Fabrication and characterization of metallic cavity nanolasers

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Nanolasers represents the research frontier in both the areas of photonics and nanotechnology for its interesting properties in low dimension physics, its appealing prospects in integrated photonics, and other on-chip applications. In this thesis, I present my research work on

Nanolasers represents the research frontier in both the areas of photonics and nanotechnology for its interesting properties in low dimension physics, its appealing prospects in integrated photonics, and other on-chip applications. In this thesis, I present my research work on fabrication and characterization of a new type of nanolasers: metallic cavity nanolasers. The last ten years witnessed a dramatic paradigm shift from pure dielectric cavity to metallic cavity in the research of nanolasers. By using low loss metals such as silver, which is highly reflective at near infrared, light can be confined in an ultra small cavity or waveguide with sub-wavelength dimensions, thus enabling sub-wavelength cavity lasers. Based on this idea, I fabricated two different kinds of metallic cavity nanolasers with rectangular and circular geometries with InGaAs as the gain material and silver as the metallic shell. The lasing wavelength is around 1.55 μm, intended for optical communication applications. Continuous wave (CW) lasing at cryogenic temperature under current injection was achieved on devices with a deep sub-wavelength physical cavity volume smaller than 0.2 λ3. Improving device fabrication process is one of the main challenges in the development of metallic cavity nanolasers due to its ultra-small size. With improved fabrication process and device design, CW lasing at room temperature was demonstrated as well on a sub-wavelength rectangular device with a physical cavity volume of 0.67 λ3. Experiments verified that a small circular nanolasers supporting TE¬01 mode can generate an azimuthal polarized laser beam, providing a compact such source under electrical injection. Sources with such polarizations could have many special applications. Study of digital modulation of circular nanolasers showed that laser noise is an important factor that will affect the data rate of the nanolaser when used as the light source in optical interconnects. For future development, improving device fabrication processes is required to improve device performance. In addition, techniques need to be developed to realize nanolaser/Si waveguide integration. In essence, resolving these two critical issues will finally pave the way for these nanolasers to be used in various practical applications.
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Object-based PON access and tandem networking

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The upstream transmission of bulk data files in Ethernet passive optical networks (EPONs) arises from a number of applications, such as data back-up and multimedia file upload. Existing upstream transmission approaches lead to severe delays for conventional packet traffic when

The upstream transmission of bulk data files in Ethernet passive optical networks (EPONs) arises from a number of applications, such as data back-up and multimedia file upload. Existing upstream transmission approaches lead to severe delays for conventional packet traffic when best-effort file and packet traffic are mixed. I propose and evaluate an exclusive interval for bulk transfer (EIBT) transmission strategy that reserves an EIBT for file traffic in an EPON polling cycle. I optimize the duration of the EIBT to minimize a weighted sum of packet and file delays. Through mathematical delay analysis and verifying simulation, it is demonstrated that the EIBT approach preserves small delays for packet traffic while efficiently serving bulk data file transfers. Dynamic circuits are well suited for applications that require predictable service with a constant bit rate for a prescribed period of time, such as demanding e-science applications. Past research on upstream transmission in passive optical networks (PONs) has mainly considered packet-switched traffic and has focused on optimizing packet-level performance metrics, such as reducing mean delay. This study proposes and evaluates a dynamic circuit and packet PON (DyCaPPON) that provides dynamic circuits along with packet-switched service. DyCaPPON provides (i) flexible packet-switched service through dynamic bandwidth allocation in periodic polling cycles, and (ii) consistent circuit service by allocating each active circuit a fixed-duration upstream transmission window during each fixed-duration polling cycle. I analyze circuit-level performance metrics, including the blocking probability of dynamic circuit requests in DyCaPPON through a stochastic knapsack-based analysis. Through this analysis I also determine the bandwidth occupied by admitted circuits. The remaining bandwidth is available for packet traffic and I analyze the resulting mean delay of packet traffic. Through extensive numerical evaluations and verifying simulations, the circuit blocking and packet delay trade-offs in DyCaPPON is demonstrated. An extended version of the DyCaPPON designed for light traffic situation is introduced in this article as well.
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Modelling and simulation of plasmonic waveguides and nanolasers

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This thesis summarizes modeling and simulation of plasmonic waveguides and nanolasers. The research includes modeling of dielectric constants of doped semiconductor as a potential plasmonic material, simulation of plasmonic waveguides with different configurations and geometries, simulation and design of plasmonic

