Modern Don: The Evolution of Advertising Using AMC's Mad Men

Advertising persuades people to change some part of their life. Whether it is promoting one presidential candidate, or buying one kind of ketchup over another. Advertising expands in how it's presented based on societal changes socially, economically and technologically. AMC

Advertising persuades people to change some part of their life. Whether it is promoting one presidential candidate, or buying one kind of ketchup over another. Advertising expands in how it's presented based on societal changes socially, economically and technologically. AMC network's critically acclaimed show, Mad Men, revolves around the personal lives of ad executives during the golden age of advertising, the 1960's. Everything that's compelling has change. In the show, character developments, change within the industry, and various social events impact the advertising work that is done throughout the show. By examining the clients and ads produced in Mad Men, and the process in which they were produced, to the actual process and actual ads that ran in the 1960's, will give a sense of how accurate or inaccurate the show is. By creating modern ads for these clients and products, obstacles that are encountered based on the current industry and social state will become visible. Doing this will allow for a comparison of artistic styles from the past and now, observing what design elements may have changed or stayed put.
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