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The question that always gets asked by college students in today’s world is how and where I am going to find that first real job out of college. Students struggle with finding the right connections and networking required to get

The question that always gets asked by college students in today’s world is how and where I am going to find that first real job out of college. Students struggle with finding the right connections and networking required to get that dream job they have always wanted after completing their degree. As students graduating this year, it is related to us in a big way that we create a website that makes the job easier for students and employees to connect and get the job they are looking for. Our group decided to create a website that will give these students an opportunity to show a little bit of their personality to employers along with their skills and attributes that they would provide to a company. The website also gives employers the opportunity to narrow the search for a candidate and get the employee they are looking for in their company. The goal is to make looking for a job easier for newly graduated college students that are starting their careers. We have also created a link from our website that can be used to put on your Linkedin or other various websites to promote yourself. With the addition of our video feature and other qualities about the person, we believe our website is unique and will help candidates get the job they are looking for.

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    • Crove, the Career Cove
    Date Created
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