Neuroaesthetics: A Cross-Disciplinary Analysis of the Relationship Between Beauty and Addiction


This paper provides a multidisciplinary analysis of the relationship between beauty and addiction, with a focus on the emerging field of neuroaesthetics. Neuroaesthetics investigates the neural mechanisms that underlie aesthetic experiences and how the brain cognitively processes beauty. Since there

This paper provides a multidisciplinary analysis of the relationship between beauty and addiction, with a focus on the emerging field of neuroaesthetics. Neuroaesthetics investigates the neural mechanisms that underlie aesthetic experiences and how the brain cognitively processes beauty. Since there is a biological foundation of this report, I will predominantly discuss neuroanatomy, neurological studies, and the overlap in neural circuitry between beauty and addiction. In addition, I will discuss the philosophical roots of beauty, as well as the environmental elements involved. Chapter 1 begins by explaining the history of beauty and its importance. I discuss the main constituents of beauty and differentiate between key terms involved in the beauty experience. In order to understand the link between beauty and addiction, it is essential to have a knowledgeable background on what beauty is. Next, I discuss the neurobiology of addiction. The main component of this chapter involves the mesolimbic and mesocortical reward pathways. I also describe neuroanatomical terms involved in addiction. The last chapter considers the implications of neuroaesthetics in various studies, which primarily involve the use of fMRIs. I discuss the sensory evaluations of beauty and the brain regions involved in the beauty experience. From this, I found that the experience of beauty activates these main brain regions: PFC, amygdala, striatum, NAcc, cingulate, VTA, and most remarkably, field A1 of the mOFC. By combining the neurological studies with studies of aesthetics, I reached the conclusion that there is an overlap in the neural pathways during the experience of beauty and during addiction. Although it is necessary for further research to be conducted to properly declare this, I discovered that the pursuit of beauty can lead to addictive behaviors, as the reward centers of the brain are activated by aesthetic experiences.

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Using Transgenic Mice (APP/PS1) to Model Alzheimer’s Disease to Understand
Hippocampal-Dependent Memory


Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an irreversible brain disorder that plagues millions of people with no current cure. Current clinical research is slowly advancing to more definitive treatments in hopes of reducing the effects of progressive cognitive and behavioral decline, but

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an irreversible brain disorder that plagues millions of people with no current cure. Current clinical research is slowly advancing to more definitive treatments in hopes of reducing the effects of progressive cognitive and behavioral decline, but none so far can slow AD’s onset. A brain area known as the nucleus incertus (NI) was recently discovered to potentially impact AD because of its connections to brain targets that degenerate; however, the NI’s role is unknown. This goal of this experiment was to use a transgenic mouse model (APP/PS1) that expresses AD pathology slowly as found in humans, and to test the mice in a variety of cognitive and anxiety assessments. Mice of both sexes and two different ages were used, with the first being young adult before AD pathology manifests (around 3-4 months old), and the second being around the cusp of when AD pathology manifests (late adult, 8-10 months old). The mice were tested in a variety of cognitive tasks that included the novel object recognition (NOR), Morris water maze (MWM), and the object placement (OP), with the latter being the focus of my thesis. Anxiety measures were taken from the open field (OF) and elevated plus maze (EPM) with the visible platform (VP) used to ensure mice could perform on the rigorous MWM task. In the OP, we found an age effect, where the older mice were less likely to explore the moved object during the OP compared to the younger mice; motor ability was unlikely to explain this effect. We did not find any significant age by genotype effects. These findings indicate that cognitive impairment only just started to affect the older cohort, since OP impairment was found on one measure and not another. Other measures currently being quantified will be helpful in understanding this data, and to see whether learning, memory, and anxiety are affected.

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Cerebellar Mediation of the Effects of Isolation on Social Behavior


Social isolation in early childhood can have life-long effects on social behaviors and development. Cerebellar crus I has additionally been linked to social behaviors through forebrain pathways. In this study, we hypothesized that social isolation of mice from postnatal day

Social isolation in early childhood can have life-long effects on social behaviors and development. Cerebellar crus I has additionally been linked to social behaviors through forebrain pathways. In this study, we hypothesized that social isolation of mice from postnatal day 21 (P21) until p35 would result in impaired social behaviors. Additionally, we hypothesized that gq DREADD injections into crus I, to increase levels of cerebellar stimulation, at the start of the isolation period would counteract the effects of isolation, leading to mice who displayed normal social behaviors. Social behavior at P35 was tested using the 3-Chamber Task, a well-established model, and SLEAP deep-learning software was used to obtain quantifiable data. We found no difference in social behaviors between socially raised and isolated mice. However, gq DREADD mice displayed greater levels of social interaction and exploration than either socially raised mice or isolated mice. This research carries implications for possible therapeutic interventions for groups prone to social isolation, such as those with developmental disabilities, minority groups, the elderly, and prison populations.

