Innovate to Eradicate: Advancing Public Health Through Novel Vector Control and Surveillance Strategies

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Vector control plays an important role in the prevention and control of mosquito-borne diseases (MBDs). As there are no (prophylactic) drugs and/or vaccines available for many arboviral diseases (such as zika, chikungunya, Saint Louis encephalitis, Ross River virus), the frontline

Vector control plays an important role in the prevention and control of mosquito-borne diseases (MBDs). As there are no (prophylactic) drugs and/or vaccines available for many arboviral diseases (such as zika, chikungunya, Saint Louis encephalitis, Ross River virus), the frontline approach to prevent or reduce disease morbidity and mortality is through the reduction of the mosquito vector population size and/or reducing vector-human contact using insecticides. Frontline tools in malaria (an MBD caused by a parasite) control and elimination have been drugs (targeting the malaria parasite) and insecticides (targeting the vectors) through indoor residual spraying (IRS) (spraying the internal walls and sometimes the roofs of dwellings with residual insecticides to kill adult mosquito vectors), and long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs), while arboviral vectors are frequently targeted using outdoor fogging and space spraying (indoor or outdoor spraying of insecticides to kill adult mosquito vectors). Integrative and novel vector control efforts are urgently needed since the aforementioned tools may not be as effective against those mosquito species that are resistant to insecticides and/or have a different (or changed) behavior allowing them to avoid existing tools. In Chapters 2 and 3, I investigate mosquito vector surveillance in Arizona by (i) discussing the species composition and public health implications of the State’s mosquito fauna, and (ii) comparing the effectiveness of 4 different carbon dioxide (CO2) sources in attracting different mosquito species on the Arizona State University Tempe Campus. In Chapters 4 and 5, I investigate a novel vector control tool by (i) completing a literature review on using electric fields (EFs) to control insects, and (ii) presenting novel data on using Insulated Conductor Wires (ICWs) to generate EFs that prevent host-seeking female Aedes aegypti from entering spaces. In Chapter 6, I discuss the non-target effects of chemical malaria control on other arthropods, including other biological and mechanical infectious disease vectors. Overall, this dissertation highlights the important role that the development of novel surveillance and vector control tools could play in improved mosquito control, which ultimately will reduce disease morbidity and mortality.
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Conservation Photography's Influence on Attitudes and Beliefs Towards Environmentalism and
The Climate Conversation


The climate conversation is growing more important and necessary than ever. The media has a way of promoting a "doom and gloom" sentiment over conservation efforts and what the public has the power to do in terms of making a

The climate conversation is growing more important and necessary than ever. The media has a way of promoting a "doom and gloom" sentiment over conservation efforts and what the public has the power to do in terms of making a change. Now due to the effects of COVID-19 on the population's attention spans and memories, there is a need for a way to communicate climate science effectively and to encourage those who feel discouraged by climate change to find their inner power. The answer lies in photography. Making science accessible and intriguing through the art of photography is what can get people more interested and empowered to fight against climate change and alter their attitudes towards environmentalism. This thesis explains psychological research and the reasons why people feel helpless in terms of our global future. In then dives into human subjects research conducted on ASU's campus and how the survey results argue in favor of the paper's hypothesis. Additionally, ways to get involved and reasons why we need to remain hopeful are discussed.

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Predator-Prey Relationships in the Talamanca Mountains of Costa Rica: Community Ecology of Jaguars (Panthera onca)


Jaguar population decline is largely attributed to habitat loss and retaliatory hunting. Maintaining a viable prey base in the wild can help to mitigate this issue and decrease human-wildlife conflicts. This study aims to assess the presence of prey species

Jaguar population decline is largely attributed to habitat loss and retaliatory hunting. Maintaining a viable prey base in the wild can help to mitigate this issue and decrease human-wildlife conflicts. This study aims to assess the presence of prey species in jaguar habitat in order to inform conservation efforts to maintain and improve the health and relative abundance of the wildlife community. We analyzed nearly 40,000 photographs from 85 camera traps to assess the presence of prey species at sites where jaguars are known to occur. Jaguar-prey site overlap was calculated based on the percent of jaguar sites where each prey species was present. Medium-sized mammal prey species (e.g. Central American agouti) were present across the majority (up to 87%) of sites, while large mammal prey species were present in 16%-42% of sites, varying by species. These results suggest that conservation management of jaguars would benefit from improved monitoring and maintenance of a stable prey community.

