Appearance-Related Self-Esteem in Adolescent Peer Groups: A Social Network Approach

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Appearance-related self-esteem is a facet of body image that encompasses the evaluative components of an individual's self-concept that pertains to their own physical appearance. Knowledge regarding how appearance-related self-esteem functions in adolescent social groups is scant in the literature and

Appearance-related self-esteem is a facet of body image that encompasses the evaluative components of an individual's self-concept that pertains to their own physical appearance. Knowledge regarding how appearance-related self-esteem functions in adolescent social groups is scant in the literature and there is limited research using linear methods suggesting that adolescents can influence the appearance-related self-esteem of their peers. Given the negative consequences of negative feelings about one's appearance later in life, I examined how appearance-related self-esteem develops and relates to adolescent social processes during the transition to middle school. This dissertation investigated how appearance-related self-esteem related to the social processes of selection, similarity, and influence. I further explored the effect of gender on social processes and appearance-related self-esteem. Appearance-related self-esteem was not related to social processes of selection, similarity, or influence. Gender similarity was present in the network, such that adolescents were more likely to select same-gender peers than other-gender peers. Additionally, an effect of gender on appearance-related self-esteem was present, such that boys' appearance-related self-esteem increased over time more than girls'. Findings from the current dissertation provide foundational first steps in identifying the ways that peers impact appearance-related self-esteem during adolescence and provide insights toward understanding how different gender pathways around appearance-related self-esteem may develop over time.
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Academic Tracking: Long-term Effects on College and Career Outcomes

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Academic tracking has long been a subject of debate due to its potential impact on educational equity, with students who are tracked highly receiving a higher quality education in comparison to students tracked lowly. These disparities in education quality may

Academic tracking has long been a subject of debate due to its potential impact on educational equity, with students who are tracked highly receiving a higher quality education in comparison to students tracked lowly. These disparities in education quality may be affecting students’ outcomes, as it has been demonstrated that the short-term academic outcomes of students, such as their grades, tend to be affected by their academic track positioning. This dissertation builds upon these previous findings by utilizing a subsample of 20,584 students from the High School Longitudinal Study (2009) to examine the relation between academic track positioning and post-secondary education attendance, program length, college major, and expected future job. Additionally, the relation between academic tracking and each of these outcomes was also assessed using mediation, with potential mediators including education aspiration, expectations, and academic self-efficacy. Findings suggest that academic track positioning in math and science are influential in students’ post-secondary and career outcomes, with students who are positioned highly in either subject having greater post-secondary attendance, program length, higher representation in STEM college majors, and expectations for future jobs in STEM fields in comparison to students tracked lowly. Additionally, education aspirations and expectations mediated the relations between math academic track positioning and each of the outcomes, although the effects were small in size. Educators should consider exploring avenues for improving education quality in low academic tracks.
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Emerging Adults' Romantic Relationship Outcomes: The Impact of Masculinity Ideology and Gender Role Conflict

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Masculinity ideology has been found to negatively impact many educational,health, and psychological consequences for men and can be particularly consequential for their romantic relationships. Knowledge regarding how masculinity ideology impacts women’s relationship experiences is scant in the literature and there

Masculinity ideology has been found to negatively impact many educational,health, and psychological consequences for men and can be particularly consequential for their romantic relationships. Knowledge regarding how masculinity ideology impacts women’s relationship experiences is scant in the literature and there is limited research suggesting that partner’s masculinity ideology can impact women’s relationship experiences. Given the negative consequences of masculinity ideology on relationship experiences for men and women, I examined how masculinity impacts romantic relationship outcomes in two studies. Study 1 investigated the role of men’s and women’s masculinity ideology and men’s gender role conflict (GRC) on relationship self-efficacy. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that masculinity ideology was not associated with relationship self-efficacy and further gender was not a significant moderator. Men’s gender role conflict was found to relate to relationship self-efficacy significantly and negatively. In a new sample of emerging adults, Study 2 investigated how masculinity ideology impacts three relationship outcomes: relationship self-efficacy, relationship satisfaction, and sexual satisfaction. I further explored the association between women’s masculinity ideology and their perceived partner’s gender role conflict on women’s relationship outcomes. Masculinity ideology was negatively related to all relationship outcomes, but this association was stronger for women for relationship satisfaction and relationship self-efficacy. Women’s perceptions of their partner’s GRC negatively predicted all relationship outcomes. Specifically, the interaction of partner’s GRC and women’s masculinity ideology was significant for relationship self-efficacy, such that the association between women’s masculinity ideology and relationship self-efficacy was more positively related when women’s partners had greater GRC. Findings from the current dissertation study provide intriguing first steps in identifying the negative consequences of masculinity ideology for men and women and provide novel steps toward understanding how partner’s masculinity may impact women’s relationship outcomes.
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How Adults Assign Gender Labels to Infants in the Absence of Gender Stereotypical Cues

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It has been 30 years since research has tried to determine how adults decide if an infant is male or female (Seavey et al., 1975; Sidorowicz & Lunney, 1980), with research at that time indicating that participants tended to label

