Energy-Efficient In-Memory Acceleration of Deep Neural Networks Through a Hardware-Software Co-Design Approach

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Deep neural networks (DNNs), as a main-stream algorithm for various AI tasks, achieve higher accuracy at the cost of increased computational complexity and model size, posing great challenges to hardware platforms. This dissertation first tackles the design challenges of resistive

Deep neural networks (DNNs), as a main-stream algorithm for various AI tasks, achieve higher accuracy at the cost of increased computational complexity and model size, posing great challenges to hardware platforms. This dissertation first tackles the design challenges of resistive random-access-memory (RRAM) based in-memory computing (IMC) architectures. A new metric, model stability from the loss landscape, is proposed to help shed light on accuracy under variations and model compression and guide a novel variation-aware training (VAT) solution. The proposed method effectively improves post-mapping accuracy of multiple datasets. Next, a hybrid RRAM/SRAM IMC DNN inference accelerator is developed, that integrates an RRAM-based IMC macro, a reconfigurable SRAM-based multiply-accumulate (MAC) macro, and a programmable shifter. The hybrid IMC accelerator fully recovers the inference accuracy post the mapping. Furthermore, this dissertation researches on architectural optimizations for high IMC utilization, low on-chip communication cost, and low energy-delay product (EDP), including on-chip interconnect design, PE array utilization, and tile-to-router mapping and scheduling. The optimal choice of on-chip interconnect results in up to 6x improvement in energy-delay-area product for RRAM IMC architectures. Furthermore, the PE and NoC optimizations show up to 62% improvement in PE utilization, 78% reduction in area, and 78% lower energy-area product for a wide range of modern DNNs. Finally, this dissertation proposes a novel chiplet-based IMC benchmarking simulator, SIAM, and a heterogeneous chiplet IMC architecture to address the limitations of a monolithic DNN accelerator. SIAM utilizes model-based and cycle-accurate simulation to provide a scalable and flexible architecture. SIAM is calibrated against a published silicon result, SIMBA, from Nvidia. The heterogeneous architecture utilizes a custom mapping with a bank of big and little chiplets, and a hybrid network-on-package (NoP) to optimize the utilization, interconnect bandwidth, and energy efficiency. The proposed big-little chiplet-based RRAM IMC architecture significantly improves energy efficiency at lower area, compared to conventional GPUs. In summary, this dissertation comprehensively investigates novel methods that encompass device, circuits, architecture, packaging, and algorithm to design scalable high-performance and energy-efficient IMC architectures.
Date Created

Machine Learning Assisted Security for Edge Computing Applications

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Edge computing applications have recently gained prominence as the world of internet-of-things becomes increasingly embedded into people's lives. Performing computations at the edge addresses multiple issues, such as memory bandwidth-latency bottlenecks, exposure of sensitive data to external attackers, etc. It

Edge computing applications have recently gained prominence as the world of internet-of-things becomes increasingly embedded into people's lives. Performing computations at the edge addresses multiple issues, such as memory bandwidth-latency bottlenecks, exposure of sensitive data to external attackers, etc. It is important to protect the data collected and processed by edge devices, and also to prevent unauthorized access to such data. It is also important to ensure that the computing hardware fits well within the tight energy and area budgets for the edge devices which are being progressively scaled-down in size. Firstly, a novel low-power smart security prototype chip that combines multiple entropy sources, such as real-time electrocardiogram (ECG) data, and SRAM-based physical unclonable functions (PUF), for authentication and cryptography applications is proposed. Up to ~12X improvement in the equal error rate compared to a prior ECG-only authentication system is achieved by combining feature vectors obtained from ECG, heart rate variability, and SRAM PUF. The resulting vectors can also be utilized for secure cryptography applications. Secondly, a novel in-memory computing (IMC) hardware noise-aware training algorithms that make DNNs more robust to hardware noise is developed and evaluated. Up to 17% accuracy was recovered in deep neural networks (DNNs) deployed on IMC prototype hardware. The noise-aware training principles are also used to improve the adversarial robustness of DNNs, and successfully defend against both adversarial input and weight attacks. Up to ~10\% improvement in robustness against adversarial input attacks, and up to 33% improvement in robustness against adversarial weight attacks are achieved. Finally, a DNN training algorithm that pursues and optimises both activation and weight sparsity simultaneously is proposed and evaluated to obtain highly compressed DNNs. This lead to up to 4.7x reduction in the total number of flops required to perform complex image recognition tasks. A custom sparse inference accelerator is designed and synthesized to evaluate the benefits of the above flop reduction. A speedup of 4.24x is achieved. In summary, this dissertation contains innovative algorithm and hardware design techniques aided by machine learning, which enhance the security and efficiency of edge computing applications.
Date Created

