3D Printing Biocompatible Polymers for Biomedical Applications

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Since their invention in the 19th century, polymers have played an essential role, yet their full potential in biomedicine remains largely untapped. Biocompatible polymers, known for their flexibility, accessibility, and modifiability, hold promise in creating complex biomimetic structures for bioscaffolds

Since their invention in the 19th century, polymers have played an essential role, yet their full potential in biomedicine remains largely untapped. Biocompatible polymers, known for their flexibility, accessibility, and modifiability, hold promise in creating complex biomimetic structures for bioscaffolds and biosensors. 3D printing, an emerging manufacturing technique, enables on-demand production of intricate structures, offering significant potential for personalized medicine and advanced biomedical engineering. This thesis focuses on designing and developing polymer-based bioscaffolds and biosensors using 3D printing. Chapter 1 provides an all-round introduction to common 3D printing techniques and polymeric biomaterials, especially biodegradable polymers. In Chapter 2, a gill-mimicking thermoelectric generator (TEG) was created to harvest body temperature and monitor bio-signals without external power. The out-of-plane geometry is obtained with fused deposition modeling (FDM), which is crucial for effective contact with various curved surfaces. Further improvements in biocompatibility enable the material to be implanted in vivo. Chapter 3 discusses UV-facilitated DIW printing for pelvic organ prolapse (POP) tissue scaffolds, featuring crosslink strategies for native tissue-like mechanical behavior. The double network comprises thiol-ene UV-initiated chemical bonds and alkaline-induced crystal regions as physical crosslink nodes. The crosslink density affects the degradation rate of the scaffold, enabling a slow degradation behavior beneficial to the recovery of the injured tissue. Chapter 4 presents a novel artificial artery design with varying moduli and natural polymers for bypass surgeries. The inner and outer layers of the conduit were stretched successively under different strains, endowing the vessel with varying moduli. Natural polymers were utilized to achieve low cytotoxicity and promote adequate cell adhesion. Additionally, the gelation behavior and the ink composition suitable for extrusion with a DIW platform were thoroughly studied. Image analysis, finite element analysis, and machine learning were employed to substantiate the findings regarding mechanical properties, extrusion quality, and printing fidelity in Chapters 3 and 4. This combination of computer-assisted analysis with experimental results enhances the robustness of the studies. Lastly, Chapter 5 provides an outlook and perspectives on the applications of biocompatible polymeric materials manufactured by 3D printing in the field of health applications.
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Nanoengineered Hydrogel Scaffolds for Enhanced Maturation and Functionality of hiPSC-derived Cardiac Tissues

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Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), including myocardial infarction (MI), are the major cause of death globally. Considerable research has been devoted in recent years to developing in vitro cardiac tissue models utilizing human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) for regenerative medicine, disease

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), including myocardial infarction (MI), are the major cause of death globally. Considerable research has been devoted in recent years to developing in vitro cardiac tissue models utilizing human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) for regenerative medicine, disease modeling, and drug discovery applications. Notably, electroconductive hydrogel scaffolds have shown great promise in the development of functional hiPSC-derived cardiac tissues for both in vitro and in vivo cardiac research. However, the underlying mechanism(s) by which these nanoparticles contribute to the function and fate of stem cell-derived cardiac tissues have not been fully investigated. To address these knowledge gaps, this Ph.D. dissertation focuses on the mechanistic analysis of the impact of nanoengineered electroconductive hydrogel scaffolds on 2D and 3D hiPSC-derived cardiac tissues. Specifically, within the first phase of the project, hydrogel scaffolds were nanoengineered using either electroconductive or non-conductive nanoparticles to dissect the role of electroconductivity features of gold nanorods (GNRs) in the functionality of isogenic 2D hiPSC-derived cardiac patches. Extensive biological and electrophysiological assessments revealed that, while biophysical cues from the presence of nanoparticles could potentially play a role in cardiac tissue development, electroconductivity cues played a major role in enhancing the functional maturation of hiPSC-derived cardiac tissues in 2D cell-seeded cardiac patches. This dissertation further describes the application of GNRs in developing a biomimetic 3D electroconductive Heart-on-a-chip (eHOC) model. The 3D eHOC model was then leveraged to comprehensively investigate the cellular and molecular responses of isogenic human cardiac tissues to the electroconductive microenvironment through single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq), an aspect not addressed in previous studies. The enhanced functional maturation of the 3D eHOC was demonstrated through extensive tissue-level and molecular-level assays. It was revealed that the GNR-based electroconductive microenvironment contributes to cardiac tissue development through the enrichment of calcium handling and cardiac contractile pathways.Overall, these findings offer additional insights into the role of electroconductive hydrogel scaffolds in regulating the functionalities of hiPSC-derived cardiac tissues. Furthermore, the proposed 3D eHOC platform could also serve as a more physiologically representative model of the in vivo microenvironment for in vitro applications, such as drug testing and disease modeling studies.
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Optical Imaging-Based Digital Nanobiosensor for Point-of-Care Cardiac Biomarker Testing

