Predictive Process Design Kits for the 7 nm and 5 nm Technology Nodes

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Recent years have seen fin field effect transistors (finFETs) dominate modern complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) processes, [1][2], e.g., at the sub 20 nm technology nodes, as they alleviate short channel effects, provide lower leakage, and enable some continued VDD

Recent years have seen fin field effect transistors (finFETs) dominate modern complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) processes, [1][2], e.g., at the sub 20 nm technology nodes, as they alleviate short channel effects, provide lower leakage, and enable some continued VDD scaling. However, a realistic finFET based predictive process design kit (PDK) that supports investigation into both circuit and physical design, encompassing all aspects of digital design, for academic use has been unavailable. While the finFET based FreePDK15 was supplemented with a standard cell library, it lacked full physical verification (LVS) and parasitic extraction at the time [3][4]. Consequently, the only available sub 45 nm educational PDKs are the planar CMOS based Synopsys 32/28 nm and FreePDK45 (45 nm PDK) [5][6]. The cell libraries available for those processes are not realistic since they use large cell heights, in contrast to recent industry trends. Additionally, the SRAM rules and cells provided by these PDKs are not realistic. Because finFETs have a 3D structure, which affects transistor density, using planar libraries scaled to sub 22 nm dimensions for research is likely to give poor accuracy.

Commercial libraries and PDKs, especially for advanced nodes, are often difficult to obtain for academic use, and access to the actual physical layouts is even more restricted. Furthermore, the necessary non disclosure agreements (NDAs) are un manageable for large university classes and the plethora of design rules can distract from the key points. NDAs also make it difficult for the publication of physical design as these may disclose proprietary design rules and structures.

This work focuses on the development of realistic PDKs for academic use that overcome these limitations. These PDKs, developed for the N7 and N5 nodes, even before 7 nm and 5 nm processes were available in industry, are thus predictive. The predictions have been based on publications of the continually improving lithography, as well as estimates of what would be available at N7 and N5. For the most part, these assumptions have been accurate with regards to N7, except for the expectation that extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography would be widely available, which has turned out to be optimistic.
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Application of Machine Learning Algorithm to Forecast Load and Development of a Battery Control Algorithm to Optimize PV System Performance in Phoenix, Arizona

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The students of Arizona State University, under the mentorship of Dr George Karady, have been collaborating with Salt River Project (SRP), a major power utility in the state of Arizona, trying to study and optimize a battery-supported grid-tied rooftop Photovoltaic

The students of Arizona State University, under the mentorship of Dr George Karady, have been collaborating with Salt River Project (SRP), a major power utility in the state of Arizona, trying to study and optimize a battery-supported grid-tied rooftop Photovoltaic (PV) system, sold by a commercial vendor. SRP believes this system has the potential to satisfy the needs of its customers, who opt for utilizing solar power to partially satisfy their power needs.

An important part of this elaborate project is the development of a new load forecasting algorithm and a better control strategy for the optimized utilization of the storage system. The built-in algorithm of this commercial unit uses simple forecasting and battery control strategies. With the recent improvement in Machine Learning (ML) techniques, development of a more sophisticated model of the problem in hand was possible. This research is aimed at achieving the goal by utilizing the appropriate ML techniques to better model the problem, which will essentially result in a better solution. In this research, a set of six unique features are used to model the load forecasting problem and different ML algorithms are simulated on the developed model. A similar approach is taken to solve the PV prediction problem. Finally, a very effective battery control strategy is built (utilizing the results of the load and PV forecasting), with the aim of ensuring a reduction in the amount of energy consumed from the grid during the “on-peak” hours. Apart from the reduction in the energy consumption, this battery control algorithm decelerates the “cycling aging” or the aging of the battery owing to the charge/dis-charges cycles endured by selectively charging/dis-charging the battery based on need.


