Latinx Family Processes in Place: An Examination of Ethnic-Racial Compositions of Ecological Systems

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The bioecological perspective emphasizes that proximal processes are the primary mechanisms driving development. Proximal processes can be influenced by a single microsystem or multiple microsystems collectively, which is defined as the mesosystem. Language brokering and ethnic-racial socialization are important proximal

The bioecological perspective emphasizes that proximal processes are the primary mechanisms driving development. Proximal processes can be influenced by a single microsystem or multiple microsystems collectively, which is defined as the mesosystem. Language brokering and ethnic-racial socialization are important proximal processes in U.S. Latinx families, and are likely to be influenced by the ethnic-racial compositions within families’ ecologies. In this dissertation, I examined these important family processes in relation to the ecologies that Latinx adolescents and/or parents are situated within.Paper 1 examined the developmental trajectories of everyday, school, and official business language brokering, and the influences of neighborhood ethnic-racial compositions on language brokering. Findings showed that language brokering trajectories differed across situations. Neighborhood ethnic-racial compositions influenced language brokering trajectories. Overall, this study addressed the gap in foundational understanding of how language brokering unfolds across developmental time and highlighted neighborhood as a key context shaping the development of language brokering. In paper 2, I used a person-centered approach to capture the ethnic-racial exposures within Latina mothers’ mesosystems using activity space methods, and identified four distinct profiles of mothers navigating distinct activity spaces. Mothers' activity space profiles directly impacted adolescents' ethnic-racial identity. Latina mothers’ activity spaces also influenced adolescent ethnic-racial identity through changes in mothers' cultural socialization. This study offered a holistic view of the varied ethnic-racial exposures encountered by different groups of Latina mothers in their daily activities. This study broadens the existing research by examining Latina mothers' mesosystemic exposures, moving beyond the examination of ethnic-racial socialization and identity within singular microsystems. Both studies centered on Latinx families in emerging immigrant gateways, allowing for the examination of ethnic-racial compositions within a single microsystem and mesosystems at levels not observable in established immigrant gateways. Collectively, the two papers contribute to a comprehensive understanding of U.S. Latinx family processes within ecological contexts over time.
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The Association Between Perceived Caregiver Mental Health Stigma and Middle Eastern Emerging Adult Help-Seeking Intentions: Moderating Effect of Social Support

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Mental health stigma is a significant obstacle for those with mental health issues in and from the Middle East, defined as the countries of southwest Asia and North Africa including Afghanistan, Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon,

Mental health stigma is a significant obstacle for those with mental health issues in and from the Middle East, defined as the countries of southwest Asia and North Africa including Afghanistan, Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. Such stigma may be passed down generationally; primary caregivers born in the Middle East who immigrate to the United States may pass down their beliefs and opinions of mental health to their children born in the U.S. This study examined the association between perceived primary caregiver mental health stigma and Middle Eastern emerging adults’ intention to seek mental help, while also examining the possible moderating effect of peer social support on this association. It was hypothesized that social support would mitigate the proposed negative association between a primary caregiver’s mental health self-stigma and their emerging adult child’s intention to seek mental health services. Results showed no significant association between perceived primary caregiver mental health stigma and an emerging adult’s intention to seek help, and no significant moderating effect of social support. However, findings showed a negative association between emerging adults’ mental health self-stigma and their help-seeking intention, as well as a positive association between prior counseling and help-seeking intention. Future implications of this research include bringing awareness to and addressing self-stigma in the Middle Eastern community, as well as providing education and training to those in the mental health field who may work with this population.
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Thesis Defense Picture.JPEG

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School-based mental health services aim to foster positive academic and behavioral outcomes in students, however families often are not directly involved in implementing these practices. Family engagement in schools should be an essential focal point in school-based mental health services,

School-based mental health services aim to foster positive academic and behavioral outcomes in students, however families often are not directly involved in implementing these practices. Family engagement in schools should be an essential focal point in school-based mental health services, as the partnership between families and schools has been shown to lead to positive student outcomes. This study used an evaluation tool known as the FAMSET to examine the PFS CARE intervention, a trauma-informed and culturally responsive intervention measuring family engagement in schools, which operates from an MTSS-framework. Specifically focusing on trauma-informed and culturally responsive practices, administrators and staff members were asked a series of thirteen questions regarding the construct. This study aims to examine the construct of trauma-informed and culturally responsive practices, to analyze administrator and staff differences, and to create a consolidated scale. Results showed that overall, the scales were efficient in capturing the construct of trauma-informed and culturally responsive practices, and the scales should be analyzed separately for administrators and staff members; additionally, several questions should be omitted or reworded in the administrator survey in future administrations. Family engagement in schools is an understudied topic, and one with promising future implementations – this study is one of the first to evaluate the FAMSET tool. In future studies, this preliminary data can be used to create a validated scale, and it is recommended that future samples are larger and expand to other faculty positions as well.
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School-based mental health services aim to foster positive academic and behavioral outcomes in students, however families often are not directly involved in implementing these practices. Family engagement in schools should be an essential focal point in school-based mental health services,

