Beyond Screen Time: Relationships between Psychological Well-being and Self-Perceptions in Social Media versus Offline Contexts across Generations

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People express themselves differently on social media than in physical life. Some seem as if they were a different person on social media than offline. However, little research has tested whether the perceived similarity between offline and social media contexts

People express themselves differently on social media than in physical life. Some seem as if they were a different person on social media than offline. However, little research has tested whether the perceived similarity between offline and social media contexts is linked to psychological well-being. Whether people perceive themselves as similar between offline and social media contexts may contribute to understanding the links between social media use and psychological well-being. This dissertation addresses whether people perceive themselves as the same on social media as offline (Studies 1 and 2), whether this perceived similarity is linked to psychological well-being (Study 2), and the potential role of generation (Study 2)—focusing on comparisons between digital “natives” (Generation Z) and “immigrants” (Baby Boomers) who show different patterns of social media use. Across two studies of college student and online samples, participants completed measures of the Big Five personality traits specified for offline and social media contexts. Study 2 participants further completed measures of psychological well-being (e.g., depression, life satisfaction, self-esteem) and submitted records of their logged mobile phone use. Findings showed that across generations, people tend to view themselves as similar between offline and social media contexts but not the same in terms of their personality traits. Boomers actually perceived themselves as more similar between offline and social media than Gen Z, even when controlling for logged mobile phone use. Perceived similarity between offline and social media selves was not linked positively to psychological well-being (and there were small generation differences whereby the link appeared to be more negative in Gen Z relative to Boomers). The expectation that perceived similarity between offline and social media should be linked to positive outcomes in terms of psychological well-being may not apply to the context of social media, particularly for Gen Z. Studying psychology in offline and social media contexts separately and jointly will be important to understand the social well-being of the emerging digital world.
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Helping in Times of Need Increases Dispositional Empathic Concern Over Time

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Previous work suggests that lower-income individuals are more likely to engage in mutual aid as a means to manage risk, giving rise to a psychology that is other-oriented, including an empathetic disposition and a proclivity to help people in need.

Previous work suggests that lower-income individuals are more likely to engage in mutual aid as a means to manage risk, giving rise to a psychology that is other-oriented, including an empathetic disposition and a proclivity to help people in need. While no study has directly investigated whether helping in times of need increases dispositional empathic concern over time, this assumption is deep-seated among social psychologists. Employing a two-year longitudinal survey of US adults (N = 915), I show that people who experience more needs report helping others when in need a greater number of times, in turn leading to a small but positive increase in their empathetic disposition. This study also identifies the types of needs that elicit empathic concern (i.e., those that arise from unpredictable sources of risk), and shows why cultivating an empathetic disposition is likely to pay off in the long run: those who provide help are more likely to receive help during future times of need. Moreover, this study identifies the types of targets for whom providing help might cultivate an empathetic disposition: those with whom people are likely to share lower interdependence. While previous theoretical frameworks posit that empathic concern selectively directs investment towards interdependent others, providing help to non-interdependent targets might allow people to build positive interdependence with prospective risk pooling partners. Cultivating an empathetic disposition and building interdependence with prospective risk pooling partners can allow people to manage needs that arise from unpredictable sources of risk.
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Does Genetic Conflict Contribute to Pregnancy Complications and Postpartum Health and Behavior?

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Pregnancy is often described as one of the most cooperative ventures that a woman can experience in her lifetime. But when one considers the biological changes that occur during pregnancy, it becomes clear that pregnancy is not as cooperative as

Pregnancy is often described as one of the most cooperative ventures that a woman can experience in her lifetime. But when one considers the biological changes that occur during pregnancy, it becomes clear that pregnancy is not as cooperative as it seems on the surface. The current research uses a genetic conflict framework to predict how underlying conflict between mother and fetus over resource transfers is expected to alter eating behavior and food preferences, and how these changes in eating behavior and preferences should then be associated with certain pregnancy complications. Across two studies, women who had recently had a baby (Study 1) or were currently pregnant (Study 2) recalled changes in their eating behavior during pregnancy as well as any pregnancy complications they experienced during that pregnancy. Providing partial support for the hypotheses, women who reported increased vomiting in response to maternal-favoring foods were more likely to experience preeclampsia during pregnancy. In addition, the results provided preliminary evidence that changes in pregnancy eating behavior were associated with an increased the likelihood of experiencing high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, and infections during pregnancy. Taken together, these studies show that the framework of genetic conflict makes testable predictions about the relationship between eating behavior in pregnancy and pregnancy complications, and that several pregnancy complications that are relevant to genetic conflict (high blood pressure, pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, and infection) are associated with changes in eating behavior in pregnancy. Future research should continue to investigate how genetic conflict influences the relationships between pregnancy eating behavior, pregnancy complications, and how these associations impact postpartum health.
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How is the Behavioral Immune System Related to Culturally-Learned Disease Avoidance Strategies?