The results of this proposed strategy are verified using a hardware implementation (the PV system was coupled with a custom-built load bank and this setup was used to simulate a house). The results pertaining to the performances of the built-in algorithm and the ML algorithm are compared and the economic analysis is performed. The findings of this research have in the process of being published in a reputed journal.
Date Created

FinFET Cell Library Design and Characterization

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Modern-day integrated circuits are very capable, often containing more than a billion transistors. For example, the Intel Ivy Bridge 4C chip has about 1.2 billion transistors on a 160 mm2 die. Designing such complex circuits requires automation. Therefore, these designs

Modern-day integrated circuits are very capable, often containing more than a billion transistors. For example, the Intel Ivy Bridge 4C chip has about 1.2 billion transistors on a 160 mm2 die. Designing such complex circuits requires automation. Therefore, these designs are made with the help of computer aided design (CAD) tools. A major part of this custom design flow for application specific integrated circuits (ASIC) is the design of standard cell libraries. Standard cell libraries are a collection of primitives from which the automatic place and route (APR) tools can choose a collection of cells and implement the design that is being put together. To operate efficiently, the CAD tools require multiple views of each cell in the standard cell library. This data is obtained by characterizing the standard cell libraries and compiling the results in formats that the tools can easily understand and utilize.

My thesis focusses on the design and characterization of one such standard cell library in the ASAP7 7 nm predictive design kit (PDK). The complete design flow, starting from the choice of the cell architecture, design of the cell layouts and the various decisions made in that process to obtain optimum results, to the characterization of those cells using the Liberate tool provided by Cadence design systems Inc., is discussed in this thesis. The end results of the characterized library are used in the APR of a few open source register-transfer logic (RTL) projects and the efficiency of the library is demonstrated.
Date Created

Low Frequency Electric Field Imaging

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Electric field imaging allows for a low cost, compact, non-invasive, non-ionizing alternative to other methods of imaging. It has many promising industrial applications including security, safely imaging power lines at construction sites, finding sources of electromagnetic interference, geo-prospecting, and

Electric field imaging allows for a low cost, compact, non-invasive, non-ionizing alternative to other methods of imaging. It has many promising industrial applications including security, safely imaging power lines at construction sites, finding sources of electromagnetic interference, geo-prospecting, and medical imaging. The work presented in this dissertation concerns low frequency electric field imaging: the physics, hardware, and various methods of achieving it.

Electric fields have historically been notoriously difficult to work with due to how intrinsically noisy the data is in electric field sensors. As a first contribution, an in-depth study demonstrates just how prevalent electric field noise is. In field tests, various cables were placed underneath power lines. Despite being shielded, the 60 Hz power line signal readily penetrated several types of cables.

The challenges of high noise levels were largely addressed by connecting the output of an electric field sensor to a lock-in amplifier. Using the more accurate means of collecting electric field data, D-dot sensors were arrayed in a compact grid to resolve electric field images as a second contribution. This imager has successfully captured electric field images of live concealed wires and electromagnetic interference.

An active method was developed as a third contribution. In this method, distortions created by objects when placed in a known electric field are read. This expands the domain of what can be imaged because the object does not need to be a time-varying electric field source. Images of dielectrics (e.g. bodies of water) and DC wires were captured using this new method.

The final contribution uses a collection of one-dimensional electric field images, i.e. projections, to reconstruct a two-dimensional image. This was achieved using algorithms based in computed tomography such as filtered backprojection. An algebraic approach was also used to enforce sparsity regularization with the L1 norm, further improving the quality of some images.
Date Created

Post-silicon Validation of Radiation Hardened Microprocessor and SRAM arrays

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Digital systems are increasingly pervading in the everyday lives of humans. The security of these systems is a concern due to the sensitive data stored in them. The physically unclonable function (PUF) implemented on hardware provides a way to protect

Digital systems are increasingly pervading in the everyday lives of humans. The security of these systems is a concern due to the sensitive data stored in them. The physically unclonable function (PUF) implemented on hardware provides a way to protect these systems. Static random-access memories (SRAMs) are designed and used as a strong PUF to generate random numbers unique to the manufactured integrated circuit (IC).

Digital systems are important to the technological improvements in space exploration. Space exploration requires radiation hardened microprocessors which minimize the functional disruptions in the presence of radiation. The design highly efficient radiation-hardened microprocessor for enabling spacecraft (HERMES) is a radiation-hardened microprocessor with performance comparable to the commercially available designs. These designs are manufactured using a foundry complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) 55-nm triple-well process. This thesis presents the post silicon validation results of the HERMES and the PUF mode of SRAM across process corners.

