Connecting with Users: Developing Personas for The Improvement Of The Smithsonian’s Museum on Mainstreet WaterSim America App

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The WaterSim America is an interactive iPad game app included with the exhibition that takes users through several scenarios and asks them to make decisions about how their town’s water supply should be distributed among a variety of user groups,

The WaterSim America is an interactive iPad game app included with the exhibition that takes users through several scenarios and asks them to make decisions about how their town’s water supply should be distributed among a variety of user groups, including townspeople, farming, industry, and energy. The purpose of this applied project was to design user personas which will be used by the developers at Arizona State University’s (ASU) Decision Center for a Desert City (DCDC) to improve the Smithsonian’s WaterSim America app (SWSA) that they designed for the new Smithsonian Institute’s Water Ways Traveling Exhibition (SWWTE) and to recommend improvements to the app. To do this, I created a contextual inquiry with select SWWTE user groups in Alabama, Florida, and Georgia to observe the app in the context of use. The primary goal of this research was to observe potential users engaging with the app and then interview them about their experiences with the app. Based on the research, I offer six recommendations to improve the educational value of the WSAA. This report includes the research methods of this study, participants’ feedback and seven user personas based on the research.

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The Impact of Mobile Devise Usability Guidelines on the Design of Help Documentation for Evernote's iOS Application


The purpose of this project is to show how to develop research-based criteria and how to apply them to a specific product, Evernote's iOS mobile help tool. Initial research involved analyzing current usability research publications by performing the following steps:

The purpose of this project is to show how to develop research-based criteria and how to apply them to a specific product, Evernote's iOS mobile help tool. Initial research involved analyzing current usability research publications by performing the following steps: coding each sample for most frequent usability criteria, clarifying and simplifying each entry, reorganizing the content in each code for frequency, and combining each topic in the new organizational structure to create a single set of research-based usability guidelines. The new guidelines were used to evaluated Getting Started and Getting Started Guide from the perspective of a non-business, English-speaking, novice iOS user. The final step resulted in the following list of recommendations to improve the user experience: review and adjust the navigation design, reconsider the information design to ensure that it reflects the wide variety of users and platforms, adjust the visual design to meet cultural expectations and user needs, and edit content for clarity, word choice, and grammatical style.

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A Free Range User Journey: Establishing a Community's Identity Through Website Usage

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The primary goal of this research was to identify the elements of members' website usage stories (including plot points and story scope), and which brand principles of Free Range CrossFit, like personal development (among others), can be identified in those

The primary goal of this research was to identify the elements of members' website usage stories (including plot points and story scope), and which brand principles of Free Range CrossFit, like personal development (among others), can be identified in those storytelling elements. To accomplish this, I designed the interview questions to uncover these patterns in the various plot points of their journey as users, and developed a coding manual with the elements of "Brand" and "User Story" to code the transcripts. I then coded the transcribed results using Atlas.ti program, and identified occurrences and co-occurrences between the two concepts. The results showed that the website is being used to track members' personal development, which aligns with Brand principles from mainstream CrossFit, and the gym's mission and value statements. The data also suggests that members identified their usage stories through various scopes. While the beginning of story outlined by members was clear, the data suggests that there is room for improvement towards the end of the members' journey as users of the website, and recommendations are provided.

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Agent Social Media Startup Plan

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GetOverlanding was created to help overlanders successfully and safely explore the world, whether it be their immediate area or the far corners of the world through informative, educational, and engaging online content.

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Career Expo Project Handbook

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This handbook was created to transition event execution details utilizing project management best practices. It combines instruction methods, visual icons, and a newly designed structural relationship to project management/lean principles. The handbook is delivered in a modern style and to foster continual consideration of historical genesis that withstands leadership changes.

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Abstract This thesis examines the efficacy of an Advertising Exchange Program between literary magazines with a specific focus on Superstition Review magazine. Incorporated within this thesis are three parts: Advertising In and Between Literary Magazines, Methodology and Results Regarding Efficacy

Abstract This thesis examines the efficacy of an Advertising Exchange Program between literary magazines with a specific focus on Superstition Review magazine. Incorporated within this thesis are three parts: Advertising In and Between Literary Magazines, Methodology and Results Regarding Efficacy of Exchange and a section dedicated to the Carry-Over of the Advertising Exchange Position within the confines of Superstition Review. This thesis highlights the history of advertising within literary magazines using some historical examples as reference. The second section examines the research involved to prove the efficacy of a "one for one" exchange between literary magazines and journals, whether in print or online. The final section is specific to Superstition Review, and is a study in the most efficient method of carrying over the job of Advertising Exchange Coordinator within a university publication. The conclusion touched upon the need to continue these types of programs, with an emphasis on the constant updating of tools, especially electronic means, which will keep the magazine on the technological forefront and in line with its peers. Keywords: literary magazine, advertising, advertising exchange, publication, literature, literary technology, media kit
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Creating a Radio Sound Board Operation Guide for Novices


