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Exploring DNA nanotechnology: Enhancing the NK cell immune response against tumors.

Cell immunotherapies have revolutionized clinical oncology. While CAR T cell therapy has been very effective in clinical studies, off-target immune toxicity limits eligible patients. Thus, NK cells have been approached with the same therapy design since NK cells have a

Cell immunotherapies have revolutionized clinical oncology. While CAR T cell therapy has been very effective in clinical studies, off-target immune toxicity limits eligible patients. Thus, NK cells have been approached with the same therapy design since NK cells have a more favorable safety profile. Therefore, the purpose of this research project is to explore DNA nanotech-based NK cell engagers (NKCEs) that force an immunological synapse between the NK cell and the cancer cell, leading to cancer death. DNA tetrabody (TB) and DNA tetrahedron (TDN) are fabricated and armed with HER2 affibody for tight adhesion to HER2+ cancer cell lines like SKBR3. Overall, relationship between TB-NK treatment and cancer cell apoptosis is still unclear. TB-NK treatment induces an apoptotic profile similar to PMA/IO stimulation. Pilot cell assay needs to be replicated with additional controls and a shortened treatment window. For DNA TDN fabrication, HER2 affibody polishing with Ni-NTA affinity chromatography achieves high purity with 20% to 100% high-imidazole elution gradient. ssDNA-HER2 affibody conjugation is optimal when ssDNA is treated with 40-fold excess sulfo-SMCC for 4 hours. In conclusion, the manufacturing of DNA-based NKCEs is rapid and streamlined, which gives these NKCEs the potential to become a ready to use immunotherapy.
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Self-Assembled Nucleic Acid Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications or Structural Determination of Guest Molecules

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Originally conceived as a way to scaffold molecules of interest into three-dimensional (3D) crystalline lattices for X ray crystallography, the field of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) nanotechnology has dramatically evolved since its inception. The unique properties of DNA nanostructures have

Originally conceived as a way to scaffold molecules of interest into three-dimensional (3D) crystalline lattices for X ray crystallography, the field of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) nanotechnology has dramatically evolved since its inception. The unique properties of DNA nanostructures have promoted their use not only for X ray crystallography, but for a suite of biomedical applications as well. The work presented in this dissertation focuses on both of these exciting applications in the field: 1) Nucleic acid nanostructures as multifunctional drug and vaccine delivery platforms, and 2) 3D DNA crystals for structure elucidation of scaffolded guest molecules.Chapter 1 illustrates how a wide variety of DNA nanostructures have been developed for the delivery of drugs and vaccine components. However, their applications are limited under physiological conditions due to their lack of stability in low salt environments, susceptibility to enzymatic degradation, and tendency for endosomal entrapment. To address these issues, Chapter 2 describes a PEGylated peptide coating molecule was designed to electrostatically adhere to and protect DNA origami nanostructures and to facilitate their cytosolic delivery by peptide-mediated endosomal escape. The development of this molecule will aid in the use of nucleic acid nanostructures for biomedical purposes, such as the delivery of messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccine constructs. To this end, Chapter 3 discusses the fabrication of a structured mRNA nanoparticle for more cost-efficient mRNA vaccine manufacture and proposes a multi-epitope mRNA nanostructure vaccine design for targeting human papillomavirus (HPV) type 16-induced head and neck cancers. DNA nanotechnology was originally envisioned to serve as three-dimensional scaffolds capable of positioning proteins in a rigid array for their structure elucidation by X ray crystallography. Accordingly, Chapter 4 explores design parameters, such as sequence and Holliday junction isomeric forms, for efficient crystallization of 3D DNA lattices. Furthermore, previously published DNA crystal motifs are used to site-specifically position and structurally evaluate minor groove binding molecules with defined occupancies. The results of this study provide significant advancement towards the ultimate goal of the field.
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Life History Theory and Evolutionary Strategies to Treat Cancer

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Life history theory offers a powerful framework to understand evolutionary selection pressures and explain how adaptive strategies use the life history trade-off and differences in cancer defenses across the tree of life. There is often some cost to the phenotype

