the skills needed to create a product line and an audience moved by their promotion styles.
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The Adverse Effects of Drone Strike Warfare on the Psychological Health of Affected Victims and Children in Waziristan, Pakistan

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The use of drone warfare in Pakistan has long been a contentious topic. Drones have had a number of adverse effects on the people of Waziristan. The focus of this thesis will be on the effects drone warfare have had

The use of drone warfare in Pakistan has long been a contentious topic. Drones have had a number of adverse effects on the people of Waziristan. The focus of this thesis will be on the effects drone warfare have had on the mental and psychological health of the victims and children of Waziristan. Scholarly articles, research studies, and reports were researched in order to discuss the background of drone strikes in Waziristan, the legality of drone warfare, the data around drone strike casualties in Waziristan, and the effects of drone strikes on the psychological and mental health of children and victims in Waziristan. After discussion of these topics, several suggestions for reparations for the people of Waziristan are addressed in the conclusion.

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Examining Women as Agents of Violence Within ISIS: Including a Case Study on the Recruitment of Sudanese Medical Students with Historical Analysis

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We live in an era where the notion of feminism is widespread. Just walking on the Arizona State University campus, one can see people wearing t-shirts and holding coffee cups that say "FEMINIST," working from computers covered in stickers calling

We live in an era where the notion of feminism is widespread. Just walking on the Arizona State University campus, one can see people wearing t-shirts and holding coffee cups that say "FEMINIST," working from computers covered in stickers calling for gender equity. I, myself, am a feminist. On any given day, I fit in perfectly with many others on campus - sporting a t-shirt that says, "Raise Boys and Girls the Same Way," and lugging around my laptop covered in feminist propaganda stickers. I subscribe to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's definition of feminism. In essence, a feminist is "a person who believes in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes," regardless of religion, ethnicity, race, and class (Adichie, 2012). Through the lens of this definition and those like it, women have made many advancements (though there is still significant progress to be made in this arena, particularly for women of color) – more women participate in the workforce and education, women have gained greater autonomy over their bodies, and domestic responsibilities are, in many societies, no longer only assumed by women.
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How Have Muslims Been Represented in News and Entertainment Media Before and After 9/11?

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This paper explores the news and entertainment media spheres before and after September 11, 2001 with regards to Islamophobia and how America views Muslims. Specific data figures and examples were used to highlight how news media has changed following the

This paper explores the news and entertainment media spheres before and after September 11, 2001 with regards to Islamophobia and how America views Muslims. Specific data figures and examples were used to highlight how news media has changed following the attack on the Twin Towers, while movies, television shows, and video games were used for the entertainment sphere. Specific examples of dehumanization of Arab characters were used to underscore exactly how American entertainment media refuse to use Middle Eastern characters in positive roles. The research showed that the favorable views in news media increased following 9/11, however the frequency of news stories also increased significantly. Entertainment media also has made leaps and bounds with regards to positive Arab influence, however much work is yet to be done in the entertainment industry.
Date Created

The Intersection of Islam, Women, and Sexual Violence Prevention

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Sexual violence is a problem that is present in communities worldwide for individuals of every gender identity and religious communities are certainly not immune, including Muslim communities. This project will explore how sexual violence manifests in Muslim communities while also

Sexual violence is a problem that is present in communities worldwide for individuals of every gender identity and religious communities are certainly not immune, including Muslim communities. This project will explore how sexual violence manifests in Muslim communities while also discussing how sexual violence is rooted in cultural patriarchy rather than the religion of Islam itself. Islam is a religion of radical gender equality. The religious discrimination against women that has been witnessed throughout the past fourteen centuries is actually the remnant of unequal gender dynamics found in pre-Islamic patriarchal culture. Sexual violence is explicitly prohibited in Islam, as evidenced by the Qur’an and ahadith (records of the Prophet Muhammad’s life) and has no place in the global Muslim community, referred to as the Ummah.

This paper also delves into feminism in Islam and argues that Muslim women should not be forced to choose between their faith and their human rights; rather, women should be able to obtain an education and should play an essential role in the interpretation of religious texts.