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The Influence of Solar Radiation, Temperature, Humidity and Water-Vapor Sorption on Microbial Degradation of Leaf Litter in the Sonoran Desert

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Decay of plant litter represents an enormous pathway for carbon (C) into the atmosphere but our understanding of the mechanisms driving this process is particularly limited in drylands. While microbes are a dominant driver of litter decay in most ecosystems,

Decay of plant litter represents an enormous pathway for carbon (C) into the atmosphere but our understanding of the mechanisms driving this process is particularly limited in drylands. While microbes are a dominant driver of litter decay in most ecosystems, their significance in drylands is not well understood and abiotic drivers such as photodegradation are commonly perceived to be more important. I assessed the significance of microbes to the decay of plant litter in the Sonoran Desert. I found that the variation in decay among 16 leaf litter types was correlated with microbial respiration rates (i.e. CO2 emission) from litter, and rates were strongly correlated with water-vapor sorption rates of litter. Water-vapor sorption during high-humidity periods activates microbes and subsequent respiration appears to be a significant decay mechanism. I also found that exposure to sunlight accelerated litter decay (i.e. photodegradation) and enhanced subsequent respiration rates of litter. The abundance of bacteria (but not fungi) on the surface of litter exposed to sunlight was strongly correlated with respiration rates, as well as litter decay, implying that exposure to sunlight facilitated activity of surface bacteria which were responsible for faster decay. I also assessed the response of respiration to temperature and moisture content (MC) of litter, as well as the relationship between relative humidity and MC. There was a peak in respiration rates between 35-40oC, and, unexpectedly, rates increased from 55 to 70oC with the highest peak at 70oC, suggesting the presence of thermophilic microbes or heat-tolerant enzymes. Respiration rates increased exponentially with MC, and MC was strongly correlated with relative humidity. I used these relationships, along with litter microclimate and C loss data to estimate the contribution of this pathway to litter C loss over 34 months. Respiration was responsible for 24% of the total C lost from litter – this represents a substantial pathway for C loss, over twice as large as the combination of thermal and photochemical abiotic emission. My findings elucidate two mechanisms that explain why microbial drivers were more significant than commonly assumed: activation of microbes via water-vapor sorption and high respiration rates at high temperatures.
Date Created

Characterization of Tropical Agricultural Soil Microbiomes After Biochar Amendment

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Modern agriculture faces multiple challenges: it must produce more food for a growing global population, adopt more efficient and sustainable management strategies, and adapt to climate change. One potential component of a sustainable management strategy is the application of biochar

Modern agriculture faces multiple challenges: it must produce more food for a growing global population, adopt more efficient and sustainable management strategies, and adapt to climate change. One potential component of a sustainable management strategy is the application of biochar to agricultural soils. Biochar is the carbon-rich product of biomass pyrolysis, which contains large proportions of aromatic compounds that influence its stability in soil. Concomitant with carbon sequestration, biochar has the potential to increase soil fertility through increasing soil pH, moisture and nutrient retention. Changes in the soil physical and chemical properties can result in shifts in the soil microbiome, which are the proximate drivers of soil processes. This dissertation aims to determine the compositional and functional changes in the soil microbial community in response to the addition of a low-volatile matter biochar. First, the impact of biochar on the bacterial community was investigated in two important agricultural soils (Oxisol and Mollisol) with contrasting fertility under two different cropping systems (conventional sweet corn and zero-tillage napiergrass) one month and one year after the initial addition. This study revealed that the effects of biochar on the bacterial community were most pronounced in the Oxisol under napiergrass cultivation, however soil type was the strongest determinant of the bacterial community. A follow-up study was conducted using shotgun metagenomics to probe the functional community of soil microcosms, which contained Oxisol soil under napiergrass two years after the initial addition of biochar. Biochar significantly increased total carbon in the soils but had little impact on other soil properties. Theses analyses showed that biochar-amended soil microcosms exhibited significant shifts in the functional community and key metabolic pathways related to carbon turnover and denitrification. Given the distinct alterations to the biochar-amended community, deoxyribose nucleic acid (DNA) stable isotope probing was used to target the active populations. These analyses revealed that biochar did not significantly shift the active community in soil microcosms. Overall, these results indicate that the impact of biochar on the active soil community is transient in nature. Yet, biochar may still be a promising strategy for long-term carbon sequestration in agricultural soils.
Date Created

