The Expression of Complex Proteins in Plant Systems for Industrial and Biomedical Applications

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The expression of complex proteins was studied in multiple plant systems. Recombinant spider silk, which could be utilized for biomedical applications such as coatings or doped into silk fibers, was successfully expressed in Nicotiana. benthamiana wild type and GnGn glycoengineered

The expression of complex proteins was studied in multiple plant systems. Recombinant spider silk, which could be utilized for biomedical applications such as coatings or doped into silk fibers, was successfully expressed in Nicotiana. benthamiana wild type and GnGn glycoengineered transgenic plants and purified from endogenous plant proteins which could be utilized for biomedical applications such as coatings or doped into silk fibers. However, the purification process requires further optimization to result in commercialized production of recombinant spider silk. Green fluorescent protein and Norovirus virus-like particles were expressed in multiple plant systems including alfalfa, beets, lettuce, and spinach, in addition to N. benthamiana, to determine the ability of these plant expression systems to produce vaccine candidates for edible vaccine applications in the agricultural sector as well as low-to-middle income countries. It was determined that alfalfa, beets, and lettuce are potential high production expression systems for edible vaccines however they require further optimization to be commercialized. Lastly, novel virus-like particles and antigen presenting nanoparticles based on the bacteriophage AP205 coat protein and norovirus capsid proteins fused to human papillomavirus L2 protein segments (S and P) were expressed in N. benthamiana and utilized to vaccinate mice against the L2 capsid protein (aa14-38x2 and aa14-122) of Human Papillomavirus 16 to study a potential boosting effect of the Recombinant Immune Complex vaccine platform upon prime-boost dosing with the virus-like particle being the prime and the Recombinant Immune Complex being the boost in this vaccine schema.
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The Production and Characterization of a Plant-Expressed M2e Protein Recombinant Immune Complex as a Universal Influenza A Vaccine Candidate


Influenza virus A (IVA) poses a serious threat to human health, killing over 25,000 Americans in the 2022 flu season alone. In the past 10 years, vaccine efficacy has varied significantly, ranging from 20-60% each season. Because IVA is subject

Influenza virus A (IVA) poses a serious threat to human health, killing over 25,000 Americans in the 2022 flu season alone. In the past 10 years, vaccine efficacy has varied significantly, ranging from 20-60% each season. Because IVA is subject to high antigenic shift and strain cocirculation, more effective IVA vaccines are needed to reduce the incidence of disease. Herein we report the production of a recombinant immune complex (RIC) vaccine “4xM2e” in Nicotiana benthamiana plants using agroinfiltration for use as a potential universal IVA vaccine candidate. RICs fuse antigen to the C-terminus of an immunoglobulin heavy chain with an epitope tag cognate to the antibody, promoting immune complex formation to increase immunogenicity. IVA matrix protein 2 ectodomain (M2e) is selected to serve as vaccine antigen for its high sequence conservation, as only a small number of minor mutations have occurred since its discovery in 1981 in the human sequence. However, there is some divergence in zoonotic IVA strains, and to account for this, we designed a combination of human consensus, swine, and avian M2e variants, 4xM2e. This was fused to the C terminus of the RIC platform to improve M2e immunogenicity and IVA strain coverage. The 4xM2e RIC was produced in N. benthamiana and verified with SDS-PAGE and Western blot assays, along with an analysis of complex formation and the potential for complement activation via complement C1q ELISA. With this work, we demonstrate the potential of RICs and plant-expression systems to generate universal IVA vaccine candidates.

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Development of Plant-Made Monoclonal Antibodies to Address the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic

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Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the causative agent of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) that emerged from a zoonotic host at the end of 2019 and caused a public health crisis. In this collection of studies, Nicotiana benthamiana

