Alexis de Tocqueville's Innovation in Social Cohesion: Reforging Bonds of Community in a Modern and Democratic Age


How can citizens of a political society be united? What makes them willing to sacrifice for the good of the community? How are they made to obey the laws? The ancient world approached these questions through concepts such as virtue

How can citizens of a political society be united? What makes them willing to sacrifice for the good of the community? How are they made to obey the laws? The ancient world approached these questions through concepts such as virtue and honor. Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America also attempted to answer these questions in relation to newly emergent democratic societies. However, he developed new concepts to formulate his answers, including enlightened self-interest, individualism, and free associations. Essential to his argument is the role of changing social conditions. For Tocqueville, the forces which have shaped the modern world, such as democracy, have made the ancient concepts irrelevant. Indeed, the changes which he had witnessed were so revolutionary that he was compelled to say, “I am tempted to burn my books so as to apply only new ideas to a social state so new” (I.2.9, 289). It thus becomes necessary to conceive of new ways of organizing cohesive political societies. This thesis builds on Tocqueville’s theories and observations to explain how changing social conditions can shape the citizen’s ability to cooperate as part of a cohesive polity and how modern societies can promote harmony among its citizens. I first explore briefly how the ancient world inspired citizens to work cohesively and how modern changes in ideas, sentiments, and mores have challenged the efficacy of premodern traditions. I then analyze how modern conditions can limit attempts at political cohesion and the challenges of promoting acts of solidarity among modern citizens. I also consider how democratic despotism offers a vague form of political cohesion that conforms to modern conditions, but in ways that undermine good governance. Finally, I argue that Tocqueville’s theory of enlightened self-interest, bolstered by a religious spirit that combats materialism, offers the most coherent account of how modern political societies can be united justly and how citizens can act harmoniously toward a common good. While enlightened self-interest and religion may be goods within themselves, this thesis suggests that these principles are also necessary for creating cohesion in the modern age.

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Reimagining Juvenile Justice in Arizona & Beyond: From Retribution to Rehabilitation


While children and adolescents are the most vulnerable members of society, juvenile offenders face interventions that mirror the punitive and retributive nature of the criminal justice system. These interventions contribute to high recidivism rates, disproportionately impact low-income and minority youth,

While children and adolescents are the most vulnerable members of society, juvenile offenders face interventions that mirror the punitive and retributive nature of the criminal justice system. These interventions contribute to high recidivism rates, disproportionately impact low-income and minority youth, and result in negative collateral consequences, preventing effective reintegration into their communities. In this thesis, I devise a system based on decriminalization and sociologically-focused rehabilitation that should be applied to the Arizona juvenile justice system and beyond.

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Values Reflected in State Wildlife Management Websites in the U.S.


Based on existing research, state wildlife agencies should be diversifying their management activities to reflect both utilitarian and biocentric values. Yet agencies are still focused primarily on managing land and wildlife resources for hunting and fishing, partly because of revenues

Based on existing research, state wildlife agencies should be diversifying their management activities to reflect both utilitarian and biocentric values. Yet agencies are still focused primarily on managing land and wildlife resources for hunting and fishing, partly because of revenues associated with permits and licenses (Jacobson et al., 2022; Manfredo, 2008). My research examines the values which state agencies emphasize in managing wildlife and engaging the public. Public-facing agency webpages are one way to investigate the values that drive agencies’ management priorities and activities. By looking at how information is represented on their main webpages, one can infer who the intended audience is, and which values guide their actions. Thus, my research aims to analyze how state management activities and associated information—as featured on their websites—represent public wildlife values and the trend away from utilitarianism (especially hunting and fishing) toward protectionism through wildlife conservation. Specifically, I ask: How do state-level wildlife agencies present and communicate wildlife management issues and reflect their different wildlife values—ranging from utilitarianism with emphasis on recreational use and enjoyment by people toward mutualist benefits that also protect wildlife—through their websites?

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Navigating the Next Frontier of Journalism: A Project to Restore Regional Voices and Community-Based Storytelling


There is a serious lack of local news in Arizona, the American Southwest, and the United States at-large. Arizonans are craving quality, factual, no-holds-barred journalism that is easy-to-read, and upfront. Quality, local news that covers the ins and outs of

