Investigating Biosignature Preservation Potential of Chemical Sediments in Serpentinites, Playa Lakes, and Spring Deposits as Potential Analogs to Planetary Environments

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With the development and successful landing of the NASA Perseverance rover, there has been growing interest in identifying how evidence of ancient life may be preserved and recognized in the geologic record. Environments that enable fossilization of biological remains are

With the development and successful landing of the NASA Perseverance rover, there has been growing interest in identifying how evidence of ancient life may be preserved and recognized in the geologic record. Environments that enable fossilization of biological remains are termed, “taphonomic windows”, wherein signatures of past life may be detected. In this dissertation, I have sought to identify taphonomic windows in planetary-analog environments with an eye towards the exploration of Mars. In the first chapter, I describe how evidence of past microbial life may be preserved within serpentinizing systems. Owing to energetic rock-water reactions, these systems are known to host lithotrophic and organotrophic microbial communities. By investigating drill cores from the Samail Ophiolite in Oman, I report morphological and associated chemical biosignatures preserved in these systems as a result of subsurface carbonation. As serpentinites are known to occur on Mars and potentially other planetary bodies, these deposits potentially represent high-priority targets in the exploration for past microbial life. Next, I investigated samples from Atacama Desert, Chile, to understand how evidence of life may be preserved in ancient sediments formed originally in evaporative playa lakes. Here, I describe organic geochemical and morphological evidence of life preserved within sulfate-dominated evaporite rocks from the Jurassic-Cretaceous Tonel Formation and Oligocene San Pedro Formation. Because evaporative lakes are considered to have been potentially widespread on Mars, these deposits may represent additional key targets to search for evidence of past life. In the final chapter, I describe the fossilization potential of surficial carbonates by investigating Crystal Geyser, an active cold spring environment. Here, carbonate minerals precipitate rapidly in the presence of photosynthetic microbial mat communities. I describe how potential biosignatures are initially captured by mineralization, including cell-like structures and microdigitate stromatolites. However, these morphological signatures quickly degrade owing to diagenetic dissolution and recrystallization reactions, as well as textural coarsening that homogenizes the carbonate fabric. Overall, my dissertation underscores the complexity of microbial fossilization and highlights chemically-precipitating environments that may serve as high-priority targets for astrobiological exploration.
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Multi-scale Investigation of Biosignature Preservation and Post-depositional Alteration in Three Siliceous Hot Springs

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The ability to find evidence of life on early Earth and other planets is constrained by the current understanding of biosignatures and our ability to differentiate fossils from abiotic mimics. When organisms transition from the living realm to the fossil

The ability to find evidence of life on early Earth and other planets is constrained by the current understanding of biosignatures and our ability to differentiate fossils from abiotic mimics. When organisms transition from the living realm to the fossil record, their morphological and chemical characteristics are modified, usually resulting in the loss of information. These modifications can happen during early and late diagenesis and differ depending on local geochemical properties. These post-depositional modifications need to be understood to better interpret the fossil record. Siliceous hot spring deposits (sinters) are of particular interest for biosignature research as they are early Earth analog environments and targets for investigating the presence of fossil life on Mars. As silica-supersaturated fluids flow from the vent to the distal apron, they precipitate non-crystalline opal-A that fossilizes microbial communities at a range in scales (μm-cm). Therefore, many studies have documented the ties between the active microbial communities and the morphological and chemical biosignatures in hot springs. However, far less attention has been placed on understanding preservation in systems with complex mineralogy or how post-depositional alteration affects the retention of biosignatures. Without this context, it can be challenging to recognize biosignatures in ancient rocks. This dissertation research aims to refine our current understanding of biosignature preservation and retention in sinters. Biosignatures of interest include organic matter, microfossils, and biofabrics. The complex nature of hot springs requires a comprehensive understanding of biosignature preservation that is representative of variable chemistries and post-depositional alterations. For this reason, this dissertation research chapters are field site-based. Chapter 2 investigates biosignature preservation in an unusual spring with mixed opal-A-calcite mineralogy at Lýsuhóll, Iceland. Chapter 3 tracks how silica diagenesis modifies microfossil morphology and associated organic matter at Puchuldiza, Chile. Chapter 4 studies the effects of acid fumarolic overprinting on biosignatures in Gunnuhver, Iceland. To accomplish this, traditional geologic methods (mapping, petrography, X-ray diffraction, bulk elemental analyses) were combined with high-spatial-resolution elemental mapping to better understand diagenetic effects in these systems. Preservation models were developed to predict the types and styles of biosignatures that can be present depending on the depositional and geochemical context. Recommendations are also made for the types of deposits that are most likely to preserve biosignatures.
Date Created

Using an ecohydrology model to explore the role of biological soil crusts on soil hydrologic conditions at the Canyonlands Research Station, Utah

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Biological soil crusts (BSCs) dominate the soil surface of drylands in the western United States and possess properties thought to influence local hydrology. Little agreement exists, however, on the effects of BSCs on runoff, infiltration, and evaporative rates. This study

Biological soil crusts (BSCs) dominate the soil surface of drylands in the western United States and possess properties thought to influence local hydrology. Little agreement exists, however, on the effects of BSCs on runoff, infiltration, and evaporative rates. This study aims to improve the predictive capability of an ecohydrology model in order to understand how BSCs affect the storage, retention, and infiltration of water into soils characteristic of the Colorado Plateau. A set of soil moisture measurements obtained at a climate manipulation experiment near Moab, Utah, are used for model development and testing. Over five years, different rainfall treatments over experimental plots resulted in the development of BSC cover with different properties that influence soil moisture differently. This study used numerical simulations to isolate the relative roles of different BSC properties on the hydrologic response at the plot-scale. On-site meteorological, soil texture and vegetation property datasets are utilized as inputs into a ecohydrology model, modified to include local processes: (1) temperature-dependent precipitation partitioning, snow accumulation and melt, (2) seasonally-variable potential evapotranspiration, (3) plant species-specific transpiration factors, and (4) a new module to account for the water balance of the BSC. Soil, BSC and vegetation parameters were determined from field measurements or through model calibration to the soil moisture observations using the Shuffled Complex Evolution algorithm. Model performance is assessed against five years of soil moisture measurements at each experimental site, representing a wide range of crust cover properties. Simulation experiments were then carried out using the calibrated ecohydrology model in which BSC parameters were varied according to the level of development of the BSC, as represented by the BSC roughness. These results indicate that BSCs act to both buffer against evaporative soil moisture losses by enhancing BSC moisture evaporation and significantly alter the rates of soil water infiltration by reducing moisture storage and increasing conductivity in the BSC. The simulation results for soil water infiltration, storage and retention across a wide range of meteorological events help explain the conflicting hydrologic outcomes present in the literature on BSCs. In addition, identifying how BSCs mediate infiltration and evaporation processes has implications for dryland ecosystem function in the western United States.
Date Created