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the causative agent of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) that emerged from a zoonotic host at the end of 2019 and caused a public health crisis. In this collection of studies, Nicotiana benthamiana plants are used to set the foundation for producing monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) with homogeneous glycosylation to neutralize SARS-CoV-2 and potentially address the immunopathology often observed with severe COVID-19. Specifically, a mAb against the human interleukin (IL)-6 receptor (sarilumab) was generated and evaluated in vitro for its potential to reduce IL-6 signaling that has been shown to be associated with more severe cases of COVID-19. Furthermore, multiple mAbs that bind to the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of SARS-CoV-2 and efficiently neutralize the virus were developed using plant-based expression. Several of these mAbs are from different classes of RBD-binding mAbs that have distinct binding sites from one another. Several mAbs from different classes showed synergy in neutralizing the ancestral strain of SARS-CoV-2 and a smaller subset showed synergy when tested against the highly mutated Omicron (B.1.1.529) variant. Of interest, a novel RBD-binding mAb, termed 11D7, that was raised against the ancestral strain and derived from a hybridoma, appears to have an epitope on the RBD that contributes more synergy to a mAb combination that efficiently neutralizes the B.1.1.529 variant of SARS-CoV-2. This epitope was partially mapped by competitive binding and shows that it overlaps with another known antibody that binds a cryptic, distal epitope, away from the receptor binding site, giving insight into the potential mechanism by which 11D7 neutralizes SARS-CoV-2, as well as potentially allowing it to resist SARS-CoV-2 immune evasion more efficiently. Furthermore, this mAb carries a highly homogeneous glycan pattern when expressed in N. benthamiana, that may contribute to enhanced effector function and provides a tool to elucidate the precise role of crystallizable fragment (Fc)-mediated protection in SARS-CoV-2 infection. Ultimately, these studies provide evidence of the utility of plant-made mAbs to be used as cocktail members, giving clarity to the use of less potent mAbs as valuable cocktail components which will spur further investigations into how mAbs with unique epitopes work together to efficiently neutralize SARS-CoV-2.
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A Recombinant Fusion Protein Immunotherapy Utilizing a Modified Chlorotoxin Molecule Binds Murine Glioblastoma and T cells In Vitro

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The growing field of immunotherapy has generated numerous promising diseasetreatment platforms in recent years. By utilizing the innate capabilities of the immune system, these treatments have provided a unique, simplistic approach to targeting and eliminating cancer. Among these, the bispecific

The growing field of immunotherapy has generated numerous promising diseasetreatment platforms in recent years. By utilizing the innate capabilities of the immune system, these treatments have provided a unique, simplistic approach to targeting and eliminating cancer. Among these, the bispecific T cell engager (BiTEÒ) model has demonstrated potential as a treatment capable of bringing immune cells into contact with cancer cells of interest and initiating perforin/granzyme-mediated cell death of the tumor. While standard BiTE platforms rely on targeting a tumor-specific receptor via its complementary antibody, no such universal receptor has been reported for glioblastoma (GBM), the most common and aggressive primary brain tumor which boasts a median survival of only 15 months. In addition to its dismal prognosis, GBM deploys several immune-evasion tactics that further complicate treatment and make targeted therapy difficult. However, it has been reported that chlorotoxin, a 36-amino acid peptide found in the venom of Leiurus quinquestriatus, binds specifically to glioma cells while not binding healthy tissue in humans. This specificity positions chlorotoxin as a prime candidate to act as a GBM-targeting moiety as one half of an immunotherapeutic treatment platform resembling the BiTE design which I describe here. Named ACDClx∆15, this fusion protein tethers a truncated chlorotoxin molecule to the variable region of a monoclonal antibody targeted to CD3ε on both CD8+ and CD4+ T cells and is theorized to bring T cells into contact with GBM in order to stimulate an artificial immune response against the tumor. Here I describe the design and production of ACDClx∆15 and test its ability to bind and activate T lymphocytes against murine GBM in vitro. ACDClx∆15 was shown to bind both GBM and T cells without binding healthy cells in vitro but did not demonstrate the ability to activate T cells in the presence of GBM.
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Production of HIV-1 Virus-Like Particles in Nicotiana benthamiana Using an Enhanced Geminivirus-Based Expression Vector

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Plant-made virus-like particles (VLPs), composed of HIV-1 Gag and deconstructed gp41 proteins, have been shown to be safe and immunogenic in mice. Here, we report the successful production of HIV-1 Gag/dgp41 VLPs in Nicotiana benthamiana, using an enhanced geminivirus-based expression