The field of radio broadcast requires the cohesion of several different skill sets in order to be a success. KHEA Radio has used a traditional form of teaching, which means taking a one-on-one approach. Taking this approach has worked for

The field of radio broadcast requires the cohesion of several different skill sets in order to be a success. KHEA Radio has used a traditional form of teaching, which means taking a one-on-one approach. Taking this approach has worked for years in the past and has been the only option for teaching. The down side to this method of teaching is that it requires one seasoned employee to stop their work and take the time to train a new employee. Because of the significant void in the area of instructional content for radio sound engineering, my co-worker and I had to troubleshoot this console and basically teach ourselves its functions. I saw the need for better instructional content on the Internet and in print based on my own experiences. The skills used to create the following instructional content were gained from course work at Arizona State University. The graduate department of Technical Communication makes every effort to equip students with varied skills that can be applied to different fields within the overall scheme of technical communication. This guide serves as a tool for radio broadcast novices to learn the basics of sound board operation.

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Don't feed the trolls: needs assessment analysis for heuristic to create rhetorical civility in social media

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As an outlet of communication between internet users, digital social media has created opinionated engagement between people that have similar and often contrasting views, just like those in face-to-face communication (Mckenna & Bargh, 2014). The problem is that these digital

As an outlet of communication between internet users, digital social media has created opinionated engagement between people that have similar and often contrasting views, just like those in face-to-face communication (Mckenna & Bargh, 2014). The problem is that these digital conversations occur in a synthetic environment, causing users to develop alternative psychological patterns of engagement (Lauren & Hsieh, 2014), that could potentially push them to inadvertently or unknowingly create and participate in negative social interaction with others. The purpose of this study was to determine and assess the needs of a writing heuristic for social media participants to use in engagement with others to increase coherency, civility, and engagement response in content. Research explored existing literature on engagement behavior in digital social media and computer-mediated communication (CMC) and was then used in qualitative sentiment analysis of business-to-consumer social media environments, aiming to recognize the needs in developing a social media writing heuristic. This research found that such heuristic should prompt and advise users to remove ambiguity within engagement practices, encouraging the implementation of salient social markers and nonverbal cues in text. Social media users should also be prompted to create familiarity with others through the posing of messages in an emotional frame that is aligned with their audience’s emotional attitudes, increasing persuasive argumentation and discussion. As well, users should be prompted to thoroughly understand the issues in discussion and follow dynamics to create productive engagement, while avoiding engagement with negative commentary.
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An informed pedagogy: using the Writing Program Administrators Outcomes Statement to design first-year composition curriculum

The discipline of rhetoric and composition established the Writing Program Administrators Outcomes Statement (WPA OS) to fulfill a general expectation about the skills and knowledge students should be able to demonstrate by the end of first-year composition. Regardless of pedagogy

The discipline of rhetoric and composition established the Writing Program Administrators Outcomes Statement (WPA OS) to fulfill a general expectation about the skills and knowledge students should be able to demonstrate by the end of first-year composition. Regardless of pedagogy used, academic preparation of the teacher, or preference of particular topics or types of assignments, the WPA OS is versatile. This dissertation employs a problem-solution argument showcasing methods to improve assignments through intentional use of the WPA OS for a fluid conversation throughout first-year composition and a more clear articulation of course goals. This dissertation includes summation, analysis, and synthesis of documents that inform first-year composition curriculum from foundational organizations within the field, including National Council of Teachers of English, Council of Writing Program Administrators, National Writing Project, and Conference on College Composition and Communication. This study uses the WPA OS as a lens to examine and revise writing assignments that aid in students' comprehension of the WPA OS with particular focus on the areas of rhetorical knowledge and critical thinking, reading, and writing. Framing assignment design with theoretically grounded content and the use of common topics throughout first-year composition is one way to operationalize the WPA OS. Using common topics throughout course content presents opportunities for teachers to include detailed scaffolding in assignments that expand students' literate practices and engage students as critical thinkers and writers. This study explores how using the topic of family, a common topic to all students, provides a rich bank of social, historical, and cultural elements for research and writing. The topic of family seamlessly employs multimodal composition, which presents students with opportunities for developing rhetorical knowledge and expanding students' literacies. This dissertation displays evidence of praxis of the WPA OS from assignment development to presentation of student samples. This study recommends the use of common topics and intentional application of the WPA OS to construct assignments that clearly articulate learning goals in first-year composition.
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