In Defense of Uncertainty: Challenging the “Regret Narrative” of Gender Transition

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Mainstream discussions of trans issues often center around the invocation of transition regret to make overarching claims about its ethicality. In understanding this pervasive specter of regret as an expression of broad uncertainty, I explore the complex history of enduring

Mainstream discussions of trans issues often center around the invocation of transition regret to make overarching claims about its ethicality. In understanding this pervasive specter of regret as an expression of broad uncertainty, I explore the complex history of enduring gender concepts, current best-practices in trans medicine, and detransition narratives. I argue that the uncertainties therein are inherent and explore what it would mean to embrace uncertainty in trans medicine.
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Cosmetic Industry Sustainability Analysis: Case Study Comparison of The Body Shop and Bath & Body Works

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The cosmetic industry has a significant lack of data on sustainability practices. The global market for cosmetics is expected to grow from $288 billion in 2021 to $415 billion in 2028 as more people populate the globe (Cosmetics Market Size,

The cosmetic industry has a significant lack of data on sustainability practices. The global market for cosmetics is expected to grow from $288 billion in 2021 to $415 billion in 2028 as more people populate the globe (Cosmetics Market Size, Share, & COVID-19 Impact Analysis, 2022). This research paper analyzes sustainability within the cosmetic industry. Specifically, comparing the practices between The Body Shop and Bath & Body Works. To test the hypothesis that The Body Shop is more sustainable than Bath & Body Works, a case study analysis was conducted to measure the companies’ performance in the environmental, economic, and social sectors. Comparable metrics were selected, and a pairwise comparison was completed to weigh the different metrics. To analyze the results, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to ensure consistency in metric weights, and a Mann-Whitney U test was used to analyze the sector's final weights. The results verified the hypothesis that The Body Shop was more sustainable than Bath & Body Works. In all, the results support the idea that the cosmetic industry needs stronger regulations and oversight of cosmetic companies’ sustainability impact. One of the most prevalent limitations of this study is the lack of transparency and information from cosmetic companies. Moving forward, it is recommended to use data from multiple years with key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess sustainability performance more accurately.

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Development of a Comprehensive Questionnaire for Autism and Related Symptoms

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The purpose of this project was to develop a new questionnaire that was comprehensive and included symptoms of autism and related disorders. 28 parents of children with autism and two adults with autism were interviewed and asked to fill out

The purpose of this project was to develop a new questionnaire that was comprehensive and included symptoms of autism and related disorders. 28 parents of children with autism and two adults with autism were interviewed and asked to fill out the questionnaire and rate their child’s symptoms based on the available scale. From their responses, we were able to edit and improve the questionnaire to make it clearer and more concise. We added new symptoms and improved the descriptions of the symptoms listed. The new version of the questionnaire will be edited after interviewing the same 30 people again. After, it will need to be validated by a large study of around 300 people. The questionnaire will be used in an app format and help parents rate their child’s symptoms during clinical studies of medical treatments.

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Creating a Business Plan for New Dendrite Identification Technologies and Comparing Them to Existing Ones

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This thesis explore how current tracking technologies such as the 1D barcode, QR code, and RFID commercialized in the business world. After a comparison of the current technologies, a pitch is created for DENSEC ID and a subsequent business plan is created.

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Founder’s Lab - GoSmall Health

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The Founder’s lab is a year-long program that gives students an opportunity to participate in a unique team-based, experiential Barrett honors thesis project to design and apply marketing and sales strategies, as well as business and financial models to start

The Founder’s lab is a year-long program that gives students an opportunity to participate in a unique team-based, experiential Barrett honors thesis project to design and apply marketing and sales strategies, as well as business and financial models to start up and launch a new business. This Barrett honors thesis project focuses on increasing the accessibility of health and wellness programs for small businesses and their employees through a customizable and easily implemented third party program that encourages employee retention.
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A Tale of Community Resistance: Felony Disenfranchisement in South Phoenix, Arizona

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This paper focusses on voter disenfranchisement among people who have been previously incarcerated in Arizona. It seeks to answer the question how does removing a felon’s right to vote affect their ties to community?

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Social Entrepreneurship with Tony's Chocolonely

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Students completing a Cross-Sector Leadership certificate through ASU's Next Generation Service Corps program are required to take a course on social entrepreneurship. In partnership with the program and Tony's Chocolonely, a Dutch chocolate company working to make 100% slave free

Students completing a Cross-Sector Leadership certificate through ASU's Next Generation Service Corps program are required to take a course on social entrepreneurship. In partnership with the program and Tony's Chocolonely, a Dutch chocolate company working to make 100% slave free the norm in the chocolate industry, a semester-long course has been designed for this, including a week-long study abroad element to the company headquarters in Amsterdam. This required designing 15 weeks of academic content from start to finish; planning a trip itinerary and budget; collaborating with employees from Tony's Chocolonely, the ASU Global Education Office, the UNDP, and the Next Generation Service Corps at ASU; and preparing all of the material necessary for proposing a study abroad course for a future course instructor to present to the Global Education Office when it is ready to be implemented.

