International Partnerships:Sustainable Development Goal 17 and the Role of Nonprofits: A Case Study on the International Alliance for the Prevention of AIDS

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A nonprofit organization’s ability to help its target population depends strongly on the collaboration of the organization’s staff and leadership. An organization that spans across international borders must overcome adversity, particularly communication and power inequity. The International Alliance for the

A nonprofit organization’s ability to help its target population depends strongly on the collaboration of the organization’s staff and leadership. An organization that spans across international borders must overcome adversity, particularly communication and power inequity. The International Alliance for the Prevention of AIDS (IAPA) is a nonprofit with staff in the U.S. and India, making it an international partnership. This research evaluates to what extent the Indian partners believe IAPA meets Sustainable Development Goal 17: “to revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.” I developed three semi-structured interview protocols for volunteers, employees, and IAPA beneficiaries. After interviews were conducted and transcribed, 5 major themes were identified from coding keywords. First, I grouped definitions of "success" in a partnership to create a baseline of expectations. Second, I assessed the extent of participants' knowledge about the U.S. role in IAPA. Third, I identified areas of strength. Fourth, I identified areas of improvement and grievances. Fifth, I assessed the Indian partners' views on mutualism within IAPA. Results indicated that participants believed communication, cooperation, and respect were traits of a successful partnership. The participants believe IAPA mostly exhibit these values, but that the U.S. role as a decision maker can hinder these. They desire more transparency but overall believe IAPA is beneficial and mutualistic. These findings can be furthered by assessing U.S. staff and board member perceptions of the partnership. By continuously investigating the state of international partnerships, we can learn more about how to create sustainable models for the future.
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