Compiler and runtime for memory management on software managed manycore processors

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We are expecting hundreds of cores per chip in the near future. However, scaling the memory architecture in manycore architectures becomes a major challenge. Cache coherence provides a single image of memory at any time in execution to all the

We are expecting hundreds of cores per chip in the near future. However, scaling the memory architecture in manycore architectures becomes a major challenge. Cache coherence provides a single image of memory at any time in execution to all the cores, yet coherent cache architectures are believed will not scale to hundreds and thousands of cores. In addition, caches and coherence logic already take 20-50% of the total power consumption of the processor and 30-60% of die area. Therefore, a more scalable architecture is needed for manycore architectures. Software Managed Manycore (SMM) architectures emerge as a solution. They have scalable memory design in which each core has direct access to only its local scratchpad memory, and any data transfers to/from other memories must be done explicitly in the application using Direct Memory Access (DMA) commands. Lack of automatic memory management in the hardware makes such architectures extremely power-efficient, but they also become difficult to program. If the code/data of the task mapped onto a core cannot fit in the local scratchpad memory, then DMA calls must be added to bring in the code/data before it is required, and it may need to be evicted after its use. However, doing this adds a lot of complexity to the programmer's job. Now programmers must worry about data management, on top of worrying about the functional correctness of the program - which is already quite complex. This dissertation presents a comprehensive compiler and runtime integration to automatically manage the code and data of each task in the limited local memory of the core. We firstly developed a Complete Circular Stack Management. It manages stack frames between the local memory and the main memory, and addresses the stack pointer problem as well. Though it works, we found we could further optimize the management for most cases. Thus a Smart Stack Data Management (SSDM) is provided. In this work, we formulate the stack data management problem and propose a greedy algorithm for the same. Later on, we propose a general cost estimation algorithm, based on which CMSM heuristic for code mapping problem is developed. Finally, heap data is dynamic in nature and therefore it is hard to manage it. We provide two schemes to manage unlimited amount of heap data in constant sized region in the local memory. In addition to those separate schemes for different kinds of data, we also provide a memory partition methodology.
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Dynamic scheduling of stream programs on embedded multi-core processors

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Stream computing has emerged as an importantmodel of computation for embedded system applications particularly in the multimedia and network processing domains. In recent past several programming languages and embedded multi-core processors have been proposed for streaming applications. This thesis examines

Stream computing has emerged as an importantmodel of computation for embedded system applications particularly in the multimedia and network processing domains. In recent past several programming languages and embedded multi-core processors have been proposed for streaming applications. This thesis examines the execution and dynamic scheduling of stream programs on embedded multi-core processors. The thesis addresses the problem in the context of a multi-tasking environment with a time varying allocation of processing elements for a particular streaming application. As a solution the thesis proposes a two step approach where the stream program is compiled to gather key application information, and to generate re-targetable code. A light weight dynamic scheduler incorporates the second stage of the approach. The dynamic scheduler utilizes the static information and available resources to assign or partition the application across the multi-core architecture. The objective of the dynamic scheduler is to maximize the throughput of the application, and it is sensitive to the resource (processing elements, scratch-pad memory, DMA bandwidth) constraints imposed by the target architecture. We evaluate the proposed approach by compiling and scheduling benchmark stream programs on a representative embedded multi-core processor. We present experimental results that evaluate the quality of the solutions generated by the proposed approach by comparisons with existing techniques.
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Unified framework for energy-proportional computing in multicore processors: novel algorithms and practical implementation

Multicore processors have proliferated in nearly all forms of computing, from servers, desktop, to smartphones. The primary reason for this large adoption of multicore processors is due to its ability to overcome the power-wall by providing higher performance at a

Multicore processors have proliferated in nearly all forms of computing, from servers, desktop, to smartphones. The primary reason for this large adoption of multicore processors is due to its ability to overcome the power-wall by providing higher performance at a lower power consumption rate. With multi-cores, there is increased need for dynamic energy management (DEM), much more than for single-core processors, as DEM for multi-cores is no more a mechanism just to ensure that a processor is kept under specified temperature limits, but also a set of techniques that manage various processor controls like dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS), task migration, fan speed, etc. to achieve a stated objective. The objectives span a wide range from maximizing throughput, minimizing power consumption, reducing peak temperature, maximizing energy efficiency, maximizing processor reliability, and so on, along with much more wider constraints of temperature, power, timing, and reliability constraints. Thus DEM can be very complex and challenging to achieve. Since often times many DEMs operate together on a single processor, there is a need to unify various DEM techniques. This dissertation address such a need. In this work, a framework for DEM is proposed that provides a unifying processor model that includes processor power, thermal, timing, and reliability models, supports various DEM control mechanisms, many different objective functions along with equally diverse constraint specifications. Using the framework, a range of novel solutions is derived for instances of DEM problems, that include maximizing processor performance, energy efficiency, or minimizing power consumption, peak temperature under constraints of maximum temperature, memory reliability and task deadlines. Finally, a robust closed-loop controller to implement the above solutions on a real processor platform with a very low operational overhead is proposed. Along with the controller design, a model identification methodology for obtaining the required power and thermal models for the controller is also discussed. The controller is architecture independent and hence easily portable across many platforms. The controller has been successfully deployed on Intel Sandy Bridge processor and the use of the controller has increased the energy efficiency of the processor by over 30%
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Threshold logic properties and methods: applications to post-CMOS design automation and gene regulation modeling