Load-Sharing Low-Dropout Linear Regulators and Time-Domain Switching Regulators

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The development of portable electronic systems has been a fundamental factor to the emergence of new applications including ubiquitous smart devices, self-driving vehicles. Power-Management Integrated Circuits (PMICs) which are a key component of such systems must maintain high efficiency and

The development of portable electronic systems has been a fundamental factor to the emergence of new applications including ubiquitous smart devices, self-driving vehicles. Power-Management Integrated Circuits (PMICs) which are a key component of such systems must maintain high efficiency and reliability for the final system to be appealing from a size and cost perspective. As technology advances, such portable systems require high output currents at low voltages from their PMICs leading to thermal reliability concerns. The reliability and power integrity of PMICs in such systems also degrades when operated in harsh environments. This dissertation presents solutions to solve two such reliability problems.The first part of this work presents a scalable, daisy-chain solution to parallelize multiple low-dropout linear (LDO) regulators to increase the total output current at low voltages. This printed circuit board (PCB) friendly approach achieves output current sharing without the need for any off-chip active or passive components or matched PCB traces thus reducing the overall system cost. Fully integrated current sensing based on dynamic element matching eliminates the need for any off-chip current sensing components. A current sharing accuracy of 2.613% and 2.789% for output voltages of 3V and 1V respectively and an output current of 2A per LDO are measured for the parallel LDO system implemented in a 0.18μm process. Thermal images demonstrate that the parallel LDO system achieves thermal equilibrium and stable reliable operation. The remainder of the thesis deals with time-domain switching regulators for high-reliability applications. A time-domain based buck and boost controller with time as the processing variable is developed for use in harsh environments. The controller features adaptive on-time / off-time generation for quasi-constant switching frequency and a time-domain comparator to implement current-mode hysteretic control. A triple redundant bandgap reference is also developed to mitigate the effects of radiation. Measurement results are showcased for a buck and boost converter with a common controller IC implemented in a 0.18μm process and an external power stage. The converter achieves a peak efficiency of 92.22% as a buck for an output current of 5A and an output voltage of 5V. Similarly, the converter achieves an efficiency of 95.97% as a boost for an output current of 1.25A and an output voltage of 30.4V.
Date Created

FPGA-Based Edge-Computing Acceleration

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The rapid growth of Internet-of-things (IoT) and artificial intelligence applications have called forth a new computing paradigm--edge computing. Edge computing applications, such as video surveillance, autonomous driving, and augmented reality, are highly computationally intensive and require real-time processing. Current edge

The rapid growth of Internet-of-things (IoT) and artificial intelligence applications have called forth a new computing paradigm--edge computing. Edge computing applications, such as video surveillance, autonomous driving, and augmented reality, are highly computationally intensive and require real-time processing. Current edge systems are typically based on commodity general-purpose hardware such as Central Processing Units (CPUs) and Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) , which are mainly designed for large, non-time-sensitive jobs in the cloud and do not match the needs of the edge workloads. Also, these systems are usually power hungry and are not suitable for resource-constrained edge deployments. Such application-hardware mismatch calls forth a new computing backbone to support the high-bandwidth, low-latency, and energy-efficient requirements. Also, the new system should be able to support a variety of edge applications with different characteristics. This thesis addresses the above challenges by studying the use of Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) -based computing systems for accelerating the edge workloads, from three critical angles. First, it investigates the feasibility of FPGAs for edge computing, in comparison to conventional CPUs and GPUs. Second, it studies the acceleration of common algorithmic characteristics, identified as loop patterns, using FPGAs, and develops a benchmark tool for analyzing the performance of these patterns on different accelerators. Third, it designs a new edge computing platform using multiple clustered FPGAs to provide high-bandwidth and low-latency acceleration of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) widely used in edge applications. Finally, it studies the acceleration of the emerging neural networks, randomly-wired neural networks, on the multi-FPGA platform. The experimental results from this work show that the new generation of workloads requires rethinking the current edge-computing architecture. First, through the acceleration of common loops, it demonstrates that FPGAs can outperform GPUs in specific loops types up to 14 times. Second, it shows the linear scalability of multi-FPGA platforms in accelerating neural networks. Third, it demonstrates the superiority of the new scheduler to optimally place randomly-wired neural networks on multi-FPGA platforms with 81.1 times better throughput than the available scheduling mechanisms.
Date Created

