A Comparative Study of Social Media Usage by Nonprofits in the U.S. and Japan: Measuring User Engagement on Facebook

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The purpose of this study is to identify and examine how top revenue-generating nonprofits in Japan and the U.S. use Facebook, and to compare the differences. The two countries were selected due to the differing levels of government support for

The purpose of this study is to identify and examine how top revenue-generating nonprofits in Japan and the U.S. use Facebook, and to compare the differences. The two countries were selected due to the differing levels of government support for social welfare and related programs as the level of government support for social welfare tends to affect the size of a country’s nonprofit. To compare nonprofits in two countries, the International Classification of Nonprofit Organizations (ICNPO) was applied. U.S. nonprofits tend to offer more information on their Facebook profile compared to Japanese nonprofits. Additionally, 83% of nonprofits in the U.S. had a Facebook profile, while only 67% of Japanese nonprofits had a Facebook profile. As for engagement, this research shows that Japanese nonprofits tend to have better engagement compared to U.S. nonprofits. Additionally, with respect to post types, in the U.S. it is clear that for nonprofits in the Health category, posting images helps to promote engagement with users. However, in Japan, the same is true only for the Social Service category. While images tend to help increase engagement, posts with videos lower engagement for the U.S. cultural, health, philanthropic, and international nonprofits. However, in Japan, posting videos has a positive correlation with engagement for social service and environmental nonprofits. In addition, for Japanese nonprofits, posting an external link hurts engagement if the nonprofit is in either the Health or Philanthropic categories, which is the same for the U.S. However, posting an external link increases engagement for nonprofits in the Environmental category in Japan, but increases engagement for nonprofits in the Cultural category in the U.S. With respect to post content type, requesting donations through external links caused decreased comment based engagement for U.S. nonprofits. For Japanese nonprofits, including videos on posts requesting volunteers or donations increases comment based engagement. While some of these results are surprising, they indicate that different approaches are needed in different nonprofit categories and in different countries if nonprofits want to maximize user engagement.
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Knowledge Advancement in Nonprofit and Public Management Research: The Potential of Meta-Analysis

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Knowledge advancement occurs when the creation of new and useful knowledge encompasses and supersedes earlier knowledge. A rapidly growing number of scholars with state-of-the-art research tools has led to the growth of knowledge exploration in almost every field. It, however,

Knowledge advancement occurs when the creation of new and useful knowledge encompasses and supersedes earlier knowledge. A rapidly growing number of scholars with state-of-the-art research tools has led to the growth of knowledge exploration in almost every field. It, however, has been observed that the findings of new studies frequently differ from previously established evidence and even disagree with one another. Conflicting and contradictory results prevail in the literature. This phenomenon has puzzled many people with respect to which findings are reliable and which should be considered as valid. Inconclusive results in the literature inhibit, rather than facilitate, knowledge advancement in sciences. Meta-analysis, which is referred to as the analysis of analyses, designed to synthesize findings from a large collection of quantitative analyses that produce inconsistent results has become a major research method in the fields of medicine, education, and psychology; however, the method has been slow to penetrate research in nonprofit and public management (NPM). This study, therefore, discusses how meta-analysis contributes to knowledge advancement in the fields of nonprofit and public management by using nonprofit commercialization as an example to examine its impact on nonprofit capacity and donations, respectively. The attention of this discussion is directed toward how the use of meta-regression models is able to offer new and useful knowledge that encompasses and supersedes earlier knowledge in the literature with evidence-based results. Moreover, this study examines whether the use of SEM-based meta-analysis produces equivalent results when compared with results from traditional meta-regression models. The comparison results suggest that the use of SEM-based meta-analysis is able to produce equivalent results even when missing data are present. Overall, this study makes at least two contributions. First, it introduces a newly-developed method for conducting meta-analysis to the field of NPM. This method is especially useful when there are missing data in data sets. Second and most importantly, this study demonstrates how knowledge advancement in NPM can be achieved by conducting meta-analysis.
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Case study: the closing of the Arizona interfaith alliance for worker justice and implications on barriers to civic engagement in its wake

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The Arizona Interfaith Alliance for Worker Justice (AIAWJ) was a mediating structure for those who wanted to be civically engaged in the labor movement and other coalitions in Phoenix, Arizona. It not only served its constituents, but it integrated, educated,

The Arizona Interfaith Alliance for Worker Justice (AIAWJ) was a mediating structure for those who wanted to be civically engaged in the labor movement and other coalitions in Phoenix, Arizona. It not only served its constituents, but it integrated, educated, and empowered them. Due to lack of funding the AIAWJ closed in the summer of 2016. Many community members from marginalized neighborhoods, other concerned citizens, students, myself, and others participated in their first and only civic engagement opportunities through this organization and were subsequently left with no connections, a barrier to being civically engaged. Through interviews and secondary data research, the relationship between people, mediating structures, and civic engagement activity are examined. The key findings support existing research that emphasizes the importance of mediating structures when it comes to civic engagement.
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