The Intergenerational Transmission of Depressive and Anxiety Problems: Bidirectional Associations, Racial/Ethnic Differences, and the Mediating Role of Family Processes

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Depression and anxiety are among the most prevalent psychiatric disorders for adults and adolescents and can be intergenerationally transmitted from parents to their children. Moreover, depressive and anxiety disorders often develop during adolescence. Additionally, family environment and the parent-child relationshi

Depression and anxiety are among the most prevalent psychiatric disorders for adults and adolescents and can be intergenerationally transmitted from parents to their children. Moreover, depressive and anxiety disorders often develop during adolescence. Additionally, family environment and the parent-child relationship are significant predictors of mental health among adolescents. Yet, few studies have considered how adolescent depression and anxiety problems may influence the family environment and mental health of parents. Moreover, even fewer studies have examined how depressive and anxious intergenerational pathways may vary by racial/ethnic status. As such, bidirectional effects of parent and adolescent depressive and anxiety problems were investigated using data from the Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development (ABCD) study at Time 1 (T1)(Mage = 9.92, n=11,861), Time 2 (T2), and Time 3 (T3). Each follow-up was approximately one-year apart. Multiple path analysis models were used to examined bidirectional associations between parent and adolescent A) depressive problems B) anxiety problems and C) depressive and anxiety problems from T1 to T3 and how family conflict and adolescent-reported parental acceptance at T2 mediated these associations. Measurement invariance testing and multigroup analyses were conducted across non-Hispanic White, Hispanic, and non-Hispanic Black participants to examine if depressive and anxious pathways or measurement differed by racial-ethnic status. Findings revealed that both adolescent and parent depression problems at T1 predicted increases in depression at T3. Greater adolescent or parent anxiety problems at T1 predicted increases in adolescent and parent anxiety problems at T3. Greater family conflict and lower perceived parental acceptance at T2 predicted increases in adolescent depressive problems but did not predict adolescent anxiety problems over time. Parental depressive and anxiety problems at T1 did not predict adolescent-reported parental acceptance at T2 but did predict greater family conflict. Measurement noninvariance was found for family conflict and adolescent depressive problems. Multigroup analyses revealed that the association between both depressive and anxiety problems from T1 to T3 was weaker among Black adolescents compared to White and Hispanic adolescents. In summary, this research contributes valuable insights into the measurement of and relationship between parent and adolescent mental health, family dynamics, and adolescent perceived parental acceptance.
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Obstetrical and Neonatal Complications, Prematurity, and Childhood Effortful Control Development: A Longitudinal Twin Study

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Background: Premature infants may be at risk for lower effortful control, and subsequent lower academic achievement, peer competence, and emotional and physical wellness throughout the lifespan. However, because prematurity is related to obstetrical and neonatal complications, it is unclear what

Background: Premature infants may be at risk for lower effortful control, and subsequent lower academic achievement, peer competence, and emotional and physical wellness throughout the lifespan. However, because prematurity is related to obstetrical and neonatal complications, it is unclear what may drive the effect. Effortful control also has a strong heritable component; therefore, environmental factors during pregnancy and the neonatal period may interact with genetic factors to predict effortful control development. In this study, I aimed to dissect the influences of genetics, prematurity, and neonatal and obstetrical complications on the development of effortful control from 12 months to 10 years using a twin cohort. Methods: This study used data from the Arizona Twin Project, an ongoing longitudinal study of approximately 350 pairs of twins. Twins were primarily Hispanic/Latinx (23.8%-27.1%) and non-Hispanic/Latinx White (53.2%-57.8%), and families ranged in socioeconomic status with around one-third falling below or near the poverty line. Of the twins, 62.6% were born prematurely. Effortful control was assessed via parent report at six waves. Results: There was not a significant relationship between gestational age and effortful control regardless of whether obstetrical and neonatal complications were controlled for. Biometric twin modeling revealed that the attentional focusing subdomain of effortful control was highly heritable. Gestational age did not moderate genetic and environmental estimates. Conclusions: The findings help inform the risk assessment of prematurity and provide evidence for differing etiology of each subdomain of effortful control and the strong role of genetics in effortful control development.
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Examining Adolescent Sleep Within a Family Context: Evidence from Three Studies Spanning Early, Middle, and Late Adolescence

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This dissertation combines three first-author manuscripts that focused broadly on the study of adolescent sleep within a family context (Sasser et al., 2021; Sasser & Oshri, 2023; Sasser et al., 2023). First, Chapter 1 introduces the theoretical background and empirical

