
目前我国社会主要矛盾是“人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾”。消费对经济增长的贡献率达76.2%,而消费场所-购物中心为代表的的商业地产发展却落后于住宅地产的发展,不被房地产商所青睐。本文希望通过对影响购物中心租金收入因素的研究,运用统计回归模型分析,发现购物中心运营效益的重要决定因素。样本数据主要来自于8家上市公司的146个项目,对各项目2015年-2019年连续的租金收入进行分析。 现有研究购物中心文献,对于中国购物中心多区域多品牌动态运营绩效的研究文献很少,同时研究数据的取得难度大,还没有发现通过大样本数理统计得出的结论。 本文通过实证分析研究框架,运用二手数据,采用归纳研究,以“城市商圈的影响力”对购物中心每平米每日租金的影响进行回归分析。通过回归模型的量化分析,对日租金收入的影响因素城市商圈、城市人均GDP、开业期限、建筑面积、资金成本、出租率等进行分析,对购物中心品牌进行调节变量分析,得出城市商圈对日租金收入的影响是显著的,大城市的核心商圈或新城区核心商圈的购物中心日租金收入将强于同行,同时购物中心品牌的影响也是明显的。 中国住宅房地产投资已经到高点,房地产商未来的发展之路将面临新的选择。不同于住宅,购物中心的持有型特性将会给房地产商带来稳定的收入。通过对城市商圈等影响因子的分析,将对房地产商未来投资运营购物中心有重要的指导意义。
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A Study on the Motivation of Editorial Professionals in the Reform of A State-Controlled Media Group in China

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The traditional newspaper industry has been under tremendous pressure in recent years due to the emergence and growth of new media. Experiencing of a fast-shrinking market share, many traditional newspaper companies are either pushed out of business or are forced

The traditional newspaper industry has been under tremendous pressure in recent years due to the emergence and growth of new media. Experiencing of a fast-shrinking market share, many traditional newspaper companies are either pushed out of business or are forced to innovate and reform. In this thesis, I investigate the organizational changes at one of the largest newspaper groups in China, particularly regarding its incentive systems as the group adjusts its business scopes under both internal and external institutional constraints.

Publishers of newspapers were traditionally considered non-profit organizations or social institutions in China. Because of their focus on social goals, their activities were not market driven, including the incentive systems for editorial staff members who were central to the content of the newspapers. As the competition from market-driven new media companies increased, many traditional newspaper organizations started to transform themselves into profit-seeking companies. To survive and grow stronger in the new environment, the traditional newspaper industry needs to effectively motivate its workforce by implementing an effective incentive system for the editorial staff.

In this study I first explain the difficulities the traditional newspaper organizations face to implement an incentive system that both satisfies media’s social responsibility and creates sufficient incentive for for editorial staff. Next, I provides a brief history of the reforms occurred in the Chinese newspaper industry in general and the reforms in Shanghai in particular. I then conduct in-depth case analyses of the incentive systems adopted by four successful companies, including one U.S. media company, two Chinese media groups, and one private non-media company in China. Based on the findings from these case analyses and a demographic analysis of the challenges in motivating editorial staff, a new incentive system is designed and implemented in a major newspaper/media group in Shanghai, followed by a survey of its effects on the editorial staff months later. According to the survey, I find that editorial staff members are generally positive about the reforms that have been carried out at this media group, reinforcing the confidence of the group’s leaders in continuing to push the reforms forward. This study concludes by proposing a framework that can be used to guide the transformation of the traditional newspaper organizations to market-driven new media companies.
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Factors influencing automobile financial leasing and risk control: an empirical study on China automobile leasing market

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Financing lease has bloomed as a new financing tool in China for the last several years. In this thesis I investigate the factors that influence China’s automobile financial leasing decisions by both lessors and lessees through market surveys. Based on

Financing lease has bloomed as a new financing tool in China for the last several years. In this thesis I investigate the factors that influence China’s automobile financial leasing decisions by both lessors and lessees through market surveys. Based on Probit regression analysis of the data collected from 250 companies and 300 individuals, I find that a firm is more likely to use automobile financial leasing when its corporate tax rate is lower, growth potential is more stabilized, and profit is higher. It is also more likely to happen when a firm's long-term debt ratio and its degree of internationalization are higher. At the individual level, I find that the likelihood of individuals’ leasing decision is influenced by their risk preference, income level, and car price. Individuals’ gender, age and education level show no effect.

Using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) analysis, I further find that financing costs, service value-added, and products diversity are the three most important competitive factors for the auto financial leasing service providers. This is the case for both the corporate and individual customers in the sample. By contrast, the factors of sales channel and government relationship are found to be much less important. Finally, through an in-depth case study of the leasing company Shanghai Auto Financial Leasing, I find that the key factors determining the customers’ credit default risk are interest rate and automobile type. I also investigate factors that influence business risk during the automobile procurement stage, at the selling stage, and toward the disposition stage. The managerial implications of the above results are discussed throughout the thesis.
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