The Roots of White Supremacy: A Comparative Historical Analysis of the US Criminal Justice System

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This thesis explores the historical development of the criminal justice system across four eras. The system has been utilized to control and exploit Black people for economic gain. After the American Revolution, and the rise of the penitentiary, many argued

This thesis explores the historical development of the criminal justice system across four eras. The system has been utilized to control and exploit Black people for economic gain. After the American Revolution, and the rise of the penitentiary, many argued that imprisoning individuals for labor was reminiscent of the institution of slavery itself, which highlights the criminal justice system's potential to target and control Black people. During the pre-Civil War era, white slave owners established slave patrols to prevent enslaved Black people from leaving their plantation, and to control the movement of Blacks more broadly. These early slave patrols provided an institutional foundation for the later development of the modern police force. During Reconstruction, the Ku Klux Klan adopted the methods of slave patrols to maintain white supremacy and control over Blacks with lynching becoming everyday occurrences. During the Jim Crow era, Black communities faced widespread discrimination, and the system was used to enforce racial segregation and maintain white dominance. The Civil Rights Movement marked a turning point against Jim Crow. However, the post-Civil Rights era was met with the War on Drugs and the rise of mass incarceration, which disproportionately affected Black communities. To gain equality, Black people have consistently been met with backlash, often supported by the criminal justice system. While reforming the system is necessary, it is unlikely to eliminate racism and white supremacy. A more comprehensive approach is needed to address the root causes of these issues and ensure equality and justice for all.Keywords: white supremacy, racism, color-blind, police violence, slave patrol, slavery, convict leasing system
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Black Lives Matter: Four Police Perspectives


First and foremost, I would like to begin by saying that not only has this project been one of the most challenging ones I have ever taken on, but it has also been one of the most rewarding. The point

First and foremost, I would like to begin by saying that not only has this project been one of the most challenging ones I have ever taken on, but it has also been one of the most rewarding. The point of this project began by wanting to explore the way police officers perceive social justice movements relating to police brutality. I sat down with a total of four current police officers and asked each of them the same set of questions in relation to their perceptions of Black Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter, and the Defund the Police movements. The idea for this project sparked in my mind after all of the events and riots that occurred back in 2020, sparking protests worldwide. These protests were not only about police brutality but also about the treatment of Black Americans and other minorities when confronted by law enforcement.  I am taking a grounded theory approach to this paper, as my point was to go out and conduct my own research and gain my own first-hand knowledge from none other than the officers themselves. I am doing this to understand how they perceive these movements all around them, as well as how they understand police brutality themselves. In this project, I will ultimately tell the stories of 9 voices on police brutality and what they perceive justice to be in situations of extreme injustice, and loss of life. I would also like to clarify the fact that two out of these four victims were not killed by officers themselves, but the officers were complicit in the wrongdoings. I feel that no matter what the color of your skin is, it is important that we all understand and grasp the depth of this issue, as the rate of fatal police shootings among Black Americans has been much higher and is currently standing at 5.9 fatal shootings per million of the population per year between 2015 and March 2023 (Statista, 2023). Between 2015 and 2022, there have been approximately 2,146 recorded police officer deaths according to National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. We as a society cannot keep living like this, and the sooner we understand the root of the problem, the sooner we can begin to create a pathway to have these difficult discussions needed for true social change.  

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U.S. Industrialization of Agriculture and its Alternatives


As technology has evolved over time and the U.S. population increases each year, this thesis focuses on the ways in which food production has shifted from the original farm to table to industrialized, processed food systems. Through a rationalization perspective,

As technology has evolved over time and the U.S. population increases each year, this thesis focuses on the ways in which food production has shifted from the original farm to table to industrialized, processed food systems. Through a rationalization perspective, this research looks to the history and repercussions of industrial agriculture as it has shifted over time. The term over-industrialization is used to operationalize the state of our current production methods. These methods focus extensively on the least expensive and most rapid methods to produce large yields of food products and pay no mind to ethics, respect of culture, land, or quality of products. Today, there is a shroud the corporations have placed over food production to ensure a “what we can’t see doesn’t affect us” belief system. In this way, the thesis provides insight on past, current, and future methods of manufacturing. I conclude that although plausible alternatives are present, continued research and substantial producer and consumer changes must be our main priority.

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This creative project is a compilation of the research of three Latin countries, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico and the influence on popular cuisines. The project focuses on how colonization and indigenous cultures from the respective countries blended and created fusion

This creative project is a compilation of the research of three Latin countries, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico and the influence on popular cuisines. The project focuses on how colonization and indigenous cultures from the respective countries blended and created fusion foods. The project findings will ultimately be compiled into an interactive recipe book. By examining Latin immigrant recipes and their different variations, as well as the history of certain ingredients and their usages, I understood that the history of these recipes is not black and white. Researching certain ingredients helped me understand what pattern in history I was looking for when it came to indigenous recipes to the country and what was influenced. I sought out the roots of these famous recipes expecting to find how European and national roots influenced them. Further research indicated that fusion foods were not experimental recipes but a modernized fusion of the roots.