Quantization and Evaluation of AI Algorithms for Hardware Acceleration

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Artificial intelligence is one of the leading technologies that mimics the problem solving and decision making capabilities of the human brain. Machine learning algorithms, especially deep learning algorithms, are leading the way in terms of performance and robustness. They are

Artificial intelligence is one of the leading technologies that mimics the problem solving and decision making capabilities of the human brain. Machine learning algorithms, especially deep learning algorithms, are leading the way in terms of performance and robustness. They are used for various purposes, mainly for computer vision, speech recognition, and object detection. The algorithms are usually tested inaccuracy, and they utilize full floating-point precision (32 bits). The hardware would require a high amount of power and area to accommodate many parameters with full precision. In this exploratory work, the convolution autoencoder is quantized for the working of an event base camera. The model is designed so that the autoencoder can work on-chip, which would sufficiently decrease the latency in processing. Different quantization methods are used to quantize and binarize the weights and activations of this neural network model to be portable and power efficient. The sparsity term is added to make the model as robust and energy-efficient as possible. The network model was able to recoup the lost accuracy due to binarizing the weights and activation's to quantize the layers of the encoder selectively. This method of recouping the accuracy gives enough flexibility to introduce the network on the chip to get real-time processing from systems like event-based cameras. Lately, computer vision, especially object detection have made strides in their object detection accuracy. The algorithms can sufficiently detect and predict the objects in real-time. However, end-to-end detection of the algorithm is challenging due to the large parameter need and processing requirements. A change in the Non Maximum Suppression algorithm in SSD(Single Shot Detector)-Mobilenet-V1 resulted in less computational complexity without change in the quality of output metric. The Mean Average Precision(mAP) calculated suggests that this method can be implemented in the post-processing of other networks.
Date Created

End-to-End Performance Benchmarking Tool for High-Speed Memory Access in Deep Learning

Due to high DRAM access latency and energy, several convolutional neural network(CNN) accelerators face performance and energy efficiency challenges, which are critical for embedded implementations. As these applications exploit larger datasets, memory accesses of these emerging applications are increasing.

Due to high DRAM access latency and energy, several convolutional neural network(CNN) accelerators face performance and energy efficiency challenges, which are critical for embedded implementations. As these applications exploit larger datasets, memory accesses of these emerging applications are increasing. As a result, it is difficult to predict the combined dynamic random access memory (DRAM) workload behavior, which can sabotage memory optimizations in software. To understand the impact of external memory access on CNN accelerators which reduces the high DRAMaccess latency and energy, simulators such as RAMULATOR and VAMPIRE have been proposed in prior work. In this work, we utilize these simulators to benchmark external memory access in CNN accelerators. Experiments are performed generating trace files based on the number of parameters and data precision and also using trace file generated for CNN Accelerator Altera Arria 10 GX 1150 FPGA data to complete the end to end workflow using the mentioned simulators. Besides that, certain modifications were made in the default VAMPIRE code to implement certain functionalities such as PREA(Precharge All) and REF(Refresh). Then, precalculated energies were computed for DDR3, DDR4, and HBM based on the micron model to mention it in the dram specification file inputted to the VAMPIRE tool. An experimental study was performed and a comparison is made between DDR3, DDR4, and HBM, it was proved that DDR4 is nearly 31% more energy-efficient than DDR3 and HBMis 54% energy-efficient than DDR3. Performed modeling and experimental analysis on a large set of data and then split it into a set of data and compared the results of the small sets multiplied with the number of sets and the large data set and concluded that the results were nearly the same. Finally, a GUI is developed by wrapping both the simulators. GUI provides user-friendly access and can analyze the parameters without much prior knowledge and understanding of the working.
Date Created