Life history theory offers a powerful framework to understand evolutionary selection pressures and explain how adaptive strategies use the life history trade-off and differences in cancer defenses across the tree of life. There is often some cost to the phenotype of therapeutic resistance and so sensitive cells can usually outcompete resistant cells in the absence of therapy. Adaptive therapy, as an evolutionary and ecologically inspired paradigm in cancer treatment, uses the competitive interactions between drug-sensitive, and drug-resistant subclones to help suppress the drug-resistant subclones. However, there remain several open challenges in designing adaptive therapies, particularly in extending this approach to multiple drugs. Furthermore, the immune system also plays a role in preventing and controlling cancers. Life history theory may help to explain the variation in immune cell levels across the tree of life that likely contributes to variance in cancer prevalence across vertebrates. However, this has not been previously explored. This work 1) describes resistance management for cancer, lessons cancer researchers learned from farmers since adaptive evolutionary strategies were inspired by the management of resistance in agricultural pests, 2) demonstrates how adaptive therapy protocols work with gemcitabine and capecitabine in a hormone-refractory breast cancer mouse model, 3) tests for a relationship between life history strategy and the immune system, and tests for an effect of immune cells levels on cancer prevalence across vertebrates, and 4) provides a novel approach to improve the teaching of life history theory. This work applies lessons that cancer researchers learned from pest managers, who face similar issues of pesticide resistance, to control cancers. It represents the first time that multiple drugs have been used in adaptive therapy for cancer, and the first time that adaptive therapy has been used on hormone-refractory breast cancer. I found that this evolutionary approach to cancer treatment prolongs survival in mice and also selects for the slow life history strategy. I also discovered that species with slower life histories have higher concentrations of white blood cells and a higher percentage of heterophils, monocytes and segmented neutrophils. Moreover, larger platelet size is associated with higher cancer prevalence in mammals.
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Characterizing Unconventional T Cells in Lung Metastases of Metastatic Osteosarcoma and The Impact of Making Immunology More Engaging for Undergraduate Students

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IOsteosarcoma is the most common bone cancer and typically affects patients in the second decade of life. Current treatment methods have not proven effective for treating reoccurring or metastatic osteosarcoma (mOS) given the 5-year survival rate of 15-30%. Previous work

IOsteosarcoma is the most common bone cancer and typically affects patients in the second decade of life. Current treatment methods have not proven effective for treating reoccurring or metastatic osteosarcoma (mOS) given the 5-year survival rate of 15-30%. Previous work showed that using the immune system to fight the cancer significantly improved survival of mOS in mice, but approximately 40-50% of treated mice still succumbed to disease. To further improve immunotherapy, I analyzed immune cells in the tumor bed and observed high numbers of a rare T cell subtype: CD4hiCD8αhi, or double positive (DP), T cells. While previous literature found mature DP T cells in chronic diseases, the associations and functions of this rare T cell subtype varied between studies and were unknown for mOS. Controlling for age, chronicity of disease, and environmental exposure, I found DP T cells composed a higher percentage of T cells in the cancer as tumor burden increased. I then tested whether the DP cells were pro- or anti-tumor. I found that DP cells produced the cytokines IFNγ and IL-2 when exhaustion was overcome. They also expressed FasL for cytotoxic function, although the target is unknown. These findings suggest DP T cells have multifunctionality, which could be advantageous when responding to high antigen load. II Course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) offer students opportunities to engage in critical thinking and problem solving. However, quantitating the impact that incorporating research into undergraduate courses has on student learning has been difficult since most CUREs lack a comparable traditional course as a control. Because the overall class structure remained unaltered when our upper division immunology course transitioned to a CURE class, we realized retrospectively that we were in a unique position to quantitate the impact of incorporating research on student performance. I then analyzed the summative assessments used to assess student learning and found that students in the CURE format class performed significantly better on quizzes, exams, and reports. There were no significant differences in academic levels, degree programs, or grade point averages, suggesting improved performance was due to increased engagement of students in research.
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Single Drug Adaptive Therapy on Hormone Refractory Breast Cancer

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Adaptive therapy utilizes competitive interactions between resistant and sensitive cells by keeping some sensitive cells to control tumor burden with the aim of increasing overall survival and time to progression. The use of adaptive therapy to treat breast cancer, ovarian