School-based mental health services aim to foster positive academic and behavioral outcomes in students, however families often are not directly involved in implementing these practices. Family engagement in schools should be an essential focal point in school-based mental health services, as the partnership between families and schools has been shown to lead to positive student outcomes. This study used an evaluation tool known as the FAMSET to examine the PFS CARE intervention, a trauma-informed and culturally responsive intervention measuring family engagement in schools, which operates from an MTSS-framework. Specifically focusing on trauma-informed and culturally responsive practices, administrators and staff members were asked a series of thirteen questions regarding the construct. This study aims to examine the construct of trauma-informed and culturally responsive practices, to analyze administrator and staff differences, and to create a consolidated scale. Results showed that overall, the scales were efficient in capturing the construct of trauma-informed and culturally responsive practices, and the scales should be analyzed separately for administrators and staff members; additionally, several questions should be omitted or reworded in the administrator survey in future administrations. Family engagement in schools is an understudied topic, and one with promising future implementations – this study is one of the first to evaluate the FAMSET tool. In future studies, this preliminary data can be used to create a validated scale, and it is recommended that future samples are larger and expand to other faculty positions as well.
Date Created

Evaluating an Intervention for Family Engagement in Schools through a Trauma-Informed and Culturally Responsive Lens


School-based mental health services aim to foster positive academic and behavioral outcomes in students, however families often are not directly involved in implementing these practices. Family engagement in schools should be an essential focal point in school-based mental health services,

School-based mental health services aim to foster positive academic and behavioral outcomes in students, however families often are not directly involved in implementing these practices. Family engagement in schools should be an essential focal point in school-based mental health services, as the partnership between families and schools has been shown to lead to positive student outcomes. This study used an evaluation tool known as the FAMSET to examine the PFS CARE intervention, a trauma-informed and culturally responsive intervention measuring family engagement in schools, which operates from an MTSS-framework. Specifically focusing on trauma-informed and culturally responsive practices, administrators and staff members were asked a series of thirteen questions regarding the construct. This study aims to examine the construct of trauma-informed and culturally responsive practices, to analyze administrator and staff differences, and to create a consolidated scale. Results showed that overall, the scales were efficient in capturing the construct of trauma-informed and culturally responsive practices, and the scales should be analyzed separately for administrators and staff members; additionally, several questions should be omitted or reworded in the administrator survey in future administrations. Family engagement in schools is an understudied topic, and one with promising future implementations – this study is one of the first to evaluate the FAMSET tool. In future studies, this preliminary data can be used to create a validated scale, and it is recommended that future samples are larger and expand to other faculty positions as well.

Date Created

What Makes Math Fun? A Look Into the Fifth Grade Perspective.

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Partnering with a local Great Hearts Academy, we decided to look into why kids tend to not enjoy learning math. Prior to this project, we reflected on our individual experiences with math. One of us found it to be easy

Partnering with a local Great Hearts Academy, we decided to look into why kids tend to not enjoy learning math. Prior to this project, we reflected on our individual experiences with math. One of us found it to be easy and thoroughly enjoyed it throughout school, while the other struggled to understand math and never enjoyed learning the subject. We wanted to look into why that could be. Was it just our teacher? Was it our curriculum? Or was it something deeper? In this project, we explore existing research behind teaching math, as well as interview teachers and students to get their perspective. Our findings showed us that self efficacy and math abilities go hand in hand. We also learned that a growth mindset is essential as students develop problem solving skills. Finally, using our findings, we suggested ways in which teachers and students can make learning math more enjoyable.

