Bridging the Gap Between Chronic Pain and Mental Health in Childhood: A Genetically-Informed Study Examining the Etiology Underlying Co-occurring Symptomologies and Mechanisms of Intergenerational Transmission

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Pediatric chronic pain is pervasive and associated with myriad adverse consequences, yet due consideration has not been given to the mental health disturbances that often present alongside chronic pain and the etiological mechanisms that potentially underlie both. The current study

Pediatric chronic pain is pervasive and associated with myriad adverse consequences, yet due consideration has not been given to the mental health disturbances that often present alongside chronic pain and the etiological mechanisms that potentially underlie both. The current study examined the etiology underlying chronic pain and internalizing symptomology in middle childhood, considering both independent and co-occurring symptom presentations. Phenotypic parent-offspring associations across chronic pain and internalizing symptomology were also examined. Lastly, nuclear twin family models were tested to determine the extent to which genetic and environmental factors underlie parent-offspring transmission. The sample comprised 795 children (399 families; Mage= 9.7 years; SD = 0.92) and their parents drawn from the Arizona Twin Project. Results indicated that chronic pain was highly heritable (78%), whereas internalizing symptomology was modestly heritable (32%) and further subject to moderate shared environmental influence (50%). Moreover, 9% of the variance in chronic pain was explained by additive genetic factors shared with internalizing symptomology. Maternal chronic pain and internalizing symptomology were positively associated with both child chronic pain and internalizing symptomology. The association between maternal chronic pain and child chronic pain was more pronounced for girls than boys, whereas the association between maternal internalizing symptomology and child internalizing symptomology was more pronounced for boys than girls. Paternal chronic pain was not significantly associated with child chronic pain but was unexpectedly associated with lower child internalizing symptomology. The negative association between paternal chronic pain and child internalizing symptomology was more pronounced for boys than girls. Paternal internalizing symptomology was not significantly associated with child chronic pain but was positively associated with child internalizing symptomology. Lastly, the best fitting reduced nuclear twin family models for both chronic pain and internalizing symptomology retained additive genetic, sibling-specific shared environmental, and nonshared environmental parameters, where parent-offspring transmission was solely explained by shared genetics and sibling-specific shared environmental factors further accounted for co-twin resemblance. Results provide novel insight into common liabilities underlying chronic pain and internalizing symptomology in middle childhood, parent-offspring associations across chronic pain and internalizing symptomology, and the etiological mechanisms that explain symptom aggregation across generations.
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Ethnic Discrimination, Socioeconomic Status, and Health in India

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Significant health inequalities exist between different castes and ethnic communities in India, and identifying the roots of these inequalities is of interest to public health research and policy. Research on caste-based health inequalities in India has historically focused on general,

Significant health inequalities exist between different castes and ethnic communities in India, and identifying the roots of these inequalities is of interest to public health research and policy. Research on caste-based health inequalities in India has historically focused on general, government-defined categories, such as “Scheduled Castes,” “Scheduled Tribes,” and “Other Backward Classes.” This method obscures the diversity of experiences, indicators of well-being, and health outcomes between castes, tribes, and other communities in the “scheduled” category. This study analyzes data on 699,686 women from 4,260 castes, tribes and communities in the 2015-2016 Demographic and Health Survey of India to: (1) examine the diversity within and overlap between general, government-defined community categories in both wealth, infant mortality, and education, and (2) analyze how infant mortality is related to community category membership and socioeconomic status (measured using highest level of education and household wealth). While there are significant differences between general, government-defined community categories (e.g., scheduled caste, backward class) in both wealth and infant mortality, the vast majority of variation between communities occurs within these categories. Moreover, when other socioeconomic factors like wealth and education are taken into account, the difference between general, government-defined categories reduces or disappears. These findings suggest that focusing on measures of education and wealth at the household level, rather than general caste categories, may more accurately target those individuals and households most at risk for poor health outcomes. Further research is needed to explain the mechanisms by which discrimination affects health in these populations, and to identify sources of resilience, which may inform more effective policies.

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Humor Based Coping: For Which Negative Emotions Do We Use Humor?