Adaptive therapy utilizes competitive interactions between resistant and sensitive cells by keeping some sensitive cells to control tumor burden with the aim of increasing overall survival and time to progression. The use of adaptive therapy to treat breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and pancreatic cancer in preclinical models has shown significant results in controlling tumor growth. The adaptive therapy model comes from the integrated pest management agricultural strategy, predator prey model, and the unique intra- and inter-tumor heterogeneity of tumors. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze and compare gemcitabine dose response on hormone refractory breast cancer cells retrieved from mice using an adaptive therapy strategy with standard therapy treatment. In this study, we compared intermittent (drug holiday) adaptive therapy with maximum tolerated dose therapy. The MCF7 resistant cell lines to both fulvestrant and palbociclib were injected into the mammary fat pads of 8 weeks old NOD/SCID gamma (NSG) mice which were then treated with gemcitabine. Tumor burden graphs were made to track tumor growth/decline during different treatments while Drug Dose Response (DDR) curves were made to test the sensitivity of the cell lines to the drug gemcitabine. The tumor burden graphs showed success in controlling the tumor burden with intermittent treatment. The DDR curves showed a positive result in using the adaptive therapy treatment method to treat mice with gemcitabine. Due to some fluctuating DDR results, the sensitivity of the cell lines to gemcitabine needs to be further studied by repeating the DDR experiment on the other mice cell lines for stronger results.
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Enhancing Effector T Cell Migration to Mucosal Regions Using Rexinoids and Plasmid Adjuvants

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Mucosal membranes represent a major site of pathogen transmission and cancer development. Enhancing T cell migration to mucosal surfaces could improve immune-based therapies for these diseases, yielding better clinical outcomes. All-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) is a biologically active form of vitamin

Mucosal membranes represent a major site of pathogen transmission and cancer development. Enhancing T cell migration to mucosal surfaces could improve immune-based therapies for these diseases, yielding better clinical outcomes. All-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) is a biologically active form of vitamin A that has been shown to increase T cell migration to mucosal sites, however its therapeutic use is limited by its toxicity potential and unstable nature. ATRA-related compounds with lower toxicity and higher stability were assessed for their ability to induce similar immune migration effects as ATRA, using in vitro and in vivo model systems. Chapter 2 summarizes the first project, in which synthetic, ATRA-like compounds called rexinoids were used to modulate T cell expression of mucosal homing proteins chemokine receptor 9 (CCR9) and integrin alpha 4 beta 7 (α4β7), and alter their physical migration in vitro. Several rexinoids independently mimicked the activity of ATRA to enhance protein expression and migration, while others worked synergistically with subtoxic doses of ATRA to produce similar results. Furthermore, rexinoid administration in vivo was well-tolerated by animal models, a finding not seen with ATRA. Chapter 3 focuses on the second project, where plasmids containing ATRA-synthesizing proteins were assessed for their in vivo ability to act as mucosal vaccine adjuvants and enhance T cell migration to mucosal sites during DNA vaccination. Though increased mucosal migration was seen with use of the adjuvant plasmids, these findings were not determined to be significant. Immune-mediated protection following viral challenge was also not determined to be significant in animal models receiving both vaccine and adjuvant plasmids. The data shows that several novel rexinoids may possess enhanced clinical utility compared to ATRA, lending support for their use in immunotherapeutic approaches towards mucosal maladies. While the potential mucosal vaccine adjuvants did not show great significance in enhancing T cell migration or viral protection, further optimization of the model system may produce better results. This work helps advance knowledge of immune cell trafficking to afflicted mucosal regions. It can be used as a basis for understanding migration to other body areas, as well as for the development of better immune-based treatments.
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A Recombinant Fusion Protein Immunotherapy Utilizing a Modified Chlorotoxin Molecule Binds Murine Glioblastoma and T cells In Vitro

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The growing field of immunotherapy has generated numerous promising diseasetreatment platforms in recent years. By utilizing the innate capabilities of the immune system, these treatments have provided a unique, simplistic approach to targeting and eliminating cancer. Among these, the bispecific