Plant-made virus-like particles (VLPs), composed of HIV-1 Gag and deconstructed gp41 proteins, have been shown to be safe and immunogenic in mice. Here, we report the successful production of HIV-1 Gag/dgp41 VLPs in Nicotiana benthamiana, using an enhanced geminivirus-based expression vector. This novel vector results in unique expression kinetics, with peak protein accumulation and minimal necrosis achieved on day 4 post-infiltration. In comparing various purification strategies, it was determined that a 20% ammonium sulfate precipitation is an effective and efficient method for removing plant proteins and purifying the recombinant VLPs of interest. If further purification is required, this may be achieved through ultracentrifugation. VLPs are a useful platform for a variety of biomedical applications and developing the technology to efficiently produce VLPs in the plant expression system is of critical importance.

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Plant-derived Virus-like Particles and Recombinant Immune Complexes as Potential Components of a Future HIV Vaccine

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HIV continues to remain a global health issue, in particular in many low and middle-income countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that of the nearly 38 million HIV-1 positive individuals, 25% are unaware they are infected. Despite decades of

HIV continues to remain a global health issue, in particular in many low and middle-income countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that of the nearly 38 million HIV-1 positive individuals, 25% are unaware they are infected. Despite decades of research, a safe and effective preventative vaccine has yet to be produced. The HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein41 and the Gag structural protein have been identified to be particularly important in HIV-1 transcytosis and cytotoxic lymphocyte response, respectively. Enveloped virus-like particles (VLPs) consisting of Gag and a deconstructed form of glycoprotein (dgp41) comprising the membrane proximal external region (MPER), transmembrane domain and cytoplasmic tail may present a unique and safe way of presenting these proteins in a state mimicking their natural formation. Another form of presenting the immunogenic glycoprotein41, particularly the MPER component, is by presenting it onto the N-terminal of an IgG molecule, thereby creating an IgG fusion molecule. In our lab, both VLPs and IgG fusion molecules are highly expressed and purified within GnGn Nicotiana benthamiana. The results indicated that these recombinant proteins can be assembled properly within plants and can elicit an immune response in mice. This provides a preliminary step in using such Gag/dpg41 VLPs and RIC as present a safe, effective, and inexpensive HIV vaccine.
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Developing a CRISPR-Mediated Knockout TCR Human T Cell Line for Use in Cloning Antigen-Specific T Cell Receptors

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Adoptive transfer of T cells engineered to express synthetic antigen-specific T cell receptors (TCRs) has provocative therapeutic applications for treating cancer. However, expressing these synthetic TCRs in a CD4+ T cell line is a challenge. The CD4+ Jurkat T cell

Adoptive transfer of T cells engineered to express synthetic antigen-specific T cell receptors (TCRs) has provocative therapeutic applications for treating cancer. However, expressing these synthetic TCRs in a CD4+ T cell line is a challenge. The CD4+ Jurkat T cell line expresses endogenous TCRs that compete for space, accessory proteins, and proliferative signaling, and there is the potential for mixed dimer formation between the α and β chains of the endogenous receptor and that of the synthetic cancer-specific TCRs. To prevent hybridization between the receptors and to ensure the binding affinity measured with flow cytometry analysis is between the tetramer and the TCR construct, a CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing pipeline was developed. The guide RNAs (gRNAs) within the complex were designed to target the constant region of the α and β chains, as they are conserved between TCR clonotypes. To minimize further interference and confer cytotoxic capabilities, gRNAs were designed to target the CD4 coreceptor, and the CD8 coreceptor was delivered in a mammalian expression vector. Further, Golden Gate cloning methods were validated in integrating the gRNAs into a CRISPR-compatible mammalian expression vector. These constructs were transfected via electroporation into CD4+ Jurkat T cells to create a CD8+ knockout TCR Jurkat cell line for broadly applicable uses in T cell immunotherapies.
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Bispecific antibodies for the treatment of co-circulating flaviviruses and antibody derivatives for diagnostics in checkpoint immunotherapy

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Flaviviruses (FVs) are among the most medically important arboviruses of the world with the Dengue virus (DENV) accounting for a large percentage of infections observed in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Globalization, travel, and the expanding range of

Flaviviruses (FVs) are among the most medically important arboviruses of the world with the Dengue virus (DENV) accounting for a large percentage of infections observed in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Globalization, travel, and the expanding range of mosquito vectors, such as Aedes aegypti, have increased the potential of infection rates and illnesses associated with FVs.