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People use a variety of emotion regulation strategies to cope with difficult situations. Although there is research supporting humor as an effective emotion regulation strategy, less is known about what circumstances lead people to use humor and what negative emotions

People use a variety of emotion regulation strategies to cope with difficult situations. Although there is research supporting humor as an effective emotion regulation strategy, less is known about what circumstances lead people to use humor and what negative emotions humor seems to be the most helpful in mitigating. The current study aimed to determine to what extent specific negative emotions lead people to choose humor as an emotion regulation strategy. Participants wrote about a neutral situation and then selected from four card decks with different stimuli (funny, pleasant, awe-inspiring, or neutral). Participants were then randomly assigned to a negative emotion condition (sadness, embarrassment, anxiety, or anger) and wrote about a situation in which they have experienced that specific emotion. They then completed the card selection task again. We compared the number of funny cards chosen between the neutral vs negative emotion trials for each emotion. We found that card selection did not change significantly from the neutral-affect trial to the negative emotion trial across any of the negative emotions. Limitations and future directions are discussed.

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Familial Transmission of Chronic Pain: The Prospective Relations Among Parent Chronic Pain, Pain-Related Parent Coping Behaviors, and General Parenting Style with Pediatric Chronic Pain

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Pediatric chronic pain is common and costly to children, their families, and society. Importantly, pediatric pain often persists into adulthood. Prior research suggests that parent chronic pain, particularly maternal pain, is a risk factor for the development of chronic pain

Pediatric chronic pain is common and costly to children, their families, and society. Importantly, pediatric pain often persists into adulthood. Prior research suggests that parent chronic pain, particularly maternal pain, is a risk factor for the development of chronic pain in children. Existing evidence also suggests that parenting, including parental pain-related pain catastrophizing and general parenting style, are all associated with greater levels of chronic pain in children. The present study examined whether the prospective relations between parent and child pain differed between mothers and fathers, and whether parenting mediated or moderated the parent pain--child pain relations. It was hypothesized that 1a) both maternal and paternal chronic pain prospectively predicts child chronic pain, but that maternal pain would be a stronger predictor; 1b) having 0, 1, or 2 parents will increase the child’s risk of developing chronic pain; 2) maternal pain catastrophizing about their own (a) and their children’ pain (b) would mediate the relations between maternal and child pain; and 3) authoritarian parenting style (a) and negative parenting behaviors (b) would mediate the relationship between parent and child pain. Exploratory analyses tested the whether parental warmth predicted child pain, independent of mom pain. Regression models that account for twin dependency used longitudinal data collected from a sample of 895 twin children showed that maternal pain but not paternal pain predicted child pain. Maternal catastrophizing of her own pain, but not her child’s pain, significantly mediated the relation between maternal and child pain. However, maternal catastrophizing of her child’s pain predicted child pain at age 9, when controlling for child pain at age 8. All proposed relations between general parenting styles as well as warm parenting and child pain were not significant.

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Prospective Relations between Subjective Social Status and Depressive Symptoms in a Middle-Aged Community Sample: Exploring Biopsychosocial Mechanisms

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Subjective social status (SSS) is a marker of perceived social rank that has been linked with depressive symptoms over and above objective socioeconomic status (SES), but longitudinal studies are limited. SSS has been theorized to capture perceived relative versus absolute

Subjective social status (SSS) is a marker of perceived social rank that has been linked with depressive symptoms over and above objective socioeconomic status (SES), but longitudinal studies are limited. SSS has been theorized to capture perceived relative versus absolute deprivation and the corresponding psychosocial processes underlying status-based disparities in health. The literature suggests that upward social comparisons inherent in appraising SSS may confer psychosocial risk, which may in turn increase risk for depressive symptoms and stress-related inflammation involved in the pathogenesis of depression. However, no studies have examined whether interpersonal and biological factors simultaneously contribute to the inverse relation between SSS and depressive symptoms. This study examined whether (1) lower SSS was longitudinally associated with increased depressive mood symptoms, independent of income, and (2) whether higher social strain and lower social support simultaneously mediated the SSS— depressive mood symptoms relation directly and indirectly through higher interleukin-6 (IL-6). This study utilized secondary data from a representative community sample of 804 middle-aged adults taking part in a study of healthy aging between 2007 and 2012. Plasma levels of IL-6 and self-reported SSS, social support, and social strain were assessed at baseline, followed by an assessment of depressive mood symptoms by phone interview on average 20 months later. Results from multiple regression analysis revealed that lower SSS predicted higher depressive symptoms at follow-up after adjustment for sociodemographic characteristics and baseline depressive mood symptoms. Path analysis indicated that social strain significantly mediated the relation between SSS and depressive mood symptoms, but not after adjustment for baseline mood symptoms. Lower social support mediated the relation between lower SSS and higher depressive symptoms, but relations were non-significant in adjusted models. Contrary to predictions, paths including IL-6 were not significant. Lower SSS may represent a robust risk factor for subsequent depressive mood symptoms above and beyond income, in line with the conceptualization of SSS as a measure of relative deprivation. Further research examining biopsychosocial mechanisms would elucidate the implications of perceived low status and inform intervention efforts aimed at reducing the global burden of depressive symptoms.
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Future Self-Identification on Depression, Perceived Alcohol Consumption, and Academic or Career Goal Changes in the Face of a Global Crisis