Ethnic, Familial, and Cultural Barriers Impacting non-White Representation in Environmental Programs

Non-White minorities represent nearly half of the US population and strongly support environmental protection but are severely underrepresented in environmental careers and natural resource-related degree programs. What factors contribute to this disparity in environment career choice? Previous research has indicated

Non-White minorities represent nearly half of the US population and strongly support environmental protection but are severely underrepresented in environmental careers and natural resource-related degree programs. What factors contribute to this disparity in environment career choice? Previous research has indicated that students career decisions are influenced by family and culture as they related to self-efficacy beliefs and outcome expectations towards different occupation choices. In this paper, I explored the importance of familial and cultural factors in career choice decisions to understand the motivations of non-White minority students to enter and remain in college degree programs within environmental disciplines. I surveyed 122 students enrolled in both environmental and non-environmental degree programs at Arizona State University. I measured family and cultural influence using the “Family Influence Scale” and “Orthogonal Cultural Identification Scale” respectively. I hypothesized that non-White students in environmental degree programs are influenced less by their families and are more acculturated to the dominant Anglo culture compared to non-White students in non-environmental degree programs. I found no significant relationship between ethnicity, family influence, or acculturation on the degree choices of students. Interestingly, family influence on students’ career decisions was most influenced by home language, household income, and acculturation to the dominant culture. Students more acculturated to Anglo culture reported higher familial influence. Higher income and non-English speaking households also reported higher levels of family influence. Acculturation and language in particular are interesting factors related to family influence and warrant further analysis especially in relation to non-White student participation in environmental careers.
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Effects of Water Holding Capacity and Precipitation on Above Ground Net Primary Production

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Aboveground net primary production (ANPP) is an important ecosystem process that, in drylands, is most frequently limited by water availability. Water availability for plants is in part controlled by the water holding capacity of soils. Available water holding capacity (AWHC)

Aboveground net primary production (ANPP) is an important ecosystem process that, in drylands, is most frequently limited by water availability. Water availability for plants is in part controlled by the water holding capacity of soils. Available water holding capacity (AWHC) of soils is strongly influenced by soil texture and depth. This study drew upon localized rain gauge data and four data-sets of cover-line and biomass data to estimate ANPP and to determine annual precipitation (PPT). I measured soil depth to caliche and texture by layer of 112 plots across the four landscape units for which estimation of ANPP were available. A pedotransfer function was used to estimate AWHC from soil depth increments to depth of caliche measurements and texture analysis. These data were analyzed using simple and multivariate regression to test the effect of annual precipitation and available water holding capacity on aboveground net primary production. Soil texture remained constant among all plots (sandy loam) and depth to caliche varied from 15.16 cm to 189 cm. AWHC and the interaction term (PPT*AWHC) were insignificant (p=0.142, p=0.838) and annual PPT accounted for 18.4% of the variation in ANPP. The y-intercept was significantly different for ANPP ~ annual PPT when considering AWHC values either above or below 3 cm. Shrub ANPP was insensitive to precipitation regardless of AWHC (R2=-0.012, R2=0.014). Results from this study indicate that a model incorporating annual PPT and AWHC may not serve as a good predictor for ANPP at a site level where there is little variation in soil texture.
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Effects of Grazing Management on Carbon Stocks in an Arid Rangeland

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Rangelands are an extensive land cover type that cover about 40% of earth’s ice-free surface, expanding into many biomes. Moreover, managing rangelands is crucial for long-term sustainability of the vital ecosystem services they provide including carbon (C) storage via soil

