Integrating Theories of Thermal Physiology to Predict Impacts of Climate Change

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By increasing the mean and variance of environmental temperatures, climate change has caused local extinctions and range shifts of numerous species. However, biologists disagree on which populations and species are most vulnerable to future warming. This debate arises because biologists

By increasing the mean and variance of environmental temperatures, climate change has caused local extinctions and range shifts of numerous species. However, biologists disagree on which populations and species are most vulnerable to future warming. This debate arises because biologists do not know which physiological processes are most vulnerable to temperature or how to model these processes in complex environments. Using the South American locust (Schistocerca cancellata) as a model system, my dissertation addressed this debate and explained how climate limits the persistence of locust populations. Locusts of S. cancellata are serious agricultural pests with occasional outbreaks covering up to 4 million km2 over six countries. Because outbreaks are largely driven by climate, understanding how climate limits the persistence of locusts may help predict crop losses in future climates. To achieve this aim, I integrated observational, experimental, and computational approaches. First, I tested a physiological model of heat stress. By measuring the heat tolerance of locusts under different oxygen concentrations, I demonstrated that heat tolerance depends on oxygen supply during the hatchling stage only. Second, I modeled the geographic distribution of locusts using physiological traits. I started by measuring thermal effects on consumption and defecation of field-captured locusts, and I then used these data to model energy gain in current and future climates. My results indicated that incorporating physiological mechanisms can improve the accuracy of models and alter predicted impacts of climate change. Finally, I explored the causes and consequences of intraspecific variation in heat tolerance. After measuring heat tolerance of locusts in different hydration states and developmental stages, I modeled survival in historical microclimates. My models indicated that recent climate change has amplified the risk of overheating for locusts, and this risk depended strongly on shade availability, hydration state, and developmental stage. Therefore, the survival of locusts in future climates will likely depend on their access to shade and water. Overall, my dissertation argues that modeling physiological mechanisms can improve the ability of biologists to predict the impacts of climate change.
Date Created

Transorbital Skull Base Surgery; Exploratory Quantitative Assessment of the Microscopic and Endoscopic Surgical Corridor

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Transorbital surgery has gained recent notoriety due to its incorporation into endoscopic skull base surgery. The body of published literature on the field is cadaveric and observation. The pre-clinical studies are focused on the use of the endoscope only. Furthermore

Transorbital surgery has gained recent notoriety due to its incorporation into endoscopic skull base surgery. The body of published literature on the field is cadaveric and observation. The pre-clinical studies are focused on the use of the endoscope only. Furthermore the methodology utilised in the published literature is inconsistent and does not embody the optimal principles of scientific experimentation. This body of work evaluates a minimally invasive novel surgical corridor - the transorbital approach - its validity in neurosurgical practice, as well as both qualitatively and quantitatively assessing available technological advances in a robust experimental fashion. While the endoscope is an established means of visualisation used in clinical transorbital surgery, the microscope has never been assessed with respect to the transorbital approach. This question is investigated here and the anatomical and surgical benefits and limitations of microscopic visualisation demonstrated. The comparative studies provide increased knowledge on specifics pertinent to neurosurgeons and other skull base specialists when planning pre-operatively, such as pathology location, involved anatomical structures, instrument maneuvrability and the advantages and disadvantages of the distinct visualisation technologies. This is all with the intention of selecting the most suitable surgical approach and technology, specific to the patient, pathology and anatomy, so as to perform the best surgical procedure. The research findings illustrated in this body of work are diverse, reproducible and applicable. The transorbital surgical corridor has substantive potential for access to the anterior cranial fossa and specific surgical target structures. The neuroquantitative metrics investigated confirm the utility and benefits specific to the respective visualisation technologies i.e. the endoscope and microscope. The most appropriate setting wherein the approach should be used is also discussed. The transorbital corridor has impressive potential, can utilise all available technological advances, promotes multi-disciplinary co-operation and learning amongst clinicians and ultimately, is a means of improving operative patient care.
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An Analysis on the Effects of Cultural and Historical Influences on the Medical Doctrines of Galen and Islamic Medieval Physicians

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When examining the medical doctrines of previous empires, they reveal the influence of religion, societal attitudes, and the historical context that influenced the scholars that penned them. The advancements during the Islamic Golden age can be seen in the field

