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http://www.fthecrust.com/ Health is influenced by culture, ethnicity, age, gender, socioeconomic conditions, geography and many other factors. However, in an age of constant scientific evolution where new technologies and ways of determining health solutions are changing each day, finding proper ways

http://www.fthecrust.com/ Health is influenced by culture, ethnicity, age, gender, socioeconomic conditions, geography and many other factors. However, in an age of constant scientific evolution where new technologies and ways of determining health solutions are changing each day, finding proper ways to communicate these findings can be difficult. Change occurs when people are able to share common understanding. Being a part of a social group, being amused, relaxed and able to escape routine activities often allow people to learn and understand new concepts. Gluten is a popular new buzzword in the health industry that is not fully understood. Furthermore, gluten's presence in credible online resources is scarce. The objective of this thesis is to portray gluten in a way that is comprehensible and entertaining. Through web creation and site design, a credible online health resource, focusing on gluten, will be born. Research estimates 18 million Americans have gluten sensitivity. About 1 in every 133 Americans, about one percent of the population, has celiac disease. Around 83 percent of Americans with celiac disease are undiagnosed or misdiagnosed and a lack of resources would not seem to help that statistic. The population of people involved in gluten dietary restrictions is too high to not have ample resources. With social media's influence on the rise, more and more people are looking for advice from peers and experts online. Health is important and knowing how to take care of health with a click of a button is the gift of the modern world we live in.

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  • F*** the Crust
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