Regicide: A Creative Project


Regicide is a full-length fantasy novel whose world and plot are influenced by the Western Zodiac. It is a coming of age story that reflects an individual's changing views as they come to understand society, religion, and the history of

Regicide is a full-length fantasy novel whose world and plot are influenced by the Western Zodiac. It is a coming of age story that reflects an individual's changing views as they come to understand society, religion, and the history of the place where they were born. The book blurb is as follows: "When the king of Celestial Kingdom is murdered and the culprit is unknown, Vernalia Novoa is called to help fill the void his death has created. Though ill-equipped to run a kingdom, she shoulders the burdens as one of the last living Pisces capable of fulfilling the immense responsibilities. With the struggle between doing her job, finding a new ruler, and uncovering the truth about what happened to her people, the passed king’s infamous words echo: people are not always what we hope for them to be."

Date Created

Designing Career Exploration Tools for Full-Time MBA Students


I designed a collection of 14 industry-segmented PDF documents to be accessed by full-time MBA students at UCLA for the purpose of career exploration.

Date Created

A Free Range User Journey: Establishing a Community's Identity Through Website Usage

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The primary goal of this research was to identify the elements of members' website usage stories (including plot points and story scope), and which brand principles of Free Range CrossFit, like personal development (among others), can be identified in those

The primary goal of this research was to identify the elements of members' website usage stories (including plot points and story scope), and which brand principles of Free Range CrossFit, like personal development (among others), can be identified in those storytelling elements. To accomplish this, I designed the interview questions to uncover these patterns in the various plot points of their journey as users, and developed a coding manual with the elements of "Brand" and "User Story" to code the transcripts. I then coded the transcribed results using Atlas.ti program, and identified occurrences and co-occurrences between the two concepts. The results showed that the website is being used to track members' personal development, which aligns with Brand principles from mainstream CrossFit, and the gym's mission and value statements. The data also suggests that members identified their usage stories through various scopes. While the beginning of story outlined by members was clear, the data suggests that there is room for improvement towards the end of the members' journey as users of the website, and recommendations are provided.

Date Created