The growing field of immunotherapy has generated numerous promising diseasetreatment platforms in recent years. By utilizing the innate capabilities of the immune system, these treatments have provided a unique, simplistic approach to targeting and eliminating cancer. Among these, the bispecific T cell engager (BiTEÒ) model has demonstrated potential as a treatment capable of bringing immune cells into contact with cancer cells of interest and initiating perforin/granzyme-mediated cell death of the tumor. While standard BiTE platforms rely on targeting a tumor-specific receptor via its complementary antibody, no such universal receptor has been reported for glioblastoma (GBM), the most common and aggressive primary brain tumor which boasts a median survival of only 15 months. In addition to its dismal prognosis, GBM deploys several immune-evasion tactics that further complicate treatment and make targeted therapy difficult. However, it has been reported that chlorotoxin, a 36-amino acid peptide found in the venom of Leiurus quinquestriatus, binds specifically to glioma cells while not binding healthy tissue in humans. This specificity positions chlorotoxin as a prime candidate to act as a GBM-targeting moiety as one half of an immunotherapeutic treatment platform resembling the BiTE design which I describe here. Named ACDClx∆15, this fusion protein tethers a truncated chlorotoxin molecule to the variable region of a monoclonal antibody targeted to CD3ε on both CD8+ and CD4+ T cells and is theorized to bring T cells into contact with GBM in order to stimulate an artificial immune response against the tumor. Here I describe the design and production of ACDClx∆15 and test its ability to bind and activate T lymphocytes against murine GBM in vitro. ACDClx∆15 was shown to bind both GBM and T cells without binding healthy cells in vitro but did not demonstrate the ability to activate T cells in the presence of GBM.
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TNF-superfamily arming and leukocyte based delivery of oncolytic myxoma virus in a syngeneic murine lung metastasis model

Lung metastatic cancers represent a major challenge in both basic and clinical cancer research. The ability to treat lung metastases to date has been challenging, current treatment paradigms are a mix of classic radiotherapy, chemotherapies and tumor-targeted therapies, with no

Lung metastatic cancers represent a major challenge in both basic and clinical cancer research. The ability to treat lung metastases to date has been challenging, current treatment paradigms are a mix of classic radiotherapy, chemotherapies and tumor-targeted therapies, with no one treatment that is effective for all tumors. Oncolytic viruses (OVs) represent a new therapeutic modality for hard-to-treat tumors. However, major questions still exist in the field, especially around how to therapeutically arm and deliver OVs to sites of disseminated tumors. To address this need, oncolytic myxoma viruses (MYXV) that expresses TNF superfamily member transgenes (vMYX-hTNF or vMyx-mLIGHT) were tested in an immunocompetent syngeneic lung metastatic murine osteosarcoma model. Three versions of this model were used; 1-an early intervention model, 2-an established tumor model, defined by both average tumor burden and failure of anti-PD-L1 and vMyx-TNF monotherapies, and 3-a late-stage disease model, defined by the failure the combination of vMyx-hTNF/PBMCs and anti-PD-L1 therapy. These three models were designed to test different questions about therapeutic efficacy of armed MYXV and delivery of MYXV to lung metastases. In the early intervention model, vMyx-hTNF was found to be an effective therapy, especially when delivered by leukocyte carrier cells (either bone marrow or PBMCs). Next, the combination of immune checkpoint inhibitors, including anti-PD-L1, anti-PD-1 and anti-CTLA-4, with vMyx-TNF/PBMCs were found to increase efficacy in treated mice compared to monotherapies. The established model was used to test potential synergy of vMyx-hTNF with anti-PD-L1 therapy. This model was defined by the failure of the monotherapies, however, in combination, treated mice survived significantly longer, and had lower average tumor burden throughout. This model was also used to test tumor specific delivery using ex vivo loaded PBMCs as carrier cells. Using MYXV expressing Tdtomato, PBMCs were found to deliver MYXV to tumors more effectively than free virus. In the most stringent late-stage disease model, vMyx-mLIGHT/PBMCs and vMyx-mLIGHT/PBMCs plus anti-PD-1 were tested and found to be efficacious where combination vMyx-TNF/PBMCs plus PD-1 failed. These results taken together show that TNFSF arming of MYXV, especially when delivered by autologous PBMCs, represents a new potential treatment strategy for lung metastatic tumors.
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