Understanding Viscoelastic Behavior of Asphalt Binders Through Molecular Structure Investigation

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Asphalt binder is a complex viscoelastic hydrocarbon, whose performance depends upon interaction between its physical and chemical properties, both of which are equally important to the successful understanding of the material. Researchers have proposed various models linking linear viscoelastic (LVE)

Asphalt binder is a complex viscoelastic hydrocarbon, whose performance depends upon interaction between its physical and chemical properties, both of which are equally important to the successful understanding of the material. Researchers have proposed various models linking linear viscoelastic (LVE) and microstructural parameters. However, none of these parameters provide insight into the relationship in the non- linear viscoelastic NLVE domain. The main goals of this dissertation are two fold. The first goal is to utilize the technique of Laser Desorption Mass Spectroscopy (LDMS) to relate the molecular structure of asphalt binders to its viscoelastic properties. The second goal of the study is to utilize different NLVE characterization tools and analysis procedures to get a clear understanding of the NLVE behavior of the asphalt binders. The goals of the study are divided into four objectives; 1) Performing the LDMS test on asphalt binder to develop at the molecular weight distributions for different asphalts, 2) Characterizing LVE properties of Arizona asphalt binders, 3) Development of relationship between molecular structure and linear viscoelasticity, 4) Understanding NLVE behavior of asphalt binders through three different characterization methods and analysis techniques.

In this research effort, a promising physico-chemical relationship is developed between number average molecular weight and width of relaxation spectrum by utilizing the data from LVE characterization and the molecular weight distribution from LDMS. The relationship states that as the molecular weight of asphalt binders increase, they require more time to relax the developed stresses. Also, NLVE characterization was carried out at intermediate and high temperatures using three different tests, time sweep fatigue test, repeated stress/strain sweep test and Multiple Stress Creep and Recovery (MSCR) test. For the intermediate temperature fatigue tests, damage characterization was conducted by applying the S-VECD model and it was found that aged binders possess greater fatigue resistance than unaged binders. Using the high temperature LAOS tests, distortion was observed in the stress-strain relationships and the data was analyzed using a Fourier transform based tool called MITlaos, which deconvolves stress strain data into harmonic constituents and aids in identification of non-linearity by detecting higher order harmonics. Using the peak intensities observed at higher harmonic orders, non-linearity was quantified through a parameter termed as “Q”, which in future applications can be used to relate to asphalt chemical parameters. Finally, the last NLVE characterization carried out was the MSCR test, where the focus was on the scrutiny of the Jnrdiff parameter. It was found that Jnrdiff is not a capable parameter to represent the stress-sensitivity of asphalt binders. The developed alternative parameter Jnrslope does a better job of not only being a representative parameter of stress sensitivity but also for temperature sensitivity.

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Effect of Polymer Modification and Aging Level on Pull-Off Tensile Strength of Arizona Asphalt Binders By Esai Ponce Undergraduate Honors Thesis Submitted to

Asphalt pavements deteriorate over time and are subjected to various distresses like rutting, fatigue cracking, stripping, raveling, etc. In this study, an experiment to indirectly assess aggregate stripping was completed in order to evaluate the effect of type of binder,

Asphalt pavements deteriorate over time and are subjected to various distresses like rutting, fatigue cracking, stripping, raveling, etc. In this study, an experiment to indirectly assess aggregate stripping was completed in order to evaluate the effect of type of binder, and aging on the binder-aggregate bond under dry conditioning. The asphalts used in the study are commonly used in the state of Arizona, which included both non-polymer modified and polymer modified asphalts. The phenomenon of stripping was simulated using the Bitumen Bond Strength Test (BBS) and evaluated for Arizona binders. The BBS test is a simple test that measures the "pull-off" tensile strength of the bond between asphalt and the aggregate. Polymer modified binders were found to have lower pull-off strength in comparison to the non-modified or neat binder which were found to possess greater pull-off strength, but lower elasticity, causing the failure to become brittle and spontaneous. However, when aged binder was used, the bond strength expectedly reduced for non-polymer modified asphalts but surprisingly increased for polymer modified asphalts. Both un-aged neat and polymer modified binders were observed to have a cohesive failure whereas only the aged polymer modified binders failed in cohesion. The aged non-polymer modified binders were seen to have an adhesive failure.
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Use of micro-mechanical models to study the mastic level structure of asphalt concretes containing reclaimed asphalt pavement

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This study investigates the mastic level structure of asphalt concrete containing RAP materials. Locally sourced RAP material was screened and sieved to separate the coated fines (passing #200) from the remaining sizes. These binder coated fines were mixed with virgin

This study investigates the mastic level structure of asphalt concrete containing RAP materials. Locally sourced RAP material was screened and sieved to separate the coated fines (passing #200) from the remaining sizes. These binder coated fines were mixed with virgin filler at proportions commensurate with 0%, 10%, 30%, 50% and 100% RAP dosage levels. Mastics were prepared with these blended fillers and a PG 64-22 binder at a filler content of 27% by volume. Rheological experiments were conducted on the resulting composites as well as the constituents, virgin binder, solvent extracted RAP binder. The results from the dynamic modulus experiments showed an expected increase in stiffness with increase in dosage levels. These results were used to model the hypothesized structure of the composite. The study presented discusses the different micromechanical models employed, their applicability and suitability to correctly predict the blended mastic composite. The percentage of blending between virgin and RAP binder estimated using Herve and Zaoui model decreased with increase in RAP content.

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