When examining the medical doctrines of previous empires, they reveal the influence of religion, societal attitudes, and the historical context that influenced the scholars that penned them. The advancements during the Islamic Golden age can be seen in the field of medicine, which had the Greco-Roman medical corpus as their foundation and the source of the theory of the four humors and anatomical beliefs. This paper will analyze the effect of cultural, societal, and historical influences on the medical doctrines of Muslim medieval physicians in the Golden Age and the works of the Roman physician Galen, and demonstrate how these effects result in similarities and differences in medical practice and the understanding of disease and anatomy. Due to translation efforts that were supported by religious views on the accumulation of knowledge and the efforts of the Abbasid empire, resultant acceptance of the theory of the four humors and anatomical doctrines is observed in the treatment and perception of disease, which would consist of this paper's focus on surgery, diet therapy and associations with nature. However, with further analysis of the extent of this acceptance and the findings in the Islamic medical doctrines, the differences in experimental methods, religious interpretations, and cultural attitudes shows a deviation from the Galenic tradition, with the second set of the paper's focus being human dissection, cause of disease, and experimentation. The purpose of this research is to demonstrate the impact of religion, societal attitudes, culture and the accepted paradigm on the practice of medicine and the study of anatomy, and what would cause a challenge against the legacy of Galen.

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Hibernation Ecology of Bats Using Three High-Elevation Caves in Northern Arizona: Implications for Potential White-nose Syndrome Impacts on Desert Southwest Species

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Desert ecosystems of the southwest United States are characterized by hot and arid climates, but hibernating bats can be found at high altitudes. The emerging fungal infection, white-nose syndrome, causes mortality in hibernating bat populations across eastern North America and

Desert ecosystems of the southwest United States are characterized by hot and arid climates, but hibernating bats can be found at high altitudes. The emerging fungal infection, white-nose syndrome, causes mortality in hibernating bat populations across eastern North America and the pathogen is increasingly observed in western regions. However, little is known about the ecology of hibernating bats in the southwest, which can help predict how these populations may respond to the fungus. My study investigated hibernating bats during two winters (2018-2019/2019-2020) at three caves in northern Arizona to: (1) describe diversity and abundance of hibernating bats using visual internal surveys and photographic documentation, (2) determine the duration of hibernation by recording bat echolocation call sequences outside caves and recording bat activity in caves using visual inspection, and (3) describe environmental conditions where hibernating bats are roosting. Adjacent to bats, I collected temperature and relative humidity, which I converted into absolute humidity. I documented hibernation status (i.e. active vs. not active) and roosting body position (i.e. open, partially hidden, and hidden). Between September 2018 and April 2019, 246 bat observations were recorded across the three caves. The majority of bats were identified as Myotis spp. (45.9\%, n=113), followed by Corynorhinus townsendii (45.5\%, n=112), Parastrellus hesperus (4.8\%, n=12), Eptesicus fuscus (3.6\%, n=9). Between September 2019 and April 2020, I documented a total of 361 bat observations across the three caves. C. townsendii was most prevalent (52.9\%, n=191), followed by the category P. hesperus/Myotis spp. (25.7\%, n=93), Myotis spp. (12.4\%, n=45), P. Hesperus (4.4\%, n=16), E. fuscus (3.6\%, n=13) and Unknown (0.8\%, n=3). Average conditions adjacent to bats were, temperature=12.5ºC, relative humidity=53\%, and absolute humidity=4.9 g/kg. Hibernating bats were never observed in large clusters and the maximum hibernating population size was 24, suggesting low risk for pathogen transmission among bats. Hibernation lasted approximately 120 days, with minimal activity documented inside and outside caves. Hibernating bats in northern Arizona may be at low risk for white-nose syndrome based on population size, hibernation length, roosting behavior, and absolute humidity, but other variables (e.g. temperature) indicate the potential for white-nose syndrome impacts on these populations.
Date Created

Mechanistic Diversity in Long-Range Regulation of Worker Reproduction in Polydomous Ant Species

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Ant colonies provide numerous opportunities to study communication systems that maintain the cohesion of eusocial groups. In many ant species, workers have retained their ovaries and the ability to produce male offspring; however, they generally refrain from producing their own

Ant colonies provide numerous opportunities to study communication systems that maintain the cohesion of eusocial groups. In many ant species, workers have retained their ovaries and the ability to produce male offspring; however, they generally refrain from producing their own sons when a fertile queen is present in the colony. Although mechanisms that facilitate the communication of the presence of a fertile queen to all members of the colony have been highly studied, those studies have often overlooked the added challenge faced by polydomous species, which divide their nests across as many as one hundred satellite nests resulting in workers potentially having infrequent contact with the queen. In these polydomous contexts, regulatory phenotypes must extend beyond the immediate spatial influence of the queen.

