Geochemical Applications of Stable Rhenium and Mercury Isotopes

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Studying natural variations in the isotopic composition of oxygen-sensitive elements in ancient marine sediments is a powerful way to study the geochemical evolution of Earth’s environments in the past. My dissertation focused on two broad aspects of isotope geochemistry: 1)

Studying natural variations in the isotopic composition of oxygen-sensitive elements in ancient marine sediments is a powerful way to study the geochemical evolution of Earth’s environments in the past. My dissertation focused on two broad aspects of isotope geochemistry: 1) the development of rhenium (Re) isotopes as a paleoredox and nuclear forensics tool, and 2) the application of mercury (Hg) isotopes as a tool to trace Hg mobility in the environment and what this movement means for isotopic changes in sedimentary rocks used to study Earth’s past. Chapter 2 is the first examination of Re isotopes in sedimentary rocks that formed ~2.5 billion years ago during a period of ocean and atmospheric oxygenation prior to the Great Oxidation Event. The data show variations in Re isotope ratios coincide with evidence for changes in oceanic and atmospheric oxygenation, supporting the use of Re isotopes as a tool to track paleoredox conditions throughout Earth's history. Another application of rhenium isotopes is explored in the third chapter on nuclear forensics. Rhenium isotopes in uranium ore concentrates (UOC) from known production locations revealed more than double the range of isotope fractionation previously reported for any natural geologic samples so far. These first Re isotope ratio data indicate that Re is a promising new tool for provenance assessment of UOCs. Chapter 4 focuses on geochemical applications of Hg isotopes. Mercury isotopes in shales are a geochemical tool that can be utilized to study the prevalence of global volcanism and detect oxygen-depleted conditions in the photic zone of ancient oceans. I measured Hg isotope ratio data from a Devonian shale bed in a road cut with varying degrees of weathering that has been well characterized for variations in elemental concentrations and other isotopic ratios. I found significant variation in mass-dependent and mass-independent Hg isotope fractionation in weathered samples. Surprisingly, however, I observed both loss and gain of Hg, when only significant loss was expected based on prior weathering studies. These findings improve the understanding of Hg mobility in nature and indicate that mass-independent fractionation can be modified after deposition in surprising ways.
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The Habitability of Hyperarid Environments: The Physico-Chemical Dynamics of Water in Extremely Water-Limited Systems

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I present results of field and laboratory experiments investigating the habitability of one of Earth’s driest environments: the Atacama Desert. This Desert, along the west coast of South America spanning Perú and Chile, is one of the driest places on

I present results of field and laboratory experiments investigating the habitability of one of Earth’s driest environments: the Atacama Desert. This Desert, along the west coast of South America spanning Perú and Chile, is one of the driest places on Earth and has been exceedingly arid for millions of years. These conditions create the perfect natural laboratory for assessing life at the extremes of habitability. All known life needs water; however, the extraordinarily dry Atacama Desert is inhabited by well-adapted microorganisms capable of colonizing this hostile environment. I show field and laboratory evidence of an environmental process, water vapor adsorption, that provides a daily, sustainable input of water into the near (3 - 5 cm) subsurface through water vapor-soil particle interactions. I estimate that this water input may rival the yearly average input of rain in these soils (~2 mm). I also demonstrate, for the first time, that water vapor adsorption is dependent on mineral composition via a series of laboratory water vapor adsorption experiments. The results of these experiments provide evidence that mineral composition, and ultimately soil composition, measurably and significantly affect the equilibrium soil water content. This suggests that soil microbial communities may be extremely heterogeneous in distribution depending on the distribution of adsorbent minerals. Finally, I present changes in biologically relevant gasses (i.e., H2, CH4, CO, and CO2) over long-duration incubation experiments designed to assess the potential for biological activity in soils collected from a hyperarid region in the Atacama Desert. These long-duration experiments mimicked typical water availability conditions in the Atacama Desert; in other words, the incubations were performed without condensed water addition. The results suggest a potential for methane-production in the live experiments relative to the sterile controls, and thus, for biological activity in hyperarid soils. However, due to the extremely low biomass and extremely low rates of activity in these soils, the methods employed here were unable to provide robust evidence for activity. Overall, the hyperarid regions of the Atacama Desert are an important resource for researchers by providing a window into the environmental dynamics and subsequent microbial responses near the limit of habitability.
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Carbon and Nitrogen Content and Isotopic Composition of Heliomicrobium Modesticaldum Under Different Growth Conditions

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All known life requires three main metabolic components to grow: an energy source, an electron source, and a carbon source. For energy, an organism can use light or chemical reactions. For electrons, an organism can use metals or organic molecules.

