Collaborative Thesis - GPU vs CPU: AI and the Xeon Business

The rapid expansion of artificial intelligence has propelled significant growth in the GPU market. In the evolving data center landscape, Company X faces challenges due to its lag in entering the GPU market, which jeopardizes its competitive advantage against industry

The rapid expansion of artificial intelligence has propelled significant growth in the GPU market. In the evolving data center landscape, Company X faces challenges due to its lag in entering the GPU market, which jeopardizes its competitive advantage against industry players like Nvidia and AMD. To address these issues, our thesis aims to analyze market dynamics between CPUs and GPUs-whether they present distinct markets or compete against each other. We seek to guide Company X in maximizing profitability and sustaining its pivotal role in the semiconductor industry amidst the AI revolution. Specifically, we discuss optimizing their GPU offering, Falcon Shores, towards specific markets and doubling down on the production of CPUs.
Date Created

GPU vs CPU: AI and the Xeon Business

The rapid expansion of artificial intelligence has propelled significant growth in the GPU market. In the evolving data center landscape, Company X faces challenges due to its lag in entering the GPU market, which jeopardizes its competitive advantage against industry

The rapid expansion of artificial intelligence has propelled significant growth in the GPU market. In the evolving data center landscape, Company X faces challenges due to its lag in entering the GPU market, which jeopardizes its competitive advantage against industry players like Nvidia and AMD. To address these issues, our thesis aims to analyze market dynamics between CPUs and GPUs-whether they present distinct markets or compete against each other. We seek to guide Company X in maximizing profitability and sustaining its pivotal role in the semiconductor industry amidst the AI revolution. Specifically, we discuss optimizing their GPU offering, Falcon Shores, towards specific markets and doubling down on the production of CPUs.
Date Created

GPU vs CPU: AI and the Xeon Business

The rapid expansion of artificial intelligence has propelled significant growth in the GPU market. In the evolving data center landscape, Company X faces challenges due to its lag in entering the GPU market, which jeopardizes its competitive advantage against industry

The rapid expansion of artificial intelligence has propelled significant growth in the GPU market. In the evolving data center landscape, Company X faces challenges due to its lag in entering the GPU market, which jeopardizes its competitive advantage against industry players like Nvidia and AMD. To address these issues, our thesis aims to analyze market dynamics between CPUs and GPUs-whether they present distinct markets or compete against each other. We seek to guide Company X in maximizing profitability and sustaining its pivotal role in the semiconductor industry amidst the AI revolution. Specifically, we discuss optimizing their GPU offering, Falcon Shores, towards specific markets and doubling down on the production of CPUs.
Date Created

Substrate Industry Dynamics and Price Implications


This paper serves as an analysis of the current operational conditions of a real-world company – referred to as “Company X” – with respect to the IC substrate industry. The cost of substrates, a crucial component in the production of

This paper serves as an analysis of the current operational conditions of a real-world company – referred to as “Company X” – with respect to the IC substrate industry. The cost of substrates, a crucial component in the production of Company X’s product, has recently diverged from Company X’s predictions and is contributing to declining profitability. This analysis aims to discover the underlying cause for price divergence and recommend potential resolutions to improve the forecast of substrate costs and profitability. The paper is organized as follows: Chapter 1 is an introduction to IC substrates and the industry as a whole, Chapter 2 is a breakdown of the specific factors responsible for substrate prices, and Chapter 3 delivers a final recommendation to Company X and concludes the paper.

Date Created

Substrate Industry Dynamics and Price Implications


This paper serves as an analysis of the current operational conditions of a real-world company – referred to as “Company X” – with respect to the IC substrate industry. The cost of substrates, a crucial component in the production of

This paper serves as an analysis of the current operational conditions of a real-world company – referred to as “Company X” – with respect to the IC substrate industry. The cost of substrates, a crucial component in the production of Company X’s product, has recently diverged from Company X’s predictions and is contributing to declining profitability. This analysis aims to discover the underlying cause for price divergence and recommend potential resolutions to improve the forecast of substrate costs and profitability. The paper is organized as follows: Chapter 1 is an introduction to IC substrates and the industry as a whole, Chapter 2 is a breakdown of the specific factors responsible for substrate prices, and Chapter 3 delivers a final recommendation to Company X and concludes the paper.

