How Quantum Computing Will Redefine The Cybersecurity Landscape

The field of quantum computing is complex and may pose risks to many existing technologies. One of the most prominent risks quantum computers pose is their potential to dismantle or completely bypass current cybersecurity systems. The importance of cybersecurity in

The field of quantum computing is complex and may pose risks to many existing technologies. One of the most prominent risks quantum computers pose is their potential to dismantle or completely bypass current cybersecurity systems. The importance of cybersecurity in today’s world cannot be overstated, as every organization has sensitive data that it wishes to protect. The idea of security protocols being rendered completely ineffective is enough for corporations and governments alike to have a vested interest in the ongoing development of quantum technology. Some organizations are trying to get ahead of the curve by looking into quantum cybersecurity, attempting to develop new security protocols that will be able to resist these quantum cyberattacks. Though the idea of someone being able to completely ignore current cybersecurity protocols is frightening, it is at present entirely theoretical. Quantum computing devices are still incredibly early in development, and are nowhere near able to complete some of the tasks that developers of this technology claim will revolutionize computing as a whole. They are also extremely unreliable at present, often producing a different result every time the same calculation is run. Quantum computing technology still has a long way to go before it poses any real threat, but the technology is still worth understanding.
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Sublimity & The Bronte Men: An Exploration of Heathcliff & Rochester Through Edmund Burke's Sublime.

The Brontë sisters, inadvertently, created two characters overwhelmingly offensive to the modern reader. However, I think it is time that we as readers diverge from the well-trodden path of literary analyses concerning Rochester and Heathcliff. By limiting these two characters

The Brontë sisters, inadvertently, created two characters overwhelmingly offensive to the modern reader. However, I think it is time that we as readers diverge from the well-trodden path of literary analyses concerning Rochester and Heathcliff. By limiting these two characters to only their most surface-level qualities, and passing moral judgments on them as if they are somehow failing some expectation of moral behavior, these two characters are denigrated to the titles of “bad characters” or “bad men.” I propose a reading of Heathcliff and Rochester that transcends the confining rhetoric of good vs. bad and looks to Heathcliff and Rochester as agents of the sublime as defined by Edmund Burke in his foundational text A Philosophical Inquiry Into The Origin of Our Ideas of The Sublime and Beautiful.
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Arrows of Indra and Bengali E.T.: How Indian Science Fiction Can (And Should) Shape Space Futures


Space exploration and science fiction have deep historical ties with science fiction literature. From the beginning of the space race, American science fiction stories influenced policy makers, scientists, and the public in their visions of space exploration. However, in the

Space exploration and science fiction have deep historical ties with science fiction literature. From the beginning of the space race, American science fiction stories influenced policy makers, scientists, and the public in their visions of space exploration. However, in the 21st century, the who, what, and why of space exploration are changing. Space exploration is no longer the endeavor of the world's superpowers. Countries from across the global south in Asia and Africa have created space programs and have constructed spacecraft to benefit their country and their international power. The emergence of new countries and the interconnectedness of the modern world has the potential to empower postcolonial countries' perspectives and interests. India is a prime example of a country impoverished by colonialism that has now become one of the world's largest economies and a primary stakeholder in future human space exploration. Moreover, India's rich literary heritage, especially in mythology and science fiction, has the potential to predict and to shape what India brings to the international table. This thesis aims to answer the question: How will/should Indian post-colonial science fiction affect the country’s advancement of human space exploration, without making the same mistakes as the west?

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The Medical Applications of Compton Scattering in Breast Cancer Treatment


This paper examines the physics behind cancer treatment and more specifically radiation therapy. A phenomenon known as Compton scattering has played a substantial role in the treatment of breast cancer and improvement of lives of women around the world. Through

This paper examines the physics behind cancer treatment and more specifically radiation therapy. A phenomenon known as Compton scattering has played a substantial role in the treatment of breast cancer and improvement of lives of women around the world. Through Compton scattering, radiation therapy has been tremendously improved and has allowed for the most accurate and effective treatment in breast cancer patients today.

