Load-Sharing Low-Dropout Linear Regulators and Time-Domain Switching Regulators

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The development of portable electronic systems has been a fundamental factor to the emergence of new applications including ubiquitous smart devices, self-driving vehicles. Power-Management Integrated Circuits (PMICs) which are a key component of such systems must maintain high efficiency and

The development of portable electronic systems has been a fundamental factor to the emergence of new applications including ubiquitous smart devices, self-driving vehicles. Power-Management Integrated Circuits (PMICs) which are a key component of such systems must maintain high efficiency and reliability for the final system to be appealing from a size and cost perspective. As technology advances, such portable systems require high output currents at low voltages from their PMICs leading to thermal reliability concerns. The reliability and power integrity of PMICs in such systems also degrades when operated in harsh environments. This dissertation presents solutions to solve two such reliability problems.The first part of this work presents a scalable, daisy-chain solution to parallelize multiple low-dropout linear (LDO) regulators to increase the total output current at low voltages. This printed circuit board (PCB) friendly approach achieves output current sharing without the need for any off-chip active or passive components or matched PCB traces thus reducing the overall system cost. Fully integrated current sensing based on dynamic element matching eliminates the need for any off-chip current sensing components. A current sharing accuracy of 2.613% and 2.789% for output voltages of 3V and 1V respectively and an output current of 2A per LDO are measured for the parallel LDO system implemented in a 0.18μm process. Thermal images demonstrate that the parallel LDO system achieves thermal equilibrium and stable reliable operation. The remainder of the thesis deals with time-domain switching regulators for high-reliability applications. A time-domain based buck and boost controller with time as the processing variable is developed for use in harsh environments. The controller features adaptive on-time / off-time generation for quasi-constant switching frequency and a time-domain comparator to implement current-mode hysteretic control. A triple redundant bandgap reference is also developed to mitigate the effects of radiation. Measurement results are showcased for a buck and boost converter with a common controller IC implemented in a 0.18μm process and an external power stage. The converter achieves a peak efficiency of 92.22% as a buck for an output current of 5A and an output voltage of 5V. Similarly, the converter achieves an efficiency of 95.97% as a boost for an output current of 1.25A and an output voltage of 30.4V.
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Jitter Measurement of Compact X-ray Light Source Radio Frequency System

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The Compact X-ray Light Source is an x-ray source at ASU that allows scientists to study the structures and dynamics of matter on an atomic scale. The radio frequency system that provides the power to accelerate electrons in the Compact

The Compact X-ray Light Source is an x-ray source at ASU that allows scientists to study the structures and dynamics of matter on an atomic scale. The radio frequency system that provides the power to accelerate electrons in the Compact X-ray Light Source must operate with a high degree of precision. This thesis measures the precision with which that system performs.
Date Created

Monument Valley Solar Charge Controller

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This creative project is a part of the work being done as a Senior Design Project in which an autonomous solar charge controller is being developed. The goal of this project is to design and build a prototype of an

This creative project is a part of the work being done as a Senior Design Project in which an autonomous solar charge controller is being developed. The goal of this project is to design and build a prototype of an autonomous solar charge controller that can work independently of the power grid. This solar charge controller is being built for a community in Monument Valley, Arizona who live off grid. The controller is designed to step down power supplied by an array of solar panels to charge a 48V battery and supply power to an inverter. The charge controller can implement MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) to charge the battery and power the inverter, it also is capable of disconnecting from the battery when the battery is fully charged and reconnecting when it detects that the battery has discharged. The charge controller can also switch from supplying power to the inverter from the panel to supplying power from the battery at low sun or night. These capabilities are not found in solar charge controllers that are on the market. This project aims to achieve all these capabilities and provide a solution for the problems being faced by the current solar charge controller

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Study of On-Chip Integrated Switched-Capacitor Voltage Regulator

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Power management circuits have been more and more widely used in various applications, while providing fully integrated voltage regulation remains a challenging topic. Switched-capacitor (SC) voltage converters have received attentions in integrated power conversion for fixed-ratio voltage conversions with good

