Analysis of airports served by ultra low-cost carriers

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Recently the domestic aviation industry has been influenced by rapidly growing ultra low-cost carriers (ULCCs). The pattern of airport markets served by ULCCs is incongruous with legacy carriers and low-cost airlines alike. Existing literature, however, is limited for North American

Recently the domestic aviation industry has been influenced by rapidly growing ultra low-cost carriers (ULCCs). The pattern of airport markets served by ULCCs is incongruous with legacy carriers and low-cost airlines alike. Existing literature, however, is limited for North American ULCCs: research has only recently begun to identify them separately from mainstream low-cost carriers. This study sought to understand the market factors that influence ULCC service decisions. The relationship between ULCC operations and airport market factors was analyzed using three methods: mapping 2019 flight data for four ULCCs combined, two regression analyses to evaluate variables, and three case studies examining distinct scenarios through interviews with airport managers. Enplanement data were assembled for every domestic airport offering scheduled service in 2019. Independent variables were collected for each Part 139 airport. The first model estimated an ordinary least squares regression model to analyze ULCC enplanements. The second model estimated a binary logistic equation for presence of ULCC service. Case studies for Bellingham, Waco, and Lincoln were selected using compelling airport factors and relevant ULCC experience. Maps of ULCC enplanements revealed concentrations of operations on the East Coast. Both regression analyses showed strong relationships between population and non-ULCC enplanements (two measures of airport market size) and ULCC operations. A significant relationship also existed between tourism and enplanements. In the logit model, distance and competition variables were associated with ULCC presence. Case studies emphasized the importance of airport fees and competition in ULCC preferences, although aeronautical costs were generally not significant in the regressions.

Date Created

Analysis of airports served by ultra low-cost carriers

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Recently the domestic aviation industry has been influenced by rapidly growing ultra low-cost carriers (ULCCs). The pattern of airport markets served by ULCCs is incongruous with legacy carriers and low-cost airlines alike. Existing literature, however, is limited for North American

Recently the domestic aviation industry has been influenced by rapidly growing ultra low-cost carriers (ULCCs). The pattern of airport markets served by ULCCs is incongruous with legacy carriers and low-cost airlines alike. Existing literature, however, is limited for North American ULCCs: research has only recently begun to identify them separately from mainstream low-cost carriers. This study sought to understand the market factors that influence ULCC service decisions. The relationship between ULCC operations and airport market factors was analyzed using three methods: mapping 2019 flight data for four ULCCs combined, two regression analyses to evaluate variables, and three case studies examining distinct scenarios through interviews with airport managers. Enplanement data were assembled for every domestic airport offering scheduled service in 2019. Independent variables were collected for each Part 139 airport. The first model estimated an ordinary least squares regression model to analyze ULCC enplanements. The second model estimated a binary logistic equation for presence of ULCC service. Case studies for Bellingham, Waco, and Lincoln were selected using compelling airport factors and relevant ULCC experience. Maps of ULCC enplanements revealed concentrations of operations on the East Coast. Both regression analyses showed strong relationships between population and non-ULCC enplanements (two measures of airport market size) and ULCC operations. A significant relationship also existed between tourism and enplanements. In the logit model, distance and competition variables were associated with ULCC presence. Case studies emphasized the importance of airport fees and competition in ULCC preferences, although aeronautical costs were generally not significant in the regressions.

Date Created

Geodesign Platforms for Node-Based Transportation Facility Location Planning

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Transportation infrastructure facilitates humans in moving themselves and material goods, and thereby supports the functioning of human society. Transportation planners, engineers, and decision makers in the 20th century largely excluded local stakeholders from planning processes; the resultant built environment has

Transportation infrastructure facilitates humans in moving themselves and material goods, and thereby supports the functioning of human society. Transportation planners, engineers, and decision makers in the 20th century largely excluded local stakeholders from planning processes; the resultant built environment has perpetuated inequity and social division. Transportation system planning has often been conducted in specialized departments with little interdisciplinary collaboration. Integration of diverse perspectives and ontologies throughout transportation planning processes can produce robust, resilient, equitable, and sustainable transportation systems. Geodesign is a framework for planning the built environment that necessarily involves voices from multiple perspectives including local stakeholders, design professionals, geographic scientists, and information technology coordinators. Geodesign uses geographic information systems to create designs that reflect stakeholder needs, values, and priorities while addressing the study area’s geographic context. Geodesign has been used primarily for land use planning and has only addressed transportation planning concerns in relation to land use.This dissertation consists of an introduction, three projects that apply the geodesign framework to transportation planning and a concluding chapter. The introduction details the rationale for this research. The first project is a systematic review of geodesign projects that address transportation systems. The review seeks to identify epistemological alignment between the geodesign framework and participatory transportation planning. The results demonstrate that geodesign comports with transportation planners’ existing practices and uses of planning support systems. The combination of geodesign and transportation planning methods for stakeholder engagement could produce a synergistic framework for transportation infrastructure planning. The second project applies geodesign to locating refueling stations for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles around Hartford, Connecticut. Network designs generated by workshop participants were compared to networks generated by optimization models. The third project applies geodesign to locating sites for micromobility hubs in Tempe, Arizona, via short-form workshop series format. Participants considered the format conducive to collaborative public participatory design. These three projects demonstrate the suitability of the geodesign framework for node-based transportation facility planning via communicative rationality. The conclusion summarizes these three projects and highlights the reproducibility of the geodesign method for node-based transportation facility location planning in other study areas.
Date Created