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Infectious disease presents a serious threat to our fitness. The biological immune system provides several mechanisms for dealing with this threat. So too does another system: the behavioral immune system. This second system is proposed to consist of a set

Infectious disease presents a serious threat to our fitness. The biological immune system provides several mechanisms for dealing with this threat. So too does another system: the behavioral immune system. This second system is proposed to consist of a set of evolved cognitive, affective, and behavioral strategies for reducing the likelihood of infection, including xenophobia, traditionalism, and food neophobia. In the present work, I investigate how another suite of fairly novel culturally-learned disease avoidance strategies, namely hygiene behaviors and knowledge of germ theory, are related to the behavioral immune system. Across two studies, I find that individuals who engage in more hygiene behaviors show less evidence of reliance on several elements of the behavioral immune system (i.e., xenophobia, traditionalism, food neophobia). Similarly, individuals who know more about germ theory show less engagement in behavioral immune system components. These findings suggest that effective cultural strategies for avoiding infectious disease may supplant older, evolved psychological strategies with the same purpose.
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Exploring How Relationship Difficulties and Conflicts Might Build Character

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People experience challenges and conflicts in their romantic relationships. Such difficulties yield different outcomes: these events can make us into better partners and strengthen our romantic relationships, or they can weaken us and threaten those relationships. Thus, some conflicts might

People experience challenges and conflicts in their romantic relationships. Such difficulties yield different outcomes: these events can make us into better partners and strengthen our romantic relationships, or they can weaken us and threaten those relationships. Thus, some conflicts might be positive for couples in the long-term despite short-term stress. The current study sought to address this possibility. Across two studies (total N = 600), I found three main components that were related to perceptions of strength outcomes across couple conflict types. First, conflict between romantic partners involving commitment, sex, trust, infidelity, and controlling behavior were generally associated with perceptions of less positive outcomes than other conflicts. On the other hand, conflict between romantic partners involving addiction, finance, grief, family stress, illness, or jobs and education were associated with perceptions of relatively more positive outcomes. Additionally, I find communication is associated with conflicts that were related to long-distance, household chores, and sex. The nature of this work is exploratory, and other research is needed to confirm these results. Nonetheless, our study demonstrates differences in how people characterize the difficulties and conflicts that occur in romantic relationships.

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The Effects of a Brief Exposure to Nature on Psychological Well-Being

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As the use of social media becomes more prevalent, especially in adolescents and young adults, there is a growing need to understand how social media use affects psychological well-being in the emerging adult population. Prior research has found that exposure

As the use of social media becomes more prevalent, especially in adolescents and young adults, there is a growing need to understand how social media use affects psychological well-being in the emerging adult population. Prior research has found that exposure to nature reduces stress and increases attention in comparison to urban environments, but nature has not been studied as a way to reduce the potentially negative effects of social media. The current study aimed to determine if viewing social media or nature for a brief time affected psychological well-being, social comparisons, future self-identification, and awe, and to test whether viewing nature scenes could buffer the effects of viewing social media. Data was collected from 275 participants using a survey on Amazon Mechanical Turk. Results showed that emerging adults exposed to nature scenes had significantly less negative affect compared to those exposed to their social media feeds. Exploratory analyses showed that those who spent more time outside tended to experience decreased negative affect when they viewed both social media and nature photos, but those who spent more time outside experienced increased negative affect when only viewing social media. Those who used social media more often generally experienced lower negative affect. Findings show that relations between humans, social media, and nature, are complex, and further research into these relations and their underlying causes may be beneficial.