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Prenatal Maternal Stress Alters Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology in 12-Month Old 3xTg Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse Model


Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is the most prevalent form of dementia and is the sixth leading cause of death in the elderly. Evidence suggests that forms of stress, including prenatal maternal stress (PMS), could exacerbate AD development. To better understand the

Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is the most prevalent form of dementia and is the sixth leading cause of death in the elderly. Evidence suggests that forms of stress, including prenatal maternal stress (PMS), could exacerbate AD development. To better understand the mechanism linking PMS and AD, we investigated behavior and specific epigenetic markers of the 3xTg-AD mouse model compared to aged-controls in offspring of stressed mothers and non-stressed mothers.

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Hippocampal Contributions to the Temporal Dynamics of Behavior

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The capacity to track time in the seconds-to-minutes range, or interval timing, appears to be at least partially dependent on intact hippocampal (HPC) function. The current dissertation sought to dissociate timed responses, non-timed responses, and motivational aspects of behavior in

The capacity to track time in the seconds-to-minutes range, or interval timing, appears to be at least partially dependent on intact hippocampal (HPC) function. The current dissertation sought to dissociate timed responses, non-timed responses, and motivational aspects of behavior in order to propose a role of the HPC in specific timing sub-processes. In Chapter 2, effects of dorsal HPC (dHPC) lesions on temporal responding in a switch-timing task revealed a critical role of dHPC in the acquisition of interval timing criteria. Following dHPC lesions, the start time of responding was systemically shortened, in a manner that was enhanced and sustained when encoding a novel long interval, consistent with a memory-based account of dHPC function in timed responding. Chapter 3 investigated effects of chronic stress, which has been shown to reliably induce HPC dendritic retraction, on interval timing, utilizing response-initiated schedules of reinforcement, which facilitate deconvolution of timing and motivation. This revealed task-dependent effects on interval timing and motivation, where stress induced transient effects on motivation in a prospective timing task, but transient effects on the variability of timed responding in a retrospective timing task, consistent with an effect on memory function in interval timing. Chapter 4 sought to bring timed responding, motivation, and non-timed behaviors under stronger procedural control, through the implementation of a response-initiated timing-with-opportunity-cost task, in which a cost is imposed on temporal food-seeking by the presence of a concurrent source of probabilistic reinforcement. This arrangement garnered strong schedule control of behavior, and revealed individual-subject differences in the effects of reward devaluation, such that it affected motivation in some rats, but temporal responding in others. Using this methodology, Chapter 5 investigated initial temporal entrainment of behavior under pharmacological deactivation of dHPC and revealed its critical involvement in updating memory to new temporal contingencies. Together, data from this dissertation contrast with prior conclusions that the HPC is not involved in learning temporal criteria, and instead suggest that its function is indeed critical to encoding temporal intervals in memory.
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Prenatal Maternal Stress Exacerbates Alzheimer’s Disease Through Epigenetic Changes

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Stress and stress-related disorders increase the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) later in life. Some evidence suggests that prenatal maternal stress (PMS) can exacerbate AD. However, the effects of PMS on AD have not been as well studied. Epigenetic changes

Stress and stress-related disorders increase the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) later in life. Some evidence suggests that prenatal maternal stress (PMS) can exacerbate AD. However, the effects of PMS on AD have not been as well studied. Epigenetic changes have been shown to contribute to AD and this is a possible mechanism by which PMS could accelerate AD. Thus, the present study aimed to investigate the effects of PMS on histone modifications, which change gene expression through alterations made to chromatin structure and thereby DNA accessibility. We utilized female 3xTG-AD mice and performed spatial and learning memory assessments between 5 and 6 months of age. Tissue was analyzed for AD pathology and epigenetic markers at 6 months of age were assessed PMS was shown to influence histone modifications H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 in a manner known to promote the expression of genes associated with neurodegeneration. Further, PMS impaired spatial memory, and, interestingly, the data resembled the pattern of H3K4me3 expression across groups, suggesting that this epigenetic modification could modulate the learning and memory effects of PMS. While the presence of hallmark AD pathologies were not accelerated by PMS, PMS did increase early tau phosphorylation events. Thus, this evidence suggests that PMS impairs spatial memory through epigenetic modifications and may potentially exacerbate AD later in life.

