Engineering CRISPR Systems for Synthetic Biology

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Clustered regularly interspace short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) and CRISPR associated (Cas) technologies have become integral to genome editing. Canonical CRISPR-Cas9 systems function as a ribonucleic acid (RNA)-guided nucleases. Single guide RNAs (sgRNA) can be easily designed to target Cas9’s nuclease

Clustered regularly interspace short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) and CRISPR associated (Cas) technologies have become integral to genome editing. Canonical CRISPR-Cas9 systems function as a ribonucleic acid (RNA)-guided nucleases. Single guide RNAs (sgRNA) can be easily designed to target Cas9’s nuclease activity towards protospacer deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequences. The relatively ease and efficiency of CRISPR-Cas9 systems has enabled numerous technologies and DNA manipulations. Genome engineering in human cell lines is centered around the study of genetic contribution to disease phenotypes. However, canonical CRISPR-Cas9 systems are largely reliant on double stranded DNA breaks (DSBs). DSBs can induce unintended genomic changes including deletions and complex rearrangements. Likewise, DSBs can induce apoptosis and cell cycle arrest confounding applications of Cas9-based systems for disease modeling. Base editors are a novel class of nicking Cas9 engineered with a cytidine or adenosine deaminase. Base editors can install single letter DNA edits without DSBs. However, detecting single letter DNA edits is cumbersome, requiring onerous DNA isolation and sequencing, hampering experimental throughput. This document describes the creation of a fluorescent reporter system to detect Cytosine-to-Thymine (C-to-T) base editing. The fluorescent reporter utilizes an engineered blue fluorescent protein (BFP) that is converted to green fluorescent protein (GFP) upon targeted C-to-T conversion. The BFP-to-GFP conversion enables the creation of a strategy to isolate edited cell populations, termed Transient Reporter for Editing Enrichment (TREE). TREE increases the ease of optimizing base editor designs and assists in editing cell types recalcitrant to DNA editing. More recently, Prime editing has been demonstrated to introduce user defined DNA edits without the need for DSBs and donor DNA. Prime editing requires specialized prime editing guide RNAs (pegRNAs). pegRNAs are however difficult to manually design. This document describes the creation of a software tool: Prime Induced Nucleotide Engineering Creator of New Edits (PINE-CONE). PINE-CONE rapidly designs pegRNAs based off basic edit information and will assist with synthetic biology and biomedical research.
Date Created

Investigating the Mechanism of a Multi-State Model of WNT Signaling

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The WNT signaling pathway plays numerous roles in development and maintenance of adult homeostasis. In concordance with it’s numerous roles, dysfunction of WNT signaling leads to a variety of human diseases ranging from developmental disorders to cancer. WNT signaling is

The WNT signaling pathway plays numerous roles in development and maintenance of adult homeostasis. In concordance with it’s numerous roles, dysfunction of WNT signaling leads to a variety of human diseases ranging from developmental disorders to cancer. WNT signaling is composed of a family of 19 WNT soluble secreted glycoproteins, which are evolutionarily conserved across all phyla of the animal kingdom. WNT ligands interact most commonly with a family of receptors known as frizzled (FZ) receptors, composed of 10 independent genes. Specific interactions between WNT proteins and FZ receptors are not well characterized and are known to be promiscuous, Traditionally canonical WNT signaling is described as a binary system in which WNT signaling is either off or on. In the ‘off’ state, in the absence of a WNT ligand, cytoplasmic β-catenin is continuously degraded by the action of the APC/Axin/GSK-3β destruction complex. In the ‘on’ state, when WNT binds to its Frizzled (Fz) receptor and LRP coreceptor, this protein destruction complex is disrupted, allowing β-catenin to translocate into the nucleus where it interacts with the DNA-bound T cell factor/lymphoid factor (TCF/LEF) family of proteins to regulate target gene expression. However in a variety of systems in development and disease canonical WNT signaling acts in a gradient fashion, suggesting more complex regulation of β-catenin transcriptional activity. As such, the traditional ‘binary’ view of WNT signaling does not clearly explain how this graded signal is transmitted intracellularly to control concentration-dependent changes in gene expression and cell identity. I have developed an in vitro human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC)-based model that recapitulates the same in vivo developmental effects of the WNT signaling gradient on the anterior-posterior (A/P) patterning of the neural tube observed during early development. Using RNA-seq and ChIP-seq I have characterized β-catenin binding at different levels of WNT signaling and identified different classes of β-catenin peaks that bind cis-regulatory elements to influence neural cell fate. This work expands the traditional binary view of canonical WNT signaling and illuminates WNT/β-catenin activity in other developmental and diseased contexts.
Date Created

Development of CRISPR-RNA guided recombinases for genome engineering

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Recombinases are powerful tools for genome engineering and synthetic biology, however recombinases are limited by a lack of user-programmability and often require complex directed-evolution experiments to retarget specificity. Conversely, CRISPR systems have extreme versatility yet can induce off-target mutations and

Recombinases are powerful tools for genome engineering and synthetic biology, however recombinases are limited by a lack of user-programmability and often require complex directed-evolution experiments to retarget specificity. Conversely, CRISPR systems have extreme versatility yet can induce off-target mutations and karyotypic destabilization. To address these constraints we developed an RNA-guided recombinase protein by fusing a hyperactive mutant resolvase from transposon TN3 to catalytically inactive Cas9. We validated recombinase-Cas9 (rCas9) function in model eukaryote Saccharomyces cerevisiae using a chromosomally integrated fluorescent reporter. Moreover, we demonstrated cooperative targeting by CRISPR RNAs at spacings of 22 or 40bps is necessary for directing recombination. Using PCR and Sanger sequencing, we confirmed rCas9 targets DNA recombination. With further development we envision rCas9 becoming useful in the development of RNA-programmed genetic circuitry as well as high-specificity genome engineering.
Date Created