If you zone it, who will come, and how will they travel? The effects of relaxed zoning regulations on travel behavior

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Urban areas across the Unites States are facing a housing affordability crisis. One approach some cities and states have taken is to reduce or eliminate single-family zoning. Single-family zoning prevents the construction of more-affordable apartments in vast swaths of the

Urban areas across the Unites States are facing a housing affordability crisis. One approach some cities and states have taken is to reduce or eliminate single-family zoning. Single-family zoning prevents the construction of more-affordable apartments in vast swaths of the American urban landscape. This policy shift has already occurred in Minneapolis, Sacramento, and Oregon, and is under discussion in California, Massachusetts, and North Carolina, among others. Independent of any effects on housing affordability, changes to land use will have effects on transport. I evaluate these effects using a microsimulation framework. In order for land use policies to have an effect on transport, they need to first have an effect on land use, so I first build an economic model to simulate where development will occur given a loosening of single-family zoning. Transport outcomes will vary depending on which households live in which parts of the region, so I use an equilibrium sorting model to forecast how residents will re-sort across the region in response to the land use changes induced by new land-use policies. This model also jointly forecasts how many vehicles each household will choose to own. Finally, I apply an activity-based travel demand microsimulation model to forecast the changes in transport associated with the forecast changes from the previous models. I find that while there is opportunity for economically-feasible redevelopment of single-family homes into multifamily structures, the amount of redevelopment that will occur varies greatly depending on the exact expectations of developers about future market conditions. Redevelopment is focused in higher-income neighborhoods. The transport effects of the redevelopment are minimal. Average car ownership across the region does not change hardly at all, although residents of new housing units do have somewhat lower car ownership. Vehicles kilometers traveled, mode choice, and congestion change very little as well. This does not mean that upzoning does not affect transport in general, but that more nuanced proposals may be necessary to promote desirable transport outcomes. Alternatively, the results suggest that upzoning will not worsen transport outcomes, promising for those who support upzoning on affordability grounds.
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How Do Students Travel While On-Campus?


In an effort to address the lack of literature in on-campus active travel, this study aims to investigate the following primary questions:<br/>• What are the modes that students use to travel on campus?<br/>• What are the motivations that underlie the

In an effort to address the lack of literature in on-campus active travel, this study aims to investigate the following primary questions:<br/>• What are the modes that students use to travel on campus?<br/>• What are the motivations that underlie the mode choice of students on campus?<br/>My first stage of research involved a series of qualitative investigations. I held one-on-one virtual interviews with students in which I asked them questions about the mode they use and why they feel that their chosen mode works best for them. These interviews served two functions. First, they provided me with insight into the various motivations underlying student mode choice. Second, they provided me with an indication of what explanatory variables should be included in a model of mode choice on campus.<br/>The first half of the research project informed a quantitative survey that was released via the Honors Digest to attract student respondents. Data was gathered on travel behavior as well as relevant explanatory variables.<br/>My analysis involved developing a logit model to predict student mode choice on campus and presenting the model estimation in conjunction with a discussion of student travel motivations based on the qualitative interviews. I use this information to make a recommendation on how campus infrastructure could be modified to better support the needs of the student population.

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How Will the COVID-19 Pandemic Affect the Future of Urban Life?: Early Evidence from Highly-Educated Respondents in the United States

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Attitudes and habits are extremely resistant to change, but a disruption of the magnitude of the COVID-19 pandemic has the potential to bring long-term, massive societal changes. During the pandemic, people are being compelled to experience new ways of interacting,

Attitudes and habits are extremely resistant to change, but a disruption of the magnitude of the COVID-19 pandemic has the potential to bring long-term, massive societal changes. During the pandemic, people are being compelled to experience new ways of interacting, working, learning, shopping, traveling, and eating meals. Going forward, a critical question is whether these experiences will result in changed behaviors and preferences in the long term. This paper presents initial findings on the likelihood of long-term changes in telework, daily travel, restaurant patronage, and air travel based on survey data collected from adults in the United States in Spring 2020. These data suggest that a sizable fraction of the increase in telework and decreases in both business air travel and restaurant patronage are likely here to stay. As for daily travel modes, public transit may not fully recover its pre-pandemic ridership levels, but many of our respondents are planning to bike and walk more than they used to. These data reflect the responses of a sample that is higher income and more highly educated than the US population. The response of these particular groups to the COVID-19 pandemic is perhaps especially important to understand, however, because their consumption patterns give them a large influence on many sectors of the economy.

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An Equity Analysis of Phoenix Bicyclist and Pedestrian Involved Crash Rates

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Walking and bicycling bring many merits to people, both physically and mentally.

However, not everyone has an opportunity to enjoy healthy and safe bicycling and

walking. Many studies suggested that access to healthy walking and bicycling is heavily

related to

Walking and bicycling bring many merits to people, both physically and mentally.