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Impact of In-Utero Dexamethasone on Autonomic Regulation in Adulthood

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Premature babies are at risk of death from immature lung development. For this reason, pregnant mothers at risk for preterm delivery are administered dexamethasone (DEX), a synthetic glucocorticoid that promotes fetal lung development. However, exposure to DEX in utero is

Premature babies are at risk of death from immature lung development. For this reason, pregnant mothers at risk for preterm delivery are administered dexamethasone (DEX), a synthetic glucocorticoid that promotes fetal lung development. However, exposure to DEX in utero is associated with low birth weight and cardiovascular development pathologies. Moreover, our lab found that DEX administration in-utero leads to a sex-specific increase in stress-induced tachycardia in female, but not male offspring. This project seeks to expand on this preliminary finding of the heart by examining local effectors of activity from the sympathetic system (tyrosine hydroxylase and catechol-o-methyltransferase). Tyrosine hydroxylase was measured as it catalyzes the rate limiting step of norepinephrine synthesis while catechol-O- methyltransferase was studied as it catalyzes the degradation of norepinephrine. Acetylcholinesterase was used to measure parasympathetic activity as it catalyzes the degradation of the primary neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic nervous system, acetylcholine. Analyses of sympathetic as well as parasympathetic activity were done to determine influences of in-utero DEX exposure on autonomic regulation in adulthood. Pregnant rats were administered DEX (0.4 mg/kg, i.p.) or vehicle (20% w/v 2-hydroxypropyl ß- cyclodextran) at gestation days 18-21, with euthanasia of offspring occurring at around the time the offspring reached 13-15 weeks of age. Left ventricles and right atria were pulverized, processed and subjected to western blot analysis to determine expression of proteins of interest. Males exposed to DEX in-utero saw a decrease in tyrosine hydroxylase expression in left ventricle and right atrium when compared to vehicle control, a difference not seen with females. In addition, catechol-o-methyltransferase expression was increased in right atria from male, but not female rats. Acetylcholinesterase expression was reduced in the right atria of female, but not male rats. The present findings suggest reduced norepinephrine signaling in the heart of male, but not female DEX-exposed offspring. Given that we have previously found that female, but not male rats exhibit exaggerated stress-induced tachycardia, our current findings suggest that males possess a sex-specific compensatory mechanism allowing the heart to resist increased sympathetic signaling from the brain, one that females do not possess. The underlying mechanics of this proposed mechanism are unclear, and further investigation is needed in this subject to determine the significance of the findings from our study.

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Unpredictable, intermittent, chronic stress may increase dendritic complexity of short shaft hippocampal neurons

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Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) affects over 300 million people worldwide, with the hippocampus showing decreased volume and activity in patients with MDD. The current study investigated whether a novel preclinical model of depression, unpredictable intermittent restraint (UIR), would decrease hippocampal

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) affects over 300 million people worldwide, with the hippocampus showing decreased volume and activity in patients with MDD. The current study investigated whether a novel preclinical model of depression, unpredictable intermittent restraint (UIR), would decrease hippocampal neuronal dendritic complexity. Adult Sprague Dawley rats (24 male, 24 female) were equally divided into 4 groups: control males (CON-M), UIR males (UIR-M), control females (CON-F) and UIR females (UIR-F). UIR groups received restraint and shaking on an orbital shaker on a randomized schedule for 30 or 60 minutes/day for two to six days in a row for 26 days (21 total UIR days) before behavioral testing commenced. UIR continued and was interspersed between behavioral test days. At the end of behavioral testing, brains were processed. The behavior is published and not part of my honor’s thesis; my contribution involved quantifying and analyzing neurons in the hippocampus. Several neuronal types are found in the CA3 subregion of the hippocampus and I focused on short shaft (SS) neurons, which show different sensitivities to stress than the more common long shaft (LS) variety. Brains sections were mounted to slides and Golgi stained. SS neurons were drawn using a microscope with camera lucida attachment and quantified using the number of bifurcations and dendritic intersections as metrics for dendritic complexity in the apical and basal areas separately. The hypothesis that SS neurons in the CA3 region of the hippocampus would exhibit apical dendritic simplification in both sexes after UIR was not supported by our findings. In contrast, following UIR, SS apical dendrites were more complex in both sexes compared to controls. Although unexpected, we believe that the UIR paradigm was an effective stressor, robust enough to illicit neuronal adaptations. It appears that the time from the end of UIR to when the brain tissue was collected, or the post-stress recovery period, and/or repeated behavioral testing may have played a role in the observed increased neuronal complexity. Future studies are needed to parse out these potential effects.
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Deficits in Spatial Working Memory Depend on Age in a Novel Rat Model of Alzheimer's Disease

