Why Do We Say Cinderella Is?: Reinterpreting Cinderella From a Social Science Perspective

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How much do we know about Cinderella? How much does Cinderella know about it? Cinderella is a woman who had bully by her stepmother for a long time and met a prince and fell in love with him and got

How much do we know about Cinderella? How much does Cinderella know about it? Cinderella is a woman who had bully by her stepmother for a long time and met a prince and fell in love with him and got married. This story of Cinderella was charmingly introducing to the world. We can watch many movies, novels, and dramas about Cinderella worldwide for many years. As a result, Cinderella created a social phenomenon called the 'Cinderella phenomenon.' We call it the modern version of Cinderella when a pretty, but poor woman meets a rich man and marries him. In other words, Cinderella in the present Cinderella is describing as a gorgeous but unhappy woman who eventually escapes reality through the prince. However, what if all these things we misunderstand about Cinderella? If everything was done under Cinderella's plan, and the prince's choice of Cinderella as a princess was not all about love, can we still call it Cinderella when a beautiful but poor woman marries a rich man?

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Economics and Sustainability: Analysing the Global Impact of Business Through the Lens of Sustainable Practices

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This thesis details the impact of sustainable practices, or lack thereof, among IKEA and Chanel. It takes these principles and analyzes the effectiveness of them and works to implement them across industries and companies of different sizes and organizational structures.

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The Resurgence of Greek Nationalism Through the Macedonian Name Conflict

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Subsequent to the independence of the Republic of North Macedonia, there has been a revival of Greek nationalism. The Greek belief that “Macedonia is Greek” has united the Greek community around the world, and created a new Greek nationalism to

Subsequent to the independence of the Republic of North Macedonia, there has been a revival of Greek nationalism. The Greek belief that “Macedonia is Greek” has united the Greek community around the world, and created a new Greek nationalism to protect the ethnic claim that the Macedonian name is Greek. To better understand how this resurgence of nationalism came to be, I examine certain elements and concepts such as: ethno-cultural and historical claims, politics, borders, Greek diaspora and media sources.
I provide a condensed history on the ancient Kingdom of Macedon (Macedonia) as well as the Balkan Wars and how it led to the breakup of Yugoslavia and independence of the (prior) Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). I then go over the recent conflict over the “Macedonian” name and how the Prespa Agreement led to the name change of the Republic of North Macedonia. I use both the Republic of North Macedonia and North Macedonia interchangeably.
Following the history over the Macedonian name conflict, I provide a literature review to understand concepts such as “nationalism”, “borders”, “diaspora”, “media and politics”, and I analyze how a resurgence of Greek nationalism came to fruition from the aforementioned topics.
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American Nurses at War: From the Veil of Domesticity to Military Service

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During the First and Second World Wars, the totality of global war and the involvement of the United States necessitated the use of American women within military medical services as nurses. Military nursing served as a catalyst for professionalizing nursing

During the First and Second World Wars, the totality of global war and the involvement of the United States necessitated the use of American women within military medical services as nurses. Military nursing served as a catalyst for professionalizing nursing as well as the entrance women into US military jobs. This thesis explores American women’s military nursing roles during WWI and WWII within the historical context of the precedence set for female nurses’ involvement in wartime medical service in both the American Civil War and the Spanish Civil War. In so doing, it seeks to answer specific research questions focused on nurse’s wartime experiences, the formality of their role, and public perceptions of female nurses. I will examine the change over time of these issues and reasons for their evolution.
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Evaluating the Effectiveness of Opioid Legislation in the United States

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To address and evaluate opioid legislation in the United States and its effectiveness in combating the opioid epidemic.
This paper will assess current and past legislation, on both the state and federal level, in terms of its effectiveness by cross-examining

To address and evaluate opioid legislation in the United States and its effectiveness in combating the opioid epidemic.
This paper will assess current and past legislation, on both the state and federal level, in terms of its effectiveness by cross-examining it with existing data. This paper also examines failures on the state and federal levels to properly target at-risk groups. Furthermore, this paper makes recommendations for future legislation to properly allocate resources to localities most affected by the opioid epidemic, and contribute to the decrease in opioid-related overdose deaths.
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Emergency Medicine

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Poetry has served as my own personal emergency medicine throughout my entire life. Its ability to capture a moment in its entirety has allowed me to fully address my experiences so that I can use them as a source of

Poetry has served as my own personal emergency medicine throughout my entire life. Its ability to capture a moment in its entirety has allowed me to fully address my experiences so that I can use them as a source of personal growth rather than let them hinder me over time. For this same reason, I also believe poetry is the perfect medium to capture medical traumas. I based the poetry written in this collection on medical emergencies that I either personally experienced or witnessed firsthand shadowing the paramedics of the Anaheim Fire Department. Having the opportunity to witness medical emergencies from the perspective of first responders emphasized the uniqueness of professions in charge of handling emergency medical situations. One of the most important lessons learned from my experiences is that medical traumas are not rare, and an alarmingly high percentage of people will experience some sort of medical trauma in their lifetime. Therefore, it is incredibly important for people to be prepared to process the traumas and medical emergencies they will eventually encounter. The aim of Emergency Medicine is first and foremost to honor the individuals who are affected by medical emergencies and the first responders/emergency medical personnel who work tirelessly to preserve the lives of their patients. I also hope my poems serve as a reminder of the spontaneous nature of trauma and encourage readers to consider using poetry as a form of both healing and self-alignment. I am incredibly thankful for everyone who helped me complete this collection of poetry, however I am especially grateful for the direction given to me by Dr. Rosemarie Dombrowski.
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A Demographic Analysis of Flora Thew Elementary School: An Investigation of Title I Elementary Schools and Minority Student Education

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Flora Thew Elementary School is a Title I elementary school in the Tempe Elementary School District. The student body is predominantly Hispanic with an additional large portion of African American students, all coming from low-income backgrounds. The purpose of this

Flora Thew Elementary School is a Title I elementary school in the Tempe Elementary School District. The student body is predominantly Hispanic with an additional large portion of African American students, all coming from low-income backgrounds. The purpose of this project was to investigate the efficacy of American education in these groups of students as well as a personal analysis of the organization, Arizona Mentor Society, that serves to promote student success. The investigation found that while the American education system already fails these students in many ways, the elementary school itself propagates this failure in a faculty body that is unfamiliar with the culture of their student body. Solutions to this problem would include the diversification of the teacher workforce, more strict but inclusive training of educators, and changes in the assessment of these students.
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