Graduating from college is an important time of life transitions and career development for undergraduates and their future. Future self-identification, the connection between an individual’s current and future self, can negatively predict depression and utilize self-control as a mechanism to

Graduating from college is an important time of life transitions and career development for undergraduates and their future. Future self-identification, the connection between an individual’s current and future self, can negatively predict depression and utilize self-control as a mechanism to achieve later academic goals. Investigating an individual’s future self- identification, depression scores, and behavioral outcomes in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic can help optimize college graduate success in an uncertain world. The present study aimed to (1) determine if earlier future self-identification moderated the changes between later outcomes (e.g., depression, perceived alcohol consumption, and academic and career goals) from pre-COVID-19 to during COVID-19, (2) investigate if psychological resources (e.g., self-control and emotion regulation) had any intermediary effects between earlier future self-identification and later depression and behavioral outcomes during the pandemic, and (3) test for any moderation effects of future self-identification on the relationship between available psychological resources before COVID-19 and during COVID-19. The present research demonstrated that students with greater earlier future self-identification were less likely to change their academic and career goals and were less likely to experience symptoms of depression during the pandemic. Additionally, self-control was demonstrated as an intermediary factor between earlier future self-identification and later academic and career goal changes. These findings may help college graduates develop resilience in other stressful situations.

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Genetic and Environmental Contributions to the Relation Between Parenting and Child Psychopathology

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Prior research has established a relation between parenting behaviors and symptoms of child psychopathology, and this association may be influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. Gene-environment correlation, or the influence of a child’s genes on the environment they receive,

Prior research has established a relation between parenting behaviors and symptoms of child psychopathology, and this association may be influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. Gene-environment correlation, or the influence of a child’s genes on the environment they receive, represents one possible mechanism through which genes and environment combine to influence child outcomes. This study examined evocative gene-environment correlation in the relation between parenting and symptoms of child psychopathology in a sample of 676 twins (51.5% female, 58.5% Caucasian, 23.7% Hispanic/Latinx, primarily middle class, MAge=8.43, SD=.62) recruited from Arizona birth records. Using univariate ACE twin biometric models, genetic influences were found to moderately contribute to internalizing symptoms (A=.47, C=.25, E=.28), while externalizing (A=.86, E=.14) and ADHD (A=.84, E=.16) symptoms were found to be highly heritable. The genetic influences for positive (C=.54, E=.46) and negative (C=.44, E=.56) parenting were smaller and found to be nonsignificant. The correlations between parenting and types of psychopathology were examined and bivariate Cholesky decompositions were conducted for statistically significant correlations. Negative parenting was moderately positively correlated with externalizing and ADHD symptoms; the relation between externalizing symptoms and negative parenting was found to be due to shared genetics, whereas the relation between negative parenting and ADHD symptoms was due to the shared environment. The mixed results regarding the role of gene environment correlation in relations between parenting and child psychopathology indicate that further research on the mechanisms of this relation is needed.

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Do Physiological Stress and Internalizing Alone and in Combination Predict Child Chronic Pain One Year Later?