This dissertation combines three first-author manuscripts that focused broadly on the study of adolescent sleep within a family context (Sasser et al., 2021; Sasser & Oshri, 2023; Sasser et al., 2023). First, Chapter 1 introduces the theoretical background and empirical research that grounded the research questions and hypotheses explored across the studies. The first study (Chapter 2) examined the influence of family connection on actigraphy-measured sleep among Latinx late adolescents and explored family dynamics and cultural values as potential moderators. The second study (Chapter 3) investigated daily and average concordance between parent and youth actigraphy-measured sleep and how this varied as a function of family context (e.g., parenting, family functioning). The third study (Chapter 4) examined concordance in actigraphy sleep among parent-youth and sibling dyads and explored how relations differed across zygosity type and sleeping arrangements. The dissertation concludes with an immersive discussion (Chapter 5) that summarizes the key differences, similarities, and takeaways across studies and highlights future directions and implications for developmental science, public policy, and clinical interventions. Collectively, this dissertation contributes to the understanding of youth and adolescent sleep within a family context by identifying proximal (e.g., daily interactions with parents/siblings) and broader family-level factors (e.g., dynamics, culture) that may help promote more healthful sleep among both adolescents and their family members.
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The Association Between Bicultural Stress and Mental Health and Alcohol Use Outcomes Among Hispanic/Latinx College Students: The Moderating Role of Familism

Hispanic/Latinx college students are at a greater risk for developing problematic alcohol use and negative mental health outcomes such as depression and anxiety because they experience contextual stressors (i.e., financial stress, academic stress, peer pressure) and cultural stressors (i.e., bicultural

Hispanic/Latinx college students are at a greater risk for developing problematic alcohol use and negative mental health outcomes such as depression and anxiety because they experience contextual stressors (i.e., financial stress, academic stress, peer pressure) and cultural stressors (i.e., bicultural stress, acculturative stress, discrimination). Bicultural stress may be a risk factor for depressive, anxiety, and alcohol use disorder (AUD) symptoms. The cultural value of familism may play a protective role in Hispanic/Latinx college students. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of bicultural stress on depressive, anxiety, and AUD symptoms in first-year Hispanic/Latinx college students, and the role familism plays on moderating the relationship between bicultural stress and the outcomes. The sample was taken from the Pathways to College Health Study (N = 264; Female = 74.9%), which was survey administered via Qualtrics to first-year, Hispanic/Latinx college students at Arizona State University. The survey captured the participants’ levels of bicultural stress, familism, depressive, anxiety, and AUD symptoms. IBM SPSS Statistics was used for data analyses where three hierarchical regression models were run investigating the main effects and interaction effect of bicultural stress and familism. Results showed that higher levels of bicultural stress were associated with higher levels of mental health but were not associated with higher levels of AUD symptoms. Additionally, familism was not significantly associated with mental health or AUD symptoms suggesting familism may not play a substantial role in Hispanic/Latinx college students. There was no interaction found between familism and bicultural stress on the outcomes. These findings may aide in informing Hispanic/Latinx college students, universities, and clinicians on the impact bicultural stress may have on mental health outcomes.
Date Created

A Developmental, Culturally Integrative, and Family Systems Approach to Parent-Child Relationships Among Latinx Families in the U.S.

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Latinxs are one of the largest ethnic-racial minoritized groups in the U.S., with children and youth serving as the driving force of the population’s growth. Latinx children and youth living in the U.S. navigate their development within sociocultural contexts that

Latinxs are one of the largest ethnic-racial minoritized groups in the U.S., with children and youth serving as the driving force of the population’s growth. Latinx children and youth living in the U.S. navigate their development within sociocultural contexts that present unique stressors (e.g., discrimination) and assets (e.g., biculturalism) that shape their development. Thus, when studying Latinx youth and families, it is critical to consider important individual, developmental, and contextual factors that enhance Latinx youth development. This includes studying culture-specific family processes (e.g., familism) as well as more universal general parent-child processes that are developmentally salient (e.g., parent-child conflict regarding everyday issues). Therefore, my two-study dissertation focuses on the integration of cultural and developmentally relevant factors in studying parent-child relationships among Latinx families. In Study 1, I use longitudinal data from 246 Mexican-origin families to examine developmental trajectories of parent-child conflict regarding everyday issues across 12 to 22 years of age. In charting parent-youth conflict trajectories, I examine how youth and parent familism values may serve as important cultural factors that are associated with variation in parent-youth conflict. In Study 2, I use a person-centered approach to examine constellations of parental warmth, parent-child conflict, and parental ethnic socialization among Latinx families with children in middle childhood and explore how different patterns of parent-child relationships emerge and how these patterns relate to child adjustment (i.e., academic competence, peer competence, and depressive symptoms). Guided by a family systems theory, both studies consider important nuance in parent-child dyads by examining gender dynamics in mother-child and father-child relationships. Together, the studies make an important contribution to the understanding of culturally and developmentally salient processes of parent-child relationships in Latinx families and provide research and practice implications for enhancing the lives of Latinx youth and families.
Date Created

Genetic and Environmental Influences on Youth Externalizing Behaviors across Racial/Ethnic Groups

