3D Numerical Simulation of the Carina Astrophysical Jet HH901 with Cross Wind

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The purpose of this thesis is to accurately simulate in 3D the HH901 jet in the Mystic Mountain Formation of the Carina Nebula. Astronomers present a narrow-band Wide Field Camera image of Carina and the morphology of some astrophysical jets,

The purpose of this thesis is to accurately simulate in 3D the HH901 jet in the Mystic Mountain Formation of the Carina Nebula. Astronomers present a narrow-band Wide Field Camera image of Carina and the morphology of some astrophysical jets, including HH901. The simulation attempts to replicate features of the jet, among which are pulses, bow shock, terminal Mach disk, and Kelvin-Helmholtz rollup. We use the gas dynamical equations to solve for density, velocity, and temperature. The numerical methods used to solve the equations are third-order WENO (weighted essentially non-oscillatory) and third-order Runge-Kutta. Graphs of density and radiative cooling demonstrate the effect of adding wind (nonzero ambient velocity). The paper discusses the altering of the ambient velocity and final time to fit the shape of the jet in the Hubble image. The suggested next steps are simulating the other HH901 jet and comparing the jets’ atomic makeups to advance understanding of astrophysical jets.

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Modeling Surface Brightness of the HH 901 Jets in the Carina Nebula

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The purpose of this thesis is to accurately simulate the surface brightness in various spectral emission lines of the HH 901 jets in the Mystic Mountain Formation of the Carina Nebula. To accomplish this goal, we gathered relevant spectral emission

The purpose of this thesis is to accurately simulate the surface brightness in various spectral emission lines of the HH 901 jets in the Mystic Mountain Formation of the Carina Nebula. To accomplish this goal, we gathered relevant spectral emission line data for [Fe II] 12660 Å, Hα 6563 Å, and [S II] 6720 Å to compare with Hubble Space Telescope observations of the HH 901 jets presented in Reiter et al. (2016). We derived the emissivities for these lines from the spectral synthesis code Cloudy by Ferland et al. (2017). In addition, we used WENO simulations of density, temperature, and radiative cooling to model the jet. We found that the computed surface brightness values agreed with most of the observational surface brightness values. Thus, the 3D cylindrically symmetric simulations of surface brightness using the WENO code and Cloudy spectral emission models are accurate for jets like HH 901. After detailing these agreements, we discuss the next steps for the project, like adding an external ambient wind and performing the simulations in full 3D.
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Numerical Simulation of the Carina Nebula Astrophysical Jets

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This project attempts to create an accurate numerical simulation of the eastern limb of the HH 901 jet in the Mystic Mountain formation located in the Carina Nebula. Using a 3rd order accurate WENO numerical scheme in space, and a

This project attempts to create an accurate numerical simulation of the eastern limb of the HH 901 jet in the Mystic Mountain formation located in the Carina Nebula. Using a 3rd order accurate WENO numerical scheme in space, and a 3rd order accurate RK method in time, the temperature, density, radiative cooling, length, and average jet velocity of this astrophysical phenomenon were simulated based on observations made by Hubble Space Telescope and the work of Reiter and Smith (2013) and (2014). The results of this simulation are displayed in three figures, one each for temperature, radiative cooling, and density, which show a jet displaying morphology consistent with that of the HH 901 eastern limb without adjustment for stellar wind. Also discussed are the effects of different jet speeds, initial conditions, and pulse parameters on the shape and behavior of the simulated jets, as well as continuing work to be done on the simulation to enhance its accuracy and usefulness.
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WENO Simulations of the Fermi Bubbles Emitted by Our Galaxy

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In 2010, two gamma-ray /x-ray bubbles were detected in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. These bubbles extend symmetrically ≈ 30, 000 light years above and below the Galactic Center, with a width of ≈ 27, 000 light years.

In 2010, two gamma-ray /x-ray bubbles were detected in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. These bubbles extend symmetrically ≈ 30, 000 light years above and below the Galactic Center, with a width of ≈ 27, 000 light years. These bubbles emit gamma-rays at energies between 1 and 100 giga-electronvolts, have approximately uniform surface brightness, and are expanding at ≈ 30, 000 km/s. We believe that these Fermi Bubbles are the result of an astrophysical jet pulse that occurred millions of years ago. Utilizing high-performance computing and Euler’s Gas Dynamics Equations, we hope to find a realistic simulation that will tell us more about the age of these Fermi Bubbles and better understand the mechanism that powers the bubbles.
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Drift-diffusion simulation of the ephaptic effect in the triad synapse of the retina

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A general continuum model for simulating the flow of ions in the salt baths that surround and fill excitable neurons is developed and presented. The ion densities and electric potential are computed using the drift-diffusion equations. In addition, a detailed

A general continuum model for simulating the flow of ions in the salt baths that surround and fill excitable neurons is developed and presented. The ion densities and electric potential are computed using the drift-diffusion equations. In addition, a detailed model is given for handling the electrical dynamics on interior membrane boundaries, including a model for ion channels in the membranes that facilitate the transfer of ions in and out of cells. The model is applied to the triad synapse found in the outer plexiform layer of the retina in most species. Experimental evidence suggests the existence of a negative feedback pathway between horizontal cells and cone photoreceptors that modulates the flow of calcium ions into the synaptic terminals of cones. However, the underlying mechanism for this feedback is controversial and there are currently three competing hypotheses: the ephaptic hypothesis, the pH hypothesis and the GABA hypothesis. The goal of this work is to test some features of the ephaptic hypothesis using detailed simulations that employ rigorous numerical methods. The model is first applied in a simple rectangular geometry to demonstrate the effects of feedback for different extracellular gap widths. The model is then applied to a more complex and realistic geometry to demonstrate the existence of strictly electrical feedback, as predicted by the ephaptic hypothesis. Lastly, the effects of electrical feedback in regards to the behavior of the bipolar cell membrane potential is explored. Figures for the ion densities and electric potential are presented to verify key features of the model. The computed steady state IV curves for several cases are presented, which can be compared to experimental data. The results provide convincing evidence in favor of the ephaptic hypothesis since the existence of feedback that is strictly electrical in nature is shown, without any dependence on pH effects or chemical transmitters.
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