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Chronic or recurrent pain in childhood is a common and costly health problem, and increases the likelihood of experiencing chronic pain in adulthood. Existing evidence suggests that internalizing symptoms are a risk factor for the development of chronic pain

Chronic or recurrent pain in childhood is a common and costly health problem, and increases the likelihood of experiencing chronic pain in adulthood. Existing evidence suggests that internalizing symptoms are a risk factor for the development of chronic pain in children and adults. Findings from a small body of research also points to a flattened diurnal cortisol profile, alone and in combination with internalizing symptoms, as a risk factor for future chronic pain among adults. The present study aimed to evaluate whether internalizing, a flattened diurnal cortisol profile, and their combination prospectively predict chronic pain in middle childhood. It was hypothesized that: 1) both internalizing and a flattened diurnal cortisol profile at age 8 would independently predict acquisition of chronic pain at age 9, controlling for age 8 pain; and 2) the combination of high internalizing and a flattened diurnal cortisol rhythm would predict greater risk of increased pain over time. Multilevel models of longitudinal data collected from a sample of 748 twin children revealed that internalizing symptoms and a flattened cortisol slope independently acted as prospective risk factors for increased chronic pain in childhood one year later. However, the interaction between internalizing and diurnal cortisol did not predict future increases in pain. Exploratory analyses evaluating symptoms of overanxiousness demonstrated that the interaction between overanxiousness and a flattened cortisol profile emerged as a marginally significant predictor of future pain. The current findings point to the role of psychological and physiological risk factors for the development of chronic pediatric pain, and may help to identify early targets for prevention efforts.
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Does Stress Predict the Development of Internalizing Symptoms in Middle Childhood? : An Examination of Additive and Interactive Effects of Early, Daily, and Physiological Stress

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Stress in individuals presents in various forms and may accumulate across development to predict maladaptive physical and psychological outcomes, including greater risk for the onset of internalizing symptoms. Early life stress, daily life experiences, and the stress response of the

Stress in individuals presents in various forms and may accumulate across development to predict maladaptive physical and psychological outcomes, including greater risk for the onset of internalizing symptoms. Early life stress, daily life experiences, and the stress response of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis have all been examined as potential predictors of the development of psychopathology, but rarely have researchers attempted to understand the covariation or interaction among these stress domains using a longitudinal design when looking at the influence of stress on internalizing psychopathology. Further, most research has examined these processes in adulthood or adolescence with much less attention given to the influence of these dynamic stress pathways in childhood. Guided by the biopsychosocial model of stress, this study explored early life stress, daily life stress, diurnal cortisol (cortisol AM slope), and internalizing symptoms in a racially/ethnically and socioeconomically diverse sample of twins participating in an ongoing longitudinal study (N=970 children; Arizona Twin Project; Lemery-Chalfant et al. 2013). An additive model of stress and a stress sensitization framework model were considered as potential pathways of stress to internalizing symptoms in middle childhood. Based on a thorough review of relevant literature, it was expected that each stress indicator would individually predict internalizing symptoms. It was also predicted that early life stress would moderate the associations between diurnal cortisol and internalizing symptoms, as well as daily life stress and internalizing symptoms. Multilevel modeling analyses showed that early life stress and cortisol AM slope, but not daily life stress, predicted internalizing symptoms. Early life stress did not moderate the associations between daily life stress and internalizing symptoms or cortisol AM slope and internalizing symptoms. Results support independent additive contributions of both physiological stress processes and early life parental stressors in the development of internalizing symptoms in middle childhood. Future investigation is needed to better understand the sensitizing effects of early parental life stress during this developmental stage.
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A Comparison of Hand and Computer Coding of Expressions of Emotion

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Hand-coding systems of measuring facial expressions were developed to study and analyze human emotions, but they are time-intensive and thus seldom used. As technology has advanced, new computer software programs, such as Affectiva, were developed to code facial expressions automatically

Hand-coding systems of measuring facial expressions were developed to study and analyze human emotions, but they are time-intensive and thus seldom used. As technology has advanced, new computer software programs, such as Affectiva, were developed to code facial expressions automatically using artificial intelligence and machine learning. Since this technology is still new, Affectiva and its validity remain understudied, and no psychological research has been conducted to compare Affectiva computer coding and hand coding of children’s emotions. The purpose of this study was to compare hand and computer coding of children’s expressions of emotion during a videotaped parent-child interaction. The study answered the following questions: 1) Do hand and computer coding agree?; and 2) Are hand and computer coding in higher agreement for some emotions than others? The sample included 25 pairs of twins from the Arizona Twin Project. Facial expressions were coded from videotape by a trained and reliable human coder and using the software Affectiva. The results showed that hand and computer coded emotion were in agreement for positive, but not negative emotions. Changing the context of the interaction to elicit more negative emotion, and using the same indicators of each emotion in computer and hand coding are suggested to improve the comparison of computer and hand coding.
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