However, not everyone has an opportunity to enjoy healthy and safe bicycling and

walking. Many studies suggested that access to healthy walking and bicycling is heavily

related to socio-economic status. Low income population and racial minorities have

poorer transportation that results in less walking and bicycling, as well as less access to

public transportation. They are also under higher risks of being hit by vehicles while

walking and bicycling. This research quantifies the relationship between socioeconomic

factors and bicyclist and pedestrian involved traffic crash rates in order to establish an

understanding of how equitable access to safe bicycling and walking is in Phoenix. The

crash rates involving both bicyclists and pedestrians were categorized into two groups,

minor crashes and severe crashes. Then, the OLS model was used to analyze minor and

severe bicycle crash rates, and minor and severe pedestrian crash rates, respectively.

There are four main results, (1) The median income of an area is always negatively

related to the crash rates of bicyclists and pedestrians. The reason behind the negative

correlation is that there is a very small proportion of people choosing to walk or ride

bicycles as their commuting methods in the high-income areas. Consequently, there are

low crash rates of pedestrians and bicyclists. (2) The minor bicycle crash rates are more

related to socio-economic determinants than the severe crash rates. (3) A higher

population density reduces both the minor and the severe crash rates of bicyclists and

pedestrians in Phoenix. (4) A higher pedestrian commuting ratio does not reduce bicyclist

and pedestrian crash rates in Phoenix. The findings from this study can provide a

reference value for the government and other researchers and encourage better future

decisions from policy makers.
Date Created

Comparative Analysis: Transit Ridership in Dallas, Denver, Minneapolis, Phoenix, and Seattle

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Transit ridership is declining in most cities throughout America. Public transportation needs to be improved in order for cities to handle urban growth, reduce carbon footprint, and increase mobility across income groups. In order to determine what causes changes in

Transit ridership is declining in most cities throughout America. Public transportation needs to be improved in order for cities to handle urban growth, reduce carbon footprint, and increase mobility across income groups. In order to determine what causes changes in transit ridership, I performed a descriptive analysis of five metro areas in the United States. I studied changes in transit ridership in Dallas, Denver, Minneapolis, Phoenix, and Seattle from 2013 through 2017 to determine where public transportation works and where it does not work. I used employment, commute, and demographic data to determine what affects transit ridership. Each metro area was studied as a separate case because the selected cities are difficult to compare directly. The Seattle metro area was the only metro to increase transit ridership throughout the period of the study. The Minneapolis metro area experienced a slight decline in transit ridership, while Phoenix and Denver declined significantly. The Dallas metro area declined most of the five cities studied. The denser metro areas fared much better than the less dense areas. In order to increase transit ridership cities should increase the density of their city and avoid sprawl. Certain factors led to declines in ridership in certain metro areas but not all. For example, gentrification contributed to ridership decline in Denver and Minneapolis, but Seattle gentrified and increased ridership. Dallas and Phoenix experienced low-levels of gentrification but experienced declining ridership. Therefore, organizations such as the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) who attempt to find the single factor causing the decline in transit ridership, or the one factor that will increase ridership are misguided. Above all, this thesis shows that there is no single factor causing the ridership decline in each metro area, and it is wise to study each metro area as a separate case.
Date Created

Residential Choice’s Impact on Sustainable Transportation Options: A Study in the Phoenix Metro Area

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This study adds to the literature about residential choice and sustainable transportation. Through the interviews and the personal stories gathered, there was diversity shown in the residential location choice process. We also noticed that “commute” means different things to different

This study adds to the literature about residential choice and sustainable transportation. Through the interviews and the personal stories gathered, there was diversity shown in the residential location choice process. We also noticed that “commute” means different things to different households, and that many people did not consider their commute to work to be a primary factor determining their final home location. Moreover, many people were willing to increase their commute time, or trade access to desirable amenities for a longer commute. Commuting time to work was one example of the tradeoffs that homeowners make when choosing a home, but there were also others such as architectural type and access to neighborhood amenities. Lastly, time constraints proved to be a very significant factor in the home buying process. Several of our households had such strict time constraints that limited their search to a point of excluding whole areas. Overall, our study sheds light on transportation’s role in residential choice and underscores the complexity of the location choice process.
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Phoenix Urban Village Efficacy: A Comparative Analysis on Commuter Automobile Dependency

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Since 1979, Phoenix has been organized into 15 theoretically self-contained urban villages in order to manage rapid growth. The major objective of the village plan was to decrease demand for personal vehicle use by internalizing travel to the closest

