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2021年初笔者所在公司(D公司)邀请第三方咨询公司实施激励机制变革项目,历经半年完成调研、方案设计与培训落地,同年7月1日正式执行新的激励机制方案。 本文以笔者所在公司为实证调研对象,通过激励机制调整前后的两次问卷调查,与两次问卷调查期间的员工访谈与观察、财务数据监控等,深入探究企业激励机制调整前后公司员工敬业度与员工绩效的具体影响。 基于D公司激励机制调整,研究员工敬业度与员工绩效的具体变化,对D公司来说,第一可以验证激励变革效果,审视并梳理公司激励原则。第二可以关注员工敬业度对员工绩效的的作用机制,指导企业发展变革。相关的研究成果对其他激励变革的企业也有一定的借鉴意义,基于本文的实证研究对员工敬业度与员工绩效的作用机制有一定的理论贡献。 激励变革前后员工敬业度的变化,量表采用知名专业咨询公司盖洛普精心设计的工作环境评测与管理工具Q12,这个调研工具已经在世界上许多个大型公司实施、获得良好效果。Q12是设计用来调查员工对工作环境及员工敬业度的一系列题目。我在此基础上加入性别、年龄、工龄等变量,同时加入员工访谈与观察。激励变革前后员工绩效的具体变化,提取财务数据体现。
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企业文化认同度与工作满意度、工作绩效的关系 --基于青山实业中高层管理人员调研的实证研究

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自雇司机是公路货运司机中比例人数最多、最基层的一员,他们在公路物流行业中扮演着极为重要的角色,他们承担着各种来源的压力。本文以疫情前后按揭购买卡车的自雇司机为研究样本,基于本研究收集到的独特数据,研究发现自雇卡车司机在面临按揭压力时,倾向采取更为激进的经营及驾驶行为,表现为更少的休息天数、更长的工作时长以及更危险的高速驾驶行为,并在一系列稳健性检验中基本结论仍然存在;基于新冠疫情事件研究发现,新冠疫情带来的非预期性经济停摆和收入中断,导致疫情前的发生的按揭贷款的卡车司机面临更强的还款压力,在经济恢复后面对按揭压力更有可能采用激进的经营和驾驶行为;进一步,通过机制检验研究本文发现这种按揭压力主要表现为担心当前或者未来发生不能及时偿还按揭款。再者,基于人格性征和家庭支持的调节效应检验,本文发现神经质人格特征、谨慎尽责性人格特征以及工作压力感没有在按揭压力与自雇卡车司机激进的经营和驾驶选择上起到调节作用,这可能是自雇卡车司机面临的按揭压力都很大,个体性格特征很大程度无法缓和其压力感,而家庭的支持和家庭-工作平衡可以有效缓解自雇卡车司机面临按揭压力时提高工作时长和危险驾驶行为的倾向。 最后,本文设计一项随机对照干预实验,向自雇卡车司机发送短息或者微信,提醒他们避免疲劳驾驶和危险超速驾驶,然后观察发送短信微信前后自雇卡车司机经营及驾驶行为的变化,识别考察外界积极主动的关心和提醒能否起到相应的后果。本文发现对自雇卡车司机获得外部主动积极地的关心和提醒,在面临按揭压力时意识到简单地减少休息增加运营时长以及采用危险驾驶行为抢时间的策略可能给其带来很大的风险,从而相应地缓解对按揭压力的过度反应;进一步调节作用检验表明,短信干预实验在神经质和谨慎尽责性人格司机中起到更大的减缓作用,同时家庭支持较少时短信干预实现效应也更为明显。
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Examining Forms of Informal Leadership (Non)Emergence and Their Differential Consequences

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This dissertation addresses two issues in the literature on informal leadership emergence (i.e., the process of an individual without a formal leadership position coming to exert leadership influence over others). First, scholars have focused on situations in which a focal

