Label-Free Functional Imaging of Single Molecules and Single Cells Using Surface- Enhanced Scattering Microscopy

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Recent breakthroughs in optical scattering-based imaging have enabledvisualization of entities as small as single proteins. Leveraging our innovation, Surface Enhanced Scattering Microscopy (SESM), detection of single protein binding kinetics and single DNA conformational changes have been achieved, showcasing the feasibility

Recent breakthroughs in optical scattering-based imaging have enabledvisualization of entities as small as single proteins. Leveraging our innovation, Surface Enhanced Scattering Microscopy (SESM), detection of single protein binding kinetics and single DNA conformational changes have been achieved, showcasing the feasibility of single molecule imaging. In this dissertation, I aim to harness the potential of SESM and extend its relevance in the biomedical realm. My first goal is to conduct multiplexed protein detection and parallel binding kinetics analysis with label-free digital single- molecule counting. My second goal is focused on accurate quantification of cell force. An elastic model has been developed to quantify the cell-substrate interactions and have continuously tracked cell force evolutions upon small-molecule drugs (for example, acetylcholine) stimulation, achieving a temporal resolution of approximately 60 ms over the course of 30 min without attenuating the signals. The third goal is to achieve real- time tracking of DNA self-assembly dynamics. I have demonstrated SESM's capability to image individual DNA origami monomers and established an on-chip temperature annealing system to monitor the real-time progression of DNA self-assembly. The applications of the imaging method, spanning single proteins, single DNA origami, and single cells, are poised to impact the field of biology
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Investigating the Isoform-Specific Effects of Apolipoprotein E (APOE) in Modulating Alzheimer’s Disease-Related Phenotypes

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APOE encodes for a lipid transport protein and has three allelic variants-APOE ε2, ε3 and ε4 each of which differentially modulate the risk for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The presence of the ε4 allele of APOE greatly increases AD risk compared

APOE encodes for a lipid transport protein and has three allelic variants-APOE ε2, ε3 and ε4 each of which differentially modulate the risk for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The presence of the ε4 allele of APOE greatly increases AD risk compared to the presence of the more prevalent and risk neutral ε3 allele. An imbalance in the generation and clearance of amyloid beta (Aβ) peptides has been hypothesized to play a key role in driving the disease. APOE4 impacts several AD-relevant cellular processes. However, it is unclear whether these effects represent a gain of toxic function or a loss of function, specifically as it relates to modulating amyloid beta (Aβ) levels. Here, a set of APOE knockout (KO) and APOE4 isogenic human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) were generated from a parental APOE3 hiPSC line with a highly penetrant familial AD (fAD) mutation to investigate this with respect to Aβ secretion in neural cultures and Aβ uptake in monocultures of microglia-like cells (iMGLs). Conversion of APOE3 to E4 as well as functionally knocking APOE out from the APOE3 parental line, result in elevated Aβ levels in neural cultures, likely through multiple mechanisms including the altered processing of the precursor protein to Aβ called amyloid precursor protein (APP). In pure neuronal cultures, a shift in the processing of APP was observed with the Aβ-generating amyloidogenic pathway being favored in both APOE3 as well as APOE4 neurons compared to APOE KO neurons, with APOE4 neurons exhibiting a greater shift. In iMGLs derived from the isogenic hiPSC lines, expression of APOE, regardless of the isoform, lowered the uptake of Aβ. Overall, APOE4 modulates Aβ levels through distinct loss of protective and gain of function effects. Dissecting these effects would contribute towards a better understanding of the design of potential APOE-targeted therapeutics in the future.
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Systems to Synthetic Circuits in Yeast

This paper is a summarization of a year of projects in Dr. Xiao Wang's Synthetic Biology lab, following from initial computational projects and moving into more experimental projects under the mentorship of Dr. Kylie Standage-Beier, dealing with molecular cloning and

This paper is a summarization of a year of projects in Dr. Xiao Wang's Synthetic Biology lab, following from initial computational projects and moving into more experimental projects under the mentorship of Dr. Kylie Standage-Beier, dealing with molecular cloning and dose response curves produced by measuring fluorescence via flow cytometry. This is then integrated with a novel computational flow cytometry analysis software based on public MATLAB functions that convert flow cytometry files into MATLAB variables.
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Characterization & Control of Non-Modularity in Synthetic Gene Circuits