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Cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of death worldwide. Cardiac biomarkers can provide objective and quantitative information to facilitate early diagnosis and guide treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Even though a variety of methods have been developed for cardiac biomarker

Cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of death worldwide. Cardiac biomarkers can provide objective and quantitative information to facilitate early diagnosis and guide treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Even though a variety of methods have been developed for cardiac biomarker detection, a point-of-care testing (POCT) for cardiac biomarkers with high sensitivity, specificity and precision is still missing. To fulfil this unmet need, novel digital biosensing methods based on optical imaging and nanomaterials are developed in this dissertation for high-sensitivity POCT of cardiac biomarkers.First, a high-sensitivity and POC-compatible optical imaging-based digital immunoassay is developed for rapid detection of low-abundance biomarkers. This technology was established on a model analyte IL-6 and can be adapted to various other protein targets. The digital immunoassay was also utilized as the reference method for evaluating the digital nanobiosensors developed afterwards. Second, a microfluidic digital nanobiosensor (MDNB) is developed for POC-compatible detection of heart failure biomarker NT-proBNP from 7 µL of whole blood. Using the MDNB, detection in a clinically relevant concentration range was achieved with a 10-minute assay time. With a high potential utility in outpatient and possibly even home settings, the MDNB could become a POC device for decentralized detection of NT-proBNP to assist heart failure patient management. Lastly, the development of a digital immunogold-linked apta-sorbent assay (DILASA) for rapid high-sensitivity detection of heart attack biomarker cardiac troponin is introduced. Reliable detection of 10 ng/L cTnT in human plasma was achieved with a 15-minute assay time using DILASA. It is expected that with further optimization and development, DILASA will be a promising candidate approach for realizing a high-sensitivity POCT of cTnT.
Date Created

Development and Characterization of Isogenic Cardiac Organoids Derived from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of mortality worldwide, causing nearly 25% of deaths in the United States. Despite the efforts to create in vitro models for the study and treatment of CVDs, these are still limited in their

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of mortality worldwide, causing nearly 25% of deaths in the United States. Despite the efforts to create in vitro models for the study and treatment of CVDs, these are still limited in their recapitulation of the heart tissue. Thus, the engineering of accurate cardiac models is imperative to gain more understanding and improve the outcome of CVDs. This Ph.D. dissertation focuses on the development and characterization of isogenic cardiac organoids derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs). Additionally, the integration of chemical and biological cues for enriching their microenvironment and promoting their maturation state and function were studied. First, hiPSC-derived cardiac cells were utilized for the fabrication of multicellular spherical microtissues, namely isogenic cardiac organoids. The cellular composition and culture time of the engineered tissues were optimized to induce cellular aggregation and the formation of cell-cell interactions. Also, ribbon-like gold nanoparticles, namely gold nanoribbons (AuNRs), were synthesized, characterized, and biofunctionalized for their integration into the isogenic cardiac organoids. In-depth biological evaluation of the organoids showed enhanced cardiac maturation markers. Furthermore, a supplement-free cell culture regime was designed and evaluated for fabricating isogenic cardiac organoids. Mechanistic, cellular, and molecular-level studies demonstrated that the presence of hiPSC-derived cardiac fibroblasts (hiPSC-CFs) significantly improves the morphology and gene expression profile of the organoids. Electrophysiological-relevant features of the organoids, such as conduction velocity (CV), were further investigated utilizing a microelectrode array (MEA) platform. It was shown that MEA offers a simple, yet powerful approach to assessing electrophysiological responses of the tissues, where a trend in decreased CV was found due to the presence of hiPSC-CFs. Overall, this dissertation has a broad impact casting light on the development strategy and biological mechanisms that govern the formation and function of isogenic cardiac organoids. Moreover, this study presents two unique approaches to promote maturation of stem cell-derived cardiac organoids: 1) through the integration of novel biofunctionalized nanomaterials, and 2) through a cell culture regime, leading to enhanced function of the organoids. The proposed micro-engineered organoids have broad applications as physiologically relevant tissues for drug discovery, CVDs modeling, and regenerative medicine.
Date Created

Examining the Mechanisms of a Functionalized Collagen-PRP Hydrogel for Chronic Wound Healing Applications


Chronic wounds affect many people worldwide and significantly impact their quality of life. Hydrogel wound dressings are a promising option for chronic wounds due to their properties, including mild fabrication conditions, high water content, biodegradability, and bioactive molecule delivery capabilities.