This dissertation addresses two issues in the literature on informal leadership emergence (i.e., the process of an individual without a formal leadership position coming to exert leadership influence over others). First, scholars have focused on situations in which a focal person’s leadership claiming is aligned with a peer’s leadership granting. In doing so, past work has overlooked instances of misalignment, that is, when a focal person claims more leadership than a peer grants (i.e., overclaiming) or when a peer grants more leadership than a focal person claims (i.e., underclaiming). Second, the consensus in the literature suggests that emerging as an informal leader provides more beneficial outcomes to the individual and their team than non-emerging. However, I argue that this assumption may not be warranted in some situations, for example when a focal person’s lack of claiming is aligned with a peer’s lack of granting. Drawing on the leadership identity claiming and granting framework, I postulate four forms of informal leadership (non)emergence, namely (1) dyadic emergent leadership, (2) dyadic leadership absence, (3) overclaiming, and (4) underclaiming. Based on role theory, I then build theory regarding their effects on behavioral consequences through affective and cognitive mechanisms. More precisely, I suggest that forms characterized by congruence in leadership claiming and granting (as opposed to forms characterized by incongruence) result in increased peer backing-up behavior towards the focal person (mediated by enthusiasm and respect) and reduced peer social undermining (mediated by anger and revenge cognitions). I further hypothesize asymmetrical incongruence effects and consider a focal person’s prosocial motivation as a boundary condition. I conducted three studies to examine my theorizing. In Pilot Study 1 (N = 199), I adapted and validated a measure to assess leadership claiming and granting. In Pilot Study 2 (N = 151), I shortened established measures. In the Main Study (N = 279), I tested my theoretical predictions yielding mixed findings. Whereas I find support for the congruence effect on backing-up behavior, all other hypotheses were not supported. I report supplemental analyses to examine these null results and discuss the theoretical, empirical, and practical implications of this research.
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进入新时代,我国的经济、社会、文化和教育事业迅速发展,艺术类生源肩负着我国优秀传统文化复兴、保护、传承与发展的历史使命。“艺考热”持续多年不衰,但艺术类生源的就业率近年却持续走低,学艺期望与就业失望的矛盾突出。本论文以影响音乐类硕士研究生就业的相关自变量和因变量因素为出发点,通过文献梳理、数据分析、比较研究、问卷调查与口述访谈等研究方法,对 300 余名音乐类硕士研究生的就业情况及相关因素,进行了大量的数据收集、建模和实证分析,研究了“激情” 这一关键因素对音乐类硕士研究生就业的影响。 本论文通过实证研究,对国家艺术教育政策的改进与完善;对艺术类高校人才培养模式的优化;对艺术类人才自身质量的提升等,提出一系列具有数据支撑的意见和建议。
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关键词: 特色小镇、成功因素、虹吸效应、经济收敛
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Sucking-up in context: effects of relativity and congruence of ingratiation on social exchange relationships with supervisors and teammates

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Research suggests that behaving in an ingratiatory manner towards one’s supervisor is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, ingratiation is a powerful tool through which employees develop positive social exchange relationships with target audiences (i.e., supervisors) and subsequently obtain

Research suggests that behaving in an ingratiatory manner towards one’s supervisor is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, ingratiation is a powerful tool through which employees develop positive social exchange relationships with target audiences (i.e., supervisors) and subsequently obtain desired outcomes at work. On the other hand, third party observers of ingratiation often view this behavior (and the people enacting it) in a negative manner, thereby hindering ingratiatory employees’ ability to develop high quality social exchange relationships with these individuals. However, this research primarily focuses on how organizational actors perceive of ingratiatory employees while neglecting the social context in which this behavior occurs. This is an important limitation because there are compelling reasons to believe that the social context plays a crucial role in how individuals react to ingratiation. Specifically, the social context may influence the extent to which ingratiation is salient, valued, and/or perceived as normative behavior by organizational members both within and external to the ingratiator-target dyad, which in turn affects how this behavior relates to relationship quality with the target and observers. The objective of my dissertation is to address this limitation by integrating a social context perspective with social exchange theory to build a “frog-pond” model of ingratiation. To that end, I propose that employees’ ingratiation relative to their team members, rather than absolute levels of ingratiation, drives positive exchange quality with supervisors. Furthermore, I hypothesize that congruence between the focal employee’s ingratiation and other team members’ ingratiation increases employees’ social exchange quality with team members. I also shed light on the asymmetrical nature of ingratiation (in)congruence by investigating how different types of congruence and incongruence impact social exchange quality with team members in different ways. In addition, I examine how relative ingratiation indirectly influences supervisors’ citizenship behavior toward the focal employee via focal employee-supervisor social exchange quality, as well as how ingratiation congruence indirectly affects team members’ citizenship behavior toward the focal employee through social exchange quality between the two parties. I test my hypotheses in a multi-wave multi-source field study of 222 employees and 64 teams/supervisors.
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The Effects of Cross-Cultural Experiences: A Study of Power Distance and Gender Differences in Cultural Adjustment

