Career Grove

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We designed a website that allows people to build an online 'living resume'. This resume is a new take on the old idea and allows for a most personable and updated resume for applications in the modern world.

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Crove, the Career Cove

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The question that always gets asked by college students in today’s world is how and where I am going to find that first real job out of college. Students struggle with finding the right connections and networking required to get

The question that always gets asked by college students in today’s world is how and where I am going to find that first real job out of college. Students struggle with finding the right connections and networking required to get that dream job they have always wanted after completing their degree. As students graduating this year, it is related to us in a big way that we create a website that makes the job easier for students and employees to connect and get the job they are looking for. Our group decided to create a website that will give these students an opportunity to show a little bit of their personality to employers along with their skills and attributes that they would provide to a company. The website also gives employers the opportunity to narrow the search for a candidate and get the employee they are looking for in their company. The goal is to make looking for a job easier for newly graduated college students that are starting their careers. We have also created a link from our website that can be used to put on your Linkedin or other various websites to promote yourself. With the addition of our video feature and other qualities about the person, we believe our website is unique and will help candidates get the job they are looking for.

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Career Grove

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College graduates are having a challenging time attaining jobs upon graduation as most companies require years of experience. There are resources available online, however they are targeting different aspects. Forming a solution to this problem is an idea, Crove, a

College graduates are having a challenging time attaining jobs upon graduation as most companies require years of experience. There are resources available online, however they are targeting different aspects. Forming a solution to this problem is an idea, Crove, a website tool that can be used by students applying to companies as well as recruiters searching for the right candidate. As Crove becomes the mediator between employers and employees, it will formulate a smooth form of interaction among the two parties. With Crove, students have the ability to display their resumes with skills in addition to their non-job related skills, such as hobbies, Spotify playlist, etc. This will help recruiters truly understand the potential employee outside of technical skills. Furthermore, the student will have the opportunity to upload a short video about themselves; this can help recruiters get a sense of the candidate's personality and in some cases, help with the behavioral part of the interview process. This unique platform benefits both employers and employees with its distinctive features.

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University-Affiliated Cryptocurrency: Hippocampus

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For our Founders Lab Thesis Project, we are investigating the viability of a cryptocurrency that will be marketed towards students, prospective students, alumni, and faculty members of Arizona State University (ASU). Our cryptocurrency is known as “Hippocampus”. Essentially, individuals within

For our Founders Lab Thesis Project, we are investigating the viability of a cryptocurrency that will be marketed towards students, prospective students, alumni, and faculty members of Arizona State University (ASU). Our cryptocurrency is known as “Hippocampus”. Essentially, individuals within the target audience will have the opportunity to exchange their fiat money for our university-affiliated cryptocurrency. These individuals will be incentivized to utilize the university-affiliated cryptocurrency as opposed to fiat money, because this cryptocurrency will offer them discounts on college-related expenses, such as tuition, student loans, textbooks, supplies, on-campus housing, on-campus dining, and much more. As the demand for Hippocampus increases, so will its value, which will benefit ASU as a whole. We created a Spring 2022 Semester Survey and surveyed a sample of 250 ASU students regarding the viability of our Founders Lab Thesis Project. 73.2% of participants revealed that they would support a university-affiliated cryptocurrency, and 62% of participants revealed that they would personally utilize a university-affiliated cryptocurrency. Additional activities that we completed to enhance our Founders Lab Thesis Project include interviewing an avid cryptocurrency user, learning about the Blockchain Research Lab, meeting with a financial advisor to understand the financial implications of a university-affiliated cryptocurrency, collaborating with a group of university students at Portland State University who implemented their own university-affiliated cryptocurrency, and touring a cryptocurrency-mining company to grasp an understanding of how cryptocurrency is mined.