Power management circuits have been more and more widely used in various applications, while providing fully integrated voltage regulation remains a challenging topic. Switched-capacitor (SC) voltage converters have received attentions in integrated power conversion for fixed-ratio voltage conversions with good efficiency and feasibility of integration. During my PhD study, an on-chip current sensing technique is proposed to dynamically modulate both switching frequency and switch widths of SC voltage converters, enhancing fast transient response and higher efficiency across a wide range of load currents. In conjunction with SC converters, a low-dropout regulator (LDO) is implemented which is driven by a push-pull operational transconductance amplifier (OTA), whose current is mirrored and sensed with minimal power and efficiency overhead. The sensed load current directly controls the frequency and width of SC converters through a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) and a time-to-digital converter, respectively.
Theoretical analysis and optimization for SC DC-DC converters have been presented in prior works, however optimization of different capacitors, namely flying and input/output decoupling capacitors, in SC voltage regulators (SCVRs) under an area constraint has not been addressed. A methodology to optimize flying and decoupling capacitance for area-constrained on-chip SCVRs to achieve the highest system-level power efficiency. Considering both conversion efficiency and droop voltage against fast load transients, the proposed model determines the optimal ratio between flying and decoupling.
Based on the previous design, a fully integrated switched-capacitor voltage regulator with voltage comparison and on-chip lossless current sensing control is proposed. Based on the voltage comparison result and sensed current as the load current changes, the frequency of the SC converters are modulated for optimal efficiency. The voltage regulator targets 2.1V input voltage and 0.9V output voltage, which offers higher-voltage power transfer across chip package. A 17-phase interleaved structure is used to reduce output voltage ripple.
In 65nm CMOS, the regulator is implemented with MIM-capacitor, targeting 2.1V input voltage and 0.9V output voltage. According to the measurement results, the proposed SC voltage regulator achieves 69.6% peak efficiency at 60mA load current, which corresponds to a 4.2mW/mm2 power-area density and 12.5mW
F power-capacitance density. The efficiency across 20mA to 92mA regulator load current range is above 62%. The steady-state output voltage ripple across 22x load current range of 3.5mA-76mA is between 50mV to 60mV.
Date Created

Analytical Modeling and Development of GaN-Based Point of Load Buck Converter with Optimized Reverse Conduction Loss

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This work analyzes and develops a point-of-load (PoL) synchronous buck converter using enhancement-mode Gallium Nitride (e-GaN), with emphasis on optimizing reverse conduction loss by using a well-known technique of placing an anti-parallel Schottky diode across the synchronous power device.

This work analyzes and develops a point-of-load (PoL) synchronous buck converter using enhancement-mode Gallium Nitride (e-GaN), with emphasis on optimizing reverse conduction loss by using a well-known technique of placing an anti-parallel Schottky diode across the synchronous power device. This work develops an improved analytical switching model for the GaN-based converter with the Schottky diode using piecewise linear approximations.

To avoid a shoot-through between the power switches of the buck converter, a small dead-time is inserted between gate drive switching transitions. Despite optimum dead-time management for a power converter, optimum dead-times vary for different load conditions. These variations become considerably large for PoL applications, which demand high output current with low output voltages. At high switching frequencies, these variations translate into losses that contribute significantly to the total loss of the converter. To understand and quantify power loss in a hard-switching buck converter that uses a GaN power device in parallel with a Schottky diode, piecewise transitions are used to develop an analytical switching model that quantifies the contribution of reverse conduction loss of GaN during dead-time.

The effects of parasitic elements on the dynamics of the switching converter are investigated during one switching cycle of the converter. A designed prototype of a buck converter is correlated to the predicted model to determine the accuracy of the model. This comparison is presented using simulations and measurements at 400 kHz and 2 MHz converter switching speeds for load (1A) condition and fixed dead-time values. Furthermore, performance of the buck converter with and without the Schottky diode is also measured and compared to demonstrate and quantify the enhanced performance when using an anti-parallel diode. The developed power converter achieves peak efficiencies of 91.7% and 93.86% for 2 MHz and 400 KHz switching frequencies, respectively, and drives load currents up to 6A for a voltage conversion from 12V input to 3.3V output.

In addition, various industry Schottky diodes have been categorized based on their packaging and electrical characteristics and the developed analytical model provides analytical expressions relating the diode characteristics to power stage performance parameters. The performance of these diodes has been characterized for different buck converter voltage step-down ratios that are typically used in industry applications and different switching frequencies ranging from 400 KHz to 2 MHz.
Date Created

The Impact of Off-shore Wind Farms on Kuwait’s Electrical Grid

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Kuwait is committed to implementing the Kyoto Protocol in “Vision 2035” to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by shifting to the use of wind and solar energies [1]. The specific goal of the Vision 2035 is for renewables to comprise 15%

