Founder's Lab: Intellectra

In this project, our team researched and developed a puzzle box that tests personal attributes. Our mission is to provide a valuable experience for the everyday consumer that both tests personal attributes, like logic or memory, and is also legitimately

In this project, our team researched and developed a puzzle box that tests personal attributes. Our mission is to provide a valuable experience for the everyday consumer that both tests personal attributes, like logic or memory, and is also legitimately fun. We want our product to be a hands-on, exciting puzzle box experience that anybody can use. Our goal is to become a leading brand of puzzle boxes and be able to provide fun, educational experiences to everyone. We also would like to serve schools by providing learning experiences all over the world at an affordable price.
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User Inspired Engineering for Patients in Children's Hospitals

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Children's hospitals can be a scary place for children and their parents. Patients are stressed and anxious because they are in a space that is unfamiliar to them, and being forced to be in a confined space feels like a

Children's hospitals can be a scary place for children and their parents. Patients are stressed and anxious because they are in a space that is unfamiliar to them, and being forced to be in a confined space feels like a punishment. Parents accompanying their children in hospitals are also emotionally stressed due to the overwhelming parental and financial responsibilities. There is a product opportunity gap which allows the patients to interact with the environment to make it more familiar to them and interact with the people around them to alleviate stress anxiety. This project aims to use the user-inspired engineering process to close that product opportunity gap.
Date Created

Collision-Averse and Dynamics-Aware B-Spline Derived Motion Planning for
Autonomous Vehicles


The seamless integration of autonomous vehicles (AVs) into highly interactive and dynamic driving environments requires AVs to safely and effectively communicate with human drivers. Furthermore, the design of motion planning strategies that satisfy safety constraints inherit the challenges involved in

The seamless integration of autonomous vehicles (AVs) into highly interactive and dynamic driving environments requires AVs to safely and effectively communicate with human drivers. Furthermore, the design of motion planning strategies that satisfy safety constraints inherit the challenges involved in implementing a safety-critical and dynamics-aware motion planning algorithm that produces feasible motion trajectories. Driven by the complexities of arriving at such a motion planner, this thesis leverages a motion planning toolkit that utilizes spline parameterization to compute the optimal motion trajectory within a dynamic environment. Our approach is comprised of techniques originating from optimal control, vehicle dynamics, and spline interpolation. To ensure dynamic feasibility of the computed trajectories, we formulate the optimal control problem in relation to the intrinsic state constraints derived from the bicycle state space model. In addition, we apply input constraints to bound the rate of change of the steering angle and acceleration provided to the system. To produce collision-averse trajectories, we enforce extrinsic state constraints extracted from the static and dynamic obstacles in the circumambient environment. We proceed to exploit the mathematical properties of B-splines, such as the Convex Hull Property, and the piecewise composition of polynomial functions. Second, we focus on constructing a highly interactive environment in which the con- figured optimal control problem is deployed. Vehicle interactions are categorized into two distinct cases: Case 1 is representative of a single-agent interaction, whereas Case 2 is representative of a multi-agent interaction. The computed motion trajectories per each case are displayed in simulation.

Date Created

Changing the College Experience


College student mental health has been a prominent issue in the US. However, solutions to address this issue are oftentimes not free or convenient for students. This project seeks to aid in improving student mental health by identifying and addressing

College student mental health has been a prominent issue in the US. However, solutions to address this issue are oftentimes not free or convenient for students. This project seeks to aid in improving student mental health by identifying and addressing the most commonly faced stress factors that contribute to poor mental health. These stress factors will be addressed via a free iOS application made available on the Apple App Store. A free iOS application that addresses commonly faced stress factors will provide students with a free and easily accessible resource to aid in their mental health journey.

Date Created

An Evaluation of the Methods of Removing Satellite Artifacts from Astronomic Data


In this thesis, several different methods for detecting and removing satellite streaks from astronomic images were evaluated and compared with a new machine learning based approach. Simulated data was generated with a variety of conditions, and the performance of each

In this thesis, several different methods for detecting and removing satellite streaks from astronomic images were evaluated and compared with a new machine learning based approach. Simulated data was generated with a variety of conditions, and the performance of each method was evaluated both quantitatively, using Mean Absolute Error (MAE) against a ground truth detection mask and processing throughput of the method, as well as qualitatively, examining the situations in which each model performs well and poorly. Detection methods from existing systems Pyradon and ASTRiDE were implemented and tested. A machine learning (ML) image segmentation model was trained on simulated data and used to detect streaks in test data. The ML model performed favorably relative to the traditional methods tested, and demonstrated superior robustness in general. However, the model also exhibited some unpredictable behavior in certain scenarios which should be considered. This demonstrated that machine learning is a viable tool for the detection of satellite streaks in astronomic images, however special care must be taken to prevent and to minimize the effects of unpredictable behavior in such models.

Date Created

Transformers: An Architectural Analysis, Survey and Implementation


The aim of this project is to understand the basic algorithmic components of the transformer deep learning architecture. At a high level, a transformer is a machine learning model based off of a recurrent neural network that adopts a self-attention

