Essays on Gender and Education

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This dissertation studies the differences in how men and women react to feedback or information about their performance in educational settings and how these differences might impact women’s decisions to stay away from traditionally male-dominated fields. The first chapter analyzes

This dissertation studies the differences in how men and women react to feedback or information about their performance in educational settings and how these differences might impact women’s decisions to stay away from traditionally male-dominated fields. The first chapter analyzes the gender differences in reaction to low performance during high school. I focus on the decision of North Carolina public high school students to enroll in advanced math or English classes after learning about their performance on statewide standardized tests in each subject. I find that women are more responsive to low-performing than men. Women that perform poorly on their tests are less likely than their higher-performance peers to enroll in advanced classes, while men's likelihood is the same regardless of performance. It has been documented that the probability of women continuing their studies in male-dominated fields -- like Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and business -- is more sensitive to their performance in relevant courses at the beginning of college relative to men. The second chapter studies these gender differences in grade sensitivity during college. Using novel survey data, I estimate students' sensitivity to grades and find that women value an extra grade point average (GPA) unit more than men. I find that anticipated discrimination in the labor market of male-dominated fields is important to understand this gender gap in grade sensitivity. I further provide evidence of the gender differences in beliefs about labor market discrimination in different fields. The last chapter investigates the dynamic effects of feedback in an experimental setting. I explore how individuals update their beliefs and choices in response to good or bad news over time in two domains: verbal skills and math. I find significant gender gaps in beliefs and choices before feedback: men are more optimistic about their performance and more willing to compete than women in both domains, but the gaps are significantly larger in math. Feedback significantly shifts individuals' beliefs and choices immediately after receiving it. However, there is substantial persistence of gender gaps over time. This is particularly true among the set of individuals who receive negative feedback.
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Income Inequality in the United States: Decomposing the Gini Coefficient


This paper uses March CPS data to decompose the Gini coefficient by source of income. The sources of income, divided by labor income, capital income, and public transfer income, include earnings; interest, dividends, and net rentals; public assistance and welfare;

This paper uses March CPS data to decompose the Gini coefficient by source of income. The sources of income, divided by labor income, capital income, and public transfer income, include earnings; interest, dividends, and net rentals; public assistance and welfare; retirement funds; self-employment; farm or non incorporated self-employment; nonfarm self-employment; Social Security or railroad retirement; supplemental security; wages and salaries; and unearned sources. The decomposition yields the share of a source in total income, the source Gini corresponding to the distribution of income from a source, the Gini correlation of income from a source with the distribution of total income, and the impact of a marginal change in a source on overall income inequality. Labor income had the largest negative impact on income inequality (resulting from wages and salaries mostly), while capital income did worsen it but on a much smaller scale. Public transfers that favor bottom income groups helped to alleviate income inequality for both individuals and households.

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The Impact of Education Policy on Singapore’s Economy and an Analysis of SkillsFuture

The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of Singapore’s education fundamentals, policy outlook, and how it relates to the overall economic conditions in Singapore. It begins by providing context to modern Singapore’s economy and how it has

The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of Singapore’s education fundamentals, policy outlook, and how it relates to the overall economic conditions in Singapore. It begins by providing context to modern Singapore’s economy and how it has become a leading global economic player. It then lays out the founding principles of education – primarily influenced by Lee Kuan Yew– and how it relates to the education system, policy, and Ministry of Education today. In order to better understand the impact of investing in human capital via education, the paper examines the relatively new policy “SkillsFuture” and the impact it has made on education advancement, the economic state within Singapore, and the impact it has made on Singapore’s foreign relations and FDI. I find that while it is not possible to conclude direct causation, SkillsFuture’s course offerings generally align with GDP growth by industry, job availability, and FDI flows by industry. This indicates that SkillsFuture as a lifelong learning initiative may have a positive impact on Singapore’s economy and global presence. SkillsFuture’s effects attest to the necessity of lifelong learning and the positive impact it can have on both the economy and individuals in Singapore.
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Academic and Demographic Factors Predicting College Dropout Rates

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Using a dataset of ASU students from the 2016-2017 cohort, we interact gender and parent education level to observe gaps in academic achievement. We see a statistically insignificant achievement gap for males across parent education level, but a statistically significant

Using a dataset of ASU students from the 2016-2017 cohort, we interact gender and parent education level to observe gaps in academic achievement. We see a statistically insignificant achievement gap for males across parent education level, but a statistically significant achievement gap for females across parent education level. We also observe dropout gaps among these interaction groups. We see the widest dropout gap being between males across parent education level, with the smallest dropout gap being between females across parent education level. So with males we see an insignificant achievement gap but the widest dropout gap across parent education level, and with females we see a significant achievement gap but the smallest dropout gap across parent education level. What is driving these gaps and causing more similarly performing students to drop out at wider rates? At the aggregate level, we see larger gaps in grade- associated dropout probability across parent education level for males which may be able to explain the larger difference in overall proportions of dropouts between males. However, when predicting dropout probability of the semester with the most first generation and non-first generation dropouts, we see that females have the largest differences across parent education level in grade-associated dropout probability. This suggests that our model may be best suited in using college achievement data to predict overall dropout probabilities, not next-semester dropout probabilities using current semester data. Our findings also suggest that first generation students’ dropout probability is more sensitive to the grades they receive than non-first generation students.

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Demographic Congruency and Course Performance: Evidence from

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A growing body of research suggests that there is more to course assessment than homework scores and test performance. This paper contributes to the empirical literature in economics and education by evaluating the impact of racial and gender congruency on

A growing body of research suggests that there is more to course assessment than homework scores and test performance. This paper contributes to the empirical literature in economics and education by evaluating the impact of racial and gender congruency on the performance of ASU students. Expanding on previous research which only covered elementary and high school, we are able to draw conclusions and policy recommendations to solve the racial achievement gap in the USA.
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