This work investigates mechanisms that can extend the spatial reach of fertility signaling and reproductive regulation in three polydomous ant species. In Novomessor cockerelli, the presence of larvae but not eggs is shown to inhibit worker reproduction. Then, in Camponotus floridanus, 3-methylheptacosane found on the queen cuticle and queen-laid eggs is verified as a releaser pheromone sufficient to disrupt normally occurring aggressive behavior toward foreign workers. Finally, the volatile and cuticular hydrocarbon pheromones present on the cuticle of Oecophylla smaragdina queens are shown to release strong attraction response by workers; when coupled with previous work, this result suggests that these chemicals may underly both the formation of a worker retinue around the queen as well as egg-located mechanisms of reproductive regulation in distant satellite nests. Whereas most previous studies have focused on the short-range role of hydrocarbons on the cuticle of the queen, these studies demonstrate that eusocial insects may employ longer range regulatory mechanisms. Both queen volatiles and distributed brood can extend the range of queen fertility signaling, and the use of larvae for fertility signaling suggest that feeding itself may be a non-chemical mechanism for reproductive regulation. Although trail laying in mass-recruiting ants is often used as an example of complex communication, reproductive regulation in ants may be a similarly complex example of insect communication, especially in the case of large, polydomous ant colonies.
Date Created

ERK/MAPK Requirements for the Development of Long-Range Axonal Projections and Motor Learning in Cortical Glutamatergic Neurons

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The RASopathies are a collection of developmental diseases caused by germline mutations in components of the RAS/MAPK signaling pathway and is one of the world’s most common set of genetic diseases. A majority of these mutations result in an upregulation

The RASopathies are a collection of developmental diseases caused by germline mutations in components of the RAS/MAPK signaling pathway and is one of the world’s most common set of genetic diseases. A majority of these mutations result in an upregulation of RAS/MAPK signaling and cause a variety of both physical and neurological symptoms. Neurodevelopmental symptoms of the RASopathies include cognitive and motor delays, learning and intellectual disabilities, and various behavioral problems. Recent noninvasive imaging studies have detected widespread abnormalities within white matter tracts in the brains of RASopathy patients. These abnormalities are believed to be indicative of underlying connectivity deficits and a possible source of the behavioral and cognitive deficits. To evaluate these long-range connectivity and behavioral issues in a cell-autonomous manner, MEK1 loss- and gain-of-function (LoF and GoF) mutations were induced solely in the cortical glutamatergic neurons using a Nex:Cre mouse model. Layer autonomous effects of the cortex were also tested in the GoF mouse using a layer 5 specific Rbp4:Cre mouse. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that activated ERK1/2 (P-ERK1/2) was expressed in high levels in the axonal compartments and reduced levels in the soma when compared to control mice. Axonal tract tracing using a lipophilic dye and an adeno-associated viral (AAV) tract tracing vector, identified significant corticospinal tract (CST) elongation deficits in the LoF and GoF Nex:Cre mouse and in the GoF Rbp4:Cre mouse. AAV tract tracing was further used to identify significant deficits in axonal innervation of the contralateral cortex, the dorsal striatum, and the hind brain of the Nex:Cre GoF mouse and the contralateral cortex and dorsal striatum of the Rbp4:Cre mouse. Behavioral testing of the Nex:Cre GoF mouse indicated deficits in motor learning acquisition while the Rbp4:Cre GoF mouse showed no failure to acquire motor skills as tested. Analysis of the expression levels of the immediate early gene ARC in Nex:Cre and Rbp4:Cre mice showed a specific reduction in a cell- and layer-autonomous manner. These findings suggest that hyperactivation of the RAS/MAPK pathway in cortical glutamatergic neurons, induces changes to the expression patterns of P-ERK1/2, disrupts axonal elongation and innervation patterns, and disrupts motor learning abilities.
Date Created