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University-Affiliated Cryptocurrency: Hippocampus

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For our Founders Lab Thesis Project, we are investigating the viability of a cryptocurrency that will be marketed towards students, prospective students, alumni, and faculty members of Arizona State University (ASU). Our cryptocurrency is known as “Hippocampus”. Essentially, individuals within

For our Founders Lab Thesis Project, we are investigating the viability of a cryptocurrency that will be marketed towards students, prospective students, alumni, and faculty members of Arizona State University (ASU). Our cryptocurrency is known as “Hippocampus”. Essentially, individuals within the target audience will have the opportunity to exchange their fiat money for our university-affiliated cryptocurrency. These individuals will be incentivized to utilize the university-affiliated cryptocurrency as opposed to fiat money, because this cryptocurrency will offer them discounts on college-related expenses, such as tuition, student loans, textbooks, supplies, on-campus housing, on-campus dining, and much more. As the demand for Hippocampus increases, so will its value, which will benefit ASU as a whole. We created a Spring 2022 Semester Survey and surveyed a sample of 250 ASU students regarding the viability of our Founders Lab Thesis Project. 73.2% of participants revealed that they would support a university-affiliated cryptocurrency, and 62% of participants revealed that they would personally utilize a university-affiliated cryptocurrency. Additional activities that we completed to enhance our Founders Lab Thesis Project include interviewing an avid cryptocurrency user, learning about the Blockchain Research Lab, meeting with a financial advisor to understand the financial implications of a university-affiliated cryptocurrency, collaborating with a group of university students at Portland State University who implemented their own university-affiliated cryptocurrency, and touring a cryptocurrency-mining company to grasp an understanding of how cryptocurrency is mined.

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Circa Light - A Market Entry Strategy For NASA's Prototype Light Therapy Technology

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Circa Light is a Barrett Honors Thesis Project that was conducted through the Founder’s Lab Program in the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. A team of three students, each with different majors, came together to complete

Circa Light is a Barrett Honors Thesis Project that was conducted through the Founder’s Lab Program in the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. A team of three students, each with different majors, came together to complete the project. Jackson Krug, Benjamin Sare, and Gabriel Zimm formed the team as part of Cohort 3 of the 2021-2022 Founders Lab Program. They are each pursuing bachelor’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering, Finance, and Business Administration, respectively. This diversity of schooling allowed them to approach this project from multiple, diverse perspectives. Due to their familiarity with sleep deprivation throughout college, the team chose to pursue a project centered around NASA’s Advanced Solid State Lighting System, which functionally mimics the changes in natural light that humans would typically experience on earth. This technology provides these same fluctuations to astronauts in space. A unique logo and branding were created for a potential product that would use this technology. Three different marketing strategies relating to this brand were developed and tested to achieve this project’s goal: determining the best prospective market for this technology. The three potential market areas we tested dealt with: general fatigue & lack of productivity, family sleep habits, and jet lag. Through our research, we found the most attractive market to be people who are looking to improve their sleep habits and productivity at home. Conversely, we concluded that while there is an audience for travel fatigue solutions, the market is not interested in this NASA technology.
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University-Affiliated Cryptocurrency: Hippocampus

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For our Founders Lab Thesis Project, we are investigating the viability of a cryptocurrency that will be marketed towards students, prospective students, alumni, and faculty members of Arizona State University (ASU). Our cryptocurrency is known as “Hippocampus”. Essentially, individuals within

For our Founders Lab Thesis Project, we are investigating the viability of a cryptocurrency that will be marketed towards students, prospective students, alumni, and faculty members of Arizona State University (ASU). Our cryptocurrency is known as “Hippocampus”. Essentially, individuals within the target audience will have the opportunity to exchange their fiat money for our university-affiliated cryptocurrency. These individuals will be incentivized to utilize the university-affiliated cryptocurrency as opposed to fiat money, because this cryptocurrency will offer them discounts on college-related expenses, such as tuition, student loans, textbooks, supplies, on-campus housing, on-campus dining, and much more. As the demand for Hippocampus increases, so will its value, which will benefit ASU as a whole. We created a Spring 2022 Semester Survey and surveyed a sample of 250 ASU students regarding the viability of our Founders Lab Thesis Project. 73.2% of participants revealed that they would support a university-affiliated cryptocurrency, and 62% of participants revealed that they would personally utilize a university-affiliated cryptocurrency. Additional activities that we completed to enhance our Founders Lab Thesis Project include interviewing an avid cryptocurrency user, learning about the Blockchain Research Lab, meeting with a financial advisor to understand the financial implications of a university-affiliated cryptocurrency, collaborating with a group of university students at Portland State University who implemented their own university-affiliated cryptocurrency, and touring a cryptocurrency-mining company to grasp an understanding of how cryptocurrency is mined.