A GIS Analysis of Public Transportation Commuting to ASU's Tempe Campus


Universities host a large, young and diverse population that commutes to the same location every day, which makes them ideally suited for public transportation ridership. However, at many universities in the US, this potential for high levels of transit ridershi

Universities host a large, young and diverse population that commutes to the same location every day, which makes them ideally suited for public transportation ridership. However, at many universities in the US, this potential for high levels of transit ridership is not being maximized. This research aims to identify the areas where Valley Metro’s public transit service to ASU’s Tempe campus is over- and under-performing in comparison with the overall public transportation service to the entire Phoenix metro area. The hypothesis states that proximity to campus and the convenience of using public transportation would be the two main factors in determining the success of an area’s public transportation service. ASU’s Parking & Transit Services provided confidential data with the addresses of all the students and employees who purchased a parking pass, transit pass and bike registration. With these data, the public transportation mode share for commuters to ASU in each census block group was calculated and compared to the mode share for the general public, which was based on US Census data. The difference between the public transit mode shares of ASU pass holders vs. commuting by the general public was then computed and analyzed to identify areas as hot and cold spots. These heat maps are then compared to the hypothesized factors of proximity to campus and the convenience of public transportation in terms of the light rail line, park-and-ride lots, and number of transfers needed to connect to campus. The transfers were estimated using origin and destination survey data provided by Valley Metro. Results show that the convenience of public transportation was a driving factor in explaining where the transit mode share to ASU is higher than that of the general public, whereas the proximity to campus had little impact on the areas with high ASU-specific transit mode shares. There is an absence of hot spots directly around the campus which is explained by the combination of both high transit share for the non-ASU population and the large share of ASU students and employees using active transportation and free circulator buses this close to campus. These findings are significant specifically to ASU because the university can learn where the transit service is performing well and where it is underperforming. Using these findings, ASU PTS can adjust its pricing, policies, services and infrastructure and work with Valley Metro and the City of Tempe to improve the ridership for both students and employees. Future research can compare more factors to further interpret what leads to success for transit service to university campuses.

Date Created

“Are We Connecting?” Planning Barriers to Transportation Network Connectivity in the Phoenix Metropolitan Region

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Transportation network connectivity has been linked to positive urban outcomes, including increased rates of active transportation, reduced reliance on automobiles and other social and economic benefits. While many stakeholders in greenfield development processes have emphasized the positive benefits of connectivity

Transportation network connectivity has been linked to positive urban outcomes, including increased rates of active transportation, reduced reliance on automobiles and other social and economic benefits. While many stakeholders in greenfield development processes have emphasized the positive benefits of connectivity and connectivity has increased in many U.S. metros in the past two decades, many street networks remain fragmented and local connectivity remains far below that of historic patterns. This paper explores barriers to and influences on connectivity outcomes in new community construction in the Phoenix metropolitan area, employing mixed qualitative and quantitative methods. Interviews were conducted with members from various stakeholder groups in the subdivision development process. Case studies were developed with space syntax and network analysis measurements to illustrate the influence of variables and stakeholders on the planning process. Participants illustrated a complex political and economic reality surrounding the concept of connectivity, with site conditions and development market dynamics playing the clearest roles in shaping connectivity. The result is subdivisions are achieving moderate levels of connectivity and improving from historic patterns of dendricity but remain entrenched in planning paradigms built around self-contained sites and the policy and market limitations for robust connectivity beyond individual developments.
Date Created

An Equity-based Maximum Covering Location Model for Siting Mobility Hubs in Tempe, AZ

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With the acceleration of urbanization in many parts of the world, transportation challenges such as traffic congestion, increasing carbon emissions, and the “first/last-mile” connectivity problems for commuter travel have arisen. Transport experts and policymakers have proposed shared transportation, such as