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There are currently no disease-modifying treatments to halt or attenuate the progression of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Transgenic rodent models have provided researchers the ability to recapitulate particular pathological and symptomological events in disease progression. Complete reproduction of all features of

There are currently no disease-modifying treatments to halt or attenuate the progression of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Transgenic rodent models have provided researchers the ability to recapitulate particular pathological and symptomological events in disease progression. Complete reproduction of all features of AD in a rodent model has not been achieved, potentially lending to the inconclusive treatment results at the clinical level. Recently, the TgF344-AD transgenic rat model has started to be evaluated; however, it has not been well characterized in terms of its cognition, which is fundamental to understanding the trajectory of aging relative to pathology and learning and memory changes. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to identify cognitive outcomes at 6, 9, and 12 months of age in the TgF344-AD rat model. Sixty female transgenic (Tg) and wildtype (WT) rats were tested on the water radial arm maze, Morris water maze, and visible platform task to evaluate cognition. Results from the asymptotic phase of the water radial arm maze showed that the 6 mo-Tg animals had marginally impaired working memory compared to 6 mo-WT rats, and 12 mo-Tg rats had significantly impaired working memory compared to 12 mo-WT rats. The 9 mo-Tg animals did not demonstrate a significant difference in working memory errors compared to the 9 mo-WT animals. This pattern of impairment, wherein Tg animals made more working memory errors compared to WT animals at the 6 and 12 month time points, but not at the 9 month time point, may be indicative of an inflammatory response that proves helpful at incipient stages of disease progression but eventually leads to further cognitive impairment. These results provide insight into the potential earliest time point that prodromal cognitive symptoms of AD exist, and how they progress with aging. Brain tissue was collected at sacrifice for future analyses of pathology, which will be used to glean insight into the temporal progression of pathological and cognitive outcomes.
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Chronic stress alters local estradiol expression across brain regions in a sex-dependent manner

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Women are twice as likely as men to develop Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), and current MDD therapies are only effective for about a third of patients. Hormonal transitions, specifically those involving estradiol (E2), have been found to contribute to this

Women are twice as likely as men to develop Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), and current MDD therapies are only effective for about a third of patients. Hormonal transitions, specifically those involving estradiol (E2), have been found to contribute to this increased vulnerability in women. This study aimed to investigate potential mechanisms underlying the sex differences seen in MDD vulnerability, specifically the role of E2. The brain region-specific changes induced by chronic stress differ for female rats than for male rats. Therefore, we aimed to determine the effects of sex and chronic stress on E2 expression in four brain regions: the hippocampus, medial prefrontal cortex, amygdala, and cerebellum. Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 48, 24 males, 24 females; n=12/Tx group) were subjected to daily wire mesh restraint stress (6 h/21 days), and were euthanized and dissected the day following the end of chronic restraint stress (day 22). Ultra high-pressure liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy was used to directly measure E2 in the brain regions. Quantitative real-time PCR was used to indirectly assess E2 expression via mRNA for aromatase (ARO-L) and estrogen receptors (ERβ, ERɑ, and GPR30), as well as expression of inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β and TNF-ɑ). Our findings suggest that chronic stress may lead to changes in local estradiol expression in the brain that are both sex-dependent and brain region-specific, while the data are preliminary given the small sample size. We found that expression of ARO-L mRNA, a measure of local E2 production, tended to increase in the HIPP, but decrease in the mPFC following chronic stress, and in the mPFC this pattern was only observed in males. Local estradiol production in the brain seems to act as a potential compensatory mechanism in the hippocampus, but as a protective mechanism in the mPFC, which is highly sensitive to chronic stress.
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