This thesis summarizes modeling and simulation of plasmonic waveguides and nanolasers. The research includes modeling of dielectric constants of doped semiconductor as a potential plasmonic material, simulation of plasmonic waveguides with different configurations and geometries, simulation and design of plasmonic nanolasers. In the doped semiconductor part, a more accurate model accounting for dielectric constant of doped InAs was proposed. In the model, Interband transitions accounted for by Adachi's model considering Burstein-Moss effect and free electron effect governed by Drude model dominate in different spectral regions. For plasmonic waveguide part, Insulator-Metal-Insulator (IMI) waveguide, silver nanowire waveguide with and without substrate, Metal-Semiconductor-Metal (MSM) waveguide and Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor-Insulator-Metal (MISIM) waveguide were investigated respectively. Modal analysis was given for each part. Lastly, a comparative study of plasmonic and optical modes in an MSM disk cavity was performed by FDTD simulation for room temperature at the telecommunication wavelength. The results show quantitatively that plasmonic modes have advantages over optical modes in the scalability down to small size and the cavity Quantum Electrodynamics(QED) effects due to the possibility of breaking the diffraction limit. Surprisingly for lasing characteristics, though plasmonic modes have large loss as expected, minimal achievable threshold can be attained for whispering gallery plasmonic modes with azimuthal number of 2 by optimizing cavity design at 1.55µm due to interplay of metal loss and radiation loss.
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Application of effective medium modeling to plasmonic nanosphere waveguides

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A proposed visible spectrum nanoscale imaging method requires material with permittivity values much larger than those available in real world materials to shrink the visible wavelength to attain the desired resolution. It has been proposed that the extraordinarily slow propagation

A proposed visible spectrum nanoscale imaging method requires material with permittivity values much larger than those available in real world materials to shrink the visible wavelength to attain the desired resolution. It has been proposed that the extraordinarily slow propagation experienced by light guided along plasmon resonant structures is a viable approach to obtaining these short wavelengths. To assess the feasibility of such a system, an effective medium model of a chain of Noble metal plasmonic nanospheres is developed, leading to a straightforward calculation of the waveguiding properties. Evaluation of other models for such structures that have appeared in the literature, including an eigenvalue problem nearest neighbor approximation, a multi- neighbor approximation with retardation, and a method-of-moments method for a finite chain, show conflicting expectations of such a structure. In particular, recent publications suggest the possibility of regions of invalidity for eigenvalue problem solutions that are considered far below the onset of guidance, and for solutions that assume the loss is low enough to justify perturbation approximations. Even the published method-of-moments approach suffers from an unjustified assumption in the original interpretation, leading to overly optimistic estimations of the attenuation of the plasmon guided wave. In this work it is shown that the method of moments approach solution was dominated by the radiation from the source dipole, and not the waveguiding behavior claimed. If this dipolar radiation is removed the remaining fields ought to contain the desired guided wave information. Using a Prony's-method-based algorithm the dispersion properties of the chain of spheres are assessed at two frequencies, and shown to be dramatically different from the optimistic expectations in much of the literature. A reliable alternative to these models is to replace the chain of spheres with an effective medium model, thus mapping the chain problem into the well-known problem of the dielectric rod. The solution of the Green function problem for excitation of the symmetric longitudinal mode (TM01) is performed by numerical integration. Using this method the frequency ranges over which the rod guides and the associated attenuation are clearly seen. The effective medium model readily allows for variation of the sphere size and separation, and can be taken to the limit where instead of a chain of spheres we have a solid Noble metal rod. This latter case turns out to be the optimal for minimizing the attenuation of the guided wave. Future work is proposed to simulate the chain of photonic nanospheres and the nanowire using finite-difference time-domain to verify observed guided behavior in the Green's function method devised in this thesis and to simulate the proposed nanosensing devices.
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Design methodology for multiport antennas

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Multiport antennas offer greater design flexibility than traditional one-port designs. An antenna array is a special case of a multiport antenna. If the antenna's inter-element spacing is electrically small, the antenna is capable of achieving superdirectivity. Superdirective antenna arrays are

Multiport antennas offer greater design flexibility than traditional one-port designs. An antenna array is a special case of a multiport antenna. If the antenna's inter-element spacing is electrically small, the antenna is capable of achieving superdirectivity. Superdirective antenna arrays are known to be narrow band and have low radiation resistance which leads to low radiation efficiency and high VSWR. However, by increasing the self-impedance of the antenna elements, the radiation resistance is increased but the bandwidth remains narrow. A design methodology is developed using the ability to superimpose electric fields and multi-objective optimization to design antenna feed networks. While the emphasis in this dissertation is on antenna arrays and superdirectivity, the design methodology is general and can be applied to other multiport antennas. The design methodology is used to design a multiport impedance-matching network and optimize both the input impedance and radiation pattern of a two-port superdirective antenna array. It is shown that the multiport impedance-matching network is capable of improving the input impedance of the antenna array while maintaining high directionality. The antenna design is critical for the methodology to improve the bandwidth and radiation characteristics of the array. To double the bandwidth of the two-port impedance matched superdirective antenna array, a three-port Yagi-Uda antenna design is demonstrated. The addition of the extra antenna element does not increase the footprint of the antenna array. The design methodology is then used to design a symmetrical antenna array capable of steering its main beam in two directions.
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