All known life requires three main metabolic components to grow: an energy source, an electron source, and a carbon source. For energy, an organism can use light or chemical reactions. For electrons, an organism can use metals or organic molecules. For carbon, an organism can use organic or inorganic carbon. Life has adapted to use any mixture of the endpoints for each of the three metabolic components. Understanding how these components are incorporated in a living bacterium on Earth in modern times is relatively straight forward. This becomes much more complicated when trying to determine what metabolisms may have been used in ancient times on Earth or potential novel metabolisms that exist on other planets. One way to examine these possibilities is by creating genetically modified mutant bacteria that have novel metabolisms or proposed ancient metabolisms to study. This thesis is the beginning of a broader study to understand novel metabolisms using Heliobacteria modesticaldum. H. modesticaldum was grown under different environmental conditions to isolate the impacts of energy, electron, and carbon sources on carbon and nitrogen isotope fractionation. Additionally, the wild type and a novel mutant H. modesticaldum were compared to measure the effects of specific enzymes on carbon and nitrogen isotope fractionation. By forcing the bacterium to adapt to different conditions, variation in carbon and nitrogen content and isotopic signature are detected. Specifically, by forcing the bacterium to fix nitrogen as opposed to nitrogen incorporation, the isotopic signature of the bacterium had a noticeable change. Themutant H. modesticaldum also had a different isotopic signature than the wild type. Without the enzyme citrate synthase, H. modesticaldum had to adapt its carbon metabolic cycle, creating a measurable carbon isotope fractionation. The results described here offer new insight into the effects of metabolism on carbon and nitrogen fractionation of ancient or novel organisms.
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Multi-scale Investigation of Biosignature Preservation and Post-depositional Alteration in Three Siliceous Hot Springs

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The ability to find evidence of life on early Earth and other planets is constrained by the current understanding of biosignatures and our ability to differentiate fossils from abiotic mimics. When organisms transition from the living realm to the fossil

The ability to find evidence of life on early Earth and other planets is constrained by the current understanding of biosignatures and our ability to differentiate fossils from abiotic mimics. When organisms transition from the living realm to the fossil record, their morphological and chemical characteristics are modified, usually resulting in the loss of information. These modifications can happen during early and late diagenesis and differ depending on local geochemical properties. These post-depositional modifications need to be understood to better interpret the fossil record. Siliceous hot spring deposits (sinters) are of particular interest for biosignature research as they are early Earth analog environments and targets for investigating the presence of fossil life on Mars. As silica-supersaturated fluids flow from the vent to the distal apron, they precipitate non-crystalline opal-A that fossilizes microbial communities at a range in scales (μm-cm). Therefore, many studies have documented the ties between the active microbial communities and the morphological and chemical biosignatures in hot springs. However, far less attention has been placed on understanding preservation in systems with complex mineralogy or how post-depositional alteration affects the retention of biosignatures. Without this context, it can be challenging to recognize biosignatures in ancient rocks. This dissertation research aims to refine our current understanding of biosignature preservation and retention in sinters. Biosignatures of interest include organic matter, microfossils, and biofabrics. The complex nature of hot springs requires a comprehensive understanding of biosignature preservation that is representative of variable chemistries and post-depositional alterations. For this reason, this dissertation research chapters are field site-based. Chapter 2 investigates biosignature preservation in an unusual spring with mixed opal-A-calcite mineralogy at Lýsuhóll, Iceland. Chapter 3 tracks how silica diagenesis modifies microfossil morphology and associated organic matter at Puchuldiza, Chile. Chapter 4 studies the effects of acid fumarolic overprinting on biosignatures in Gunnuhver, Iceland. To accomplish this, traditional geologic methods (mapping, petrography, X-ray diffraction, bulk elemental analyses) were combined with high-spatial-resolution elemental mapping to better understand diagenetic effects in these systems. Preservation models were developed to predict the types and styles of biosignatures that can be present depending on the depositional and geochemical context. Recommendations are also made for the types of deposits that are most likely to preserve biosignatures.
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Thermodynamic Cartography in Basalt-Hosted Hydrothermal Systems

