Due to high DRAM access latency and energy, several convolutional neural network(CNN) accelerators face performance and energy efficiency challenges, which are critical for embedded implementations. As these applications exploit larger datasets, memory accesses of these emerging applications are increasing.

Due to high DRAM access latency and energy, several convolutional neural network(CNN) accelerators face performance and energy efficiency challenges, which are critical for embedded implementations. As these applications exploit larger datasets, memory accesses of these emerging applications are increasing. As a result, it is difficult to predict the combined dynamic random access memory (DRAM) workload behavior, which can sabotage memory optimizations in software. To understand the impact of external memory access on CNN accelerators which reduces the high DRAMaccess latency and energy, simulators such as RAMULATOR and VAMPIRE have been proposed in prior work. In this work, we utilize these simulators to benchmark external memory access in CNN accelerators. Experiments are performed generating trace files based on the number of parameters and data precision and also using trace file generated for CNN Accelerator Altera Arria 10 GX 1150 FPGA data to complete the end to end workflow using the mentioned simulators. Besides that, certain modifications were made in the default VAMPIRE code to implement certain functionalities such as PREA(Precharge All) and REF(Refresh). Then, precalculated energies were computed for DDR3, DDR4, and HBM based on the micron model to mention it in the dram specification file inputted to the VAMPIRE tool. An experimental study was performed and a comparison is made between DDR3, DDR4, and HBM, it was proved that DDR4 is nearly 31% more energy-efficient than DDR3 and HBMis 54% energy-efficient than DDR3. Performed modeling and experimental analysis on a large set of data and then split it into a set of data and compared the results of the small sets multiplied with the number of sets and the large data set and concluded that the results were nearly the same. Finally, a GUI is developed by wrapping both the simulators. GUI provides user-friendly access and can analyze the parameters without much prior knowledge and understanding of the working.
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  • Details

    • End-to-End Performance Benchmarking Tool for High-Speed Memory Access in Deep Learning
    Date Created
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    • Partial requirement for: M.S., Arizona State University, 2021
    • Field of study: Electrical Engineering

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