The purpose of this thesis project is twofold: to examine the intersection of Islam, women, and sexual violence prevention as well as to develop and apply a sexual violence prevention curriculum that can be implemented within Muslim communities. The textual analysis of this project will include discussions regarding the primary source of the Qur’an as well as the secondary sources of ahadith and existing literature written by Muslim scholars, primarily female Muslim scholars. This will allow for an analysis of how women are portrayed in Islam as well as how Islamic texts and traditions challenge the patriarchy and rape culture in which sexual violence manifests. Using this foundational knowledge, the goals of the sexual violence prevention curriculum will be to facilitate a discussion between Muslims regarding what sexual violence looks like and what rape culture is, create support networks for survivors, discuss what to do if a friend discloses that they are a survivor or victim of sexual violence, reduce roadblocks to reporting, and analyze literature on feminism in Islam in order to support a movement for sexual violence prevention.
Date Created

The Influence of Ancient Chinese and Arab-Islamic Alchemy on Medicine

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Modern medicine is a wonderfully complex field of study, with several advances in both its theoretical and practical aspects being made everyday. In light of the pride modern physicians and scientists take in their vast knowledge, it is important to

Modern medicine is a wonderfully complex field of study, with several advances in both its theoretical and practical aspects being made everyday. In light of the pride modern physicians and scientists take in their vast knowledge, it is important to remember how far we have come throughout history. Many civilizations and cultures around the world have made essential contributions to medicine, both great and small, but no one can deny the impact both ancient Chinese and Islamic medical and alchemical practices have had on modern medicine. Qi was the central principle behind Chinese correlative thought, and it was believed to be the one thing that drove human life, as it occurred everywhere. Written texts took an increasingly more prominent role in the transmission of knowledge, and in no time at all, the educated yi ("physician") emerged. Other noteworthy contributions include an early conceptualization of the circulatory system, the development of pharmacies, the establishment of proper medical school systems, and the emergence of a set of standard hygienic practices that would allow people to take responsibility for their own health. The scholars of the Islamic Golden Age, for the most part, seemed to decry the mixing of the occult with science, and therefore sought to draw a clear distinction between alchemy (by limiting its application to the transmutation of metals) and what they deemed "real" science. Notable contributions of Arab-Islamic scientists include the pioneering of a hospital prototype, along with the development of the science of chemistry and the introduction of the experimental laboratory as the birthplace of new scientific knowledge. The important question that has yet to be answered is how extensive the connection was between the Chinese and Arab worlds. Trade was thriving during the medieval period, and so it is not wrong to assume that the exchange of goods would go hand-in-hand with the exchange of knowledge. We may never fully know exactly what happened, but further research on this topic may eventually bring an answer to light.
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Female Circumcision in Sudan: Exploring the Human Rights Abuse Through a Culturally Competent Lens

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Female circumcision, or more commonly known to the world as Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C), is a human rights abuse that has been taken seriously by the international community since the late 1990s. Since this practice is most common in Africa,

Female circumcision, or more commonly known to the world as Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C), is a human rights abuse that has been taken seriously by the international community since the late 1990s. Since this practice is most common in Africa, this study puts a spotlight on female circumcision in Sudan. The prevalence in Sudan of this practice has informed a lot of research on the subject, but for the purpose of the paper, there is a specific focus on the discussion of female circumcision as it pertains to human rights. The discourse surrounding the topic of female circumcision in Sudan, as well as the international community in general, is sometimes divisive, patronizing, and not culturally competent. This paper explores the human rights abusive practice of female circumcision in Sudan and discusses its tradition, the types of circumcision performed, the history behind it, and the religious debates surrounding it. Most importantly, this paper discusses the political and colonial influences that informed how the international community framed the issue of female circumcision today. This paper critiques the colonial approach to eradicating circumcision, and speaks to the non-intended neo colonialist approach that the United Nations currently takes when it comes to "Female Genital Mutilation." Understanding these religious and colonial influences behind female circumcision will inform the analysis of what has been done to combat the practice in Sudan, as well as what is presently happening. The paper will end with my recommendations. These recommendations will seek the best approach to help victims of Female Circumcision without provoking them from a provincial, colonialist attitude.
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Evolution of Women in Medicine, Focusing on Muslim Female Physicians in the U.S.