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Mantle derived basalts along the entirety of the Earth’s Mid-Ocean Ridge (MOR) spreading centers are continuously altered by seawater, allowing the hydrosphere to subsume energy and exchange mass with the deep, slowly cooling Earth. Compositional heterogeneities inherent to these basalts—the

Mantle derived basalts along the entirety of the Earth’s Mid-Ocean Ridge (MOR) spreading centers are continuously altered by seawater, allowing the hydrosphere to subsume energy and exchange mass with the deep, slowly cooling Earth. Compositional heterogeneities inherent to these basalts—the result of innumerable geophysical and geochemical processes in the mantel and crust—generate spatial variation in the equilibrium states toward which these water-rock environments cascade. This alteration results in a unique distribution of precipitate assemblages, hydrothermal fluid chemistries, and energetic landscapes among ecosystems rooted within and above the seafloor. The equilibrium states for the full range of basalt compositional heterogeneity present today are calculated over all appropriate temperatures and extents of reaction with seawater, along with the non-equilibrium mixtures generated when hydrothermal fluids mix back into seawater. These mixes support ancient and diverse ecosystems fed not by the energy of the sun, but by the geochemical energy of the Earth. Facilitated by novel, high throughout code, this effort has yielded a high-resolution compositional database that is mapped back onto all ridge systems. By resolving the chemical and energetic consequences of basalt-seawater interaction to sub-ridge scales, alteration features that are globally homogeneous can be distinguished from those that are locally unique, guiding future field observations with testable geochemical and biochemical predictions.
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Modelling Geochemical and Geobiological Consequences of Low-Temperature Continental Serpentinization

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The hydrous alteration of ultramafic rocks, known as serpentinization, produces some of the most reduced (H2 >1 mmolal) and alkaline (pH >11) fluids on Earth. Serpentinization can proceed even at the low-temperature conditions (<50°C) characteristic of most of Earth’s continental

The hydrous alteration of ultramafic rocks, known as serpentinization, produces some of the most reduced (H2 >1 mmolal) and alkaline (pH >11) fluids on Earth. Serpentinization can proceed even at the low-temperature conditions (<50°C) characteristic of most of Earth’s continental aquifers, raising questions on the limits of life deep in the subsurface and the magnitude in the flux of reduced volatiles to the surface. In this work, I explored the compositions and consequences of fluids and volatiles found in three low-temperature serpentinizing environments: (1) active hyperalkaline springs in ophiolites, (2) modern shallow and deep peridotite aquifers, and (3) komatiitic aquifers during the Archean.

Around 140 fluids were sampled from the Oman ophiolite and analyzed for their compositions. Fluid compositions can be accounted for by thermodynamic simulations of reactions accompanying incipient to advanced stages of serpentinization, as well as by simulations of mass transport processes such as fluid mixing and mineral leaching. Thermodynamic calculations were also used to predict compositions of end-member fluids representative of the shallow and deep peridotite aquifers that were ultimately used to quantify energy available to various subsurface chemolithotrophs. Calculations showed that sufficient energy and power supply can be available to support deep-seated methanogens. An additional and a more diverse energy supply can be available when surfacing deep-seated fluids mix with shallow groundwater in discharge zones of the subsurface fluid pathway. Finally, the consequence of the evolving continental composition during the Archean for the global supply of H2 generated through komatiite serpentinization was quantified. Results show that the flux of serpentinization-generated H2 could have been a significant sink for O2 during most of the Archean. This O2 sink diminished greatly towards the end of the Archean as komatiites became less common and helped set the stage for the Great Oxidation Event. Overall, this study provides a framework for exploring the origins of fluid and volatile compositions, including their redox state, that can result from various low-temperature serpentinizing environments in the present and past Earth and in other rocky bodies in the solar system.
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Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter in Yellowstone National Park Hot Springs