Chronic wounds affect many people worldwide and significantly impact their quality of life. Hydrogel wound dressings are a promising option for chronic wounds due to their properties, including mild fabrication conditions, high water content, biodegradability, and bioactive molecule delivery capabilities. This thesis will explore the mechanisms that contribute to the wound healing properties of a bovine type I collagen-based hydrogel that incorporates platelet-rich plasma and describe how this hydrogel will be capable of effectively healing chronic wounds.

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Development and Implementation of an Automated Multiplexed Method to Study Genome-Wide DNA Methylation

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DNA methylation (DNAm) is an epigenetic mark with a critical role in regulating gene expression. Altered clinical states, including toxin exposure and viral infections, can cause aberrant DNA methylation in cells, which may persist during cell division. Current methods to

DNA methylation (DNAm) is an epigenetic mark with a critical role in regulating gene expression. Altered clinical states, including toxin exposure and viral infections, can cause aberrant DNA methylation in cells, which may persist during cell division. Current methods to study genome-wide methylome profiles of the cells require a long processing time and are expensive. Here, a novel technique called Multiplexed Methylated DNA Immunoprecipitation Sequencing (Mx-MeDIP-Seq), which is amenable to automation. Up to 15 different samples can be combined into the same run of Mx-MeDIP-Seq, using only 25 ng of DNA per sample. Mx-MeDIP-Seq was used to study DNAm profiles of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in two biologically distinct RNA viral infections with different modes of transmission, symptoms, and interaction with the host immune system: human immunodeficiency virus1 (HIV-1) and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Analysis of 90 hospitalized patients with SARS-CoV-2 and 57 healthy controls revealed that SARS-CoV-2 infection led to alterations in 920 methylated regions in PBMCs, resulting in a change in transcription that affects host immune response and cell survival. Analysis of publicly available RNA-Sequencing data in COVID-19 correlated with DNAm in several key pathways. These findings provide a mechanistic view toward further understanding of viral infections. Genome-wide DNAm changes post HIV-1-infection from 37 chronically ill patients compared to 17 controls revealed dysregulation of the actin cytoskeleton, which could contribute to the establishment of latency in HIV-1 infections. Longitudinal DNAm analysis identified several potentially protective and harmful genes that could contribute to disease suppression or progression.
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Utilizing Injection Molding to Generate Complex Three-Dimensional Cell Encapsulation Geometries

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Encapsulation is a promising technology to deliver cell-based therapies to patients safely and with reduced need for immunosuppression. Macroencapsulation devices are advantageous due to their ease of retrieval, and thus enhanced safety profile, relative to microencapsulation techniques. A major challenge

Encapsulation is a promising technology to deliver cell-based therapies to patients safely and with reduced need for immunosuppression. Macroencapsulation devices are advantageous due to their ease of retrieval, and thus enhanced safety profile, relative to microencapsulation techniques. A major challenge in macroencapsulation device design is ensuring sufficient oxygen transport to encapsulated cells, requiring high surface area-to-volume device geometries. In this work, a hydrogel injection molding biofabrication method was modified to design and generate complex three-dimensional macroencapsulation devices that have greater complexity in the z-axis. The rheological properties of diverse hydrogels were evaluated and used to perform computational flow modeling within injection mold devices to evaluate pressure regimes suitable for cell viability. 3D printed device designs were evaluated for the reproducibility of hydrogel filling and extraction. This work demonstrated that injection molding biofabrication to construct complex three-dimensional geometries is feasible in pressure regimes consistent with preserving cell viability. Future work will evaluate encapsulated cell viability after injection molding.
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Transorbital Skull Base Surgery; Exploratory Quantitative Assessment of the Microscopic and Endoscopic Surgical Corridor

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Transorbital surgery has gained recent notoriety due to its incorporation into endoscopic skull base surgery. The body of published literature on the field is cadaveric and observation. The pre-clinical studies are focused on the use of the endoscope only. Furthermore

