Gatekeeping practices of participants in a digital media literacy massive open online course (MOOC)

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Long before “fake news” dominated the conversation within and about the media, media literacy advocates have championed the need for media literacy education that provides the tools for people to understand, analyze, and evaluate media messages. That the majority of

Long before “fake news” dominated the conversation within and about the media, media literacy advocates have championed the need for media literacy education that provides the tools for people to understand, analyze, and evaluate media messages. That the majority of U.S. adults now consume news on social media underscores the importance for students of all ages to be critical users of media. Furthermore, the affordances of social media to like, comment, and share news items within one’s network increases an individual’s responsibility to ascertain the veracity of news before using a social media megaphone to spread false information. Social media’s shareability can dictate how information spreads, increasing news consumers’ role as a gatekeeper of information and making media literacy education more important than ever.

This research examines the media literacy practices that news consumers use to inform their gatekeeping decisions. Using a constant comparative coding method, the author conducted a qualitative analysis of hundreds of discussion board posts from adult participants in a digital media literacy Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) to identify major themes and examine growth in participants’ sense of responsibility related to sharing news information, their feeling of empowerment to make informed decisions about the media messages they receive, and how the media literacy tools and techniques garnered from the MOOC have affected their daily media interactions. Findings emphasize the personal and contextual nature of media literacy, and that those factors must be addressed to ensure the success of a media literacy education program.
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Semester in Granada: Studying Abroad in Southern Spain

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In Spring 2015, I decided to study abroad in Granada, Spain. After scouring the Internet, I realized there was a lack of resources and information for study abroad students coming to the city. I decided to use my thesis project

In Spring 2015, I decided to study abroad in Granada, Spain. After scouring the Internet, I realized there was a lack of resources and information for study abroad students coming to the city. I decided to use my thesis project as an opportunity to create a multimedia, interactive e-book to help prospective study abroad students. This book walks them through what steps they need to take to prepare themselves and functions as a guide for when they arrive. It is a culmination of my own research, interviews with locals and surveys amongst other study abroad students.
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Family, Too: The Stories Behind Shelter Dogs

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My thesis is an experiment in the power of social media and networking. The compelling question is: How can we as journalists motivate people to connect with Facebook/blog postings enough to share them with their own networks? This is a

My thesis is an experiment in the power of social media and networking. The compelling question is: How can we as journalists motivate people to connect with Facebook/blog postings enough to share them with their own networks? This is a huge issue with journalism because it is a challenge to move people and to get them to share information.
My thesis project took the form of a networking blog for adoptable animals at the local pound. I created unique photos of the dogs and wrote up bios for them so that they became more accessible to people who could not physically visit the shelter very often. I brought the dogs to life by sharing a part of their story and encouraging people to care about what happened to them. This issue is especially close to my heart because I have loved animals all my life and started fostering dogs a few years ago.
The project was a huge success. I profiled 37 dogs and they amassed hundreds of thousands of views both on my Wordpress site and on the project Facebook page. Five of my dogs were euthanized, about a 13% euthanasia rate. Compared to the owner surrender euthanasia rate of previous years, this rate is remarkably low. In 2012, about 43.86% of owner surrenders were euthanized. In 2013, about 39.19% of owner surrenders were euthanized. In 2014, about 33.27% of owner surrenders were euthanized. My euthanasia rate was essentially less than half of the last year’s owner surrender euthanasia rate.
I think I absolutely proved my point. The power of networking in unique ways and leveraging the influence of social media cannot be underestimated. Less dogs were killed because of my project. If that’s not success, then I don’t know what is.
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Training a Personal Brand

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The purpose of this project was to establish a digital and social media presence to support a personal fitness trainer and d�TERRA essential oils wellness advocate in growing her health and wellness businesses. The first portion explores the role of

The purpose of this project was to establish a digital and social media presence to support a personal fitness trainer and d�TERRA essential oils wellness advocate in growing her health and wellness businesses. The first portion explores the role of digital and social media tools for health and wellness professionals. It incorporates use of both secondary and primary research methods including focus groups and in-depth interviews. The second portion is a campaign proposal that serves as a creative response to the research and findings of the first portion. The proposal includes recommendations for strategic use of new brand building and social networking tools such as a personal website, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and About.Me pages. It also offers collateral material for brand outreach, social media calendars and a 10-page social media guidebook offering suggestions on how to strategically implement the campaign elements.
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The Beauty Industry at its Roots: The analysis of a local Phoenix salon's online media presence

This project is a strategic online media proposal for aBloom Salon. In order to provide the salon with a successful social media proposal, there must be an analysis of the current situation informed by secondary and primary research. aBloom in

This project is a strategic online media proposal for aBloom Salon. In order to provide the salon with a successful social media proposal, there must be an analysis of the current situation informed by secondary and primary research. aBloom in Latin means transformation; this salon specializes in holistic beauty. At this salon all the products are organic, natural and raw. They use a non-toxic ammonia-free color line and have a Raw Beauty Bar where clients can create all-natural custom products. This proposal aims to increase aBloom Salon's brand awareness in the most effective way possible. The project started by analyzing the salon's website, Facebook page and Instagram content and following-up with recommendations for improvement. In addition to that analysis, research was conducted on current clients to gage their social media habits and purpose for using social media. Salon owner, Alejandra Martinez, currently averages 20 to 30 clients a week and said she would like to increase to 25 to 35 clients a week. Martinez was promoting her salon through her website, word-of-mouth, Facebook, Yelp, Instagram and cross-promoting efforts with likeminded businesses.
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Generating a Format for Video News Online: State Press Weekly