It has been 30 years since research has tried to determine how adults decide if an infant is male or female (Seavey et al., 1975; Sidorowicz & Lunney, 1980), with research at that time indicating that participants tended to label infants as male. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether adults today can identify infant gender above chance, and what tools adults use to assign gender labels to babies. I hypothesize that females, social science majors, students who frequently interact with children, and students who are very confident will all assign gender labels more accurately than their counterparts. I showed a video to University students featuring five sets of parents playing with their infants. The video featuring three male and two female babies was edited to remove any gender identifying information. Students were asked to guess whether each of the infants was male or female, and to explain how they came to that conclusion. One sample t-tests revealed that students overall were able to correctly identify infant gender significantly more than what would be expected due to chance for 4 out of 5 infants. The results did not support my hypothesis that social science majors or people who frequently interact with children are better at assigning gender labels. This study did find a significant correlation between confidence and accuracy. When asked to explain how participants assigned infant gender labels, I found a significant correlation between infant physical movement and correct students labeling the infant as male. There was also a significant relationship between parental voice being and participants labeling infants as female whether the infant was actually female or not. Unlike research from the late 1970's and early 1980's, college students today can accurately assign gender labels to infants. This suggests that either the conceptualization of gender in the U.S. culture has changed enough since previous research over 3 decades ago, that there is something about parent-baby play that helps people correctly identify infant gender, or both.
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Weighing the Risks of Achievement: A Profile of the Modern, High Achieving, Secondary Student and the Implications of Striving for Excellence

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This thesis aimed to discover the risks of being a high achieving student, in secondary school contexts. With the growing concern for college admission, the high achieving student has become more prevalent within society. This paper sought to gain deeper

This thesis aimed to discover the risks of being a high achieving student, in secondary school contexts. With the growing concern for college admission, the high achieving student has become more prevalent within society. This paper sought to gain deeper understanding into the risks and implications of attempting to achieve excellence for high achievers. Interviews with three frontline personnel at two college preparatory schools and one International Baccalaureate degree program were conducted. It was found that in the studied geographic location, peer pressure and relations, parental pressure, perfectionism, extra-curricular activities, college admission, mental health implications, and coping mechanisms are themes that are highlighted through interviews with primary staff of high achieving students. Although personnel at each of these secondary schools were clearly aware of the stress experienced by their students, a disparity remained between how certain programs managed the stress and how it negatively impacted students. College preparatory faculties appear to be more involved and current on their students' stress. This study was limited and further research should be conducted in the future that expands on this concept in various sociogeographic locations.
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Gender Norms, Sexism, and Self-Esteem in College Students

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This study reports on the interrelations among several domains of gender typing (e.g., masculinity, sexualization, and sexism) as well as their relationships to self-esteem. A group of undergraduates (113 women and 54 men) between the ages of 18-42 were administered

This study reports on the interrelations among several domains of gender typing (e.g., masculinity, sexualization, and sexism) as well as their relationships to self-esteem. A group of undergraduates (113 women and 54 men) between the ages of 18-42 were administered online questionnaires asking them about masculinity beliefs, internalized sexualization, sexist beliefs, and self-esteem. A positive relationship was found between masculinity beliefs and hostile sexism. Also, a positive relationship was found between sexualization through self-compromise and self-esteem. These findings differ from relationships found in adolescence, which suggests a developmental change that affects these beliefs in young adults. Implications for understanding gender development in emerging adults are discussed.
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The nature and psychosocial correlates of electronic victimization and aggression in early adolescence

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The present study was designed to extend previous research on early adolescents' involvement in electronic aggression and victimization. A new measure for electronic victimization and aggression was created for this study in order to better assess this type of peer

The present study was designed to extend previous research on early adolescents' involvement in electronic aggression and victimization. A new measure for electronic victimization and aggression was created for this study in order to better assess this type of peer harassment in early adolescence. The first goal of the study was to describe young adolescents' involvement in electronic aggression and victimization by exploring the links between electronic victimization and aggression and (a) youth demographic characteristics (e.g., gender, ethnicity), (b) involvement in traditional forms of aggression and victimization, and (c) gender of the aggression/victimization context (i.e., same-sex aggressor -victim versus other-sex aggressor- victim dyad). The second goal was to examine how electronic victimization and aggression were associated with self-esteem and relationship efficacy. Participants were 826 (49.9% female) 7th and 8th grade students (M age = 12.5 years old; SD = .67). Students were administered surveys during school hours. Results indicated that girls were more likely to be involved in both electronic aggression and victimization than boys. Further, girls were more likely to be both electronic aggressors and victims simultaneously than boys. Finally, those involved with electronic aggression reported higher levels of relationship efficacy than their peers and involvement as an aggressor/victim was associated with lower self-esteem than any other involvement category.
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Risk and protective factors of peer victimization: the role of preschoolers' affiliations with peers

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Studies of peer victimization typically focus on behavioral characteristics of the victims, and frequently overlook the role that peers may play. The current study extended previous research by examining how time spent with two types of peers (externalizing and socially

Studies of peer victimization typically focus on behavioral characteristics of the victims, and frequently overlook the role that peers may play. The current study extended previous research by examining how time spent with two types of peers (externalizing and socially competent) can serve as a risk or protective factor for preschoolers' victimization, and how victimization may differ for boys and girls. In addition, the study explored how affiliating with same-sex and other-sex externalizing and socially competent peers may differentially relate to victimization. Results showed that girls who affiliated with externalizing female peers were significantly more at risk for victimization. In addition, boys and girls who spent time with socially competent male peers (but not female peers) negatively predicted victimization. The results indicate that children's peers, in certain circumstances, may play an important role in victimization. These findings also highlight the importance of considering children's and peers' gender when studying peer processes.
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