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Globalization has necessitated cross-cultural communication among groups and individuals alike, often beginning with management. This project considers how the degree of Power Distance, one of Hofstede's cultural dimensions, may change over time as a result of exposure to different, and

Globalization has necessitated cross-cultural communication among groups and individuals alike, often beginning with management. This project considers how the degree of Power Distance, one of Hofstede's cultural dimensions, may change over time as a result of exposure to different, and often opposing, cultural values. We conducted two surveys 12 weeks apart collecting an initial sample of 317 and retaining a secondary sample of 142. We gathered data on demographics, education, on-campus involvement, cultural dimensions, and levels of comfort with different cultures. Through data analysis we found that as a result of exposure to different cultural values, cultural groups adjust their own views on Power Distance. Specifically, we found that the Anglo cultural group and the international cultural subgroup that had been living in the U.S. for less than 10 years trended towards each other on levels of Power Distance. We also found that international female students adjusted to new cultural surroundings faster than their male counterparts. These discoveries have led us to conclusions regarding the influence of awareness of other cultural values through international exposure, specifically that of Power Distance, as well as male versus female differences in cultural adjustment, and how differing views might trend towards each other with recurrent interaction.
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Exploring supervisor responses to employees who share bad news: why and under what conditions are messengers shot?

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Employees are directly involved in work tasks and processes which are necessary to accomplish unit or organizational goals, and accordingly, they may become aware of key mistakes, slips, and failures that are unbeknownst to the leader or supervisor responsible for

Employees are directly involved in work tasks and processes which are necessary to accomplish unit or organizational goals, and accordingly, they may become aware of key mistakes, slips, and failures that are unbeknownst to the leader or supervisor responsible for the work unit or organization. Given that errors or deviations in work tasks or processes can have far-reaching effects within the organization, it may be essential for employees to share bad news with their leader or supervisor so that steps can be taken to address the issue or ameliorate negative consequences. However, although employees' sharing of bad news may be important to the organization and should be encouraged, supervisors may respond to the messenger in ways that discourage the behavior. Unfortunately, we lack an explanation of why and under what conditions supervisors respond positively or negatively to employees who share bad news. Thus, the purpose of this dissertation is to address this gap in our understanding. I draw from social exchange theory and the transactional theory of stress to develop a conceptual model of sharing bad news. I suggest that sharing bad news can be cast as a transaction between employees and supervisors that is mediated by supervisors’ appraisals of employees’ sharing the message. The quality of the relationship between an employee and supervisor, or leader-member exchange (LMX), is strengthened when supervisors appraise the sharing of bad news as challenging, or potentially rewarding; however, LMX is weakened when supervisors appraise the sharing of bad news as hindering, or potential harmful. In turn, LMX influences supervisor responses to the sharing of bad news in the form of evaluations of the employee’s effectiveness. In addition to these main effects, I also consider how aspects of the message delivery, such as the timeliness with which messages are conveyed and extent to which employees incorporate solutions when they share bad news, can influence supervisor appraisals of sharing bad news. Finally, I suggest that the extent to which the messenger is responsible for the bad news moderates the relationships between appraisals of sharing bad news and LMX. I test this model in three studies.
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