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The main goal of this project is to discuss the evolution of women in medicine by focusing on their history and where they are today. Women have gone through a lot of obstacles to be able to work in competitive

The main goal of this project is to discuss the evolution of women in medicine by focusing on their history and where they are today. Women have gone through a lot of obstacles to be able to work in competitive fields today. They have done tremendously and they have also broken several barriers to prove to world that it is possible to be a successful working female in the work field. The focus on Muslim female physicians is placed because many Muslim women are judged by their religion prior to getting to know who they truly are. Many of those Muslim women are very successful physicians who have set the bar high. Throughout this paper one on one interviews with Muslim females in medicine were conducted to show the outside world that Muslim women are just like any other working individual. They all have similar passions and the goal to heal. The mentality of women being the only caretaker and housewife has shifted over the years, in 2017, women are working in very competitive fields such as medicine, engineering, mathematics, science, research and more. This project also included an online survey which indicated how women in the medical field feel towards certain conditions. The results indicated that many women do in fact feel inferior to their male colleagues and they also felt that they had to work harder to prove their abilities. This is because there has always been the idea that no matter what a woman will not be as successful as a man and our history shows that people did believe that. However, on the bright side the interviews and survey conducted revealed that women will not let the discouragement of others put them down, instead they have worked hard and proved that they are fully capable of performing their duties as medical doctors.
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Mormon and Muslim Women Within Their Religions: A Comparative Analysis

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Throughout modern culture and the political arena religious intolerance and misinformation runs rampant. Recent presidential elections have brought two minority religions (in the U.S.) to the forefront of national media attention and national dialogue-leading to presumptions, misunderstandings, and personal opinions

Throughout modern culture and the political arena religious intolerance and misinformation runs rampant. Recent presidential elections have brought two minority religions (in the U.S.) to the forefront of national media attention and national dialogue-leading to presumptions, misunderstandings, and personal opinions that don't necessarily address the realities of the religions. Brought to the forefront by presidential candidates religions or by candidates targeting individual religions for their "connections" to terrorism, the LDS Church and Islam have become targets of religious bias and attacks. Even further attacked have been the women within these religions-who have often been deemed as objectified and oppressed as a result of their religions. This thesis examines religious text and scholarly work to take an objective examination of the religions and describes the realities of the life for the women-separating actual doctrine in the religion from what is a cultural norm and not a representation of the religion itself. By looking at women's roles and the dress code within Islam and Mormonism, this thesis compares Mormon and Muslim women and shows that they are integral parts of their religion with agency, not objectified victims of a system.
Date Created

Addressing Misconceptions of Women in Islam Through the Exegesis of Female Islamic Scholars

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Westerners frequently describe women in Islam as oppressed, abused and subservient beings that are in dire need to be saved. Their arguments are often based on societies that have very strict laws concerning women and modesty, women's roles and their

Westerners frequently describe women in Islam as oppressed, abused and subservient beings that are in dire need to be saved. Their arguments are often based on societies that have very strict laws concerning women and modesty, women's roles and their visibility. They make these claims, all while failing to address the oppression of women in the West and how the institutions and laws in the West oppress women. Islam is often associated with misogyny because people use a small scope of what happens to some women who happen to be Muslim. While a multitude of women in Muslim-majority countries do experience some form of oppression, what needs to be addressed is patriarchy and not Islam. Islam is not inherently misogynistic and if the true teachings of the Qur'an were learned and executed, then it would be evident that Islam is quite a feminist faith. There is an imbalance in the amount of critique we see for Islam vs. other religions. Many Christian countries have similar problems regarding women, but they do not receive the same kind of backlash or any at all. Eastern countries may be behind in feminism by a few decades, but it does not mean that the West did/does not have the same issues. The West tends to paint all Muslims and Muslim-majority countries with a broad brush, which consequently fuels the negative stereotypes and prejudices with respect to Muslims. There are also frequent assaults against Muslim women in America who wear hijabs and women in France that are being forced to remove their hijabs, but we do not see the same kind of outrage from Westerners regarding those issues. In this paper, I will examine various interpretations of the Qur'an, scholarly articles, films, case studies, and interviews to draw my conclusions. Through this analysis, I will demonstrate that the issues regarding women are due to a patriarchal society and not because of the Muslim faith.
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