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Over the past 20 years, the fields of synthetic biology and synthetic biosystems engineering have grown into mature disciplines, leading to significant breakthroughs in cancer research, diagnostics, cell-based medicines, biochemical production, etc. Application of mathematical modelling to biological and biochemical

Over the past 20 years, the fields of synthetic biology and synthetic biosystems engineering have grown into mature disciplines, leading to significant breakthroughs in cancer research, diagnostics, cell-based medicines, biochemical production, etc. Application of mathematical modelling to biological and biochemical systems have not only given great insight into how these systems function, but also have lent enough predictive power to aid in the forward-engineering of synthetic constructs. However, progress has been impeded by several modes of context-dependence unique to biological and biochemical systems that are not seen in traditional engineering disciplines, resulting in the need for lengthy design-build-test cycles before functional prototypes are generated.In this work, two of these universal modes of context dependence – resource competition and growth feedback –their effects on synthetic gene circuits and potential control mechanisms, are studied and characterized. Results demonstrate that a novel competitive control architecture can be utilized to mitigate the effects of winner-take-all resource competition (a form of context dependence where distinct gene modules influence each other by competing over a shared pool of transcriptional/translational resources) in synthetic gene circuits and restore circuits to their intended function. Application of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem and rigorous stochastic simulations demonstrate that realistic resource constraints present in cells at the transcriptional and translational levels influence noise in gene circuits in a nonmonotonic fashion, either increasing or decreasing noise depending on the transcriptional/translational capacity. Growth feedback on the other hand links circuit function to cellular growth rate via increased protein dilution rate during exponential growth phase. This in turn can result in the collapse of bistable gene circuits as the accelerated dilution rate forces switches in a high stable state to fall to a low stable state. Mathematical modelling and experimental data demonstrate that application of repressive links can insulate sensitive parts of gene circuits against growth-fluctuations and can in turn increase the robustness of multistable circuits in growth contexts. The results presented in this work aid in the accumulation of understanding of biological and biochemical context dependence, and corresponding control strategies and design principles engineers can utilize to mitigate these effects.
Date Created

Engineering CRISPR Systems for Synthetic Biology

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Clustered regularly interspace short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) and CRISPR associated (Cas) technologies have become integral to genome editing. Canonical CRISPR-Cas9 systems function as a ribonucleic acid (RNA)-guided nucleases. Single guide RNAs (sgRNA) can be easily designed to target Cas9’s nuclease

Clustered regularly interspace short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) and CRISPR associated (Cas) technologies have become integral to genome editing. Canonical CRISPR-Cas9 systems function as a ribonucleic acid (RNA)-guided nucleases. Single guide RNAs (sgRNA) can be easily designed to target Cas9’s nuclease activity towards protospacer deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequences. The relatively ease and efficiency of CRISPR-Cas9 systems has enabled numerous technologies and DNA manipulations. Genome engineering in human cell lines is centered around the study of genetic contribution to disease phenotypes. However, canonical CRISPR-Cas9 systems are largely reliant on double stranded DNA breaks (DSBs). DSBs can induce unintended genomic changes including deletions and complex rearrangements. Likewise, DSBs can induce apoptosis and cell cycle arrest confounding applications of Cas9-based systems for disease modeling. Base editors are a novel class of nicking Cas9 engineered with a cytidine or adenosine deaminase. Base editors can install single letter DNA edits without DSBs. However, detecting single letter DNA edits is cumbersome, requiring onerous DNA isolation and sequencing, hampering experimental throughput. This document describes the creation of a fluorescent reporter system to detect Cytosine-to-Thymine (C-to-T) base editing. The fluorescent reporter utilizes an engineered blue fluorescent protein (BFP) that is converted to green fluorescent protein (GFP) upon targeted C-to-T conversion. The BFP-to-GFP conversion enables the creation of a strategy to isolate edited cell populations, termed Transient Reporter for Editing Enrichment (TREE). TREE increases the ease of optimizing base editor designs and assists in editing cell types recalcitrant to DNA editing. More recently, Prime editing has been demonstrated to introduce user defined DNA edits without the need for DSBs and donor DNA. Prime editing requires specialized prime editing guide RNAs (pegRNAs). pegRNAs are however difficult to manually design. This document describes the creation of a software tool: Prime Induced Nucleotide Engineering Creator of New Edits (PINE-CONE). PINE-CONE rapidly designs pegRNAs based off basic edit information and will assist with synthetic biology and biomedical research.
Date Created