Date Created

An Assessment of the Edge Computing Market Opportunities for Company X

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Edge computing is a new and growing market that Company X has an opportunity to expand their presence. Within this paper, we compare many external research studies to better quantify the Total Addressable Market of the Edge Computing space. Furthermore,

Edge computing is a new and growing market that Company X has an opportunity to expand their presence. Within this paper, we compare many external research studies to better quantify the Total Addressable Market of the Edge Computing space. Furthermore, we highlight which Segments within Edge Computing have the most opportunities for growth, along with identify a specific market strategy that Company X could do to capture market share within the most opportunistic segment.

Date Created

An Assessment of the Edge Computing Market Opportunities for Company X


Edge computing is a new and growing market that Company X has an opportunity to expand their presence. Within this paper, we compare many external research studies to better quantify the Total Addressable Market of the Edge Computing space. Furthermore,

Edge computing is a new and growing market that Company X has an opportunity to expand their presence. Within this paper, we compare many external research studies to better quantify the Total Addressable Market of the Edge Computing space. Furthermore, we highlight which Segments within Edge Computing have the most opportunities for growth, along with identify a specific market strategy that Company X could do to capture market share within the most opportunistic segment.

Date Created

An Assessment of the Edge Computing Market Opportunities for Company X

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Edge computing is a new and growing market that Company X has an opportunity to expand their presence. Within this paper, we compare many external research studies to better quantify the Total Addressable Market of the Edge Computing space. Furthermore,

Edge computing is a new and growing market that Company X has an opportunity to expand their presence. Within this paper, we compare many external research studies to better quantify the Total Addressable Market of the Edge Computing space. Furthermore, we highlight which Segments within Edge Computing have the most opportunities for growth, along with identify a specific market strategy that Company X could do to capture market share within the most opportunistic segment.

Date Created

Energy Internet of Things Collaborative Thesis

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For our collaborative thesis we explored the US electric utility market and how the Internet of Things technology movement could capture a possible advancement of the current existing grid. Our objective of this project was to successfully understand the market

For our collaborative thesis we explored the US electric utility market and how the Internet of Things technology movement could capture a possible advancement of the current existing grid. Our objective of this project was to successfully understand the market trends in the utility space and identify where a semiconductor manufacturing company, with a focus on IoT technology, could penetrate the market using their products. The methodology used for our research was to conduct industry interviews to formulate common trends in the utility and industrial hardware manufacturer industries. From there, we composed various strategies that The Company should explore. These strategies were backed up using qualitative reasoning and forecasted discounted cash flow and net present value analysis. We confirmed that The Company should use specific silicon microprocessors and microcontrollers that pertained to each of the four devices analytics demand. Along with a silicon strategy, our group believes that there is a strong argument for a data analytics software package by forming strategic partnerships in this space.
Date Created

Company X Supplier Financial Health Model

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Company X is one of the world's largest manufacturer of semiconductors. The company relies on various suppliers in the U.S. and around the globe for its manufacturing process. The financial health of these suppliers is vital to the continuation of

Company X is one of the world's largest manufacturer of semiconductors. The company relies on various suppliers in the U.S. and around the globe for its manufacturing process. The financial health of these suppliers is vital to the continuation of Company X's business without any material interruption. Therefore, it is in Company X's interest to monitor its supplier's financial performance. Company X has a supplier financial health model currently in use. Having been developed prior to watershed events like the Great Recession, the current model may not reflect the significant changes in the economic environment due to these events. Company X wants to know if there is a more accurate model for evaluating supplier health that better indicates business risk. The scope of this project will be limited to a sample of 24 suppliers representative of Company X's supplier base that are public companies. While Company X's suppliers consist of both private and public companies, the used of exclusively public companies ensures that we will have sufficient and appropriate data for the necessary analysis. The goal of this project is to discover if there is a more accurate model for evaluating the financial health of publicly traded suppliers that better indicates business risk. Analyzing this problem will require a comprehensive understanding of various financial health models available and their components. The team will study best practice and academia. This comprehension will allow us to customize a model by incorporating metrics that allows greater accuracy in evaluating supplier financial health in accordance with Company X's values.
Date Created