Founders Lab- Classic & Current


Classic & Current is a sustainable e-commerce business that provides affordable, appropriate, and fashion-forward business clothes for college female students. Through customer discovery and market analysis, we have identified a need for trendy, affordable business wear that is tailored to

Classic & Current is a sustainable e-commerce business that provides affordable, appropriate, and fashion-forward business clothes for college female students. Through customer discovery and market analysis, we have identified a need for trendy, affordable business wear that is tailored to a younger demographic. Our strategy includes a circular component where customers can send back items for a discount on a new piece, which will be listed on “Our Closet,” along with hand-picked, thrifted items exclusively available to verified college students at a lower price point. Classic & Current targets females ages 18-25 who are either college students or young professionals in the United States. Our mission is to provide affordable, fashion-forward, work-appropriate, comfortable, and durable clothing while also addressing sustainability concerns. Our marketing efforts will focus on social media, specifically Instagram and TikTok, using micro-influencers and paid advertisements to push our brand and gain traction. Our financial plan includes seeking funding opportunities through ASU’s entrepreneurship programs. Classic & Current distinguishes itself from competitors by providing unique solutions for sustainability while offering elements of a classic wardrobe and trendy, seasonal items to keep customers current.

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Founders Lab 2022-23 Team #23 project is the complete business plan of Spinaway. Spinaway is multi iterative spinning top that represents a story of supporting an engineering student. Spinaway, over the course of the project, became progressively more complex and

Founders Lab 2022-23 Team #23 project is the complete business plan of Spinaway. Spinaway is multi iterative spinning top that represents a story of supporting an engineering student. Spinaway, over the course of the project, became progressively more complex and is representative of the engineering students design prowess. This business plan goes over the analytics and market research in order for Spinaway to become a successful business venture.

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Baked by Barrett


Baking is a popular past-time among Generation Z, and ‘bakeries’ are an equally popular intention. Baked by Barrett is a charity-oriented bake-sale platform for Generation Z members who are passionate about baking, and would like to sell their goods within

Baking is a popular past-time among Generation Z, and ‘bakeries’ are an equally popular intention. Baked by Barrett is a charity-oriented bake-sale platform for Generation Z members who are passionate about baking, and would like to sell their goods within the Tempe, Arizona college ecosystem. Baked by Barrett facilitates the collection, review and sale of home baked goods through various means on a weekly cadence. This will include, while not limited to, hosting tabling and social events throughout the academic year. This user-led platform will share the proceeds towards bakers, local charities of choice as well as maintaining a percentage internally to ensure efficient operations. Because businesses for profit are a conflict of interest for ASU, the organization will work to promote students and charity along with the learning for business and entrepreneurial ventures. Instead of generating profits, Baked by Barrett will focus on sustaining itself while the rest of the revenue will go to charity. This will help the organization avoid conflicts of interest with asu allowing it to use campus space to sell. Marketing will, initially, be based on word-of-mouth, with supporting tools including a dynamic website, flyers and partnerships around local newsletters. Rotations of charities and menu items will be used to add incentives for students and passersby to buy from Baked by Barrett. In order to promote the organization, there will be a website, flyers and even contact information through the Barrett digest to market the platform in the weekly newsletter.

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Baked By Barrett


Baking is a popular past-time among Generation Z, and ‘bakeries’ are an equally popular intention. Baked by Barrett is a charity-oriented bake-sale platform for Generation Z members who are passionate about baking, and would like to sell their goods within the Tempe, Arizona college ecosystem

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Devil’s Harvest: A Solution to the ASU Food Desert

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This paper outlines cumulative research on food deserts in relation to college students; namely, that there are communities classified as food deserts because significant numbers of the population lack access to grocery stores selling fresh produce or other goods normally

This paper outlines cumulative research on food deserts in relation to college students; namely, that there are communities classified as food deserts because significant numbers of the population lack access to grocery stores selling fresh produce or other goods normally called “healthy.” These areas are often also food swamps, or areas with intense access to sugar-dense, high-fat foods. Research as a whole suggests that three, among many, things might primarily drive food insecurity for individuals caught in these food deserts: lack of access to a personal vehicle, low income or prohibitively expensive healthy foods, and personal education or culture (Wright, 2016). College students both fit into the geographical food deserts and are individuals who tend to have a worrying level of food insecurity (Kim, 2018). It is costly to make adjustments to entire environments to rid communities of food desert qualities, and it is not always effective as ending food insecurity or malnutrition; instead, it can be much more effective to focus on individuals within communities and help push cultures into a better direction. This project demonstrates that ASU students are experiencing food dissatisfaction and are in a food desert worthy of attention and action, and that students are motivated to see a solution. The solution that the paper focuses on is a food delivery system of fresh produce and foods for students. 