The format for news has been in a state of evolution since it was introduced to the online platform. Given this digital space for creative freedom, some journalists have ventured towards producing original video content specifically for online. The issue

The format for news has been in a state of evolution since it was introduced to the online platform. Given this digital space for creative freedom, some journalists have ventured towards producing original video content specifically for online. The issue that arises with this content is that there is no widely accepted, perceivable structure for the format, unlike other news mediums (i.e.- print journalism, broadcast journalism). This thesis takes an in-depth look at an online video news experiment conducted at Arizona State University's student news organization, the State Press, with the intention to understand the viability of the project and online video news as a whole and to offer a set of guidelines that could direct a student media organization in the creation of such content.
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F*** the Crust

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Description Health is influenced by culture, ethnicity, age, gender, socioeconomic conditions, geography and many other factors. However, in an age of constant scientific evolution where new technologies and ways of determining health solutions are changing each day, finding proper ways Health is influenced by culture, ethnicity, age, gender, socioeconomic conditions, geography and many other factors. However, in an age of constant scientific evolution where new technologies and ways of determining health solutions are changing each day, finding proper ways to communicate these findings can be difficult. Change occurs when people are able to share common understanding. Being a part of a social group, being amused, relaxed and able to escape routine activities often allow people to learn and understand new concepts. Gluten is a popular new buzzword in the health industry that is not fully understood. Furthermore, gluten's presence in credible online resources is scarce. The objective of this thesis is to portray gluten in a way that is comprehensible and entertaining. Through web creation and site design, a credible online health resource, focusing on gluten, will be born. Research estimates 18 million Americans have gluten sensitivity. About 1 in every 133 Americans, about one percent of the population, has celiac disease. Around 83 percent of Americans with celiac disease are undiagnosed or misdiagnosed and a lack of resources would not seem to help that statistic. The population of people involved in gluten dietary restrictions is too high to not have ample resources. With social media's influence on the rise, more and more people are looking for advice from peers and experts online. Health is important and knowing how to take care of health with a click of a button is the gift of the modern world we live in.
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Modern Don: The Evolution of Advertising Using AMC's Mad Men

Advertising persuades people to change some part of their life. Whether it is promoting one presidential candidate, or buying one kind of ketchup over another. Advertising expands in how it's presented based on societal changes socially, economically and technologically. AMC

Advertising persuades people to change some part of their life. Whether it is promoting one presidential candidate, or buying one kind of ketchup over another. Advertising expands in how it's presented based on societal changes socially, economically and technologically. AMC network's critically acclaimed show, Mad Men, revolves around the personal lives of ad executives during the golden age of advertising, the 1960's. Everything that's compelling has change. In the show, character developments, change within the industry, and various social events impact the advertising work that is done throughout the show. By examining the clients and ads produced in Mad Men, and the process in which they were produced, to the actual process and actual ads that ran in the 1960's, will give a sense of how accurate or inaccurate the show is. By creating modern ads for these clients and products, obstacles that are encountered based on the current industry and social state will become visible. Doing this will allow for a comparison of artistic styles from the past and now, observing what design elements may have changed or stayed put.
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Represent This!: An Online Exploration of the Representation of Women in Film and Television

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My thesis project Represent This! is an online resource for the representation of women and film, found at The Wordpress site hosts an 8,500-word essay, a resource guide, an about page and a blog. The essay explores the representation

My thesis project Represent This! is an online resource for the representation of women and film, found at The Wordpress site hosts an 8,500-word essay, a resource guide, an about page and a blog. The essay explores the representation of women in media in several ways: its relation to the study of media literacy at large, the low number of women employed in the film and television industries, the history of women in film, the representation of bodies on screen and how it affects body image and eating disorders, the representation of action heroines, and the representation of girls on screen and the treatment of those young actresses off screen. The conclusion of the essay and the Resource Guide work together to provide a call to action through suggestions for a reader to better their "media diet" (what they watch and how they think about the media they consume) as well as listing movies or television shows that exemplify strong representation of women on screen and in production. The blog will be updated after this project is turned in to respond to news about representation of women in media or to write about an article or book I've read relating to the topic. I designed graphics and found Creative Commons images and video to make the site more visually appealing to read. Attached in the PDF is the full text of what is on the website (most prominently the essay) as well as an annotated bibliography and screen shots from the website.
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Information Overload: Navigating Truth in a Networked World

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Media influences the way people understand the world around them, and today's digital media environment is saturated with information. Online media consumers are experiencing an information overload, and many find it difficult to determine which messages to trust. Media consumers

Media influences the way people understand the world around them, and today's digital media environment is saturated with information. Online media consumers are experiencing an information overload, and many find it difficult to determine which messages to trust. Media consumers between the ages of 18 and 34 are increasingly turning to social media, especially Facebook, for news and information. However, the nature of information exchange on these networks makes these users prone to seeing and sharing misleading, inaccurate or unverified information. This project is an examination of how misinformation spreads on social media platforms, and how users can utilize media literacy techniques to surround themselves with trustworthy information on social media, as well as develop skills to determine whether information is credible. By examining the motivations behind sharing information on social media, and the ways in which Millennials interact with misinformation on these platforms, this study aims to help users combat the spread of misleading information. This project determines techniques and resources that media consumers can use to turn their social media networks into healthy, trustworthy information environments. View the online component of this project at
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