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This study investigated whether the patterns of direct association, and of gene-environment interaction (GxE), between family variables (i.e., parenting, family conflict, and attitudinal familism) and youth externalizing behaviors differed across racial/ethnic groups. The sample was composed of 772 twin pairs

This study investigated whether the patterns of direct association, and of gene-environment interaction (GxE), between family variables (i.e., parenting, family conflict, and attitudinal familism) and youth externalizing behaviors differed across racial/ethnic groups. The sample was composed of 772 twin pairs from the Adolescent Brain Development Study (ABCD) and analyses were run on three racial/ethnic groups (White [n=1023], Black/African American [n=220], Hispanic [n=152]; Mage=10.14 years). Youth reports of parental warmth, parental monitoring, family conflict, parent-reported attitudinal familism, and parent reports of youth externalizing behaviors were collected at baseline when children were 10 years old. Regression analyses tested the direct association between the family variables and youth externalizing behaviors, and moderated heritability models tested for GxE. Family conflict was associated with more externalizing behaviors for White youth, and parental warmth was associated with fewer externalizing behaviors for Hispanic youth. Parental attitudinal familism composite and familism support were associated with fewer externalizing behaviors for Black youth but more externalizing behaviors for Hispanic youth. We found no effects for parental monitoring, familism obligations, and familism referent on youth externalizing behaviors. Additive genetic and non-shared environmental influences explained the variance in youth externalizing behaviors across all groups. For White youth, parental warmth, parental monitoring, and familism support moderated additive genetic (A), shared-environmental (C), and non-shared environmental (E) influences on externalizing behaviors, and familism obligations moderated C and E influences. Results from exploratory moderated heritability analyses conducted for the Black/African American and Hispanic samples are discussed. Altogether, these findings highlight the multiple avenues through which the family context can impact the development of youth externalizing behaviors, and reinforce the need to examine how these relations differ across racial/ethnic groups.
Date Created

Disordered Weight Control Behaviors in a Longitudinal Sample of Adolescents and Emerging Adults: An Intersectional and Transdiagnostic Examination

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Disordered weight control behaviors (DWCB) are a pervasive and serious public health issue associated with a wide variety of psychological and physiological problems. Using the transdiagnostic cognitive behavioral model and an intersectional framework, this study uses latent class analysis to

Disordered weight control behaviors (DWCB) are a pervasive and serious public health issue associated with a wide variety of psychological and physiological problems. Using the transdiagnostic cognitive behavioral model and an intersectional framework, this study uses latent class analysis to examine DWCB in a national longitudinal sample (N = 2,874) of late adolescents and emerging adults (19-22 years) with focus on gender and race/ethnicity. Three latent classes were identified cross-sectionally across all timepoints: A restriction behaviors group, a combined restriction and compensatory behaviors group, and a group exhibiting low DWCB. Women of all racial/ethnic groups were consistently more likely than were men to classify in the restriction behaviors class, and Black and Hispanic women were more likely to classify in the combined behaviors class in waves 6 and 7. Longitudinally, two classes were identified: A low stable and a higher stable class. Women of all racial/ethnic groups were more likely to classify in the high stable class compared with White men, however, no other racial/ethnic differences emerged. Hispanic men were more likely to classify in the high stable group. This study highlights the utility of transdiagnostic, intersectional, cross-sectional, and longitudinal approaches to studying DWCB in nonclinical populations. More work is needed to examine the influence of restriction and combined DWCB behaviors on adolescent and emerging adult development and functioning. In addition, this work underlines the need for more nuanced measurement of disordered eating pathology in national studies and epidemiological research. Finally, this study demonstrates the need for continual focus on intersectionality frameworks and the addition of cultural and identity-related variables in disordered eating research to promote wellbeing, health, and equity for all individuals.
Date Created

Gene by Environment Interactions on Substance Use in Refugee Communities


This project is an investigation of the gene by environment (GxE) interactions’ effect on substance use outcomes among refugee communities. Substance use disorders (SUDs) are a major public health concern, affecting individuals and communities worldwide. The etiology of SUDs is

This project is an investigation of the gene by environment (GxE) interactions’ effect on substance use outcomes among refugee communities. Substance use disorders (SUDs) are a major public health concern, affecting individuals and communities worldwide. The etiology of SUDs is complex, involving a combination of genetic, environmental, and social factors. In recent years, there has been growing interest in the role of gene by environment interactions in the development of SUDs, particularly in vulnerable populations such as refugees. Refugee populations are exposed to a range of environmental stressors that may interact with genetic factors to increase their risk of SUDs. However, a number of studies describe a “refugee paradox,” where despite having been exposed to risk factors that can lead to SUDs, they are less likely to develop SUDs. Understanding these gene by environment interactions in refugee communities is crucial for not only understanding this phenomenon, but developing effective prevention and treatment strategies for this population. This thesis aims to investigate the gene by environment interactions underlying substance use in refugee communities and to analyze different methods for gene by environment analyses, ultimately determining which method is best suited for this population.

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