Improved Discrimination Between Tone and Context During Fear Extinction in Chronically Stressed Rats Provided with a Post-Stress Rest Period

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The goal of the present study was to investigate whether a rest period following the end of chronic stress would impact fear extinction. Past research has indicated that chronic stress leads to impairments in the learning and recall of

The goal of the present study was to investigate whether a rest period following the end of chronic stress would impact fear extinction. Past research has indicated that chronic stress leads to impairments in the learning and recall of fear conditioning extinction. Moreover, the effects of chronic stress can return to levels similar to controls when a post-stress “rest” period (i.e., undisturbed except for normal husbandry) is given prior to testing. Male rats underwent chronic restraint stress for 6hr/day/21days (STR-IMM). Some rats, underwent a post-stress rest period for 6- or 3-weeks after the end of stress (STR-R6, STR-R3). Control (CON) rats were unrestrained for the duration of the experiment. In Experiment 1, following the stress or rest manipulation, all rats were acclimated to conditioning and extinction contexts, fear conditioned with 3 tone-foot shock pairings, and then had two days of extinction training. All groups froze similarly to the tone across all training sessions. However, STR-R6/R3 froze less in the non-shock context than did STR-IMM or CON. During extinction training, STR-IMM showed high levels of freezing to the non-shock context, leading to a concern they may be generalizing across contexts. Consequently, a follow-up experiment tested for context generalization. In Experiment 2, STR-IMM rats underwent a generalization test in an environment that was either different or the same as the conditioning environment, using STR-R6 as a comparison. STR-IMM and STR-R6 showed similar relative levels of freezing to tone and context, regardless of their conditioning environment to reveal that STR-IMM did not generalize and instead, maybe expressing hypervigilance. Thus, the present study demonstrated the novel finding that a rest period from chronic stress can lead to reduced fear responsiveness in a non-shock environment.
Date Created

Modulation of sensing and sharing food-related information in the honey bee

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Food is an essential driver of animal behavior. For social organisms, the acquisition of food guides interactions with the environment and with group-mates. Studies have focused on how social individuals find and choose food sources, and share both food and

Food is an essential driver of animal behavior. For social organisms, the acquisition of food guides interactions with the environment and with group-mates. Studies have focused on how social individuals find and choose food sources, and share both food and information with group-mates. However, it is often not clear how experiences throughout an individual's life influence such interactions. The core question of this thesis is how individuals’ experience contributes to within-caste behavioral variation in a social group. I investigate the effects of individual history, including physical injury and food-related experience, on individuals' social food sharing behavior, responses to food-related stimuli, and the associated neural biogenic amine signaling pathways. I use the eusocial honey bee (Apis mellifera) system, one in which individuals exhibit a high degree of plasticity in responses to environmental stimuli and there is a richness of communicatory pathways for food-related information. Foraging exposes honey bees to aversive experiences such as predation, con-specific competition, and environmental toxins. I show that foraging experience changes individuals' response thresholds to sucrose, a main component of adults’ diets, depending on whether foraging conditions are benign or aversive. Bodily injury is demonstrated to reduce individuals' appetitive responses to new, potentially food-predictive odors. Aversive conditions also impact an individual's social food sharing behavior; mouth-to-mouse trophallaxis with particular groupmates is modulated by aversive foraging conditions both for foragers who directly experienced these conditions and non-foragers who were influenced via social contact with foragers. Although the mechanisms underlying these behavioral changes have yet to be resolved, my results implicate biogenic amine signaling pathways as a potential component. Serotonin and octopamine concentrations are shown to undergo long-term change due to distinct foraging experiences. My work serves to highlight the malleability of a social individual's food-related behavior, suggesting that environmental conditions shape how individuals respond to food and share information with group-mates. This thesis contributes to a deeper understanding of inter-individual variation in animal behavior.
Date Created

The Biogenic Amine Tyramine and its Receptor (AmTyr1) in Olfactory Neuropils in the Honey Bee (Apis Mellifera) Brain

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This article describes the cellular sources for tyramine and the cellular targets of tyramine via the Tyramine Receptor 1 (AmTyr1) in the olfactory learning and memory neuropils of the honey bee brain. Clusters of approximately 160 tyramine immunoreactive neurons are