Chapter 1 gives an overview of the blocks implemented on the test chip 25. It also talks about the pre-silicon functional verification methodology used for the test chip. Chapter 2 discusses about the post silicon testing setup of test chip 25 and the validation of the setup. Chapter 3 describes the architecture and the test bench of the HERMES along with its testing results. Chapter 4 discusses the test bench and the perl scripts used to test the SRAM along with its testing results. Chapter 5 gives a summary of the post-silicon validation results of the HERMES and the PUF mode of SRAM.
Date Created

Simulating radial dendrite growth

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The formation of dendrites in materials is usually seen as a failure-inducing defect in devices. Naturally, most research views dendrites as a problem needing a solution while focusing on process control techniques and post-mortem analysis of various stress patterns with

The formation of dendrites in materials is usually seen as a failure-inducing defect in devices. Naturally, most research views dendrites as a problem needing a solution while focusing on process control techniques and post-mortem analysis of various stress patterns with the ultimate goal of total suppression of the structures. However, programmable metallization cell (PMC) technology embraces dendrite formation in chalcogenide glasses by utilizing the nascent conductive filaments as its core operative element. Furthermore, exciting More-than-Moore capabilities in the realms of device watermarking and hardware encryption schema are made possible by the random nature of dendritic branch growth. While dendritic structures have been observed and are well-documented in solid state materials, there is still no satisfactory theoretical model that can provide insight and a better understanding of how dendrites form. Ultimately, what is desired is the capability to predict the final structure of the conductive filament in a PMC device so that exciting new applications can be developed with PMC technology.

This thesis details the results of an effort to create a first-principles MATLAB simulation model that uses configurable physical parameters to generate images of dendritic structures. Generated images are compared against real-world samples. While growth has a significant random component, there are several reliable characteristics that form under similar parameter sets that can be monitored such as the relative length of major dendrite arms, common branching angles, and overall growth directionality.

The first simulation model that was constructed takes a Newtonian perspective of the problem and is implemented using the Euler numerical method. This model has several shortcomings stemming majorly from the simplistic treatment of the problem, but is highly performant. The model is then revised to use the Verlet numerical method, which increases the simulation accuracy, but still does not fully resolve the issues with the theoretical background. The final simulation model returns to the Euler method, but is a stochastic model based on Mott-Gurney’s ion hopping theory applied to solids. The results from this model are seen to match real samples the closest of all simulations.
Date Created

SST SuperFlash modeling and simulation under ionizing radiation

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Flash memories are critical for embedded devices to operate properly but are susceptible to radiation effects, which make flash memory a key factor to improve the reliability of circuitry. This thesis describes the simulation techniques used to analyze and predict

Flash memories are critical for embedded devices to operate properly but are susceptible to radiation effects, which make flash memory a key factor to improve the reliability of circuitry. This thesis describes the simulation techniques used to analyze and predict total ionizing dose (TID) effects on 90-nm technology Silicon Storage Technology (SST) SuperFlash Generation 3 devices. Silvaco Atlas is used for both device level design and simulation purposes.

The simulations consist of no radiation and radiation modeling. The no radiation modeling details the cell structure development and characterizes basic operations (read, erase and program) of a flash memory cell. The program time is observed to be approximately 10 μs while the erase time is approximately 0.1 ms.

The radiation modeling uses the fixed oxide charge method to analyze the TID effects on the same flash memory cell. After irradiation, a threshold voltage shift of the flash memory cell is observed. The threshold voltages of a programmed cell and an erased cell are reduced at an average rate of 0.025 V/krad.

The use of simulation techniques allows designers to better understand the TID response of a SST flash memory cell and to predict cell level TID effects without performing the costly in-situ irradiation experiments. The simulation and experimental results agree qualitatively. In particular, simulation results reveal that ‘0’ to ‘1’ errors but not ‘1’ to ‘0’ retention errors occur; likewise, ‘0’ to ‘1’ errors dominate experimental testing, which also includes circuitry effects that can cause ‘1’ to ‘0’ failures. Both simulation and experimental results reveal flash memory cell TID resilience to about 200 krad.
Date Created

Flexible electronics powered by mixed metal oxide thin film transistors

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A low temperature amorphous oxide thin film transistor (TFT) and amorphous silicon PIN diode backplane technology for large area flexible digital x-ray detectors has been developed to create 7.9-in. diagonal backplanes. The critical steps in the evolution of the backplane

A low temperature amorphous oxide thin film transistor (TFT) and amorphous silicon PIN diode backplane technology for large area flexible digital x-ray detectors has been developed to create 7.9-in. diagonal backplanes. The critical steps in the evolution of the backplane process include the qualification and optimization of the low temperature (200 °C) metal oxide TFT and a-Si PIN photodiode process, the stability of the devices under forward and reverse bias stress, the transfer of the process to flexible plastic substrates, and the fabrication and assembly of the flexible detectors.