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I present for the first time a broad-scale assessment of dissolved organic matter in the continental hot springs of Yellowstone National Park. The concentration of dissolved organic carbon in hot springs is highly variable, but demonstrates distinct trends with the

I present for the first time a broad-scale assessment of dissolved organic matter in the continental hot springs of Yellowstone National Park. The concentration of dissolved organic carbon in hot springs is highly variable, but demonstrates distinct trends with the geochemical composition of springs. The dissolved organic carbon concentrations are lowest in the hottest, most deeply sourced hot springs. Mixing of hydrothermal fluids with surface waters or reaction with buried sedimentary organic matter is typically indicated by increased dissolved organic carbon concentrations. I assessed the bulk composition of organic matter through fluorescence analysis that demonstrated different fluorescent components associated with terrestrial organic matter, microbial organic matter, and several novel fluorescent signatures unique to hot springs. One novel fluorescence signature is observed exclusively in acidic hot springs, and it is likely an end product of thermally-altered sedimentary organic matter. This acid-spring component precipitates out of solution under neutral or alkaline conditions and characterization of the precipitate revealed evidence for a highly condensed aromatic structure. This acid-spring component serves as a reliable tracer of acidic, hot water that has cycled through the subsurface. Overall, dissolved organic carbon concentrations and fluorescent features correlate with the inorganic indicators traditionally used to infer spring fluid mixing in the subsurface. Further, the fluorescence information reveals subtle differences in mixing between fluid phases that are not distinguishable through classic inorganic indicator species. My work assessing dissolved organic carbon in the Yellowstone National Park hot springs reveals that the organic matter in hydrothermal systems is different from that found in surface waters, and that the concentration and composition of hot spring dissolved organic matter reflects the subsurface geochemical and hydrological environment.
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Coupled Abiotic and Biotic Cycling of Nitrous Oxide

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Nitrous oxide (N2O) is an important greenhouse gas and an oxidant respired by a

diverse range of anaerobic microbes, but its sources and sinks are poorly understood. The overarching goal of my dissertation is to explore abiotic N2O formation and microbial

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is an important greenhouse gas and an oxidant respired by a

diverse range of anaerobic microbes, but its sources and sinks are poorly understood. The overarching goal of my dissertation is to explore abiotic N2O formation and microbial N2O consumption across reducing environments of the early and modern Earth. By combining experiments as well as diffusion and atmospheric modeling, I present evidence that N2O production can be catalyzed on iron mineral surfaces that may have been present in shallow waters of the Archean ocean. Using photochemical models, I showed that tropospheric N2O concentrations close to modern ones (ppb range) were possible before O2 accumulated. In peatlands of the Amazon basin (modern Earth), unexpected abiotic activity became apparent under anoxic conditions. However, care has to be taken to adequately disentangle abiotic from biotic reactions. I identified significant sterilant-induced changes in Fe2+ and dissolved organic matter pools (determined by fluorescence spectroscopy). Among all chemical and physical sterilants tested, γ - irradiation showed the least effect on reactant pools. Targeting geochemically diverse peatlands across Central and South America, I present evidence that coupled abiotic and biotic cycling of N2O could be a widespread phenomenon. Using isotopic tracers in the field, I showed that abiotic N2O fluxes rival biotic ones under in-situ conditions. Moreover, once N2O is produced, it is rapidly consumed by N2O-reducing microbes. Using amplicon sequencing and metagenomics, I demonstrated that this surprising N2O sink potential is associated with diverse bacteria, including the recently discovered clade II that is present in high proportions at Amazonian sites based on nosZ quantities. Finally, to evaluate the impact of nitrogen oxides on methane production in peatlands, I characterized soil nitrite (NO2–) and N2O abundances along soil profiles. I complemented field analyses with molecular work by deploying amplicon-based 16S rRNA and mcrA sequencing. The diversity and activity of soil methanogens was affected by the presence of NO2– and N2O, suggesting that methane emissions could be influenced by N2O cycling dynamics. Overall, my work proposes a key role for N2O in Earth systems across time and a central position in tropical microbial ecosystems.
Date Created