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University-Affiliated Cryptocurrency: Hippocampus

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For our Founders Lab Thesis Project, we are investigating the viability of a cryptocurrency that will be marketed towards students, prospective students, alumni, and faculty members of Arizona State University (ASU). Our cryptocurrency is known as “Hippocampus”. Essentially, individuals within

For our Founders Lab Thesis Project, we are investigating the viability of a cryptocurrency that will be marketed towards students, prospective students, alumni, and faculty members of Arizona State University (ASU). Our cryptocurrency is known as “Hippocampus”. Essentially, individuals within the target audience will have the opportunity to exchange their fiat money for our university-affiliated cryptocurrency. These individuals will be incentivized to utilize the university-affiliated cryptocurrency as opposed to fiat money, because this cryptocurrency will offer them discounts on college-related expenses, such as tuition, student loans, textbooks, supplies, on-campus housing, on-campus dining, and much more. As the demand for Hippocampus increases, so will its value, which will benefit ASU as a whole. We created a Spring 2022 Semester Survey and surveyed a sample of 250 ASU students regarding the viability of our Founders Lab Thesis Project. 73.2% of participants revealed that they would support a university-affiliated cryptocurrency, and 62% of participants revealed that they would personally utilize a university-affiliated cryptocurrency. Additional activities that we completed to enhance our Founders Lab Thesis Project include interviewing an avid cryptocurrency user, learning about the Blockchain Research Lab, meeting with a financial advisor to understand the financial implications of a university-affiliated cryptocurrency, collaborating with a group of university students at Portland State University who implemented their own university-affiliated crypcorreucy, and touring a cryptocurrency-mining company to grasp an understanding of how cryptocurrency is mined.

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DAWN Testing: Test Delivery Service on Campus

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DAWN Testing is a Covid-19 and STD delivery site where we send out at-home tests straight to customers on Arizona State University Tempe campus. This site is a part of the Founders Lab thesis designed to give students an opportunity

DAWN Testing is a Covid-19 and STD delivery site where we send out at-home tests straight to customers on Arizona State University Tempe campus. This site is a part of the Founders Lab thesis designed to give students an opportunity to be part of a team based project focused on the design and application of a business model. The goal of DAWN Testing is to increase testing in a safe and easily accessible manner.
Date Created

Circa Light - A Market Entry Strategy For NASA's Prototype Light Therapy Technology


CircaLight is a Barrett Honors Thesis Project that was conducted through the Founder’s Lab Program in the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. A team of three students, each with different majors, came together to complete the

CircaLight is a Barrett Honors Thesis Project that was conducted through the Founder’s Lab Program in the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. A team of three students, each with different majors, came together to complete the project. Jackson Krug, Benjamin Sare, and Gabriel Zimm formed the team as part of Cohort 3 of the 2021-2022 Founders Lab Program. They are each pursuing bachelors degrees in Mechanical Engineering, Finance, and Business Administration, respectively. This diversity of schooling allowed them to approach this project from multiple, diverse perspectives. Due to their familiarity with sleep deprivation throughout college, the team chose to pursue a project centered around NASA’s Advanced Solid State Lighting System, which functionally mimics the changes in natural light that humans would typically experience on earth. This technology provides these same fluctuations to astronauts in space. A unique logo and branding were created for a potential product that would use this technology. Three different marketing strategies relating to this brand were developed and tested to achieve this project’s goal: determining the best prospective market for this technology. The three potential market areas we tested dealt with: general fatigue & lack of productivity, family sleep habits, and jet lag. Through our research, we found the most attractive market to be people who are looking to improve their sleep habits and productivity at home. Conversely, we concluded that while there is an audience for travel fatigue solutions, the market is not interested in this NASA technology.