Kuwait is committed to implementing the Kyoto Protocol in “Vision 2035” to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by shifting to the use of wind and solar energies [1]. The specific goal of the Vision 2035 is for renewables to comprise 15% of Kuwait’s electrical generation by 2030. Wind and solar are abundant in Kuwait and can easily provide 15% of the total electrical generation. However, there are three significant obstacles. The first is Kuwait currently depends heavily on rapidly diminishing fossil fuels which are the major sources of CO2, NOx, and SOx emissions. Unfortunately, current plans are to build two conventional power stations by 2024. The purpose is to cover the energy needs for growing population. The second problem is that Kuwait has a very small land area. Consequently, there is limited space to build new utility-scale renewable power stations. The third issue is the low electricity tariff provides little incentive for the population to save energy. Offshore wind farms have the potential to provide thousands of GWh/yr to accomplish the goals of Vision 2035. Kuwait has a vast untapped supply of offshore wind energy. Specifically, there are eight offshore locations in which 50 turbines could be built each, for a total of 400 turbines. Using 4.2 MW turbines, this would provide 1.68 GW of wind energy, and increase the renewable portion of the electrical energy production to 13.93% (including Shagaya renewable park). Installing battery storage with the proposed wind turbines could provide fast ramp response which would serve to complement existing power production on Kuwait’s grid. In this work, six different turbines with different sizes are considered from 2.5 MW to 4.2 MW (from well-known manufacturers, such as, Nordex and Vestas), but ultimately 4.2 MW turbines are recommended. Data for this study has been supplied by: A) Civil Aviation -- temperature and wind speed, B) Ministry of Electricity and Water (MEW) -- electricity data, and C) Public Authority for Civil Information -- population data.
Date Created

Detecting Unauthorized Activity in Lightweight IoT Devices

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The manufacturing process for electronic systems involves many players, from chip/board design and fabrication to firmware design and installation.

In today's global supply chain, any of these steps are prone to interference from rogue players, creating a security risk.


The manufacturing process for electronic systems involves many players, from chip/board design and fabrication to firmware design and installation.

In today's global supply chain, any of these steps are prone to interference from rogue players, creating a security risk.

Manufactured devices need to be verified to perform only their intended operations since it is not economically feasible to control the supply chain and use only trusted facilities.

It is becoming increasingly necessary to trust but verify the received devices both at production and in the field.

Unauthorized hardware or firmware modifications, known as Trojans,

can steal information, drain the battery, or damage battery-driven embedded systems and lightweight Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

Since Trojans may be triggered in the field at an unknown instance,

it is essential to detect their presence at run-time.

However, it isn't easy to run sophisticated detection algorithms on these devices

due to limited computational power and energy, and in some cases, lack of accessibility.

Since finding a trusted sample is infeasible in general, the proposed technique is based on self-referencing to remove any effect of environmental or device-to-device variations in the frequency domain.

In particular, the self-referencing is achieved by exploiting the band-limited nature of Trojan activity using signal detection theory.

When the device enters the test mode, a predefined test application is run on the device

repetitively for a known period. The periodicity ensures that the spectral electromagnetic power of the test application concentrates at known frequencies, leaving the remaining frequencies within the operating bandwidth at the noise level. Any deviations from the noise level for these unoccupied frequency locations indicate the presence of unknown (unauthorized) activity. Hence, the malicious activity can differentiate without using a golden reference or any knowledge of the Trojan activity attributes.

The proposed technique's effectiveness is demonstrated through experiments with collecting and processing side-channel signals, such as involuntarily electromagnetic emissions and power consumption, of a wearable electronics prototype and commercial system-on-chip under a variety of practical scenarios.
Date Created

A Wide Bandwidth High Power Supply Rejection Ratio PMOS Linear Low-Dropout Regulator With Ultra Low Quiescent Current

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With the push for integration, a slew of modern switching power management circuits are operating at higher switching frequencies in order to reduce passive filter sizes. But while these switching regulators provide power conversion at high efficiencies, their output is

With the push for integration, a slew of modern switching power management circuits are operating at higher switching frequencies in order to reduce passive filter sizes. But while these switching regulators provide power conversion at high efficiencies, their output is prone to ripples due to the inherent switching behavior. These switching regulators use linear-low dropout regulators (LDOs) downstream to provide clean supplies. Typically, these LDOs have good power supply rejection (PSR) at lower frequencies but this degrades at higher frequencies. Therefore, some residual ripple is still manifested on the output. Because of this, high power supply rejection (PSR) with a wide rejection frequency band is becoming a critical requirement in linear low-dropout regulators (LDOs) used in complex systems- on-chip (SOCs).