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What Makes Math Fun? A Look Into the Fifth Grade Perspective

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Partnering with a local Great Hearts Academy, we decided to look into why kids tend to not enjoy learning math. Prior to this project, we reflected on our individual experiences with math. One of us found it to be easy

Partnering with a local Great Hearts Academy, we decided to look into why kids tend to not enjoy learning math. Prior to this project, we reflected on our individual experiences with math. One of us found it to be easy and thoroughly enjoyed it throughout school, while the other struggled to understand math and never enjoyed learning the subject. We wanted to look into why that could be. Was it just our teacher? Was it our curriculum? Or was it something deeper? In this project, we explore existing research behind teaching math, as well as interview teachers and students to get their perspective. Our findings showed us that self efficacy and math abilities go hand in hand. We also learned that a growth mindset is essential as students develop problem solving skills. Finally, using our findings, we suggested ways in which teachers and students can make learning math more enjoyable.
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Cross-Cultural Differences in Child Persistence When Adults Take Over

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The purpose of this paper is to examine cross-cultural differences between the United States and Turkey by coding multiple dimensions, such as parental intrusiveness, child persistence, and various others. The main research questions of this paper were as follows: (1)

The purpose of this paper is to examine cross-cultural differences between the United States and Turkey by coding multiple dimensions, such as parental intrusiveness, child persistence, and various others. The main research questions of this paper were as follows: (1) How does parental intrusiveness vary by country? (2) How does child persistence vary by country? and (3) Are parental intrusiveness and child persistence correlated, and if so, what is the direction of the correlation? The hypotheses were that (1) Turkish parents would score higher on parental intrusiveness, (2) American children would show higher levels of persistence, and (3) Parental intrusiveness and child persistence are correlated, with higher levels of parental intrusiveness resulting in lower levels of child persistence. While all of the hypotheses were supported with statistically significant results, it was found that in the U.S., higher parental intrusiveness does result in lower levels of child persistence, but in Turkey, parental intrusiveness was not a predictor of child persistence. The findings are therefore able to support cross-cultural differences in the correlation between parental intrusiveness and child persistence.

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An Analysis of Emotional Language Use Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults Speaking About Dementia

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The current study investigated emotional language use in middle aged and older adults in interviews in which they were asked questions relating to Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. Participants were split into two groups, one that attended Memory Clinic to

The current study investigated emotional language use in middle aged and older adults in interviews in which they were asked questions relating to Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. Participants were split into two groups, one that attended Memory Clinic to have their cognition assessed, representing information seekers, and those who did not attend. These interviews were then transcribed and run through LIWC2015 software to determine linguistic differences between the two groups. Results did not indicate statistically significant differences between language use in those who attended Memory Clinic compared with those who did not. Further study with a sample that has higher levels of anxiety related to Alzheimer's disease and related dementias may produce statistically significant results.

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Students’ Perceptions of Engagement in Online Courses and Its Effect on Academic Performance and Retention Rates

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Online learning in higher education has been increasing over the last two decades (NCES, 2016). Previous research has highlighted the importance of student engagement for academic achievement and performance (Fuller, Wilson, & Tobin, 2011; Northey et al., 2018).

Online learning in higher education has been increasing over the last two decades (NCES, 2016). Previous research has highlighted the importance of student engagement for academic achievement and performance (Fuller, Wilson, & Tobin, 2011; Northey et al., 2018). The current study aims to further understand students’ perceptions of peer interactions, assess the application of the Theory of Involvement in online learning environments, and identify factors of student engagement. Data were collected from 1,514 undergraduate students enrolled in online courses at Arizona State University (Mage = 25.96 years old; SD = 7.64; 1,259 female, 232 male, 12 non-binary, and 1 gender fluid). The results of this dissertation study indicate that the vast majority of students (94% of the sample) want opportunities for peer interaction in their online courses. Confirmatory Factor Analyses were conducted to validate three of the primary measures and these measurement models were used in subsequent analyses. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) revealed that students who demonstrated high levels of Academic, Online Community, Life Application, and Social Engagement were more likely to perform well on measures of Academic Performance (i.e., doing well on quizzes or tests, earning higher letter grades). Additional SEM analyses indicated that sense of a community was related to all four aspects of student engagements. There was evidence that certain pedagogical factors were also associated with higher rates of student engagement. For example, students who reported high levels for Instructional Design (e.g., felt the course objectives were clear) were more likely to be academically engaged (i.e., demonstrated strong study habits). Lastly, while there were no significant differences in student engagement by gender, ethnicity, or living arrangements, students who valued peer interaction were more likely to report higher levels of Online Student Engagement. The findings of this research emphasize the desire online students have to interact with their peers, demonstrates the importance of engaging online students, and serves as a guide for educators in creating online courses that foster student engagement.
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