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Quantum Computing: Advantages and Applications


With the extreme strides taken in physics in the early twentieth century, one of the biggest questions on the minds of scientists was what this new branch of quantum physics would be able to be used for. The twentieth century

With the extreme strides taken in physics in the early twentieth century, one of the biggest questions on the minds of scientists was what this new branch of quantum physics would be able to be used for. The twentieth century saw the rise of computers as devices that significantly aided in calculations and performing algorithms. Because of the incredible success of computers and all of the groundbreaking possibilities that they afforded, research into using quantum mechanics for these systems was proposed. Although theoretical at the time, it was found that a computer that had the ability to leverage quantum mechanics would be far superior to any classical machine. This sparked a wave of interest in research and funding in this exciting new field. General-use quantum computers have the potential to disrupt countless industries and fields of study, like physics, medicine, engineering, cryptography, finance, meteorology, climatology, and more. The supremacy of quantum computers has not yet been reached, but the continued funding and research into this new technology ensures that one day humanity will be able to unlock the full potential of quantum computing.

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Quantum Entanglement and Its Implications

This project covers the history and background of the phenomenon in quantum physics known as quantum entanglement. The paper then describes the experiments done by the 2022 Nobel Prize winners on entangled particles and the possible real-world applications of such research.
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Quantum Tunneling: The Pathway to New Technologies and Discoveries

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I wrote a literary analysis on the early history of quantum mechanics and the discovery of quantum tunneling. Quantum tunneling has led to the discovery of explanations of ideas like alpha decay radioactivity and the invention of the scanning tunneling

I wrote a literary analysis on the early history of quantum mechanics and the discovery of quantum tunneling. Quantum tunneling has led to the discovery of explanations of ideas like alpha decay radioactivity and the invention of the scanning tunneling microscope (STM). In this paper, I discussed these two topics, with a focus on the STM.

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Treasure Hunting in the Classical Double Copy


The classical double copy maps exact solutions of general relativity to exact solutions of U(1) Yang-Mills theory and suggests a hitherto unknown connection between gravity and gauge theory. In this thesis I study three problems using the Kerr-Schild and Weyl

The classical double copy maps exact solutions of general relativity to exact solutions of U(1) Yang-Mills theory and suggests a hitherto unknown connection between gravity and gauge theory. In this thesis I study three problems using the Kerr-Schild and Weyl formulations of the classical double copy. Using the Kerr-Schild double copy, I analyze the single copy of a rotating nonsingular black hole and analyze its horizon structure to probe the relationship between the presence of horizons on the gravity side and the single copy field on the gauge theory side. In the second problem I describe the mapping between the surface gravity of static spherically symmetric black holes and the force on a test particle due to the single copy field of the black hole. I also describe potential routes to extending this map to rotating black holes. Finally, inspired by the extended Weyl double copy for spacetimes possessing sources, I reinterpret the single copy of the Taub- NUT metric as being comprised of two terms each being sourced by a separate parameter (the mass and the NUT charge).

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Avian Magnetoreception: Where Quantum Physics and Biology Collide


The 1970’s was an exciting time for those interested in avian navigation and magnetoreception. In the mid 1970’s, it had been scientifically proven that birds utilized the Earth’s magnetic fields as a means for orientation. However, while scientists now knew

The 1970’s was an exciting time for those interested in avian navigation and magnetoreception. In the mid 1970’s, it had been scientifically proven that birds utilized the Earth’s magnetic fields as a means for orientation. However, while scientists now knew that birds could detect geomagnetic fields, a major question still remained: how? Several years later, physicist Klaus Schulten would bring the world much closer to an answer with the introduction of the radical pair model. With an extremely firm grasp of quantum mechanics, Schulten was able to make an amazing connection between the magnetically sensitive “radical pairs” and magnetic sensing in organisms (such as birds). The goal of this thesis is to explore this intersection of quantum mechanics and biology first illuminated by Schulten, through providing an in-depth explanation of the radical pair model itself, the quantum mechanical concepts that allow it to exist, the possible biological structures involved, and a small exploration of where the theory stands today, all to better understand the fascinating phenomenon of avian magnetoreception.

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Quantum Physics and the Double-Slit Experiment

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Our work explores a fascinating experiment in physics and science, the Double-Slit Experiment. We cover the mystery of this experiment, representing the wave and particle nature of photons, electrons, and quantum elements. We recount the history of quantum physics, an

Our work explores a fascinating experiment in physics and science, the Double-Slit Experiment. We cover the mystery of this experiment, representing the wave and particle nature of photons, electrons, and quantum elements. We recount the history of quantum physics, an unknown field for most people due to its detachment from the world we see. Finally, we explore the capability of the human eye to detect light in its quantum state, closing the gap between us and quantum physics.

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