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Thank you to Dr. Larry Dumka, my CARE program director, for giving such constructive feedback on this project. Thank you Dr. Scott Christopher, my thesis director, for not only guiding me in the right direction of this project but also

Thank you to Dr. Larry Dumka, my CARE program director, for giving such constructive feedback on this project. Thank you Dr. Scott Christopher, my thesis director, for not only guiding me in the right direction of this project but also for encouraging me to apply to the CARE program and thank you for helping me to calculate my results section. Thank you to Dr. Sarah McKenney for taking the time and effort to be my third reader. Thank you to my classmates in my CARE program for being supportive and insightful throughout the course of this project. I would especially like to thank Kamber Goff for doing such a wonderful job editing my paper. I also want to thank Against Abuse, Inc for accepting the CARE proposal and allowing me to work with an organization that I have come to truly admire.
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Gender Norms, Sexism, and Self-Esteem in College Students

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This study reports on the interrelations among several domains of gender typing (e.g., masculinity, sexualization, and sexism) as well as their relationships to self-esteem. A group of undergraduates (113 women and 54 men) between the ages of 18-42 were administered

This study reports on the interrelations among several domains of gender typing (e.g., masculinity, sexualization, and sexism) as well as their relationships to self-esteem. A group of undergraduates (113 women and 54 men) between the ages of 18-42 were administered online questionnaires asking them about masculinity beliefs, internalized sexualization, sexist beliefs, and self-esteem. A positive relationship was found between masculinity beliefs and hostile sexism. Also, a positive relationship was found between sexualization through self-compromise and self-esteem. These findings differ from relationships found in adolescence, which suggests a developmental change that affects these beliefs in young adults. Implications for understanding gender development in emerging adults are discussed.
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Ambivalent Sexism in College Women: Key Beliefs and Outcomes

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Gender discrimination and inequality in this day and age points to the existence of ambivalent sexist beliefs. That is, men and women hold outwardly negative or superficially positive sexist beliefs about the innate inferiority of women (Glick & Fiske, 1996;

Gender discrimination and inequality in this day and age points to the existence of ambivalent sexist beliefs. That is, men and women hold outwardly negative or superficially positive sexist beliefs about the innate inferiority of women (Glick & Fiske, 1996; Glick & Fiske, 1997). In the past twenty years, outcomes and effects of women due to these beliefs have been researched extensively. Less common are suggestions or conclusions regarding the underlying existence of these beliefs, though many researchers have related their results to aspects within the Social Identity Theory (1979) and other alike theories involving the self and threats to self. The present study looks at smaller constructs, reporting a relationship between a model of women's identity, including predictors: 1) closeness to women, 2) public regard 3) gender identity centrality, to hostile, benevolent and ambivalent sexist beliefs. A group of N=115 women with ages ranging from 18 to 22 at Arizona State University were administered a survey asking questions about their sexist beliefs and their personal gender values. Results show a significant relationship between predictor variables to hostile sexist beliefs, but not benevolent sexist beliefs. These findings suggest that women's association with their gender-derived identity may parallel with endorsement of sexist beliefs when conceptions of the traditional woman is more salient.
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