Processing-in-Memory for Data-Intensive Applications, From Device to Algorithm

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Over the past decades, the amount of data required to be processed and analyzed by computing systems has been increasing dramatically to exascale (10^18 bytes/s or ops). However, modern computing platforms' inability to deliver both energy-efficient and high-performance computing solutions

Over the past decades, the amount of data required to be processed and analyzed by computing systems has been increasing dramatically to exascale (10^18 bytes/s or ops). However, modern computing platforms' inability to deliver both energy-efficient and high-performance computing solutions leads to a gap between meets and needs, especially in resource-constraint Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Unfortunately, such a gap will keep widening mainly due to limitations in both devices and architectures. With this motivation, this dissertation's focus is on cross-layer (device/circuit/architecture/application) co-design of energy-efficient and high-performance Processing-in-Memory (PIM) platforms for implementing complex big data applications, i.e., deep learning, bioinformatics, graph processing tasks, and data encryption. The dissertation shows how to leverage innovations from device, circuit, and architecture to integrate memory and logic to break the existing memory and power walls and dramatically increase computing efficiency of today’s non-Von-Neumann computing systems.The proposed PIM platforms transform current volatile and non-volatile random access memory arrays to computational units capable of working as both memory and low-area-overhead, massively parallel, fast, reconfigurable in-memory logic. Instead of integrating complex logic units in cost-sensitive memory, the explored designs exploit hardware-friendly bit-line computing methods to implement complete Boolean logic functions between operands within a memory array in a reduced clock cycle, overcoming the multi-cycle logic issue in modern PIM platforms. Besides, new customized in-memory algorithms and mapping methods are developed to convert the crucial iteratively-used big data application's functions to bit-wise PIM-supported logic. To quantitatively analyze the performance of various PIM platforms running big data applications, a generic and comprehensive evaluation framework is presented. The overall system computing performance (throughput, latency, energy efficiency) for each application is explored through the developed framework. The device-to-algorithm co-simulation results on neural network acceleration demonstrate that the proposed platforms can obtain 36.8× higher energy-efficiency and 22× speed-up compared to state-of-the-art Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). In accelerating bioinformatics tasks such as biological sequence alignment, the presented PIM designs result in ~2×, 43.8×, 458× more throughput per Watt compared to state-of-the-art Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC), Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), and GPU platforms, respectively.
Date Created

Hardware-friendly Deep Learning for Edge Computing

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The Internet-of-Things (IoT) boosts the vast amount of streaming data. However, even considering the growth of the cloud computing infrastructure, IoT devices will generate two orders of magnitude more than the capacity that centralized data center servers can process or

The Internet-of-Things (IoT) boosts the vast amount of streaming data. However, even considering the growth of the cloud computing infrastructure, IoT devices will generate two orders of magnitude more than the capacity that centralized data center servers can process or store. This trend inevitability calls for the need for offloading IoT data processing to a decentralized edge computing infrastructure. On the other hand, deep-learning-based applications gain great progress by taking advantage of heavy centralized computing resources for training large models to fit increasingly complicated tasks. Even though large-scale deep learning models perform well in terms of accuracy, their high computational complexity makes it impossible to offload them onto edge devices for real-time inference and timely response. To enable timely IoT services on edge devices, this dissertation addresses the challenge from two perspectives. On the hardware side, a new field-programmable gate array (FPGA)-based framework for binary neural network and an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) accelerator for natural scene text interpretation are proposed, with the awareness of the computing resources and power constraint on edge. On the algorithm side, this work presents both the methodology of building more compact models and finding better computation-accuracy trade-off for existing models.
Date Created

Study of On-Chip Integrated Switched-Capacitor Voltage Regulator

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Power management circuits have been more and more widely used in various applications, while providing fully integrated voltage regulation remains a challenging topic. Switched-capacitor (SC) voltage converters have received attentions in integrated power conversion for fixed-ratio voltage conversions with good