With the acceleration of urbanization in many parts of the world, transportation challenges such as traffic congestion, increasing carbon emissions, and the “first/last-mile” connectivity problems for commuter travel have arisen. Transport experts and policymakers have proposed shared transportation, such as dockless e-scooters and bike-sharing programs, to solve some of these urban transportation issues. In cities with high population densities, multimodal mobility hubs designed to integrate shared and public transportation can be implemented to achieve faster public connections and thus increase access to public transport on both access and egress sides. However, haphazard drop-offs of these dockless vehicles have led to complaints from community members and motivated the need for neighborhood-level parking areas (NLPAs). Simultaneously, concerns about the equitable distribution of transportation infrastructure have been growing and have led to the Biden Administration announcing the Justice40 Initiative which requires 40% of certain federal investments to benefit disadvantaged communities. To plan a system of NLPAs to address not only the transportation shortcomings while elevating these recent equity goals, this thesis develops a multi-objective optimal facility location model that maximizes coverage of both residential areas and transit stations while including a novel constraint to satisfy the requirements of Justice40. The model is applied to the City of Tempe, Arizona, and uses GIS data and spatial analyses of the existing public transportation stops, estimates of transit station boardings, population by census block, and locations of disadvantaged communities to optimize NLPA location. The model generates Pareto optimal tradeoff curves for different numbers of NLPAs to find the non-dominated solutions for the coverage of population nodes and boardings. The analysis solves the multi-objective model with and without the equity constraint, showing the effect of considering equity in developing a multimodal hub system, especially for disadvantaged communities. The proposed model can provide a decision support tool for transport and public authorities to plan future investments and facilitate multimodal transport.
Date Created

Spatial Optimization to Support Mobile Food Market Site Selection: A Case Study in the City of Phoenix

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Equity concerning food access has gained a lot of attention in the past decades. This problem can be seen in the dearth of supermarkets offering healthy food at reasonable prices in disadvantaged neighborhoods. Numerous studies show that the disparity in

Equity concerning food access has gained a lot of attention in the past decades. This problem can be seen in the dearth of supermarkets offering healthy food at reasonable prices in disadvantaged neighborhoods. Numerous studies show that the disparity in the distribution of food outlets has resulted in disparities in health outcomes. To mitigate the issue, various intervention strategies have been proposed and implemented, including introducing new supermarkets, mobile food markets, community gardens, and city farms in these neighborhoods. Among these strategies, mobile food markets have gained the attention of practitioners and policymakers for their low costs and service flexibility. Challenges remain in identifying the sites for best serving the people in need given limited resources. In this study, a new spatial optimization model is proposed to determine the best locations for mobile food markets in the City of Phoenix. The new model aims to cover the largest number of people with food access challenges while minimizing transportation costs. Compared with the existing mobile market sites, the sites provided by the new model can increase the coverage of low-food access residents with a shorter transportation distance. The new model has also been applied to help expand the service provider of the existing mobile food markets. In addition to mobile food markets, the method provided in this study can be extended to support the planning of other food outlets and food assistance services.
Date Created

Analysis of Ultra Low-cost Carriers and Airport Choice

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Since the mid-2000s, the domestic aviation industry has been influenced by new, rapidly growing ultra low-cost carriers (ULCCs) such as Allegiant Air, Spirit Airlines, and Frontier Airlines. These carriers augment the existing low-cost airline model by operating largely point-to-point routes

Since the mid-2000s, the domestic aviation industry has been influenced by new, rapidly growing ultra low-cost carriers (ULCCs) such as Allegiant Air, Spirit Airlines, and Frontier Airlines. These carriers augment the existing low-cost airline model by operating largely point-to-point routes with a minimum of passenger amenities. Existing literature, however, is limited for North American ULCCs, often lumping them together with mainstream low-cost carriers. The pattern of markets served by ULCCs is incongruous with the models of other airlines and requires further research to examine causal factors. This paper sought to establish conclusions about ULCCs and the relevant market factors used for airport choice decisions.The relationship between ULCC operations and airport choice factors was analyzed using three methods: a collection of 2019 flight data to establish existing conditions and statistics, two regression analyses to evaluate airport market variables, and three case studies examining distinct scenarios through qualitative interviews with airport managers. ULCC enplanement data was assembled for every domestic airport offering scheduled ULCC service in 2019. Independent variable data informed by previous research were collected for every Part 139 airport in the U.S. The first regression analysis estimated a OLS regression model to analyze the log of enplanements. The second model estimated a binary logistic equation for ULCC service as a 0-1 dependent variable. Case studies for Bellingham, Washington, Waco, Texas, and Lincoln, Nebraska were selected based on compelling airport factors and relevant ULCC experience. Results of the research methods confirm certain theories regarding ULCC airport choice, but left others unanswered. Maps of enplanements and market share revealed concentrations of ULCC operations on the East Coast. Each regression analysis showed a strong and positive relationship between population figures and the existence and quantity of ULCC operations. Tourism employment was only significantly related to enplanements. Other factors including distance and competition variables were significantly associated to ULCC service. Case studies revealed the importance of airport fees and costs in ULCC decision-making; factors that proved difficult to investigate quantitatively in this research. Further research may shed light on this complex and ever- changing subset of the domestic commercial aviation industry.
Date Created

An Equity Analysis of Phoenix Bicyclist and Pedestrian Involved Crash Rates

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Walking and bicycling bring many merits to people, both physically and mentally.

