'Active on Passive' Social Media Usage and its Effects on Self-Improvement Motives

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Social media (SM) has grown to become a recognized phenomenon across the world affecting billions of users daily. Currently, research has focused on two areas of social media usage: Active and Passive. However, the development and proposition of an additional

Social media (SM) has grown to become a recognized phenomenon across the world affecting billions of users daily. Currently, research has focused on two areas of social media usage: Active and Passive. However, the development and proposition of an additional type of use should be considered as SM grows and its prevalence raises concerns for future generations. This study aims to introduce a third type of social media use known as ‘Active on Passive’; it is defined as the actions on social media to engage with oneself without inherently interacting with others. This term was developed to categorize ‘saving posts’ into a SM usage type; it was measured by the number of saved posts an individual had on a specific platform. Using this variable, the present research measured how ‘active on passive’ social media usage could be associated with self-improvement motives and negative affect. Although no statistical significance was observed between these factors, exploratory analyses between these variables were discussed. Offering new insight on future directions into the proposition of ‘Active on Passive’ social media usage.
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Future Self-Identification on Depression, Perceived Alcohol Consumption, and Academic or Career Goal Changes in the Face of a Global Crisis


Graduating from college is an important time of life transitions and career development for undergraduates and their future. Future self-identification, the connection between an individual’s current and future self, can negatively predict depression and utilize self-control as a mechanism to

Graduating from college is an important time of life transitions and career development for undergraduates and their future. Future self-identification, the connection between an individual’s current and future self, can negatively predict depression and utilize self-control as a mechanism to achieve later academic goals. Investigating an individual’s future self- identification, depression scores, and behavioral outcomes in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic can help optimize college graduate success in an uncertain world. The present study aimed to (1) determine if earlier future self-identification moderated the changes between later outcomes (e.g., depression, perceived alcohol consumption, and academic and career goals) from pre-COVID-19 to during COVID-19, (2) investigate if psychological resources (e.g., self-control and emotion regulation) had any intermediary effects between earlier future self-identification and later depression and behavioral outcomes during the pandemic, and (3) test for any moderation effects of future self-identification on the relationship between available psychological resources before COVID-19 and during COVID-19. The present research demonstrated that students with greater earlier future self-identification were less likely to change their academic and career goals and were less likely to experience symptoms of depression during the pandemic. Additionally, self-control was demonstrated as an intermediary factor between earlier future self-identification and later academic and career goal changes. These findings may help college graduates develop resilience in other stressful situations.

Date Created