Typical LDOs achieve higher PSR within their loop-bandwidth; however, their supply rejection performance degrades with reduced loop-gain outside their loop- bandwidth. The LDOs with external filtering capacitors may also have spectral peaking in their PSR response, causing excess system- level supply noise. This work presents an LDO design approach, which achieves a PSR of higher than 68 dB up to 2 MHz frequency and over a wide range of loads up to 250 mA. The wide PSR bandwidth is achieved using a current-mode feedforward ripple canceller (CFFRC) amplifier which provides up to 25 dB of PSR improvement. The feedforward path gain is inherently matched to the forward gain of the LDO, not requiring calibration. The LDO has a fast load transient response with a recovery time of 6.1μs and has a quiescent current of 5.6μA. For a full load transition, the LDO achieves settling with overshoot and undershoot voltages below 27.6 mV and 36.36 mV, respectively. The LDO is designed and fabricated in a 180 nm bipolar/CMOS/DMOS (BCD) technology. The CFFRC amplifier helps to achieve low quiescent power due to its inherent current mode nature, eliminating the need for supply ripple summing amplifiers and adaptive biasing.
Date Created

Improved Accuracy Area Efficient Hybrid CMOS/GaN DC-DC Buck Converterfor High Step-Down Ratio Applications

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Point of Load (POL) DC-DC converters are increasingly used in space applications, data centres, electric vehicles, portable computers and devices and medical electronics. Heavy computing and processing capabilities of the modern devices have ushered the use of higher battery supply

Point of Load (POL) DC-DC converters are increasingly used in space applications, data centres, electric vehicles, portable computers and devices and medical electronics. Heavy computing and processing capabilities of the modern devices have ushered the use of higher battery supply voltage to increase power storage. The need to address this consumer experience driven requirement has propelled the evolution of the next generation of small form-factor power converters which can operate with higher step down ratios while supplying heavy continuous load currents without sacrificing efficiency. Constant On-Time (COT) converter topology is capable of achieving stable operation at high conversion ratio with minimum off-chip components and small silicon area. This work proposes a Constant On-Time buck dc-dc converter for a wide dynamic input range and load currents from 100mA to 10A. Accuracy of this ripple based converter is improved by a unique voltage positioning technique which modulates the reference voltage to lower the average ripple profile close to the nominal output. Adaptive On-time block features a transient enhancement scheme to assist in faster voltage droop recovery when the output voltage dips below a defined threshold. UtilizingGallium Nitride (GaN) power switches enable the proposed converter to achieve very high efficiency while using smaller size inductor-capacitor (LC) power-stage. Use of novel Superjunction devices with higher drain-source blocking voltage simplifies the complex driver design and enables faster frequency of operation. It allows 1.8VComplementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) devices to effectively drive GaNpower FETs which require 5V gate signal swing. The presented controller circuit uses internal ripple generation which reduces reliance on output cap equivalent series resistance (ESR) for loop stability and facilitates ripples reduction at the output. The ripple generation network is designed to provide ai

optimally stable performance while maintaining load regulation and line regulation accuracy withing specified margin. The chip with ts external Power FET package is proposed to be integrated on a printed circuit board for testing. The designed power converter is expected to operate under 200 MRad of a total ionising dose of radiation enabling it to function within large hadron collider at CERN and space satellite and probe missions.
Date Created

Reconfigurable Solar Array Interface for Maximum Power Extraction in Spacecrafts

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The efficiency of spacecraft’s solar cells reduces over the course of their operation. Traditionally, they are configured to extract maximum power at the end of their life and not have a system which dynamically extracts the maximum power over their

The efficiency of spacecraft’s solar cells reduces over the course of their operation. Traditionally, they are configured to extract maximum power at the end of their life and not have a system which dynamically extracts the maximum power over their entire life. This work demonstrates the benefit of dynamic re-configuration of spacecraft’s solar arrays to access the full power available from the solar panels throughout their lifetime. This dynamic re-configuration is achieved using enhancement mode GaN devices as the switches due to their low Ron and small footprint.

This work discusses hardware Implementation challenges and a prototype board is designed using components-off-the-shelf (COTS) to study the behavior of photovoltaic (PV) panels with different configurations of switches between 5 PV cells. The measurement results from the board proves the feasibility of the idea, showing the power improvements of having the switch structure. The measurement results are used to simulate a 1kW satellite system and understand practical trade-offs of this idea in actual satellite power systems.

Additionally, this work also presents the implementation of CMOS controller integrated circuit (IC) in 0.18um technology. The CMOS controller IC includes switched-capacitor converters in open loop to provide the floating voltages required to drive the GaN switches. Each CMOS controller IC can drive 10 switches in series and parallel combination. Furthermore, the designed controller IC is expected to operate under 300MRad of total dose radiation, thus enabling the controller modules to be placed on the solar cell wings of the satellites.
Date Created