Since 1979, Phoenix has been organized into 15 theoretically self-contained urban villages in order to manage rapid growth. The major objective of the village plan was to decrease demand for personal vehicle use by internalizing travel to the closest village core, or an adjacent village core, instead of expanding travel to one metropolitan core. Phoenix’s transition from a monocentric urban structure to a more polycentric structure has yet to be studied for its efficacy on this goal of turning personal vehicle travel inward. This paper pairs more conventional measures of automobile dependence, such as, use of alternative modes of transportation in place of private vehicle use and commute times, with more nuanced measures of internal travel between work and home, job housing ratio, and job industry breakdowns to describe Phoenix’s reliance on automobiles. Phoenix’s internal travel ratios were higher when compared to adjacent cities and either on-par or lower when compared to non-adjacent cities that were comparable to Phoenix in population density and size.
Date Created

Can Location Value Capture Pay for Transit? Organizational Challenges of Transforming Theory Into Practice

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Successful public transit systems increase the value of locations they serve. Capturing this location value to help fund transit is often sensible, but challenging. This article defines location value capture, and synthesizes lessons learned from six European and North American

Successful public transit systems increase the value of locations they serve. Capturing this location value to help fund transit is often sensible, but challenging. This article defines location value capture, and synthesizes lessons learned from six European and North American transit agencies that have experience with location value capture funding. The opportunities for and barriers to implementing location value capture fall into three categories: agency institutional authority, agency organizational mission, and public support for transit. When any of these factors is incompatible with a location value capture strategy, implementation becomes difficult. In four of the cases studied, dramatic institutional change was critical for success. In five cases, acute crisis was a catalyst for institutional change, value capture implementation, or both. Using value capture strategies to fund transit requires practitioners to both understand agency organizational constraints, and to view transit agencies as institutions that can transform in response to changing situations.

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The effects of urban density on the efficiency of dockless bike sharing system: a case study of Beijing, China

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Bicycle sharing systems (BSS) operate on five continents, and they change quickly with technological innovations. The newest “dockless” systems eliminate both docks and stations, and have become popular in China since their launch in 2016. The rapid increase in dockless

Bicycle sharing systems (BSS) operate on five continents, and they change quickly with technological innovations. The newest “dockless” systems eliminate both docks and stations, and have become popular in China since their launch in 2016. The rapid increase in dockless system use has exposed its drawbacks. Without the order imposed by docks and stations, bike parking has become problematic. In the areas of densest use, the central business districts of large cities, dockless systems have resulted in chaotic piling of bikes and need for frequent rebalancing of bikes to other locations. In low-density zones, on the other hand, it may be difficult for customers to find a bike, and bikes may go unused for long periods. Using big data from the Mobike BSS in Beijing, I analyzed the relationship between building density and the efficiency of dockless BSS. Density is negatively correlated with bicycle idle time, and positively correlated with rebalancing. Understanding the effects of density on BSS efficiency can help BSS operators and municipalities improve the operating efficiency of BSS, increase regional cycling volume, and solve the bicycle rebalancing problem in dockless systems. It can also be useful to cities considering what kind of BSS to adopt.
Date Created

The role of informal transit in New York City: a case study of commuter vans in Eastern Queens

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Informal public transport is commonplace in the developing world, but the service exists in the United States as well, and is understudied. Often called "dollar vans", New York's commuter vans serve approximately 120,000 people every day (King and Goldwyn, 2014).

Informal public transport is commonplace in the developing world, but the service exists in the United States as well, and is understudied. Often called "dollar vans", New York's commuter vans serve approximately 120,000 people every day (King and Goldwyn, 2014). While this is a tiny fraction of the New York transit rider population, it is comparable to the total number of commuters who ride transit in smaller cities such as Minneapolis/St Paul and Phoenix. The first part of this study reports on the use of commuter vans in Eastern Queens based on a combination of surveys and a ridership tally, all conducted in summer 2016. It answers four research questions: How many people ride the vans? Who rides the commuter vans? Why do they ride commuter vans? Do commuter vans complement or compete against formal transit? Commuter van ridership in Eastern Queens was approximately 55,000 with a high percentage of female ridership. Time and cost savings were the main factors influencing commuter van ridership. Possession of a MetroCard was shown to negatively affect the frequency of commuter van ridership. The results show evidence of commuter vans playing both a competing and complementary role to MTA bus and subway transit. The second part of this study presents a SWOT analysis results of commuter vans, and the policy implications. It answers 2 research questions: What are the main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of commuter vans in Eastern Queens? and How do the current policies, rules and regulations affect commuter van operation? The SWOT analysis results show that the commuter van industry is resilient, performs a necessary service, and, with small adjustments that will help reduce operating costs and loss of profits have a chance of thriving in Eastern Queens and the rest of New York City. The study also discusses the mismatch between policy and practice offering recommendations for improvement to ensure that commuter vans continue to serve residents of New York City.
Date Created