Watershed nitrogen transport, retention, and fate in dryland and urban ecosystems

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Nitrogen is an essential, often limiting, element for biological growth that can act as a pollutant if present in excess. Nitrogen is primarily transported by water from uplands to streams and eventually to recipient lakes, estuaries, and wetlands, but can

Nitrogen is an essential, often limiting, element for biological growth that can act as a pollutant if present in excess. Nitrogen is primarily transported by water from uplands to streams and eventually to recipient lakes, estuaries, and wetlands, but can be modulated by biological uptake and transformation along these flowpaths. As a result, nitrogen can accumulate in aquatic ecosystems if supply is high or if biological retention is low. Dryland and urban ecosystems offer interesting contrasts in water supply, which limits transport and biological activity in drylands, and nitrogen supply that increases with human activity. In my dissertation, I ask: What is the relative balance among nitrogen retention, removal, and transport processes in dryland watersheds, and what is the fate of exported nitrogen? My dissertation research demonstrates that water is a major control on where and when nitrogen is retained and removed versus exported to downstream ecosystems. I used a mass-balance model based on synoptic surveys to study seasonal and spatial patterns in nitrate loading to a dryland stream network. I found that irrigation diversions transport nitrate from agricultural areas to the stream network year-round, even during dry seasons, and are an important driver of nitrate loading. I further explored how seasonal precipitation influences flood nutrient export in an intermittent desert stream by coupling long-term data of flood-water chemistry with stream discharge and precipitation data. I found that higher precipitation prior to a flood fills water storage sites in the catchment, leading to larger floods. In addition, higher antecedent precipitation stimulates biological nitrogen retention in the uplands, leading to lower nitrogen concentration in floods. Finally, I evaluated the consequences of nitrogen export from watersheds on how urban wetlands attenuate nitrate through denitrification that permanently removes nitrogen, and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) that retains nitrogen in another biologically reactive form. I found that DNRA becomes proportionally more important with low nitrate concentration, thereby retaining nitrogen as ammonium. Collectively, my dissertation research addresses how dryland and urban ecosystems can be integrated into models of watershed nitrogen cycling.

Date Created

Experimental constraints on Fe concentrations in biomass burning aerosols

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Atmospheric deposition of iron (Fe) can limit primary productivity and carbon dioxide uptake in some marine ecosystems. Recent modeling studies suggest that biomass burning aerosols may contribute a significant amount of soluble Fe to the surface ocean. Existing studies of

Atmospheric deposition of iron (Fe) can limit primary productivity and carbon dioxide uptake in some marine ecosystems. Recent modeling studies suggest that biomass burning aerosols may contribute a significant amount of soluble Fe to the surface ocean. Existing studies of burn-induced trace element mobilization have often collected both entrained soil particles along with material from biomass burning, making it difficult to determine the actual source of aerosolized trace metals.

In order to better constrain the importance of biomass versus entrained soil as a source of trace metals in burn aerosols, small-scale burn experiments were conducted using soil-free foliage representative of a variety of fire-impacted ecosystems. The resulting burn aerosols were collected in two stages (PM > 2.5 μm and PM < 2.5 μm) on cellulose filters using a high-volume air sampler equipped with an all-Teflon impactor. Unburned foliage and burn aerosols were analyzed for Fe and other trace metals using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).

Results of this analysis show that less than 2% of Fe in plant biomass is likely mobilized as atmospheric aerosols during biomass burning events. The results of this study and estimates of annual global wildfire area were used to estimate the impact of biomass burning aerosols on total atmospheric Fe flux to the ocean. I estimate that foliage-derived Fe contributes 114 ± 57 Gg annually. Prior studies, which implicitly include both biomass and soil-derived Fe, concluded that biomass burning contributes approximately 690 Gg of Fe. Together, these studies suggest that fire-entrained soil particles contribute 83% (576 Gg) of Fe in biomass burning emissions, while plant derived iron only accounts for at most 17%.
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