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Development of the SmartPad System for Energy Expenditure Measurement: A Novel Internet of Things (IoT) Diagnostic Medical Device for Obesity Treatment and Physical Fitness

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Energy Expenditure (EE) (kcal/day) is a key parameter used to guide obesity treatment, and it is often measured from CO2 production, VCO2 (mL/min), and/or O2 consumption, VO2 (mL/min) through the principles of indirect calorimetry. Current EE measurement technologies are limited

Energy Expenditure (EE) (kcal/day) is a key parameter used to guide obesity treatment, and it is often measured from CO2 production, VCO2 (mL/min), and/or O2 consumption, VO2 (mL/min) through the principles of indirect calorimetry. Current EE measurement technologies are limited due to the requirement of wearable facial accessories, which can introduce errors as measurements are not taken under free-living conditions. A novel contactless system, the SmartPad, which measures EE via VCO2 from a room’s ambient CO2 concentration transients was evaluated. First, SmartPad accuracy was validated by comparing the SmartPad’s EE and VCO2 measurements with the measurements of a reference instrument, the MGC Ultima CPXTM, in a cross-sectional study consisting of 20 subjects. A high correlation between the SmartPad’s EE and VCO2 measurements and the MGC Ultima CPX’s EE and VCO2 measurements was found, and the Bland-Altman plots contained a low mean bias for EE and VCO2 measurements. Thus, the SmartPad was validated as being accurate for VCO2 and EE measurements. Next, resting EE (REE) and exercise VCO2 measurements were recorded using the SmartPad and the MGC Ultima CPXTM at different operating CO2 threshold ranges to investigate the influence of measurement duration on system accuracy in an effort to optimize the SmartPad system. The SmartPad displayed 90% accuracy (±1 SD) for 14–19 min of REE measurement and for 4.8–7.0 min of exercise, using a known room’s air exchange rate. Additionally, the SmartPad was validated by accurately measuring subjects’ REE across a wide range of body mass indexes (BMI = 18.8 to 31.4 kg/m^2) with REEs ranging from ~1200 to ~3000 kcal/day. Lastly, the SmartPad has been used to assess the physical fitness of subjects via the “Contactless Thermodynamic Efficiency Test” (CTET).

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The Level of Evolutionary Acceptance Among Religious Students

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Theories about the human origin in evolution and religion are fundamentally countering beliefs that are still debated to this day. This study continues to explore this relationship in the college population at a public university with the intention of targeting

Theories about the human origin in evolution and religion are fundamentally countering beliefs that are still debated to this day. This study continues to explore this relationship in the college population at a public university with the intention of targeting a diverse religious population. This research hopes to answer the question: does having greater literacy in evolution lead to a noninterventionist perspective on evolution? The prediction is that evidence of increased evolution comprehension will influence students to have a more agnostic, or noninterventionist, view on evolution. An evolution class was given a survey that had two parts broken into demographic and evolution sections with one question that asks about compatibility between evolution and religion. This was given twice in a single semester to track the growth of evolution knowledge and any other differences. There were 265 students in the initial survey, but only 223 responses in the post-survey. The compatibility question had 8 statements that range from creationist to atheistic perspectives and was divided into two sides: interventionist (divine involvement) and noninterventionist (deity may be present but does not intervene). More than 70% of the class had a noninterventionist perspective on evolution despite the Christian categories being the second largest group students identified with after agnostic. The agnostic statement was the top choice followed by the atheistic answer on the noninterventionist side. Lastly, there was some growth of evolution knowledge for each religious category in the evolution section but is not significant for interpretation. Based on the collected data, it is not sufficient to answer the question and requires more data collection via a longitudinal study.

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Analyzing the Influence of Sustainable Design on Student Success in On-Campus Housing

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Student housing at American universities have been compared to prison cells in pop culture ad nauseum, but how far does this joke actually reflect reality? Most freshmen are required to live in student housing for their first year of college,

Student housing at American universities have been compared to prison cells in pop culture ad nauseum, but how far does this joke actually reflect reality? Most freshmen are required to live in student housing for their first year of college, yet these spaces are most notorious for having small windows, tightly packed beds, questionable food access, thin walls, and little ability for customization. Impacting the sight, touch, taste, sound, and speech of residents, respectively, these living conditions unavoidably impact the on-campus freshman experience in an integral way and deserve more intentionality of their design. The marketed purpose of offering housing and requiring on-campus living by universities is to ensure students are able to form a community and connect to campus as soon as they arrive. Yet, to what extent does this university-held goal to retain students fail when the goals of individual students do not have conditions in which to be successful? To what extent do the goals of the university actually hold students prisoner to a poorly designed system?
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