Phage-Enabled Nanotechnology and Novel Sensing Architectures in Ribodevices

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Two distinct aspects of synthetic biology were investigated: the development of viral structures for new methods of studying self-assembly and nanomanufacturing, and the designs of genetic controls systems based on controlling the secondary structure of nucleic acids. Viral structures have

Two distinct aspects of synthetic biology were investigated: the development of viral structures for new methods of studying self-assembly and nanomanufacturing, and the designs of genetic controls systems based on controlling the secondary structure of nucleic acids. Viral structures have been demonstrated as building blocks for molecular self-assembly of diverse structures, but the ease with which viral genomes can be modified to create specific structures depends on the mechanisms by which the viral coat proteins self-assemble. The experiments conducted demonstrate how the mechanisms that guide bacteriophage lambda’s self-assembly make it a useful and flexible platform for further research into biologically enabled self-assembly. While the viral platform investigations focus on the creation of new structures, the genetic control systems research focuses on new methods for signal interpretation in biological systems. Regulators of genetic activity that operate based on the secondary structure formation of ribonucleic acid (RNA), also known as riboswitches, are genetically compact devices for controlling protein translation. The toehold switch ribodevice can be modified to enable multiplexed logical operations with RNA inputs, requiring no additional protein transcription factors to regulate activity, but they cannot receive chemical inputs. RNA sequences generated to bind to specific chemicals, known as aptamers, can be used in riboswitches to confer genetic activity upon binding their target chemical. But attempts to use aptamers for logical operations and genetic circuits are difficult to generalize due to differences in sequence and binding strength. The experiments conducted demonstrate a ribodevice structure in which aptamers can be used semi-interchangeably to translate chemical inputs into the toehold switch paradigm, marrying the programmability and orthogonality of toehold switches with the broad sensing potential of aptamer-based ribodevices.
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Development of an Ultrasound-transparent Organ-on-chip Platform Towards Modeling Bubble-assisted Focused Ultrasound (BAFUS) Blood-brain-barrier (BBB) Disruption for Glioblastoma Therapy

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The blood-brain-barrier (BBB) is a significant obstacle for treating many neurological disorders. Bubble-assisted focused ultrasound (BAFUS) medicated BBB disruption is a promising technology that enables the delivery of large drug doses at targeted locations across the BBB. However, the current

The blood-brain-barrier (BBB) is a significant obstacle for treating many neurological disorders. Bubble-assisted focused ultrasound (BAFUS) medicated BBB disruption is a promising technology that enables the delivery of large drug doses at targeted locations across the BBB. However, the current lack of an in vitro model of this process hinders the full understanding of BAFUS BBB disruption for better translation into clinics. In this work, a US-transparent organ-on-chip device has been fabricated that can be critical for the in vitro modeling of the BAFUS BBB disruption. The transparency of the device window to focused ultrasound (FUS) was calculated theoretically and demonstrated by experiments. Nanobubbles were fabricated, characterized by cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM), and showed bubble cavitation under FUS. Human colorectal adenocarcinoma (Caco-2) cells were used to form a good cellular barrier for BAFUS barrier disruption, as suggested by the measured permeability and transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER). Finally, barrier disruption and recovery were observed in BAFUS disrupted US-transparent organ-on-chips with Caco-2 barriers, showing great promise of the platform for future modeling BAFUS BBB disruption in vitro.
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Construction of Synthetic Microbial Consortia for Modeling Ecological Systems

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Ecology has been an actively studied topic recently, along with the rapid development of human microbiota-based technology. Scientists have made remarkable progress using bioinformatics tools to identify species and analyze composition. However, a thorough understanding of interspecies interactions of microbial