Power management circuits have been more and more widely used in various applications, while providing fully integrated voltage regulation remains a challenging topic. Switched-capacitor (SC) voltage converters have received attentions in integrated power conversion for fixed-ratio voltage conversions with good efficiency and feasibility of integration. During my PhD study, an on-chip current sensing technique is proposed to dynamically modulate both switching frequency and switch widths of SC voltage converters, enhancing fast transient response and higher efficiency across a wide range of load currents. In conjunction with SC converters, a low-dropout regulator (LDO) is implemented which is driven by a push-pull operational transconductance amplifier (OTA), whose current is mirrored and sensed with minimal power and efficiency overhead. The sensed load current directly controls the frequency and width of SC converters through a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) and a time-to-digital converter, respectively.
Theoretical analysis and optimization for SC DC-DC converters have been presented in prior works, however optimization of different capacitors, namely flying and input/output decoupling capacitors, in SC voltage regulators (SCVRs) under an area constraint has not been addressed. A methodology to optimize flying and decoupling capacitance for area-constrained on-chip SCVRs to achieve the highest system-level power efficiency. Considering both conversion efficiency and droop voltage against fast load transients, the proposed model determines the optimal ratio between flying and decoupling.
Based on the previous design, a fully integrated switched-capacitor voltage regulator with voltage comparison and on-chip lossless current sensing control is proposed. Based on the voltage comparison result and sensed current as the load current changes, the frequency of the SC converters are modulated for optimal efficiency. The voltage regulator targets 2.1V input voltage and 0.9V output voltage, which offers higher-voltage power transfer across chip package. A 17-phase interleaved structure is used to reduce output voltage ripple.
In 65nm CMOS, the regulator is implemented with MIM-capacitor, targeting 2.1V input voltage and 0.9V output voltage. According to the measurement results, the proposed SC voltage regulator achieves 69.6% peak efficiency at 60mA load current, which corresponds to a 4.2mW/mm2 power-area density and 12.5mW
F power-capacitance density. The efficiency across 20mA to 92mA regulator load current range is above 62%. The steady-state output voltage ripple across 22x load current range of 3.5mA-76mA is between 50mV to 60mV.
Date Created

Visual Perception, Prediction and Understanding with Relations

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Rapid development of computer vision applications such as image recognition and object detection has been enabled by the emerging deep learning technologies. To improve the accuracy further, deeper and wider neural networks with diverse architecture are proposed for better feature

Rapid development of computer vision applications such as image recognition and object detection has been enabled by the emerging deep learning technologies. To improve the accuracy further, deeper and wider neural networks with diverse architecture are proposed for better feature extraction. Though the performance boost is impressive, only marginal improvement can be achieved with significantly increased computational overhead. One solution is to compress the exploding-sized model by dropping less important weights or channels. This is an effective solution that has been well explored. However, by utilizing the rich relation information of the data, one can also improve the accuracy with reasonable overhead. This work makes progress toward efficient and accurate visual tasks including detection, prediction and understanding by using relations.
For object detection, a novel approach, Graph Assisted Reasoning (GAR), is proposed to utilize a heterogeneous graph to model object-object relations and object-scene relations. GAR fuses the features from neighboring object nodes as well as scene nodes. In this way, GAR produces better recognition than that produced from individual object nodes. Moreover, compared to previous approaches using Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), GAR's light-weight and low-coupling architecture further facilitate its integration into the object detection module.

For trajectories prediction, a novel approach, namely Diverse Attention RNN (DAT-RNN), is proposed to handle the diversity of trajectories and modeling of neighboring relations. DAT-RNN integrates both temporal and spatial relations to improve the prediction under various circumstances.

Last but not least, this work presents a novel relation implication-enhanced (RIE) approach that improves relation detection through relation direction and implication. With the relation implication, the SGG model is exposed to more ground truth information and thus mitigates the overfitting problem of the biased datasets. Moreover, the enhancement with relation implication is compatible with various context encoding schemes.

Comprehensive experiments on benchmarking datasets demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approaches.
Date Created