Transorbital surgery has gained recent notoriety due to its incorporation into endoscopic skull base surgery. The body of published literature on the field is cadaveric and observation. The pre-clinical studies are focused on the use of the endoscope only. Furthermore the methodology utilised in the published literature is inconsistent and does not embody the optimal principles of scientific experimentation. This body of work evaluates a minimally invasive novel surgical corridor - the transorbital approach - its validity in neurosurgical practice, as well as both qualitatively and quantitatively assessing available technological advances in a robust experimental fashion. While the endoscope is an established means of visualisation used in clinical transorbital surgery, the microscope has never been assessed with respect to the transorbital approach. This question is investigated here and the anatomical and surgical benefits and limitations of microscopic visualisation demonstrated. The comparative studies provide increased knowledge on specifics pertinent to neurosurgeons and other skull base specialists when planning pre-operatively, such as pathology location, involved anatomical structures, instrument maneuvrability and the advantages and disadvantages of the distinct visualisation technologies. This is all with the intention of selecting the most suitable surgical approach and technology, specific to the patient, pathology and anatomy, so as to perform the best surgical procedure. The research findings illustrated in this body of work are diverse, reproducible and applicable. The transorbital surgical corridor has substantive potential for access to the anterior cranial fossa and specific surgical target structures. The neuroquantitative metrics investigated confirm the utility and benefits specific to the respective visualisation technologies i.e. the endoscope and microscope. The most appropriate setting wherein the approach should be used is also discussed. The transorbital corridor has impressive potential, can utilise all available technological advances, promotes multi-disciplinary co-operation and learning amongst clinicians and ultimately, is a means of improving operative patient care.
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Alginate Microsphere Drug Delivery Modeling

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Alginate microspheres have recently become increasingly popular in the realm of drug delivery for their biocompatibility, nontoxicity, inexpensiveness, among other factors. Recent strict regulations on microsphere size have drastically increased manufacturing cost and waste, even though the effect of

Alginate microspheres have recently become increasingly popular in the realm of drug delivery for their biocompatibility, nontoxicity, inexpensiveness, among other factors. Recent strict regulations on microsphere size have drastically increased manufacturing cost and waste, even though the effect of size variance on drug delivery and subsequent performance is unclear. If sphere size variance does not significantly affect drug release profiles, it is possible that future ordinances may loosen tolerances in manufacturing to limit waste produced and expenditures. We use a mathematical model developed by Nickel et al. [12], to theoretically predict drug delivery profiles based on sphere size, and correlate the expected release with experimental data. This model considers diffusion as the key component for drug delivery, which is defined by Fick’s Laws of Diffusion. Alginate, chosen for its simple fabrication method and biocompatibility, was formed into microspheres with a modified extrusion technique and characterized by size. Size variance was introduced in batches and delivery patterns were compared to control groups of identical size. Release patterns for brilliant blue dye, the mock drug chosen, were examined for both groups via UV spectrometry. The absorbance values were then converted to concentration value using a calibration curve done prior to experimentation. The concentration values were then converted to mass values. These values then produced curves representing the mass of the drug released over time. Although the control and experimental values were statistically significantly different, the curves were rather similar to each other. However, when compared to the predicted release pattern, the curves were not the same. Unexpected degradation caused this dissimilarity between the curves. The predictive model was then adjusted to account for degradation by changing the diffusion coefficient in the code to a reciprocal first order exponent. The similarity between the control and experimental curves can insinuate the notion that size tolerances for microsphere production can be somewhat lenient, as a batch containing fifteen beads of the same size and one with three different sizes yields similar release patterns.
Date Created

Alginate Microsphere Drug Delivery Modeling

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Alginate microspheres have recently become increasingly popular in the realm of drug delivery for their biocompatibility, nontoxicity, inexpensiveness, among other factors. Recent strict regulations on microsphere size have drastically increased manufacturing cost and waste, even though the effect of size

Alginate microspheres have recently become increasingly popular in the realm of drug delivery for their biocompatibility, nontoxicity, inexpensiveness, among other factors. Recent strict regulations on microsphere size have drastically increased manufacturing cost and waste, even though the effect of size variance on drug delivery and subsequent performance is unclear. If sphere size variance does not significantly affect drug release profiles, it is possible that future ordinances may loosen tolerances in manufacturing to limit waste produced and expenditures. We use a mathematical model developed by Nickel et al. [12], to theoretically predict drug delivery profiles based on sphere size, and correlate the expected release with experimental data. This model considers diffusion as the key component for drug delivery, which is defined by Fick’s Laws of Diffusion. Alginate, chosen for its simple fabrication method and biocompatibility, was formed into microspheres with a modified extrusion technique and characterized by size. Size variance was introduced in batches and delivery patterns were compared to control groups of identical size. Release patterns for brilliant blue dye, the mock drug chosen, were examined for both groups via UV spectrometry. The absorbance values were then converted to concentration value using a calibration curve done prior to experimentation. The concentration values were then converted to mass values. These values then produced curves representing the mass of the drug released over time. Although the control and experimental values were statistically significantly different, the curves were rather similar to each other. However, when compared to the predicted release pattern, the curves were not the same. Unexpected degradation caused this dissimilarity between the curves. The predictive model was then adjusted to account for degradation by changing the diffusion coefficient in the code to a reciprocal first order exponent. The similarity between the control and experimental curves can insinuate the notion that size tolerances for microsphere production can be somewhat lenient, as a batch containing fifteen beads of the same size and one with three different sizes yields similar release patterns.

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