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Chile, Colombia, and Mexico: A Cookbook from Generations Past

This creative project is a compilation of the research of three Latin countries, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico and the influence on popular cuisines. The project focuses on how colonization and indigenous cultures from the respective countries blended and created fusion

This creative project is a compilation of the research of three Latin countries, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico and the influence on popular cuisines. The project focuses on how colonization and indigenous cultures from the respective countries blended and created fusion foods. The project findings will ultimately be compiled into an interactive recipe book. By examining Latin immigrant recipes and their different variations, as well as the history of certain ingredients and their usages, I understood that the history of these recipes is not black and white. Researching certain ingredients helped me understand what pattern in history I was looking for when it came to indigenous recipes to the country and what was influenced. I sought out the roots of these famous recipes expecting to find how European and national roots influenced them. Further research indicated that fusion foods were not experimental recipes but a modernized fusion of the roots.
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The Democratic Party, De-Centering of Race, and The Partisan Liberal Bargain

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Drawing from feminist scholarship, this thesis re-articulates the concept of “liberal bargain” to makes sense of political parties, race and class in the United States. Specifically, the concept of “partisan liberal bargain” is developed in this thesis to capture how

Drawing from feminist scholarship, this thesis re-articulates the concept of “liberal bargain” to makes sense of political parties, race and class in the United States. Specifically, the concept of “partisan liberal bargain” is developed in this thesis to capture how the Democratic party's behavior strategically de-centers race in favor of class discourse. These bargains, the thesis argues, reinforces how liberal orders and racial orders operate together to marginalize both racial and class-based minorities. Employing discourse analysis of over 1,000 news articles, the thesis reveals and unpacks bargains occurring during the 2016 and 2020 Democratic primaries, with a focus on three policy areas where racial justice is intimately and historically embedded: 1) criminal justice, 2) health care, and 3) environmental policy. Discourse analysis empirically captures the thesis’ concept of partisan liberal bargains, showing a prominent lack of concrete or substantial centering of race and strong centering of class and neoliberal discourse. Thus, despite the Democratic party’s strong African American voting bloc and association as the party of race and diversity, this thesis and the concept of partisan liberal bargains shows that racial justice is avoided and even delegitimized in party politics.
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Understanding the Role of Human Attitudes on Pro-Environmental Behaviors and Conservation

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Collective human attitudes influenced by macro-forces that impact environmental issues are partially correlated to our behaviors for the good and the harm of the planet. In this thesis, I will explore how collective human attitudes contribute to pro-environmental behaviors, common

Collective human attitudes influenced by macro-forces that impact environmental issues are partially correlated to our behaviors for the good and the harm of the planet. In this thesis, I will explore how collective human attitudes contribute to pro-environmental behaviors, common and pre-existing frames of mind on major conservation dilemmas, and finally suggest future directions on how humans could be inclined to take on more environmental responsibility through an increase in human-environmental connectivity. It is found that humans are largely driven by institution structures, education, and social influence. In conclusion, more efforts should be placed to further analyze these structural incentives for pro-environmental behaviors and use them to make environmental stewardship more accessible for all people and diverse circumstances. This can be done by evaluating the human dimensions of what influences human attitudes and behaviors, how to use these forces to systematically influence pro-environmental choices, applying these structural forces to main conservation issues, and further incorporating moral discourse into the environmental research in order to appeal correctly to all aspects and perspectives. Only when human connectivity is understood in relation to the natural sciences will we be able to make positive change in the direction of a healthier Earth.

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Immigrant Justice in an Era of National Borders: Multi-Level Governance and Advocacy in the U.S. and Greece

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This project seeks to explore how organizations work toward refugee and immigrant integration through forming different types of coalitions and strategic networks. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to identify when coalitions emerge between refugee organizations and immigrant rights groups in

This project seeks to explore how organizations work toward refugee and immigrant integration through forming different types of coalitions and strategic networks. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to identify when coalitions emerge between refugee organizations and immigrant rights groups in order to examine their development, from how the coalitions broadly conceive of refugee and immigrant rights, to how they organize resources and information sharing, service provision, policy advocacy, and policy implementation. The project is guided by the question: What explains the formation of coalitions that advocate for both immigrant rights and refugee rights? Through examining the formation and development of these coalitions, this thesis engages at the intersections of immigration federalism, refugee studies and human rights scholarship to reveal deeper complexities in the politics of immigrant integration. The project sharpens these three scholarly intersections by three multi-level jurisdictions – California and Arizona in the United States and Athens in Greece – and by employing comparative analysis to unpack how national governments and federalism dynamics shape coalition building around immigrant integration.
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The experiences of black mothers of incarcerated children: with a focus on their sons

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The thesis for this study is that structural racism within the U.S. criminal system causes Black mothers to assume the emotional work of caring for incarcerated sons. This project was designed using an interpretive approach that employed a combination of

The thesis for this study is that structural racism within the U.S. criminal system causes Black mothers to assume the emotional work of caring for incarcerated sons. This project was designed using an interpretive approach that employed a combination of qualitative and auto-ethnographic methods, drawing on grounded theory principle. Six interviews were conducted with mothers in order to gain in-depth insight into their lived experiences. An auto-ethnographic method was used to analyze the author’s own personal experiences as a family member of the incarcerated in dialogue with the experiences of the broader research population. Studies on the key finding of the psycho-social impacts on mothers with incarcerated sons have explored the relationship between the mental depression of mothers and their son’s incarceration. They have found that financial challenges, dwindling social connections, lousy parenting evaluations, as well as the burden of care of the grandchildren of the incarcerated sons are some of the mediating factors of this relationship. A second key finding also showed that incarceration have had social-economic effects on the prisoner’s families. These families experience extreme financial hardship as a result of incarcerated loved ones. Another finding showed the unique coping strategies for mothers included assuming care taking responsibility, maintaining family relationships, and budget control. Finally, this study found that there are challenges to re-entry experienced by mothers with incarcerated sons when their released. Research findings and original contribution to scholarly knowledge uncovered that Black mothers of the incarcerated in addition to working the Second Shift, are experiencing the phenomena of what is coined to be the “Third Shift.”
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