Rangelands are an extensive land cover type that cover about 40% of earth’s ice-free surface, expanding into many biomes. Moreover, managing rangelands is crucial for long-term sustainability of the vital ecosystem services they provide including carbon (C) storage via soil organic carbon (SOC) and animal agriculture. Arid rangelands are particularly susceptible to dramatic shifts in vegetation cover, physical and chemical soil properties, and erosion due to grazing pressure. Many studies have documented these effects, but studies focusing on grazing impacts on soil properties, namely SOC, are less common. Furthermore, studies testing effects of different levels of grazing intensities on SOC pools and distribution yield mixed results with little alignment. The primary objective of this thesis was to have a better understanding of the role of grazing intensity on arid rangeland soil C storage. I conducted research in long established pastures in Jornada Experimental Range (JER). I established a 1500m transect in three pastures originating at water points and analyzed vegetation cover and SOC on points along these transects to see the effect of grazing on C storage on a grazing gradient. I used the line-point intercept method to measure and categorize vegetation into grass, bare, and shrub. Since soil adjacent to each of these three cover types will likely contain differing SOC content, I then used this vegetation cover data to calculate the contribution of each cover type to SOC. I found shrub cover and total vegetation cover to decrease, while grass and bare cover increased with decreasing proximity to the water source. I found areal (g/m2) and percent (go SOC to be highest in the first 200m of the transects when accounting for the contribution of the three vegetation cover types. I concluded that SOC is being redistributed toward the water source via foraging and defecation and foraging, due to a negative trend of both total vegetation cover and percent SOC (g/g). With the decreasing trends of vegetation cover and SOC further from pasture water sources, my thesis research contributes to the understanding of storage and distribution of SOC stocks in arid rangelands.
Date Created

Nematode herbivory as a mechanism behind the influence of precipitation on the partitioning of net primary production between above and belowground components

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Aboveground net primary production (ANPP) and belowground net primary production (BNPP) may not be influenced equally by the same factors in arid grasslands. Precipitation is known to affect ANPP and BNPP, while soil fauna such as nematodes affect the BNPP

Aboveground net primary production (ANPP) and belowground net primary production (BNPP) may not be influenced equally by the same factors in arid grasslands. Precipitation is known to affect ANPP and BNPP, while soil fauna such as nematodes affect the BNPP through herbivory and predation. This study on black grama grass (Bouteloua eriopoda) in the Chihuahuan Desert investigates the effects of precipitation and nematode presence or absence on net primary production (NPP) as well as the partitioning between the aboveground and belowground components, in this case, the fraction of total net primary production occurring belowground (fBNPP). I used a factorial experiment to investigate the effects of both precipitation and nematode presence on the components of NPP. I used rainout shelters and an irrigation system to alter precipitation totals, while I used defaunated and re-inoculated soil for the nematode treatments. Precipitation treatment and seasonal soil moisture had no effect on the BNPP and a nonsignificant positive effect on the ANPP. The fBNPP decreased with increasing precipitation and seasonal soil moisture, though without a significant effect. No predator nematodes were found in any of the microcosms at the end of the experiment, though other functional groups of nematodes, including herbivores, were found in the microcosms. Total nematode numbers did not vary significantly between nematode treatments, indicating that the inoculation process did not last for the whole experiment or that nematodes had little plant material to eat and resulted in low population density. Nematode presence did not affect the BNPP, ANPP, or the fBNPP. There were no significant interactions between precipitation and nematode treatment. The results are inconclusive, possibly as a result of ecosystem trends during an unusually high precipitation year, as well as the very low NPP values in the experiment that correlated with low nematode community numbers.
Date Created

Assessing the impacts of habitat fragmentation on biodiversity across scales: the case of Thousand Island Lake, China

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Habitat fragmentation, the loss of habitat in the landscape and spatial isolation of remaining habitat patches, has long been considered a serious threat to biodiversity. However, the study of habitat fragmentation is fraught with definitional and conceptual challenges. Specifically, a

Habitat fragmentation, the loss of habitat in the landscape and spatial isolation of remaining habitat patches, has long been considered a serious threat to biodiversity. However, the study of habitat fragmentation is fraught with definitional and conceptual challenges. Specifically, a multi-scale perspective is needed to address apparent disagreements between landscape- and patch-based studies that have caused significant uncertainty concerning fragmentation’s effects on biological communities. Here I tested the hypothesis that habitat fragmentation alters biological communities by creating hierarchically nested selective pressures across plot-, patch-, and landscape-scales using woody plant community datasets from Thousand Island Lake, China. In this archipelago edge-effects had little impact on species-diversity. However, the amount of habitat in the surrounding landscape had a positive effect on species richness at the patch-scale and sets of small islands accumulated species faster than sets of large islands of equal total size at the landscape-scale. In contrast, at the functional-level edge-effects decreased the proportion of shade-tolerant trees, island-effects increased the proportion of shade- intolerant trees, and these two processes interacted to alter the functional composition of the regional pool when the total amount of habitat in the landscape was low. By observing interdependent fragmentation-mediated effects at each scale, I found support for the hypothesis that habitat fragmentation’s effects are hierarchically structured.
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