Mixed oxide semiconductor TFTs on flexible plastic substrates suffer from performance and stability issues related to the maximum processing temperature limitation of the polymer. A novel device architecture based upon a dual active layer improves both the performance and stability. Devices are directly fabricated below 200 ºC on a polyethylene naphthalate (PEN) substrate using mixed metal oxides of either zinc indium oxide (ZIO) or indium gallium zinc oxide (IGZO) as the active semiconductor. The dual active layer architecture allows for adjustment to the saturation mobility and threshold voltage stability without the requirement of high temperature annealing, which is not compatible with flexible plastic substrates like PEN. The device performance and stability is strongly dependent upon the composition of the mixed metal oxide; this dependency provides a simple route to improving the threshold voltage stability and drive performance. By switching from a single to a dual active layer, the saturation mobility increases from 1.2 cm2/V-s to 18.0 cm2/V-s, while the rate of the threshold voltage shift decreases by an order of magnitude. This approach could assist in enabling the production of devices on flexible substrates using amorphous oxide semiconductors.

Low temperature (200°C) processed amorphous silicon photodiodes were developed successfully by balancing the tradeoffs between low temperature and low stress (less than -70 MPa compressive) and device performance. Devices with a dark current of less than 1.0 pA/mm2 and a quantum efficiency of 68% have been demonstrated. Alternative processing techniques, such as pixelating the PIN diode and using organic photodiodes have also been explored for applications where extreme flexibility is desired.
Date Created

Radiation detection and imaging: neutrons and electric fields

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The work presented in this manuscript has the overarching theme of radiation. The two forms of radiation of interest are neutrons, i.e. nuclear, and electric fields. The ability to detect such forms of radiation have significant security implications

The work presented in this manuscript has the overarching theme of radiation. The two forms of radiation of interest are neutrons, i.e. nuclear, and electric fields. The ability to detect such forms of radiation have significant security implications that could also be extended to very practical industrial applications. The goal is therefore to detect, and even image, such radiation sources.

The method to do so revolved around the concept of building large-area sensor arrays. By covering a large area, we can increase the probability of detection and gather more data to build a more complete and clearer view of the environment. Large-area circuitry can be achieved cost-effectively by leveraging the thin-film transistor process of the display industry. With production of displays increasing with the explosion of mobile devices and continued growth in sales of flat panel monitors and television, the cost to build a unit continues to decrease.

Using a thin-film process also allows for flexible electronics, which could be taken advantage of in-house at the Flexible Electronics and Display Center. Flexible electronics implies new form factors and applications that would not otherwise be possible with their single crystal counterparts. To be able to effectively use thin-film technology, novel ways of overcoming the drawbacks of the thin-film process, namely the lower performance scale.

The two deliverable devices that underwent development are a preamplifier used in an active pixel sensor for neutron detection and a passive electric field imaging array. This thesis will cover the theory and process behind realizing these devices.
Date Created

Thin film transistor control circuitry for MEMS acoustic transducers

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ABSTRACT This work seeks to develop a practical solution for short range ultrasonic communications and produce an integrated array of acoustic transmitters on a flexible substrate. This is done using flexible thin film transistor (TFT) and micro electromechanical systems (MEMS).

ABSTRACT This work seeks to develop a practical solution for short range ultrasonic communications and produce an integrated array of acoustic transmitters on a flexible substrate. This is done using flexible thin film transistor (TFT) and micro electromechanical systems (MEMS). The goal is to develop a flexible system capable of communicating in the ultrasonic frequency range at a distance of 10 - 100 meters. This requires a great deal of innovation on the part of the FDC team developing the TFT driving circuitry and the MEMS team adapting the technology for fabrication on a flexible substrate. The technologies required for this research are independently developed. The TFT development is driven primarily by research into flexible displays. The MEMS development is driving by research in biosensors and micro actuators. This project involves the integration of TFT flexible circuit capabilities with MEMS micro actuators in the novel area of flexible acoustic transmitter arrays. This thesis focuses on the design, testing and analysis of the circuit components required for this project.
Date Created