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University Coffee Experience and the Emergence of Student-Run Solutions

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For our Barrett Honors thesis, our team decided to complete the Founders Lab thesis pathway. Founders Lab offers Barrett students the opportunity to spend their year working on developing entrepreneurial ideas into innovative new businesses by designing not only a

For our Barrett Honors thesis, our team decided to complete the Founders Lab thesis pathway. Founders Lab offers Barrett students the opportunity to spend their year working on developing entrepreneurial ideas into innovative new businesses by designing not only a business model, but the marketing, sales, and financial models of it as well. This team-based thesis/creative project empowers Barrett students to find solutions to a challenge and gain valuable experience launching a new business of their own.
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University Coffee Experience and the Emergence of Student-Run Solutions

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For our Barrett Honors thesis, our team decided to complete the Founders Lab thesis pathway. Founders Lab offers Barrett students the opportunity to spend their year working on developing entrepreneurial ideas into innovative new businesses by designing not only a

For our Barrett Honors thesis, our team decided to complete the Founders Lab thesis pathway. Founders Lab offers Barrett students the opportunity to spend their year working on developing entrepreneurial ideas into innovative new businesses by designing not only a business model, but the marketing, sales, and financial models of it as well. This team-based thesis/creative project empowers Barrett students to find solutions to a challenge and gain valuable experience launching a new business of their own.
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University Coffee Experience and the Emergence of Student-Run Solutions

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For our Barrett Honors thesis, our team decided to complete the Founders Lab thesis pathway. Founders Lab offers Barrett students the opportunity to spend their year working on developing entrepreneurial ideas into innovative new businesses by designing not only a

For our Barrett Honors thesis, our team decided to complete the Founders Lab thesis pathway. Founders Lab offers Barrett students the opportunity to spend their year working on developing entrepreneurial ideas into innovative new businesses by designing not only a business model, but the marketing, sales, and financial models of it as well. This team-based thesis/creative project empowers Barrett students to find solutions to a challenge and gain valuable experience launching a new business of their own.

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University-Affiliated Cryptocurrency: Hippocampus

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For our Founders Lab Thesis Project, we are investigating the viability of a cryptocurrency that will be marketed towards students, prospective students, alumni, and faculty members of Arizona State University (ASU). Our cryptocurrency is known as “Hippocampus”. Essentially, individuals within

For our Founders Lab Thesis Project, we are investigating the viability of a cryptocurrency that will be marketed towards students, prospective students, alumni, and faculty members of Arizona State University (ASU). Our cryptocurrency is known as “Hippocampus”. Essentially, individuals within the target audience will have the opportunity to exchange their fiat money for our university-affiliated cryptocurrency. These individuals will be incentivized to utilize the university-affiliated cryptocurrency as opposed to fiat money, because this cryptocurrency will offer them discounts on college-related expenses, such as tuition, student loans, textbooks, supplies, on-campus housing, on-campus dining, and much more. As the demand for Hippocampus increases, so will its value, which will benefit ASU as a whole. We created a Spring 2022 Semester Survey and surveyed a sample of 250 ASU students regarding the viability of our Founders Lab Thesis Project. 73.2% of participants revealed that they would support a university-affiliated cryptocurrency, and 62% of participants revealed that they would personally utilize a university-affiliated cryptocurrency. Additional activities that we completed to enhance our Founders Lab Thesis Project include interviewing an avid cryptocurrency user, learning about the Blockchain Research Lab, meeting with a financial advisor to understand the financial implications of a university-affiliated cryptocurrency, collaborating with a group of university students at Portland State University who implemented their own university-affiliated cryptocurrency, and touring a cryptocurrency-mining company to grasp an understanding of how cryptocurrency is mined.

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University-Affiliated Cryptocurrency: Hippocampus

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For our Founders Lab Thesis Project, we are investigating the viability of a cryptocurrency that will be marketed towards students, prospective students, alumni, and faculty members of Arizona State University (ASU). Our cryptocurrency is known as “Hippocampus”. Essentially, individuals within

For our Founders Lab Thesis Project, we are investigating the viability of a cryptocurrency that will be marketed towards students, prospective students, alumni, and faculty members of Arizona State University (ASU). Our cryptocurrency is known as “Hippocampus”. Essentially, individuals within the target audience will have the opportunity to exchange their fiat money for our university-affiliated cryptocurrency. These individuals will be incentivized to utilize the university-affiliated cryptocurrency as opposed to fiat money, because this cryptocurrency will offer them discounts on college-related expenses, such as tuition, student loans, textbooks, supplies, on-campus housing, on-campus dining, and much more. As the demand for Hippocampus increases, so will its value, which will benefit ASU as a whole. We created a Spring 2022 Semester Survey and surveyed a sample of 250 ASU students regarding the viability of our Founders Lab Thesis Project. 73.2% of participants revealed that they would support a university-affiliated cryptocurrency, and 62% of participants revealed that they would personally utilize a university-affiliated cryptocurrency. Additional activities that we completed to enhance our Founders Lab Thesis Project include interviewing an avid cryptocurrency user, learning about the Blockchain Research Lab, meeting with a financial advisor to understand the financial implications of a university-affiliated cryptocurrency, collaborating with a group of university students at Portland State University who implemented their own university-affiliated cryptocurrency, and touring a cryptocurrency-mining company to grasp an understanding of how cryptocurrency is mined.

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