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Identification in Stigmatized Groups: Investigating the Role of Status Threat, Concealability, and Stereotype Endorsement

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This study tested the effect of status threat on ingroup identification and examined identity concealability and stereotype endorsement as moderators of the relationship. Participants included a visible identity group (Asian men) and a concealable identity group (gay men). Participants were

This study tested the effect of status threat on ingroup identification and examined identity concealability and stereotype endorsement as moderators of the relationship. Participants included a visible identity group (Asian men) and a concealable identity group (gay men). Participants were randomized into either a status threat condition, in which they read a vignette that reminded them of a negative stereotype about the target group and discussed positive stereotypes of the group as well, or a control condition that discussed positive stereotypes only. Participants then responded to a measure of ingroup identification and a measure of stereotype endorsement. A significant main effect of status threat on ingroup identification was found, such that participants in the status threat condition showed lower ingroup identification. The interaction of condition and concealability was not significant. The interaction of condition and stereotype endorsement was marginally significant, such that the main effect shows up stronger for those lower on stereotype endorsement. The main effect is interpreted as a potential protective strategy for self-esteem. The stereotype threat interaction is interpreted as a difference in the way that those who do and do not endorse the stereotype view the legitimacy of the status threat.

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The Effect Of Discrete Positive Emotions On Attentional Focus and Creativity

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Both attentional focus and creativity have been shown to differ depending on the emotional state one is experiencing. We hypothesize that different positive emotions, in this case amusement, enthusiasm and awe, induce characteristically different breadths of attentional focus that are

Both attentional focus and creativity have been shown to differ depending on the emotional state one is experiencing. We hypothesize that different positive emotions, in this case amusement, enthusiasm and awe, induce characteristically different breadths of attentional focus that are reflective of their respective evolutionary functions and levels of approach motivation. Ultimately we predict that high-approach motivations such as enthusiasm will result in attentional localization and an overall decrease in creativity, whereas low-approach motivations, such as amusement and awe, will result in attentional globalization and overall increased levels of creativity. In this study 105 participants read an emotion inducing story, followed by a globalization attentional focus test, the Alternate Uses Task test for creativity, and an emotion manipulation check. A 1-way ANOVA followed by several t-tests were completed to compare the effects of the different emotion conditions as a whole, and then individually against one another. The experiment was statistically underpowered, and as such there were no significant differences found either for overall emotional affects or those between emotions. However, the patterns suggested by the results of the analyses were not expected and creativity measures differed strongly from predicted results. Data collection is ongoing, and in the future problems with study underpowerment will likely be amended.

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Are You My Father? Paternal Uncertainty and Genetic Testing

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Developments in commercial genetic testing have made it possible for people to find out a wealth of information that was previously difficult or impossible to obtain. Genetic testing is a novel solution to the adaptive problem of paternal uncertainty. We

Developments in commercial genetic testing have made it possible for people to find out a wealth of information that was previously difficult or impossible to obtain. Genetic testing is a novel solution to the adaptive problem of paternal uncertainty. We hypothesized that participants in the control condition would have greater interest in their paternal genetic information than their maternal genetic information and that participants who were cued to their dissimilarities with their father would seek out genetic information regarding their paternal side of the family above all other conditions. Neither of the two tested hypotheses were supported by the data. Analyses of several variables suggest that the manipulation did work to enhance perceptions of similarity and dissimilarity to parents, that participants were paying attention, and that the dependent variables were sensitive. Some incidental findings suggest that feelings of similarity, rather than dissimilarity, to father are related to interest in learning about paternal genealogy.
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Sex Differences in Patterns of Criminal Ideation

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Research into criminal fantasies has thus far primarily focused on homicidal. Here, we broaden the study of criminal ideation by examining a wide range of violent and non-violent criminal fantasies. Specifically, we aimed to compare the magnitude of sex

Research into criminal fantasies has thus far primarily focused on homicidal. Here, we broaden the study of criminal ideation by examining a wide range of violent and non-violent criminal fantasies. Specifically, we aimed to compare the magnitude of sex difference in actual crimes to sex differences in crime fantasies. Using a questionnaire design, participants were asked about the frequency and recency of multiple categories of criminal fantasies, including violent and non-violent crimes. Reports of crime fantasies from this questionnaire were compared to national rates of arrest and incident for these actual crimes. Results indicated that men not only commit crimes more frequently than women do, they also fantasize about crimes more frequently. At the same time, such sex differences in crime fantasies were smaller than sex differences in actual crimes. Future studies should continue to explore the purpose of crime fantasies and their relation to behavioral regulation mechanisms.
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