However, not everyone has an opportunity to enjoy healthy and safe bicycling and

walking. Many studies suggested that access to healthy walking and bicycling is heavily

related to

Walking and bicycling bring many merits to people, both physically and mentally.

However, not everyone has an opportunity to enjoy healthy and safe bicycling and

walking. Many studies suggested that access to healthy walking and bicycling is heavily

related to socio-economic status. Low income population and racial minorities have

poorer transportation that results in less walking and bicycling, as well as less access to

public transportation. They are also under higher risks of being hit by vehicles while

walking and bicycling. This research quantifies the relationship between socioeconomic

factors and bicyclist and pedestrian involved traffic crash rates in order to establish an

understanding of how equitable access to safe bicycling and walking is in Phoenix. The

crash rates involving both bicyclists and pedestrians were categorized into two groups,

minor crashes and severe crashes. Then, the OLS model was used to analyze minor and

severe bicycle crash rates, and minor and severe pedestrian crash rates, respectively.

There are four main results, (1) The median income of an area is always negatively

related to the crash rates of bicyclists and pedestrians. The reason behind the negative

correlation is that there is a very small proportion of people choosing to walk or ride

bicycles as their commuting methods in the high-income areas. Consequently, there are

low crash rates of pedestrians and bicyclists. (2) The minor bicycle crash rates are more

related to socio-economic determinants than the severe crash rates. (3) A higher

population density reduces both the minor and the severe crash rates of bicyclists and

pedestrians in Phoenix. (4) A higher pedestrian commuting ratio does not reduce bicyclist

and pedestrian crash rates in Phoenix. The findings from this study can provide a

reference value for the government and other researchers and encourage better future

decisions from policy makers.
Date Created

Relationships between on-road FFCO₂ emission and socio-economics/urban form factors

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Fossil fuel CO2 (FFCO2) emissions are recognized as the dominant greenhouse gas driving climate change (Enting et. al., 1995; Conway et al., 1994; Francey et al., 1995; Bousquet et. al., 1999). Transportation is a major component of FFCO2 emissions, especially

Fossil fuel CO2 (FFCO2) emissions are recognized as the dominant greenhouse gas driving climate change (Enting et. al., 1995; Conway et al., 1994; Francey et al., 1995; Bousquet et. al., 1999). Transportation is a major component of FFCO2 emissions, especially in urban areas. An improved understanding of on-road FFCO2 emission at high spatial resolution is essential to both carbon science and mitigation policy. Though considerable research has been accomplished within a few high-income portions of the planet such as the United States and Western Europe, little work has attempted to comprehensively quantify high-resolution on-road FFCO2 emissions globally. Key questions for such a global quantification are: (1) What are the driving factors for on-road FFCO2 emissions? (2) How robust are the relationships? and (3) How do on-road FFCO2 emissions vary with urban form at fine spatial scales?

This study used urban form/socio-economic data combined with self-reported on-road FFCO2 emissions for a sample of global cities to estimate relationships within a multivariate regression framework based on an adjusted STIRPAT model. The on-road high-resolution (whole-city) regression FFCO2 model robustness was evaluated by introducing artificial error, conducting cross-validation, and assessing relationship sensitivity under various model specifications. Results indicated that fuel economy, vehicle ownership, road density and population density were statistically significant factors that correlate with on-road FFCO2 emissions. Of these four variables, fuel economy and vehicle ownership had the most robust relationships.

A second regression model was constructed to examine the relationship between global on-road FFCO2 emissions and urban form factors (described by population


density, road density, and distance to activity centers) at sub-city spatial scales (1 km2). Results showed that: 1) Road density is the most significant (p<2.66e-037) predictor of on-road FFCO2 emissions at the 1 km2 spatial scale; 2) The correlation between population density and on-road FFCO2 emissions for interstates/freeways varies little by city type. For arterials, on-road FFCO2 emissions show a stronger relationship to population density in clustered cities (slope = 0.24) than dispersed cities (slope = 0.13). FFCO2 3) The distance to activity centers has a significant positive relationship with on-road FFCO2 emission for the interstate and freeway toad types, but an insignificant relationship with the arterial road type.
Date Created