There is a serious lack of local news in Arizona, the American Southwest, and the United States at-large. Arizonans are craving quality, factual, no-holds-barred journalism that is easy-to-read, and upfront. Quality, local news that covers the ins and outs of politics, culture, and community has an opportunity to not only enhance civic life, promote community healing, and expand knowledge made available to the general public (thus serving the communities it calls home), but to also generate revenue. Further, independent and center-right leaning voters in the state of Arizona — be reminded that independents make up the second largest voting bloc among Arizonans — are often crowded out in a media environment that consists of far-left nonprofit-funded news sites like the Arizona Mirror, formerly reputable papers that have bled readership as they veer further left like the Arizona Republic, and far-right online blogs that reach a very limited audience. The Western Tribune is an Arizona-based journalistic publication. This institution is dedicated to providing high-quality, well-sourced news and commentary on statewide, regional, national, and international current affairs through the lens of good government and free enterprise — as well as Southwestern values. We are a free institution that believes in free institutions. We cover stories that go uncovered because of the corporate media’s blind spots (and they’ve got many — they’re a result of news deserts and out-of-touch coastal attitudes) with the stable support of a robust institution dedicated to Truth-seeking behind them. Our storytellers are not just good writers. We seek to recruit and form critical thinkers with skills that span trades, disciplines, and educational backgrounds. We are building an institution committed to excellence.

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Women of Color in Congress


Women of color have, over the years, come to power, with more of them in congress now more than they were before. This is a very significant and powerful way for women, especially women of color, to rise and be

Women of color have, over the years, come to power, with more of them in congress now more than they were before. This is a very significant and powerful way for women, especially women of color, to rise and be an encouragement to girls of color all over the world. It is worth noting that every one of these women has a story and has been through a journey that can be inspirational to young girls, a story that can teach young girls traits such as resilience and the need to work hard despite any challenges. This essay is a background on some selected women of color in Congress, discussing where they come from, how they got to Congress, and the impact they left behind.

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Assessment of Arizona Parental Rights: The Potential Adverse Impacts of ARS 8-537(C)

The recent Arizona Supreme Court Case of Trisha A. v. Department of Child Safety (2019) raised important issues regarding due process and parental rights in Arizona and federal constitutional law, mainly as they interact with an obscure but important part

The recent Arizona Supreme Court Case of Trisha A. v. Department of Child Safety (2019) raised important issues regarding due process and parental rights in Arizona and federal constitutional law, mainly as they interact with an obscure but important part of Arizona’s child welfare statutes relating to parental termination, A.R.S. 8-537(C). In this thesis, I will reconstruct the developments that led to the Trisha case, discuss its possible implications, and briefly suggest possible recommendations for reform. This thesis will thus proceed 1: through the relevant federal caselaw that outlines the Supreme Court interpretation of the U.S. Constitution in the realm of family rights and due process; 2: through relevant Arizona statutes regarding the termination of parental rights; 3: the legislative history of A.R.S. 8-537(C) specifically; 4: through relevant Arizona state caselaw on parental terminations, 5: through the implications and costs of A.R.S. 8-537(C), before briefly concluding with possibilities for reform.
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Remedying America's Civic Education Crisis: Finding Common Ground in a Polarized Nation

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This project examines both the left and right's strategies to remedy the American civic crisis. However, both sides have diverging views on American history, society, and ideals. Ultimately, the project determines that the Educating for American Democracy initiative offers the most feasible approach in addressing this national crisis.

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Understanding the Impact of Microfinance on Child Education in India

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The paper covers the everchanging relationship between Microfinance and child education numbers in India. The aim is to take a broad-stroke view of the entire country and see if there is a correlation that can be made between these two aspects.
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Mathematical Assessment of the Impact of Insecticide-Based Intervention on Malaria Transmission Dynamics

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Malaria is a deadly, infectious, parasitic disease which is caused by Plasmodium parasites and transmitted between humans via the bite of adult female Anopheles mosquitoes. The primary insecticide-based interventions used to control malaria are indoor residual spraying (IRS) and long-lasting

Malaria is a deadly, infectious, parasitic disease which is caused by Plasmodium parasites and transmitted between humans via the bite of adult female Anopheles mosquitoes. The primary insecticide-based interventions used to control malaria are indoor residual spraying (IRS) and long-lasting insecticide nets (LLINs). Larvicides are another insecticide-based intervention which is less commonly used. In this study, a mathematical model for malaria transmission dynamics in an endemic region which incorporates the use of IRS, LLINS, and larvicides is presented. The model is rigorously analyzed to gain insight into the asymptotic stability of the disease-free equilibrium. Simulations of the model show that individual insecticide-based interventions will not realistically control malaria in regions with high endemicity, but an integrated vector management strategy involving the use of multiple interventions could lead to the effective control of the disease. This study suggests that the use of larvicides alongside IRS and LLINs in endemic regions may be more effective than using only IRS and LLINs.
Date Created

Assessing Correctional Rehabilitation: Reducing Recidivism & Approaching Causation

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Do existing programs offered during incarceration successfully reduce recidivism rates in the United States and if so, how can criminology theories be leveraged to understand why?
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