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Threshold logic has been studied by at least two independent group of researchers. One group of researchers studied threshold logic with the intention of building threshold logic circuits. The earliest research to this end was done in the 1960's. The

Threshold logic has been studied by at least two independent group of researchers. One group of researchers studied threshold logic with the intention of building threshold logic circuits. The earliest research to this end was done in the 1960's. The major work at that time focused on studying mathematical properties of threshold logic as no efficient circuit implementations of threshold logic were available. Recently many post-CMOS (Complimentary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) technologies that implement threshold logic have been proposed along with efficient CMOS implementations. This has renewed the effort to develop efficient threshold logic design automation techniques. This work contributes to this ongoing effort. Another group studying threshold logic did so, because the building block of neural networks - the Perceptron, is identical to the threshold element implementing a threshold function. Neural networks are used for various purposes as data classifiers. This work contributes tangentially to this field by proposing new methods and techniques to study and analyze functions implemented by a Perceptron After completion of the Human Genome Project, it has become evident that most biological phenomenon is not caused by the action of single genes, but due to the complex interaction involving a system of genes. In recent times, the `systems approach' for the study of gene systems is gaining popularity. Many different theories from mathematics and computer science has been used for this purpose. Among the systems approaches, the Boolean logic gene model has emerged as the current most popular discrete gene model. This work proposes a new gene model based on threshold logic functions (which are a subset of Boolean logic functions). The biological relevance and utility of this model is argued illustrated by using it to model different in-vivo as well as in-silico gene systems.
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STL on limited local memory (LLM) multi-core processors

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Limited Local Memory (LLM) multicore architectures are promising powerefficient architectures will scalable memory hierarchy. In LLM multicores, each core can access only a small local memory. Accesses to a large shared global memory can only be made explicitly through Direct

Limited Local Memory (LLM) multicore architectures are promising powerefficient architectures will scalable memory hierarchy. In LLM multicores, each core can access only a small local memory. Accesses to a large shared global memory can only be made explicitly through Direct Memory Access (DMA) operations. Standard Template Library (STL) is a powerful programming tool and is widely used for software development. STLs provide dynamic data structures, algorithms, and iterators for vector, deque (double-ended queue), list, map (red-black tree), etc. Since the size of the local memory is limited in the cores of the LLM architecture, and data transfer is not automatically supported by hardware cache or OS, the usage of current STL implementation on LLM multicores is limited. Specifically, there is a hard limitation on the amount of data they can handle. In this article, we propose and implement a framework which manages the STL container classes on the local memory of LLM multicore architecture. Our proposal removes the data size limitation of the STL, and therefore improves the programmability on LLM multicore architectures with little change to the original program. Our implementation results in only about 12%-17% increase in static library code size and reasonable runtime overheads.
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Replay debugger for multi threaded android applications

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Debugging is a hard task. Debugging multi-threaded applications with their inherit non-determinism is all the more difficult. Non-determinism of any kind adds to the difficulty of cyclic debugging. In Android applications which are written in Java, threads and concurrency constructs

Debugging is a hard task. Debugging multi-threaded applications with their inherit non-determinism is all the more difficult. Non-determinism of any kind adds to the difficulty of cyclic debugging. In Android applications which are written in Java, threads and concurrency constructs introduce non-determinism to the program execution. Even with the same input, consecutive runs may not be the same and reproducing the same bug is a challenging task. This makes it difficult to understand and analyze the execution behavior or to understand the source of a failing execution. This thesis introduces a replay mechanism for Android applications written in Java and is based on the Lamport Clock. This tool provides the user with a controlled debugging environment, where the program execution follows the identical partially ordered happened-before dependency among threads, as during the recorded execution. In this, certain significant events like thread creation, synchronization etc. are recorded during run-time. They can later be replayed off-line, as many times as needed to pinpoint and fix an error in the application. It is software based approach and has been implemented by modifying the Dalvik Virtual Machine in the Android platform. The method of replay described in this thesis is independent of the underlying operating system scheduler.
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Modeling and implementation of threshold logic circuits and architectures

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Threshold logic has long been studied as a means of achieving higher performance and lower power dissipation, providing improvements by condensing simple logic gates into more complex primitives, effectively reducing gate count, pipeline depth, and number of interconnects. This work

Threshold logic has long been studied as a means of achieving higher performance and lower power dissipation, providing improvements by condensing simple logic gates into more complex primitives, effectively reducing gate count, pipeline depth, and number of interconnects. This work proposes a new physical implementation of threshold logic, the threshold logic latch (TLL), which overcomes the difficulties observed in previous work, particularly with respect to gate reliability in the presence of noise and process variations. Simple but effective models were created to assess the delay, power, and noise margin of TLL gates for the purpose of determining the physical parameters and assignment of input signals that achieves the lowest delay subject to constraints on power and reliability. From these models, an optimized library of standard TLL cells was developed to supplement a commercial library of static CMOS gates. The new cells were then demonstrated on a number of automatically synthesized, placed, and routed designs. A two-stage 2's complement integer multiplier designed with CMOS and TLL gates utilized 19.5% less area, 28.0% less active power, and 61.5% less leakage power than an equivalent design with the same performance using only static CMOS gates. Additionally, a two-stage 32-instruction 4-way issue queue designed with CMOS and TLL gates utilized 30.6% less area, 31.0% less active power, and 58.9% less leakage power than an equivalent design with the same performance using only static CMOS gates.
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