The DENV and the Zika (ZIKV) FVs frequently co-circulate and generally cause mild self-liming febrile illnesses. However, a secondary infection with a heterologous DENV serotype may lead to life threatening dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and dengue shock syndrome (DSS). DHF/DSS have been linked to antibody dependent enhancement of infection (ADE), a phenomenon that occurs when antibodies (Abs) formed against an initial infection with one serotype of DENV cross-reacts but does not neutralize a heterologous DENV serotype in a secondary infection. Furthermore, Abs raised against the ZIKV have been observed to cross-react with the DENV and vice versa, which can potentially cause ADE and lead to severe DENV disease. The ZIKV can be transmitted vertically and has been linked to devastating congenital defects such as microcephaly in newborns. FDA approved treatments do not exist for DENV and ZIKV illnesses. Thus, there is a need for safe and effective treatments for these co-circulating viruses. Here, a tetravalent bispecific antibody (bsAb) targeting the ZIKV and all four serotypes of the DENV was expressed in the Nicotiana benthamiana (N. benthamiana) plant. Functional assays of the DENV/ZIKV bsAb demonstrated binding, neutralization, and a significant reduction in ADE activity against both the DENV and the ZIKV.

A single chain variable fragment (scFv) and a diabody based on an antibody directed against the immune checkpoint inhibitor PD-L1, were also expressed in N. benthamiana leaves. The smaller sizes of the scFv and diabody confers them with the ability to penetrate deeper tissues making them beneficial in diagnostics, imaging, and possibly cancer therapy. The past few decades has seen long strives in recombinant protein production in plants with significant improvements in production, safety, and efficacy. These characteristics make plants an attractive platform for the production of recombinant proteins, biologics, and therapeutics.
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The Effects of 2,3-butanediol on Arabidopsis and Various Crops

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Climate change has the potential to reduce the amount of land that is suitable for crop growth. Such changes may cause food shortages, which would most likely disproportionately affect the poorest regions of the world. While GMO crops showed potential

Climate change has the potential to reduce the amount of land that is suitable for crop growth. Such changes may cause food shortages, which would most likely disproportionately affect the poorest regions of the world. While GMO crops showed potential to increase crop yield and agricultural efficiency, significant public pushback has led to a search for alternative methods to generate similar results. Compounds produced by bacteria, such as 2,3-butanediol, offer a potential way to change the phenotypes of plants without the deliberate genomic changes involved in the development of GMOs which are often the subject of great controversy. These compounds influence how plants grow and function. Through precise application, the compounds could be used to improve crop yield and stress tolerance. While these effects are not completely understood, they may be due to changes in transcription and translation of certain proteins, the microbiome surrounding the plants and its interactions with the compounds, or other unknown factors. The compound 2,3-butanediol appears to increase biomass, lead to larger root systems and more root hairs, and increase germination rates in a variety of plants. All these traits are favorable for producing higher yields and enduring stress conditions. The phenotypes induced by this compound are similar to plants engineered to over express a type I proton pyrophosphatase. Plants treated with 2,3-butanediol offer a potential option to achieve the benefits of GMO crops without the attached social stigma.
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Electronic Health Records: Suggestions for Future Use

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Electronic Health Records: Suggestions for Future Use explores how EHRs are currently being used in the clinical setting and in the research setting. This paper provides suggestions for how EHRs should be used in the future, so that patient centered

Electronic Health Records: Suggestions for Future Use explores how EHRs are currently being used in the clinical setting and in the research setting. This paper provides suggestions for how EHRs should be used in the future, so that patient centered health care is optimized while maintaining efficiency. Additionally, the thesis discusses why privacy is viewed as an innate human right in society as well as why it is specifically valued in the healthcare setting. The value of privacy significantly impacts how EHRs are currently used, and the more automated EHR systems become, the more likely it is that the privacy of patients is threatened. It was concluded that the healthcare industry can improve EHR use in future clinical and research settings, while upholding privacy laws.
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