Ecology has been an actively studied topic recently, along with the rapid development of human microbiota-based technology. Scientists have made remarkable progress using bioinformatics tools to identify species and analyze composition. However, a thorough understanding of interspecies interactions of microbial ecosystems is still lacking, which has been a significant obstacle in the further development of related technologies. In this work, a genetic circuit design principle with synthetic biology approaches is developed to form two-strain microbial consortia with different inter-strain interactions. The microbial systems are well-defined and inducible. Co-culture experiment results show that our microbial consortia behave consistently with previous ecological knowledge and thus serves as excellent model systems to simulate ecosystems with similar interactions. Colony patterns also emerge when co-culturing multiple species on solid media. With the engineered microbial consortia, image-processing based methods were developed to quantify the shape of co-culture colonies and distinguish microbial consortia with different interactions. Factors that affect the population ratios were identified through induction and variations in the inoculation process. Further time-lapse experiments revealed the basic rules of colony growth, composition variation, patterning, and how spatial factors impact the co-culture colony.
Date Created

Designing a Method of Prime Induced Nucleotide Engineering Using a Transient Reporter for Editing Enrichment (PINE-TREE)

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The advent of CRISPR/Cas9 revolutionized the field of genetic engineering and gave rise to the development of new gene editing tools including prime editing. Prime editing is a versatile gene editing method that mediates precise insertions and deletions and can

The advent of CRISPR/Cas9 revolutionized the field of genetic engineering and gave rise to the development of new gene editing tools including prime editing. Prime editing is a versatile gene editing method that mediates precise insertions and deletions and can perform all 12 types of point mutations. In turn, prime editing represents great promise in the design of new gene therapies and disease models where editing was previously not possible using current gene editing techniques. Despite advancements in genome modification technologies, parallel enrichment strategies of edited cells remain lagging behind in development. To this end, this project aimed to enhance prime editing using transient reporter for editing enrichment (TREE) technology to develop a method for the rapid generation of clonal isogenic cell lines for disease modeling. TREE uses an engineered BFP variant that upon a C-to-T conversion will convert to GFP after target modification. Using flow cytometry, this BFP-to-GFP conversion assay enables the isolation of edited cell populations via a fluorescent reporter of editing. Prime induced nucleotide engineering using a transient reporter for editing enrichment (PINE-TREE), pairs prime editing with TREE technology to efficiently enrich for prime edited cells. This investigation revealed PINE-TREE as an efficient editing and enrichment method compared to a conventional reporter of transfection (RoT) enrichment strategy. Here, PINE-TREE exhibited a significant increase in editing efficiencies of single nucleotide conversions, small insertions, and small deletions in multiple human cell types. Additionally, PINE-TREE demonstrated improved clonal cell editing efficiency in human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs). Most notably, PINE-TREE efficiently generated clonal isogenic hiPSCs harboring a mutation in the APOE gene for in vitro modeling of Alzheimer’s Disease. Collectively, results gathered from this study exhibited PINE-TREE as a valuable new tool in genetic engineering to accelerate the generation of clonal isogenic cell lines for applications in developmental biology, disease modeling, and drug screening.
Date Created

Emergent Dynamics Arising from the Feedback Between Synthetic Gene Circuit and Host Cell Growth

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The mutual inhibition between synthetic gene circuits and cell growth produces growth feedback in the host-circuit system. Previous studies have demonstrated that the growth feedback has an marked impact on the molecular dynamics of the host-circuit system. However, the complexity

The mutual inhibition between synthetic gene circuits and cell growth produces growth feedback in the host-circuit system. Previous studies have demonstrated that the growth feedback has an marked impact on the molecular dynamics of the host-circuit system. However, the complexity of the growth feedback effect is not fully understood. A theoretical framework was developed to study the dynamics of the coupling between growth feedback and synthetic gene circuits. The study’s results reveal three major points about the impact of growth feedback. First, a nonlinear emergent behavior mediated by growth feedback. The unexpected behavior depends on the dynamic ribosome allocation between gene circuit expression and host cell growth. Second, the emergence and loss of unexpected qualitative states on the host-circuit system generated by ultrasensitive growth feedback. Third, the growth feedback-induced cooperativity behavior in synthetic gene modules competing for resources. In addition, growth feedback attenuated the winner-takes-all rules on resource competition between the two self-activating modules. These results demonstrate that growth feedback plays an important role in the host-circuit system’s molecular dynamics. Characterizing general principles from the effect of growth facilitates the ability to minimize or even harness unexpected gene expression behaviors derived from the effect of growth feedback.
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