If you zone it, who will come, and how will they travel? The effects of relaxed zoning regulations on travel behavior

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Urban areas across the Unites States are facing a housing affordability crisis. One approach some cities and states have taken is to reduce or eliminate single-family zoning. Single-family zoning prevents the construction of more-affordable apartments in vast swaths of the

Urban areas across the Unites States are facing a housing affordability crisis. One approach some cities and states have taken is to reduce or eliminate single-family zoning. Single-family zoning prevents the construction of more-affordable apartments in vast swaths of the American urban landscape. This policy shift has already occurred in Minneapolis, Sacramento, and Oregon, and is under discussion in California, Massachusetts, and North Carolina, among others. Independent of any effects on housing affordability, changes to land use will have effects on transport. I evaluate these effects using a microsimulation framework. In order for land use policies to have an effect on transport, they need to first have an effect on land use, so I first build an economic model to simulate where development will occur given a loosening of single-family zoning. Transport outcomes will vary depending on which households live in which parts of the region, so I use an equilibrium sorting model to forecast how residents will re-sort across the region in response to the land use changes induced by new land-use policies. This model also jointly forecasts how many vehicles each household will choose to own. Finally, I apply an activity-based travel demand microsimulation model to forecast the changes in transport associated with the forecast changes from the previous models. I find that while there is opportunity for economically-feasible redevelopment of single-family homes into multifamily structures, the amount of redevelopment that will occur varies greatly depending on the exact expectations of developers about future market conditions. Redevelopment is focused in higher-income neighborhoods. The transport effects of the redevelopment are minimal. Average car ownership across the region does not change hardly at all, although residents of new housing units do have somewhat lower car ownership. Vehicles kilometers traveled, mode choice, and congestion change very little as well. This does not mean that upzoning does not affect transport in general, but that more nuanced proposals may be necessary to promote desirable transport outcomes. Alternatively, the results suggest that upzoning will not worsen transport outcomes, promising for those who support upzoning on affordability grounds.
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How Will the COVID-19 Pandemic Affect the Future of Urban Life?: Early Evidence from Highly-Educated Respondents in the United States

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Attitudes and habits are extremely resistant to change, but a disruption of the magnitude of the COVID-19 pandemic has the potential to bring long-term, massive societal changes. During the pandemic, people are being compelled to experience new ways of interacting,

Attitudes and habits are extremely resistant to change, but a disruption of the magnitude of the COVID-19 pandemic has the potential to bring long-term, massive societal changes. During the pandemic, people are being compelled to experience new ways of interacting, working, learning, shopping, traveling, and eating meals. Going forward, a critical question is whether these experiences will result in changed behaviors and preferences in the long term. This paper presents initial findings on the likelihood of long-term changes in telework, daily travel, restaurant patronage, and air travel based on survey data collected from adults in the United States in Spring 2020. These data suggest that a sizable fraction of the increase in telework and decreases in both business air travel and restaurant patronage are likely here to stay. As for daily travel modes, public transit may not fully recover its pre-pandemic ridership levels, but many of our respondents are planning to bike and walk more than they used to. These data reflect the responses of a sample that is higher income and more highly educated than the US population. The response of these particular groups to the COVID-19 pandemic is perhaps especially important to understand, however, because their consumption patterns give them a large influence on many sectors of the economy.

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Evidence-Based Transit and Land Use Sketch Planning Using Interactive Accessibility Methods on Combined Schedule and Headway-Based Networks

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There is a need for indicators of transportation-land use system quality that are understandable to a wide range of stakeholders, and which can provide immediate feedback on the quality of interactively designed scenarios. Location-based accessibility indicators are promising candidates, but

There is a need for indicators of transportation-land use system quality that are understandable to a wide range of stakeholders, and which can provide immediate feedback on the quality of interactively designed scenarios. Location-based accessibility indicators are promising candidates, but indicator values can vary strongly depending on time of day and transfer wait times. Capturing this variation increases complexity, slowing down calculations. We present new methods for rapid yet rigorous computation of accessibility metrics, allowing immediate feedback during early-stage transit planning, while being rigorous enough for final analyses. Our approach is statistical, characterizing the uncertainty and variability in accessibility metrics due to differences in departure time and headway-based scenario specification. The analysis is carried out on a detailed multi-modal network model including both public transportation and streets. Land use data are represented at high resolution. These methods have been implemented as open-source software running on commodity cloud infrastructure. Networks are constructed from standard open data sources, and scenarios are built in a map-based web interface. We conclude with a case study, describing how these methods were applied in a long-term transportation planning process for metropolitan Amsterdam.

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Accounting for Uncertainty and Variation in Accessibility Metrics for Public Transport Sketch Planning

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Accessibility is increasingly used as a metric when evaluating changes to public transport systems. Transit travel times contain variation depending on when one departs relative to when a transit vehicle arrives, and how well transfers are coordinated given a particular

Accessibility is increasingly used as a metric when evaluating changes to public transport systems. Transit travel times contain variation depending on when one departs relative to when a transit vehicle arrives, and how well transfers are coordinated given a particular timetable. In addition, there is necessarily uncertainty in the value of the accessibility metric during sketch planning processes, due to scenarios which are underspecified because detailed schedule information is not yet available. This article presents a method to extend the concept of "reliable" accessibility to transit to address the first issue, and create confidence intervals and hypothesis tests to address the second.

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