This article describes the cellular sources for tyramine and the cellular targets of tyramine via the Tyramine Receptor 1 (AmTyr1) in the olfactory learning and memory neuropils of the honey bee brain. Clusters of approximately 160 tyramine immunoreactive neurons are the source of tyraminergic fibers with small varicosities in the optic lobes, antennal lobes, lateral protocerebrum, mushroom body (calyces and gamma lobes), tritocerebrum and subesophageal ganglion (SEG). Our tyramine mapping study shows that the primary sources of tyramine in the antennal lobe and calyx of the mushroom body are from at least two Ventral Unpaired Median neurons (VUMmd and VUMmx) with cell bodies in the SEG. To reveal AmTyr1 receptors in the brain, we used newly characterized anti-AmTyr1 antibodies. Immunolocalization studies in the antennal lobe with anti-AmTyr1 antibodies showed that the AmTyr1 expression pattern is mostly in the presynaptic sites of olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs). In the mushroom body calyx, anti-AmTyr1 mapped the presynaptic sites of uniglomerular Projection Neurons (PNs) located primarily in the microglomeruli of the lip and basal ring calyx area. Release of tyramine/octopamine from VUM (md and mx) neurons in the antennal lobe and mushroom body calyx would target AmTyr1 expressed on ORN and uniglomerular PN presynaptic terminals. The presynaptic location of AmTyr1, its structural similarity with vertebrate alpha-2 adrenergic receptors, and previous pharmacological evidence suggests that it has an important role in the presynaptic inhibitory control of neurotransmitter release.

Date Created

Testing Chronic and Acute Exposure of Selenium on Honey Bee Learning and Memory

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Selenium, a group 16 metalloid on the periodic table, is a necessary mineral for many organisms. Trace amounts of selenium are essential for normal development, antioxidant protein function, enzyme function, and hormone regulation (Burden et al., 2016). However, when selenium

Selenium, a group 16 metalloid on the periodic table, is a necessary mineral for many organisms. Trace amounts of selenium are essential for normal development, antioxidant protein function, enzyme function, and hormone regulation (Burden et al., 2016). However, when selenium is found in toxic amounts in organisms, it has been found to substitute for sulfur in proteins, which can be toxic to these animals, and cause oxidative stress (Quinn et al., 2007). Using the previous research done with acute exposure to organic and inorganic selenium compounds, we hypothesized that the inorganic sodium selenate would significantly decrease learning and memory recall for both chronic and acute exposure. We also hypothesized that the consumption of organic methylseleno-L-cysteine by honey bees would decrease learning and memory recall for both the chronic and acute exposure. We further hypothesized that protein carbonyl content would be increased due to oxidative damage caused by selenium in both the sodium selenate and the methylseleno-L-cysteine treatment groups, but that the inorganic selenium compound would increase the carbonyl content more than the methylseleno-L-cysteine. To run the experiments, three tents outside had two colonies in each tent. One tent contained the sodium selenate group, another had the sucrose control, and one contained the methylseleno-L-cysteine group. The treatment groups were fed selenium in their sucrose feeders. The first part of the experiment was training the bees by using proboscis extension response (PER) to teach them to extend their proboscis to the rewarded odor and not to the unrewarded odor. This was done by pairing the rewarded odor with a sucrose reward and not pairing it with the unrewarded odor. Then their short-term and long-term memory recall was tested. The second part of the experiment was checking for oxidative damage by measuring the protein carbonyl content in the bees. Three boxes were set up with the same three treatment groups as used in the tents. The treatment group bees were exposed to selenium in the sucrose feeders and in the pollen patties. After one week, the living bees were removed and frozen. They were then homogenized to extract protein. The first assay run was the protein content assay to establish a standard protein concentration for samples. Then a protein carbonyl assay was run, to determine the protein carbonyl content. Overall, the experiment found that exposure to selenium negatively impacted honey bees learning and memory recall significantly. Chronic exposure to the inorganic selenate reduced the bees' long-term memory abilities to differentiate between odors. With methylseleno-L-cysteine, it had no significant effect for the chronic exposure, but for the acute exposure, it had a significant impairment on their abilities to distinguish between the rewarded and unrewarded odors during conditioning. Our results showed that from our experiment there appeared to be no significant effect of selenium exposure on the increase of carbonylation content in the different treatment groups. This is most likely due to the fact the carbonyl content was not detectable because the protein concentration was low in the samples (approximately 3.5 mg/mL).
Date Created