The aim of this project is to understand the basic algorithmic components of the transformer deep learning architecture. At a high level, a transformer is a machine learning model based off of a recurrent neural network that adopts a self-attention mechanism, which can weigh significant parts of sequential input data which is very useful for solving problems in natural language processing and computer vision. There are other approaches to solving these problems which have been implemented in the past (i.e., convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks), but these architectures introduce the issue of the vanishing gradient problem when an input becomes too long (which essentially means the network loses its memory and halts learning) and have a slow training time in general. The transformer architecture’s features enable a much better “memory” and a faster training time, which makes it a more optimal architecture in solving problems. Most of this project will be spent producing a survey that captures the current state of research on the transformer, and any background material to understand it. First, I will do a keyword search of the most well cited and up-to-date peer reviewed publications on transformers to understand them conceptually. Next, I will investigate any necessary programming frameworks that will be required to implement the architecture. I will use this to implement a simplified version of the architecture or follow an easy to use guide or tutorial in implementing the architecture. Once the programming aspect of the architecture is understood, I will then Implement a transformer based on the academic paper “Attention is All You Need”. I will then slightly tweak this model using my understanding of the architecture to improve performance. Once finished, the details (i.e., successes, failures, process and inner workings) of the implementation will be evaluated and reported, as well as the fundamental concepts surveyed. The motivation behind this project is to explore the rapidly growing area of AI algorithms, and the transformer algorithm in particular was chosen because it is a major milestone for engineering with AI and software. Since their introduction, transformers have provided a very effective way of solving natural language processing, which has allowed any related applications to succeed with high speed while maintaining accuracy. Since then, this type of model can be applied to more cutting edge natural language processing applications, such as extracting semantic information from a text description and generating an image to satisfy it.

Date Created

Development of a Lidar-Based Automatic Steering System for Agricultural Robotics


This thesis proposes a new steering system for agricultural machinery with the aim of improving the automation capabilities of farming robots. Accurate and reliable autonomous machinery has the potential to provide significant benefits to the efficiency of farming operations, but

This thesis proposes a new steering system for agricultural machinery with the aim of improving the automation capabilities of farming robots. Accurate and reliable autonomous machinery has the potential to provide significant benefits to the efficiency of farming operations, but the existing systems for performing one of the most essential automation functions, autonomous steering to keep machinery on the proper course, each have drawbacks that impact their usability in various scenarios. In order to address these issues, a new lidar-based system was developed for automatic steering in a typical farm field. This approach uses a two-dimensional lidar unit to scan the ground in front of the robot to detect and steer based on farm tracks, a common feature in many farm fields. This system was implemented and evaluated, with results demonstrating that the system is capable of providing accurate steering corrections.

Date Created

Heady Stuff: Agile Development Practices in Unreal Engine Game Development

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This paper will demonstrate that the Agile development process helps to ensure incremental work on an Unreal Engine game project is achieved by presenting a product produced in Unreal Engine along with my experience in utilizing Scrum to facilitate the

This paper will demonstrate that the Agile development process helps to ensure incremental work on an Unreal Engine game project is achieved by presenting a product produced in Unreal Engine along with my experience in utilizing Scrum to facilitate the game’s development. Section 2 discusses project goals and motivations for using Agile, using Unreal Engine, and for the choice of genre in the final product. Section 3 contextualizes these goals by presenting the history of Unreal Engine, the novel applications of Unreal Engine, and the use of Unreal Engine in the development of Heady Stuff. Section 4 presents findings from the project’s development by describing my use of Agile and by presenting the steps taken in learning Unreal Engine. Section 4 continues by highlighting important development considerations in the use of Blueprints, C++, and HLSL in Unreal Engine. The section ends with the presentation of project feedback, its incorporation in the final product, and the resources used to assist development. Section 5 compares the workflow, help resources, and applications of Unreal Engine with those of Unity, another highly popular game engine. Lastly, Section 6 performs a post-mortem on the overall development process by considering how well Agile development processes were upheld along with how much of the original plans in the Design Document was present in the final product. Additionally, the section presents the major challenges encountered during project development. These challenges will help in proposing possible best practices for game development in Unreal Engine.

Date Created

Building a Mobile Device that Leverages the Power of a Desktop Computer

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With the recent focus of attention towards remote work and mobile computing, the possibility of taking a powerful workstation wherever needed is enticing. However, even emerging laptops today struggle to compete with desktops in terms of cost, maintenance, and future

With the recent focus of attention towards remote work and mobile computing, the possibility of taking a powerful workstation wherever needed is enticing. However, even emerging laptops today struggle to compete with desktops in terms of cost, maintenance, and future upgrades. The price point of a powerful laptop is considerably higher compared to an equally powerful desktop computer, and most laptops are manufactured in a way that makes upgrading parts of the machine difficult or impossible, forcing a complete purchase in the event of failure or a component needing an upgrade. In the case where someone already owns a desktop computer and must be mobile, instead of needing to purchase a second device at full price, it may be possible to develop a low-cost computer that has just enough power to connect to the existing desktop and run all processing there, using the mobile device only as a user interface. This thesis will explore the development of a custom PCB that utilizes a Raspberry Pi Computer Module 4, as well as the development of a fork of the Open Source project Moonlight to stream a host machine's screen to a remote client. This implementation will be compared against other existing remote desktop solutions to analyze it's performance and quality.

Date Created

Exploring AI in Healthcare: How the Acceleration of Data Processing Can Impact Life Saving Diagnoses

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Artificial intelligence is one of the biggest topics being discussed in the realm of Computer Science and it has made incredible breakthroughs possible in so many different industries. One of the largest issues with utilizing computational resources in the health

Artificial intelligence is one of the biggest topics being discussed in the realm of Computer Science and it has made incredible breakthroughs possible in so many different industries. One of the largest issues with utilizing computational resources in the health industry historically is centered around the quantity of data, the specificity of conditions for accurate results, and the general risks associated with being incorrect in an analysis. Although these all have been major issues in the past, the application of artificial intelligence has opened up an entirely different realm of possibilities because accessing massive amounts of patient data, is essential for generating an extremely accurate model in machine learning. The goal of this project is to analyze tools and algorithm design techniques used in recent times to accelerate data processing in the realm of healthcare, but one of the most important discoveries is that the standardization of conditioned data being fed into the models is almost more important than the algorithms or tools being used combined.

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